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- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 1
- DOSTrace v2.13
- Copyright © 1993 Peter Stuer
- All rights reserved
- Release date December 14, 1993
- User Manual
- DOSTrace software and documentation are Copyright © 1993 by Peter
- Stuer. All rights reserved.
- DOSTrace has proven to be stable in everyday use. The author is
- not responsible for any loss of data, damages to software or
- hardware that may result directly or indirectly from the use of
- this program. The author reserves the right to make changes to
- the software or documentation without notice.
- This program is freeware, this means that you can copy it freely
- as long as you don't ask any more money for it than a nominal
- fee for copying. If you want to distribute this program you
- should keep this document with it. This program cannot be used
- for commercial purposes without written permission from the
- author.
- None of the files of the DOSTrace package may be modified or
- left out without permission of the author. Crunching or
- archiving is allowed only if none of the DOSTrace files get
- modified by it.
- Special permission is hereby granted to include DOSTrace in
- Public-Domain collections such as Fred Fish's Amiga Library.
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 2
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- 1.1 What is DOSTrace ?
- DOSTrace is a program that allows you to monitor what
- AmigaDOS is doing while you are working with your Amiga. You can
- watch which files your programs use, if they find all the files
- they require, where they are looking for them and much other
- activity of that kind.
- If this sounds familiar to you, you must be one of the many
- SnoopDos users in the Amiga community. This tool was written to
- replace SnoopDos. It shows you a lot more information than
- SnoopDos and it does this in a verbose way. SnoopDos is written
- by Eddy Carroll and freely distributable.
- 1.2 Features of DOSTrace
- DOSTrace monitors a lot more AmigaDOS activity than
- SnoopDOS. Currently the following functions can be monitored:
- AddBuffers LoadSeg (InternalLoadSeg, NewLoadSeg)
- Close Lock
- CreateDir MakeLink
- CurrentDir Open
- DeleteFile ParentDir
- DeviceProc Read
- ExAll Rename
- Examine SetComment
- ExamineFH SetOwner
- Execute StartNotify
- FRead SystemTagList
- FWrite UnLock
- GetDeviceProc Write
- Info
- You can specify which functions DOSTrace should monitor.
- DOSTrace saves the trace information it gathers as session
- history. It provides a scrollbar which enables you to scroll
- through the session history.
- DOSTrace is also a commodity. You can specify a hotkey to show
- or hide the output window.
- DOSTrace can open on any public screen.
- DOSTrace can trace a single task specified by the user.
- 1.3 System requirements
- DOSTrace should run on any Amiga system with at least 512K
- RAM and one disk-drive. DOSTrace requires KickStart v2.04 or
- higher to run. Special care has been taken in the program design
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 3
- to make the program work with 68020, 68030 and 68040 processors
- without sacrificing 68000 compatibility.
- DOSTrace also requires the ReqTools.library v38 or higher.
- ReqTools is copyright © 1992, 1993 by Nico François.
- DOSTrace is KickStart 3.0 compatible and aware. It will show you
- some of the new features available with this version of the
- operating system.
- Should you have any trouble running DOSTrace on your machine,
- please contact me with the full specifications of your machine,
- that is KickStart version, model, expansion boards etc...
- 1.4 About the author and the program
- DOSTrace has been created using the Macro68 Assembler and
- CygnusEd Professional 3 on an Amiga A3000 25/100 with 10MB
- memory. The DOSTrace documentation was formatted with PRoff.
- If you have suggestions or remarks about this program, or if you
- find any bugs, please let me know.
- When sending in bug reports, please state exactly under what
- circumstances the bug occurred, what equipment was used and what
- happened. If possible also try to give me enough information to
- reproduce the bug. It is very difficult to find bugs when you
- don't know exactly what happened.
- Write to the following address:
- Fido : 2:292/603.7 (Peter Stuer)
- AmigaNet : 39:120/102.7 (Peter Stuer)
- NLA Net : 14:200/101.7 (Peter Stuer)
- UUCP : Peter.Stuer@p7.f603.n292.z2.FidoNet.Org
- SnailMail: Peter Stuer
- Beatrijslaan 2 bus 13
- B-2050 Antwerpen L.O.
- Belgium - Europe
- I will also try to put the latest available version of DOSTrace
- on the following BBS (this may change without further notice):
- Great Balls Of Fire BBS
- ReqTools Support BBS
- Herman Stevens
- Lubbeek
- ADS Distribution HUB
- ABC Host Belgium
- AFN Host Belgium
- Tel. +32-(0)16-64.09.12
- ZyXEL U1496+ 16800 BPS (N.8.1) v32bis v42bis
- 24-24 h.
