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- Viewtek
- A freely distributable picture and animation viewer for the Amiga
- Written by Thomas Krehbiel
- (Another fine UBTASITE product)
- Copyright © 1992,1993 Thomas Krehbiel
- All Rights Reserved
- (Notice how the 'tek' in Viewtek is not capitalized in any way.)
- Distribution, Copyright, Etc.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Viewtek executables and documentation are Copyright © 1992,1993
- by Thomas Krehbiel, All Rights Reserved.
- Viewtek is NOT public domain. The author retains all rights to the
- program.
- See "Distribution.doc" for details about distributing Viewtek.
- Disclaimer
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- No warranties of any kind are made as to the functionality of this
- program. You are using it at your own risk.
- Note
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This documentation assumes a basic familiarity with AmigaDOS and the Amiga
- interface. If you aren't familiar with the concepts of files, directories,
- gadgets, windows, etc. you should consult your "Introduction to the Amiga"
- manual. Another excellent source of information is your local Amiga users
- group.
- Brief Note On Viewtek 1.05
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Viewtek 1.05 was distributed with the ImageFX 1.5 release. Think of it
- as sort of a precursor to this version. It was not a complete Viewtek
- release. Please distribute this version instead of 1.05.
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Viewtek is an picture and animation viewer utility designed for Workbench
- 2.0 and up. It started out as a pretty simple project, but naturally it's
- developed into a large shambling behemoth of a program (well, sort of).
- Quickstart
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- From Workbench: Double-click the VT program icon, and select one or
- more files from the resulting file requester to view images or animations.
- From CLI: Type VT followed by one or more image files or directories.
- Use the left mouse button to proceed to the next image when viewing a
- batch of images.
- Viewing Commands
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ESCAPE Abort viewing immediately.
- BACKSPACE Abort viewing current directory (when using 'ALL').
- LMB/RMB Go to next picture (unless using the 'NOCLICK' option).
- SPACE Will hold on the current picture, when using DELAY.
- S Will save the currently displayed picture as an
- ILBM (you will be asked for an output filename).
- This only works on pictures; not animations (yeah,
- I know it would be nice to save frames from anims,
- but gimme a break here... I've only got 2 hands. :)
- ANY KEY Go to next picture.
- CTRL+Arrows Move image/anim around on the display (overscan position).
- Up Arrow (Anim Only) Return to beginning of the animation.
- Right Arrow (Anim Only) Pause/single step animation.
- Down Arrow (Anim Only) Resume playing animation after paused.
- C (Anim Only) Toggle "continuous" mode.
- F1 (Anim Only) Play animation as fast as possible.
- F2 (Anim Only) Play animation at 60fps.
- F3 (Anim Only) Play animation at 30fps.
- F4 (Anim Only) Play animation at 24fps.
- F5 (Anim Only) Play animation at 15fps.
- F6 (Anim Only) Play animation at 12fps.
- F7 (Anim Only) Play animation at 10fps.
- F8 (Anim Only) Play animation at 5fps.
- F9 (Anim Only) Play animation at 1fps.
- F10 (Anim Only) Play animation at rate specified in ANIM file.
- Useage From CLI
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Viewtek generally works better from CLI (assuming you can type), since you
- have more options immediately available to you.
- The basic syntax is:
- VT [options] <one or more files or directories>
- Typing VT ? will give you a brief, jumbled display of all available
- options like so:
- Files/M,AL=All/S,BU=BufSize/K/N,CF=Config/K,CL=Clip/S,CO=Cont/S,
- DE=Delay/K/N,DF=Default/S,DI=Disk/S,DT=DataTypes/S,FO=Forever/S,
- FP=FPS/K/N,HD=Hide/S,HI=Hires/S,IC=Iconify/S,IL=ILBM/S,IN=Info/S,
- LA=Lace/S,LM=LowMem/S,LO=Lores/S,LP=Loop/K/N,MA=MaxFrames/K/N,
- NB=NoBusy/S,NC=NoClick/S,ND=NoDisk/S,NL=NoLace/S,NS=NoScroll/S,
- NT=NTSC/S,PA=Paused/S,PL=PAL/S,PO=Pointer/S,QU=Quiet/S,RE=Repeat/K/N,
- S7=Super72/S,SA=Save/K,SC=ScreenMode/K,SP=Speed/K/N,SU=SuperHires/S,
- UN=UnderScan/S,UT=Unit/K/N:
- See "Option Keywords" below for details about all available options.
