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- RDS version 1.1
- Copyright 1993 - Ben Charles Sutter
- This software is Freeware. I, Ben Sutter, retain full Copyright to the source
- code and executable. RDS can be distributed for non-commercial purposes.
- This software is released with no warranty whatsoever. Use it at your own risk.
- ****************************************************************************
- The biggest change between this release and release 1.0 is the
- inclusion of UnRDS. UnRDS will decode a stereogram created by my
- program RDS as close to its original look as possible. Try it out.
- It's pretty cool!
- ****************************************************************************
- Contents:
- RDS - executable version 1.1
- UnRDS - executable decode program version 1.1
- RDS.doc - this file
- iff.library - library required in LIBS:
- Mand - an example picture of a Mandelbrot
- Dips - an example picture, a bunch of dips
- Special Thanks (in alphabetical order)
- Warren Block - for the reference books, suggestions,
- tapes of the Simpsons, and moral support
- Dr. Ed Corwin - for lending me the book on 68000 assembly
- Pete Covert - for the 68000 assembly suggestions, and for
- being my one-and-only pseudo beta tester
- Jim Sinks - for being a test subject for all of the
- pictures I made with this program
- Cristian A. Weber - for writing a terrific iff library, without
- which this program would not exist
- RDS runs fine on my stock A2000.
- RDS has also been tested and runs fine on the following:
- A1000 KS 1.1 and ICD AdSCSI w/homebrew Zorro I to Zorro II converter
- A1000 Lucas/Frances '020 16mhz
- A2000 Microbotics VXL '030 33mhz
- A2000 Progressive '040 33mhz
- A2000 with GVP 40mhz '030
- A4000 25mhz '040
- Conclusion: RDS will run on ANY Amiga.
- RDS has been tested with versions 15.3 - 22.3 of the iff.library and
- it works fine with all.
- I. Introduction
- This is a little program (2836 bytes) that will generate a random dot
- stereogram. It is written in 100% assembly language. I wrote it in assembly
- for a couple of reasons. First, the small code size, and speedy execution.
- Second, it was a challenge. I have only been programming in assembly language
- since January 1993. I took it last spring at my college, where I am a sophomore
- Computer Science student. Unfortunately, the only personal computer in the
- world, as we all know, is an IBM compatible, so what we learned was 8088
- assembly language (move memory to memory, what's that?). I had first written
- this program in C (in about two hours). Converting it to 68000 assembly
- language, however, took about two weeks. It's finally ready to be released.
- II. Random Dot Stereograms - what the hell are they?
- A random dot stereogram is a picture that looks like snow on a TV.
- By training your eye muscles to behave in a certain way, a 3-D image will
- magically appear. I do not know the specific optical properties that cause
- this to work. All I know is that it does.
- First, a little background on how our eyes work. Our eyes are focusing
- instruments, just like a camera lens, or the Hubble Telescope (except the
- Hubble can't see as far). If you stand on the sidewalk and look at your house,
- and then hold your finger at eye level with your arm fully extended. Now, close
- one eye. You can now focus your open eye so that your finger will be clear,
- but your house will be blurry. You can then make the house clear, and your
- finger will become blurry. This is called focus.
- The way we perceive depth is by the angle between our eyes. In other
- words, the further an object is from you the closer the line of site of your
- eyes is to being parallel.
- To see the stereogram, you need to angle your eyes as though you are
- looking at something twice as far away as the paper (or monitor). BUT, your
- eyes need to be focused at the surface of the paper, beacuase when it comes
- right down to it, that is where the image actually is, on the paper.
- It will take some practice. Your eye muscles aren't doing anything
- they haven't before, you just need to train them.
- Some of you may have seen these in magazines, or malls, where there
- were two dots above the image. These can be a big help. Hold your finger
- behind the paper just above the dots. Slowly pull your finger away, keeping
- your eyes focused on your finger, until the two dots turn into four dots and
- then the two middle dots merge into one, so you see three dots. Keep in mind
- that you must keep your eyes focused on your finger. You will see the two,
- or three or four, dots in your peripheral vision. When you have the three dots,
- you should see the image from your peripheral vision. Then you can slowly move
- your eyes down the page to see the rest of the image.
- A note about the dots: If you look at the image, you will see a pattern
- repeating itself several times across the page. The space between the two dots
- corresponds to the width of the repeating pattern. In the pictures generated
- by RDS, this distance is always one eigth of the width of the picture.
- III. Help
- Sometimes it's easier to see these when they are on paper. If you are
- having difficulty seeing these, try printing them out on an 8.5 x 11 page. It
- helps some people to have the two dots at the top of the page. After some
- practice, you probably won't even need the dots.
- If you are stuck, but are still interested, send me a self-addressed,
- stamped envelope, and I will send you a couple of my printouts.
- If you still need more help, or have suggestions, comments, bug
- reports, or anything to say, I can be reached in several ways:
- Snail Mail: Ben Sutter
- 2415 Minnewasta Rd
- Rapid City, SD 57702-5156
- Voice Phone: (605)343-5121
- Internet: bcs8624@silver.sdsmt.edu
- ****************************************************************************
- History of RDS:
- ****************************************************************************
- version 1.1 Released 4-June-1993
- Added some minor optomization
- Included UnRDS, a stereogram decoder
- RDS no longer requires version 18 or better of iff.library
- version 1.0 Released 20-May-1993
- Initial Release