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 4
- Fido Node 2:292/603
- NLA Node 14:200/101.0
- AmyNet 39:120/102.0
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 5
- Chapter 2 Using DOSTrace
- You can be start DOSTrace from the CLI/Shell or the
- Workbench. DOSTrace will always check to make sure it is not
- already running. If so, the copy of DT that is already running
- will be notified and its window will open or come to the front.
- The second copy will exit quietly.
- 2.1 Starting DOSTrace from the Shell
- To start DOSTrace from the Shell simply type:
- 1> DOSTrace
- followed by a return. If you want to continue using the Shell
- while DOSTrace is running, you need to prepend the Run command
- before DOSTrace as follows:
- 1> run DOSTrace
- If DOSTrace is succesful in initializing itself, you see the
- DOSTrace window and will start monitoring AmigaDOS.
- 2.2 Shell Startup Options
- DOSTrace can be started with various options. If you run
- DOSTrace with a questionmark (?) as argument you'll get the
- argument template.
- This option tells DOSTrace how many lines of session history
- it should keep. Use 0 to disable the history feature. The
- default number of history lines is 256.
- With this option you can direct the trace information to some
- other AmigaDOS device of file in addition or in place of the
- information being displayed in the window.
- If you have a debugging terminal attached to the serial port
- you could use 'DOSTrace OUTPUT=AUX:' to have all trace
- information appear at the terminal.
- A special symbol is DEBUG. 'OUTPUT=DEBUG' will output all
- trace information to the serial port at 9600 baud.
- This option specifies the left position of the DOSTrace output
- window in pixels. By default, the leftedge will be zero (0).
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 6
- This option specifies the top position of the DOSTrace output
- window in pixels. By default, DOSTrace will open its window 1
- pixel under the screen title bar.
- This option specifies the width of the DOSTrace output window
- in pixels. By default, DOSTrace will open a window that is as
- wide as the visible width of the public screen it is appearing
- on.
- This option specifies the height of the DOSTrace output window
- in screen lines. By default, DOSTrace will open a window that
- is as high as the visible height of the public screen it is
- appearing on, without overlapping the title bar.
- If you do not use this option, DOSTrace will open on the
- default public screen which is most of the times the Workbench
- screen. DOSTrace will try to open on the public screen whose
- name is specified after this argument.
- By specifying a trace mask using the TRACE parameter you can
- determine which AmigaDOS functions DOSTrace will actually
- trace. The trace mask consists of a string of characters. The
- function corresponding to the character will be traced. Use
- the following characters (case sensitive):
- A: AddBuffers M: LoadSeg
- B: CreateDir N: Lock
- C: CurrentDir O: MakeLink
- D: DeleteFile P: NewLoadSeg
- E: DeviceProc Q: Open
- F: ExAll R: ParentDir
- G: Examine S: Rename
- H: ExamineFH T: SetComment
- I: Execute U: SetOwner
- J: GetDeviceProc V: StartNotify
- K: Info W: SystemTagList
- L: InternalLoadSeg X: Close
- Y: UnLock
- a: Read c: FRead
- b: Write d: FWrite
- For example, TRACE=CDMNQI will only trace the AmigaDOS
- functions that SnoopDOS 1.7 traces. By default, DOSTrace
- monitors all AmigaDOS functions it knows about.
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 7
- Specifying a trace mask for DONTTRACE will make DOSTrace
- ignore the functions that you specify here. For example,
- DONTTRACE=abcd will cause the many read/write operations some
- programs make not to be shown.
- The DONTTRACE trace mask always takes precedence over the
- TRACE trace mask.
- If you want to trace the dos operations of a particular task,
- this option will allow you to specify the address of that
- task. For example, DT TASK=$0786ecc8 will only show the
- activity of the program that has its Task/Process structure at
- address $0786ECC8. The dollar sign ($) is optional and the
- number is case-insensitive.
- When DOSTrace is already running, you can use the "Task"
- menuitem of the "Project" menu.
- The name of the task currently being traced will be shown in
- the title bar of the DOSTrace window.
- To stop tracing a particular task, select the "Task" menuitem
- of the "Project" menu and clear the address shown there. If
- you then select "Ok", the title bar will reset and DOSTrace
- will continue to trace all tasks.
- This option allows you to specify priority relative to the
- other Commodities programs. Default priority is 0.
- This option allows you to change the default hot key for
- DOSTrace. The default hot key is 'ralt d' (right Alt key
- pressed with 'd').