- Useage From Workbench
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Viewtek may be run from Workbench in several ways.
- 1) Double-clicking on the Viewtek icon will bring up a requester asking
- for one or more files to view.
- 2) You may use extended selection to highlight several picture or
- animation icons and, while holding shift, double-click on the Viewtek program
- icon. The files selected will be shown.
- 3) You may set Viewtek as the default tool for any picture or animation
- icon.
- See "Option Keywords" below for tool types that you may use in either
- the Viewtek icon or any picture project icon.
- Option Keywords
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- These options are available on the CLI command line, via. Workbench
- tool types, or in the configuration file. Note that the abbreviations
- only work on the CLI command line; you must spell the options out from
- Workbench or in the configuration file.
- File Handling Options
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Files/M (CLI only)
- One or more files, directories, or patterns. If you give VT a
- directory, all files in that directory will be shown (in no
- special order). Standard AmigaDOS wildcards are supported.
- Basically, anything that is not a recognizable option is assumed
- to be a file spec.
- AL=All/S
- Tells VT to recursively enter subdirectories.
- CL=Clip/S
- Read image from clipboard.
- DE=Delay/K/N
- Number of seconds to show each picture or animation before
- automatically proceeding to the next one. The timer doesn't
- start until *after* the picture or animation has been loaded.
- DT=DataTypes/S
- Force VT to use Datatypes to identify and display files (normally
- datatypes is the last thing checked before giving up on a file).
- This lets you, for example, use a datatypes GIF converter instead
- of the one built into VT.
- DefaultDir/K (Workbench or Configuration File only) (2.0)
- Specify the directory where Viewtek will open its initial
- file requester.
- FO=Forever/S
- Repeat showing the list of files given on the command line
- forever and ever amen (and/or until cancelled).
- Force VT to assume all files are ILBM pictures. In case you only
- want to show the first frame of an animation and not the whole
- thing.
- NC=NoClick/S (2.0)
- Disable the standard method of using the mouse buttons to
- skip to the next picture. With this option enable, you will
- have to use the keyboard.
- RE=Repeat/K/N
- Repeat showing the list of files given on the command line
- the number of times specified (or until cancelled manually).
- SA=Save/K
- Save the resulting image that VT renders to a displayable
- ILBM file. Makes VT into a (*very*) simple file conversion
- utility. (NOTE: I have no plans to turn VT into a killer
- awesome amazing wonderful convert-anything-to-everything-
- else file converter.)
- UT=Unit/K/N
- Specify clipboard unit when showing contents of clipboard.
- Animation Options
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- BU=BufSize/K/N
- Sets the buffer size when playing animations directly from
- hard drive, in KB (ie. BUFSIZE 128 == 128KB). VT actually
- allocates 3 of these buffers, so don't get too crazy. Also
- see the notes on playing animations from disk elsewhere in
- this document.
- CO=Cont/S
- Force animations to be considered "continuous". My definition
- of a "continuous" animation is one that has those two looping
- frames stuck on the end (like the kind that DPaint always
- creates). Normally, VT will only consider an animation to be
- continuous if a DPAN chunk is found.
- DI=Disk/S
- Force animations to be played directly from disk.
- Specify animation playback rate in frames per second.
- LP=Loop/K/N
- Number of times to loop an animation before continuing on with
- the next file. Normally, VT will loop until you tell it to
- stop.
- MA=MaxFrames/K/N
- Maximum number of frames to read from an animation. This is
- handy if you don't quite have enough memory to load an entire
- animation, or for some reason the anim is corrupted beyond
- repair halfway through; VT will only read in the number of
- frames you specify before going on to show it.
- ND=NoDisk/S
- Never show animations from disk. Normally, VT will try to play
- an animation from disk if it sees you don't have enough memory
- to play the animation from RAM.
- SP=Speed/K/N
- Specify animation playback rate in jiffies per frame (one
- jiffy is 1/60th of a second).
- PA=Paused/S
- Begin animations in paused mode; you must hit the right or
- down arrow to actually begin playing the animation.
- Display Mode Options
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- DF=Default/S
- Force pictures and animations to use the DEFAULT monitor id.
- This is handy when you have mode promotion on, but a picture
- you are showing is hard-coded as NTSC... this option forces
- the picture to use the default monitor id, which in turn
- causes it to be mode promoted.
- HI=Hires/S
- Force pictures and animations into HIRES. Use with caution;
- some viewmode combinations are not allowed on non-AGA machines.
- LA=Lace/S
- Force pictures and animations into INTERLACE.
- LO=Lores/S
- Force pictures and animations into LORES.
- NL=NoLace/S
- Force pictures and animations into NON-INTERLACE.
- NS=NoScroll/S
- Disable autoscrolling large pictures. Why? Beats me.
- Force pictures and animations to use the NTSC monitor id.
- Force pictures and animations to use the PAL monitor id.
- S7=Super72/S
- Force pictures and animations to use the SUPER72 monitor id.
- Generally only useful on AGA machines.
- SC=ScreenMode/K
- Specify the name of any available screen mode to show pictures
- and animations in. The name must be exact, as shown in the
- preferences ScreenMode program (be sure to put quotes around
- the name if it has spaces in it). Case is not sensitive.
- SU=SuperHires/S
- Force pictures and animations into SUPERHIRES mode.
- UN=Underscan/S (1.05)
- Disables overscan for any pictures or animations that VT shows,
- this lets you see all the way to the edges of super bitmap
- pictures.
- Miscellaneous Options
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- HD=Hide/S
- Hide images while they are being decoded. Normally, VT
- shows you the images while they are being read; this option
- causes VT to only show you the images when they are completely
- decoded. You probably want to set this for slideshow-style
- presentations.
- IC=Iconify/S
- Start VT in iconified mode. When iconified, a little AppIcon
- appears on your Workbench, where you can drag image icons to
- view them. Double-clicking the icon gives you options for
- quitting or showing files interactively.
- IN=Info/S
- Only display information about files, do not actually display them.
- LM=LowMem/S
- Disable double-buffering of pictures. Handy if you don't have
- a lot of chip memory.
- NB=NoBusy/S
- Do not show a busy pointer at any time.
- PO=Pointer/S
- Do not blank the mouse pointer when showing pictures.
- QU=Quiet/S
- Do not print any information to the shell.
- Useage From Directory Utilities
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Viewtek works well in combination with many directory utilities.
- At least, so I've been told. :)
- Configuration File (2.0)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Viewtek 2.0 supports a simple configuration file which can be used to
- set commonly used options so you don't have to type them every time.
- By default, Viewtek looks for the configuration file as "ENV:VT.defaults",
- however you may change this with the CONFIG option.
- Note that command line options override whatever is in the configuration
- file.
- Also note that if you specify a switch in the configuration file there
- is no way to "undo" that switch from the command line.
- Each line in the configuration file must contain its own option (ie.
- you cannot put more than one option on a line) just as you would specify
- them on a CLI command line. However, note that you cannot abbreviate
- options in the configuration file, they must be spelled out.
- Playing Animations From Disk
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Viewtek 1.05 can play animations directly from disk... sort of. How well
- it works depends on many factors:
- - The speed of your computer.
- - The speed of your hard drive and/or controller.
- - The complexity/resolution of the animation.
- - The chosen playback rate.
- - The chosen buffer size.
- - How much you're willing to fiddle with parameters.
- Here's an overview of how it works: Playback from disk is done with two
- tasks; one task is responsible for reading data from disk, the other task is
- responsible for decoding and displaying the frames. Basically, while the
- disk reader is getting data from disk, the playback task is playing the
- frames from the previous batch.
- Buffer Size. The buffer size is very important to the performance of the
- playback. The idea is to make the buffer size such that a new batch of
- frames can be read from disk faster than VT can play the frames from the
- previous batch. If the buffer size is too small, VT will end up stuttering
- during playback because it has to wait for the disk reader to catch up to
- the playback task. However, if the buffer size is too large, a lot of
- wasted time will be spent reading from the hard drive (on my system, reading
- from the drive for extended periods of time also causes the animations to
- stutter - not sure if this is just my own HD or a universal problem tho).
- (NOTE: Animations with large deltas will require larger buffer sizes.
- Viewtek will inform if you need to increase the buffer size (and give you
- an approxiamate target size).)
- Playback Rate. A good way to smooth out the playback is to slow down the
- playback rate. This will give the disk reader task more time to read from
- the disk.
- Animation Complexity. Let me be blunt: If you think a 736x480, HAM8
- animation of a camera pan is going to animate well, you're crazy. The
- Amiga's good, but it ain't *that* good. :)
- Computer Speed. Obviously, the faster your computer, the better the
- results are going to be. I personally haven't tried VT on a system equipped
- with less than a 68040 for quite some time, so I can't really comment on
- whether it will even work at all on a 68000.
- Hard Drive Speed. I've tried HD playback on two systems: One is an
- A4000 with the internal IDE drive, along with a GVP SCSI controller and a
- Maxtor drive. The other is an A2000 with a GVP G-Force 040 (SCSI controller
- built-in) and a couple Quantum drives. (Funny how I have all this GVP
- stuff, ain't it? :) The results I get are generally pretty good, although
- stuttering animations definitely do happen. Fiddling with the playback rate
- and buffer size usually helps in all but the most severe cases though.
- In short, if you have a 1MB A500 and want to genlock your 40MB HAM
- interlace animations onto videotape for production work, you'll be
- disappointed. This feature is strictly a novelty at this point.
- CAVEATS: The Up Arrow does not work when playing anims from disk, and
- the animations are always played in "continuous" mode; ie. if the anim
- doesn't have loop frames it's going to look pretty strange. Also,
- animations with small numbers of frames will not work very well (they
- might even crash, actually).
- Datatypes (Kickstart 3.0 And Above)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Viewtek 1.05 makes use of 3.0's datatypes.library. This means that when
- VT runs across a file it is not capable of reading, it then asks datatypes
- to try and read the file. If it can, then VT will still be able to show the
- file.
- If you want VT to use datatypes exclusively (ie. not try to identify or
- decode the files within VT at all), use the "DT" option on the command line.
- This lets you, for example, use the GIF datatype instead of VT's own GIF
- decoding.
- VT has been tested successfully with the GIF and PCX datatypes. (These
- are the only ones I have.)
- NOTE: Processing files via. datatypes works a little differently than
- things normally work in VT... there is no way to abort reading a file, and
- the file is read entirely into memory before even opening a display screen.
- Compressed Files (Using XPK)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Viewtek 1.05 supports the XPK compression package (a nice package, BTW),
- allowing it to read any kind of encoding scheme that XPK itself supports.
- In order to continue using iffparse.library and in general keep VT the
- way it is, it works a little strangely: the encoded file is decompressed to
- a temporary file in T:, which is then shown normally by Viewtek. Obviously,
- this could impose some memory problems if your T: directory happens to be in
- RAM:.
- You'll have to get the XPK package elsewhere; consult a BBS near you (I
- got it from BIX).
- Hints
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Generally speaking, you will get faster load times if you use the HIDE
- option, especially with 256-color GIFs on AGA machines. Also, the program
- sorta *looks* faster if you use the HIDE option since the images blink
- onscreen instantly.
- If whatever display card you are using supports standard 2.0 screen
- mode names, it may be possible to use the SCREENMODE option to open Viewtek
- images on your display card. Images will be limited to 8 bits, however,
- and probably will not support HAM. (This has never been tried by me.)
- The Various Incarnations of Viewtek
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Amiga
- The standard version of Viewtek will render any file deeper than
- your available display as either a HAM or HAM8 image (depending on
- your chipset).
- IV-24
- Images deeper than your display are rendered to the IV-24 board.
- Note that you will not be able to view large super-bitmap images
- (except the top-left corner).
- OpalVision
- Works just like the IV-24 version, but renders to the OpalVision
- card. Again, you will not be able to view large super-bitmaps.
- Retina
- Works just like the IV-24 version, but renders to the Retina
- card. Once again, unless there's an autoscrolling feature on
- the Retina I don't know about, you won't be able to all of
- large super-bitmaps.
- This version has not been tested by me at all. However, the
- code it's based on is known to work.
- Firecracker
- Works just like the IV-24 version, but renders to the Firecracker
- frame buffer.
- This version has not been tested by me at all. However, the
- code it's based on is known to work.
- Examples
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1> VT picdir
- Show all files in the "picdir" directory.
- 1> VT picdir ALL
- Show all files in "picdir", including subdirectories.
- Show all files in "picdir", forcing them into Super72 800x600 mode.
- 1> VT myjpeg SAVE ram:mypic
- Show "myjpeg", and save the resulting screen to "ram:mypic".
- 1> VT picdir HIDE
- Show all files in "picdir", but don't show each picture until it is
- fully read into memory.
- 1> VT picdir FOREVER DELAY 2
- Show each file in "picdir" for 2 seconds, repeat forever.
- 1> VT picdir SCREENMODE "MULTISCAN:Productivity"
- Show all files in "picdir", forcing each one into Productivity mode.
- The Author
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I can be reached on BIX as "tkrehbiel". BIX is also connected to the
- Internet, so my Internet address is "tkrehbiel@bix.com".
- (Warning: I'm pretty slow responding to email these days. And please
- don't be offended if I answer tersely or not at all, I get a lot of email
- and I don't really have time to answer each one with pages of text.)
- (Note: I am currently not available for any sort of programming work,
- including, but not limited to, custom versions of Viewtek.)
- Reporting Bugs
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- When reporting bugs, it would help me a great deal if you could try to be
- as specific as possible about the conditions under which the program failed.
- For example, your configuration, what exactly you were doing, what options
- you were using, what else might have been running, etc. Usually whatever
- file caused the problems will help me out too, if it's relatively small (you
- can bixmail stuff to me, or uuencode stuff to me, or whatever).
- Suggestions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I am always open to suggestions; however, I do have goals in mind for the
- program so I may not implement every suggestion I get if it doesn't really
- fit with my "plan". Generally, I'm more likely to implement simpler
- suggestions than complex suggestions. And I'm very unlikely to support
- reading other file formats (use DataTypes for this), or saving to other file
- formats, or more complex rendering algorithms.
- Frequently Asked Questions (well, some, anyway)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Q. Why don't you include versions compiled for 68030's or 68040's?
- A. The speed difference is so negligable as to not be worth the effort.
- (I did try it recently, too.)
- Q. How come Viewtek's GIF and JPEG renderings on my A2000 don't look
- as good as some other software?
- A. Because Viewtek is not meant to be a dedicated rendering program;
- it is only meant to give you a fairly quick representation of the
- images. High quality rendering takes time. Viewtek generally
- works best when you are showing images that aren't deeper than
- your available display.
- Q. Will you support display card X?
- A. Internally, Viewtek 2.0 is organized much better for this type
- of support, so the chances of supporting new display cards are
- much better than they used to be. Generally my criteria for
- picking display cards to support are: 1) how cool is the card,
- 2) how easy is it to support with the supplied developer info,
- 3) do I have one, 4) would I be likely to use one regularly.
- Q. Could you add a feature to show images in little Workbench windows?
- A. Besides the fact that I think this particular 'feature' isn't even
- remotely useful, it would require some fairly major internal
- rewriting. Perhaps when every Amiga owner has a minumum 8-bit
- (chunky) Workbench I'll consider it.
- Q. Will there ever be a Viewtek for 1.3 users?
- A. Hah! Good one... :)
- Q. What about some kind of graphical front-end?
- A. It's on my list of things to do at some future date. Which could
- be anywhere from tomorrow to never.
- Q. What the heck does UBTASITE mean?
- A. :)
- Q. How come you don't release new versions every other day?
- A. Most of my time is spent working on ImageFX / CineMorph, which is
- what I get paid for so I give them a little more priority. :)
- My spare time goes to such projects as Viewtek and Rend24, along
- with about a dozen other programs that will doubtless never see
- the light of day (I usually end up writing whatever programs I
- need; term programs, dir utils, stuff like that). Not to mention
- my recently awakened all-consuming music habit.
- Conclusion
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hope you enjoy the program!
- - TEK