- If you do not want DOSTrace to open its window, you can
- specify the CX_POPUP switch like this: DT CX_POPUP=NO. By
- default, the DOSTrace window will open.
- By specifying CX_ACTIVE=NO, DOSTrace start without its tracing
- code enabled. By default, tracing starts immediately.
- 2.3 Starting DOSTrace from the Workbench
- To start DOSTrace from the Workbench, simply double-click on
- the DOSTrace icon to start the program or use the 'Execute
- Command' item from the 'Workbench' menu.
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 8
- 2.4 Workbench Startup Options
- You can specify the same options as explained in the
- paragraph "Shell Startup Options" by adding tooltypes to the
- DOSTrace icon.
- If you use the CX_POPUP and/or the CX_ACTIVE tooltype
- you must specify them with '=YES' appended to them.
- For example, 'CX_POPUP=YES'. Not using them defaults
- To change the task priority of DOSTrace you can add the TOOLPRI
- tooltype to the DOSTrace icon. For example, adding TOOLPRI=5 will
- start running DOSTrace with task priority 5.
- 2.5 Stopping DOSTrace
- You can stop DOSTrace at any time by sending it a break signal. If
- you started DOSTrace from the Shell, you can do this by pressing
- Ctrl-C.
- Since DOSTrace is a commodity you can use the Exchange utility to
- control it.
- 'Show Interface' will open the DOSTrace output window
- 'Hide Interface' will close the DOSTrace output window
- The 'Active/Inactive' cycle gadget will toggle DOSTrace's
- activation status. When DOSTrace is active it will update it's
- internal history even when the output window is closed; when it is
- inactive, no tracing will occur.
- 'Remove' will tell DOSTrace to quit.
- DOSTrace will try to quit immediately. If any of the
- patches are still in use, it will wait until no
- program uses the DOSTrace patches anymore.
- 2.6 The Project menu
- The Project menu gives you some control over DOSTrace's behaviour
- while it is running.
- 2.6.1 The Active menu item
- DOSTrace is 'active' when it is allowed to monitor AmigaDOS
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 9
- operations. When this menu item is checked, DOSTrace is active.
- 2.6.2 The Task menu item
- This menu item will cause a requester to pop up that asks you to
- enter the address of the Task/Process structure of the program you
- want to trace. If you enter an address that does not point to a
- Task structure, DOSTrace will beep the display. See also the To Do
- list and the TASK startup option.
- 2.6.3 The Clear menu item
- Clears the session history and the window.
- 2.6.4 The Hide menu item
- Does the same as the Hide gadget of the Exchange program. DOSTrace
- stays in memory and, depending on its activation status, continues
- to trace AmigaDOS.
- 2.6.5 The Quit menu item
- This causes DOSTrace to try to quit. See also 'Stopping DOSTrace'.
- 2.7 About the trace output
- The information shown depends on which function is being traced
- but all messages have 3 components in common:
- Process Name The name of the process calling the
- AmigaDOS function.
- Trace Info Verbose information about the function
- being executed.
- Result Whether the call was succesfull or not
- (if applicable)
- 2.8 To do wishes suggestions...
- · A listrequester to select the task that should be monitored
- · Auto-detach from the CLI
- · Keeping the same position in the session history after a resize
- · An ARexx port
- · Prefs panel
- · An alternative, less verbose output mode
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 10
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- ::::::::::::::::::::::: DOSTRACE HISTORY ::::::::::::::::::::::::
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- ::: Version 2.13 ::: December 14, 1993 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- - BUG FIX: Fixed a small bug that caused high-ASCII characters
- in filenames to disappear. Thanks to Stefan Ottosson for
- reporting this.
- - BUG FIX: The session history was not redrawn if there were less
- lines in the session history than could be displayed. Thanks
- to David Nouls & Bart van Assche for reporting this.
- ::: Version 2.12 ::: December 6, 1993 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- - NEW: Added trace code for Read(), Write(), FRead() and FWrite().
- Thanks to Preben Nielsen for suggesting this.
- - NEW: LEFT and TOP options let you specify the left and top
- position of the DOSTrace window. Thanks to Preben Nielsen for
- suggesting this.
- - NEW: DOSTrace remembers the position and dimensions of its
- window when it shows it window again after a 'Hide'.
- - NEW: You can use the following keys to control the position of
- the session history:
- Cursor Up/Cursor Down 1 line up/down
- Shift Cursor Up/Cursor Down 1 page up/down
- Control Cursor Up/Cursor Down top/bottom
- Thanks to Magnus Holmgren for suggesting this.
- - NEW: To avoid using a ridiculously long TRACEMASK parameter
- if you DON'T want to see the trace results of a function, I
- replaced the TRACEMASK parameter with the TRACE and DONTTRACE
- parameter. For more information, see the documentation.
- - NEW: Brought the manual up to date and added more links in the
- AmigaGuide file.
- - BUG FIX: Due to register leaking DOSTrace would exit sometimes
- when it reopened its window after another copy of DOSTrace woke
- the original up. Thanks to Rafael D'Halleweyn and Magnus Holmgren
- for reporting this.
- - BUG FIX: DOSTrace ignored the CX_PRIORITY argument. Thanks to
- Rafael D'Halleweyn for reporting this.
- - BUG FIX: The broker name of DOSTrace did not fit completely in
- the provided space by Exchange. Thanks to Rafael D'Halleweyn
- for reporting this.
- - BUG FIX: Fixed a bug that could cause a lock-up of the console
- device during a refresh of the history. Thanks to Bart van
- Assche for helping me to track it down.
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 11
- ::: Version 2.11 ::: Not released :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- - This version accidentally leaked out as ßeta.
- ::: Version 2.10 ::: November 15, 1993 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- - NEW: Added trace code for Close and UnLock.
- - NEW: Removed the annoying delay when quitting DOSTrace. Thanks
- to Rafael D'Halleweyn for the suggestion.
- - NEW: Added up/down gadgets to scroll up/down line by line.
- - NEW: Added the TASK option and Task menu item (requested by
- Jan Dujardin)
- - NEW: Added Clear menu item to clear the history buffer while
- DOSTrace is running.
- - NEW: Added an Active menu item to make activating and
- deactivating DOSTrace on the fly easier.
- - IMPROVED: Optimized some of the core routines.
- - IMPROVED: DOSTrace starts active and with the output window
- open when run from the CLI.
- - IMPROVED: Removed inner border to make DOSTrace more conform to
- the Style Guide.
- - IMPROVED: Execute() and SystemTagList() now show which program
- they are trying to run before the program starts running.
- - IMPROVED: When DOSTrace is unable to determine the filename of
- the object a DOS function is acting on it will use the name
- "Unknown Object" instead.
- You will notice this especially when closing or unlocking
- objects that do not or incompletely support a file system like
- CON:, PRT: or NIL:.
- - BUG FIX: Removed a bug that caused a signal to stay allocated.
- - BUG FIX: Fixed a display bug.
- ::: Version 2.00 ::: August 21, 1993 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- - Complete rewrite.
- - NEW: Added monitoring code for InternalLoadSeg and NewLoadSeg.
- - IMPROVED: Made trace code smaller and faster.
- - BUG FIX: Suppressing Workbench's background DOS operations did
- not work always.
- DOSTrace v2.13 User Manual 12
- - BUG FIX: I forgot (again) that some programs still wrongly
- expect that D0 and D1 are equal when returning from LoadSeg.
- This should fix problems with programs that use old overlay
- managers.
- ::: Version 1.00 ::: June 22, 1993 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- - First release
- Table Of Contents
- DOSTrace v2.13
- Chapter 1 Introduction ................................ 2
- 1.1 What is DOSTrace ? ............................... 2
- 1.2 Features of DOSTrace ............................ 2
- 1.3 System requirements ............................ 2
- 1.4 About the author and the program ................... 3
- Chapter 2 Using DOSTrace ............................... 5
- 2.1 Starting DOSTrace from the Shell .................. 5
- 2.2 Shell Startup Options ........................... 5
- 2.3 Starting DOSTrace from the Workbench .............. 7
- 2.4 Workbench Startup Options ....................... 8
- 2.5 Stopping DOSTrace .............................. 8
- 2.6 The Project menu ................................ 8
- 2.6.1 The Active menu item ........................ 8
- 2.6.2 The Task menu item .......................... 9
- 2.6.3 The Clear menu item ......................... 9
- 2.6.4 The Hide menu item .......................... 9
- 2.6.5 The Quit menu item .......................... 9
- 2.7 About the trace output ........................... 9
- 2.8 To do wishes suggestions... ...................... 9
- Copyright © 1993 DOSTrace v2.13 written by Peter Stuer
- Thanks to Nico François, Johan van Houtven, Hermans Stevens, Jan
- Dujardin, Rafael D'Halleweyn, Bart van Assche, Stu Churchill,
- Magnus Holmgren and Per-Anders Josefsson for testing DOSTrace.
- _
- _ //
- Thanks to \X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever!