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* * D I S K M A S T E R II v2.1c * * Thank you for upgrading to DiskMaster II. We're now at version 2.1c, and have fixed a few small things since the manual was written. Please choose "PrintFiles.." under the TOOLS menu in DiskMaster to print a permanant copy of this file. v2.1c Fixes: Printer setup now shows the proper values instead of always 0. This must be what's causing the other problems with output, since you can't see what the values really are. Print doesn't switch to HEX when the file is less than 199 bytes. PrintDir now works. PrintDir will exclude escape code if the output is not PRT:. I've also added *some* AGA support. I had a 4000/Toaster to test for a couple of days. All but HAM8 hires work fine. Greg P.S. Can you believe all the bugs were caused by the SAS/C v6.0 sprintf() function? * * D I S K M A S T E R H I S T O R Y * * DISKMASTER 2.00 -> 2.03 CHANGES: · Title bar clock update under 2.0 · Archive files with spaces (uses quotes) · Multiple sources with 'unmark off' commands (i.e. SizeCheck) · 'Read %s SEARCH' automatically starts, and skips to next file when it reaches the end. · Default Arc extract menu item was missing a space. "Arc <*x %s" · Doesn't assume device names are null terminated. · In batch files, ";" as the first character can be used to comment out a line. · Fixed startup lock stuff: OpenWindow Lock S OpenWindow Lock D This was not locking the source window. · Single and double quotes can be intermixed in batch like ARexx. · Additions/changes: About and other requesters will show the version/revision number in the title. Added "Copy %s %d RENAME" (asks for new filename while copying) Added %P (source path without filename) %R (requester string) · Reader now accepts 'M' key (mode change) switches between hex/ascii, menu button exits the reader, added line/lines page/pages. DISKMASTER 2.03 -> 2.04 CHANGES: · Added %V (version) to Barformat so title will show current version. · Superbitmap scrolling in ShowPic is faster. · Fixed Size Check for correct calculations between FFS and non-FFS. · Now syncronous rexx. "REXX command %s" will now be given each filename as before, but DM now waits for the command to return before continuing on to the next. DISKMASTER 2.04 -> 2.1 CHANGES: · Added FFS to format. · Added HD formatting, but not tested. · Added Backdrop pattern/picture for custom screens. · Diskchange and directory modification detect enhanced. · 2.0 pens are saved in the config. · Fixed crash when deleting files when sorting by date. · Project icon DefaultTool path is expanded so it will always find DM. · Fixed font selection problem in printer setup. DISKMASTER 2.1 -> 2.1a CHANGES: · Fixed S<->D swap bug; now no longer crashes machine. · Fixed the addition of Hex information when saving a STARTUP.DM file; this bug especially noticable on floppy-based systems. · Fixed Progressive logo. · Fixed CHKsize bug; When a SOURCE device was checked, if there wasn't a DESTINATION chosen, the programme would bomb. ******************************************************************************* NEW COMMANDS FOR VERSION 2.1: These are additional commands for DiskMaster II, added since the manual last was printed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AddKeyCmd [K,batch_string] Add a keyboard command AddKey c,Copy %s %d Press "c" to begin a file copy AddKey C,Copy %s Press SHIFT+C to start a copy that requests dest path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AddAutoCmd [data,pattern,batch_string] Adds an auto command to the list. DEFAULT & TEXT can be anywhere now, instead of just at the end. This also lets you add while it's running, so no text editor is needed. I've also added a file matching pattern. This is still compatible with the old format. AddAutoCmd FORM????ILBM, ShowPic %s the old way AddAutoCmd FORM????ILBM, *.iff, ShowPic %s the file must end with ".IFF" and must match the data pattern also AddAutoCmd , *.iff, ShowPic %s The data doesn't matter, but the filename must end with .IFF to match ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto [file] Batch process using autocmds Auto %s Uses auto commands on all selected files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BackPattern <file> [[P]ALETTE] Load any size IFF ILBM as a pattern. Back "Env:DMPattern.ilbm" Loads the specified file Back %s P Loads the selected file and uses it's color palette Back Clears the pattern ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confirm "text" [Continue] [Stop] [edit text] Ask user before continuing Confirm "Are you sure" "Yes" "No" If user selects "No", the operation will cancel Confirm "Enter new text" "Ok" "Cancel" "Text to edit" Text is modified by user and is accessed as %R (also returned in RESULT for AREXX) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HostScreen name Use a public screen as a host HostScreen BAUD All windows after this will open on the BaudBandit screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenScreen [depth] [LACE|HALF] Open a custom screen [A|AutoScroll width height] [P|Productivity] [S|SuperHires] (these two not tested) OpenScreen 3 LACE Opens an 8 color screen in interlace OpenScreen 2 LACE A 1024 1024 4 color autoscroll 1024x1024 (under 2.0 only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Play [file] Play a music module SINGLE;Play %s Plays the selected file as a SoundTracker/NoiseTracker/ProTracker module. This plays asyncronously, so only select one file if called by a button. Play Stops the music and unloads the module ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PrintDir %s output PrintDir %s PRT: Prints selected files/dirs in source window using current format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SortBy Change sort method SortBy Name SortBy Size SortBy Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status V returns "DiskMaster V2.04" or whatever the current version is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status H Public screeen name or host screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status D Destination path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples using %P & %R ;Extracts to dest (works in DM 2.0): AddMenu Archives, Lharc X >Dest, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window"; Extern CD %d \LhA <* x %s; StdIO CLOSE ;Extracts to user entered path (%P is default in requester, %R is what the user entered) AddMenu Archives, Lharc X req, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window"; Confirm "Enter dest path" Continue Cancel %p; Extern CD %r \LhA <* x %s; StdIO CLOSE OTHER COMMANDS: CAUTION! THESE MAY NOT STAY! The compression is automatically detected by the text/hex reader, mod player, and showpic/8SVX player. (more new features for Opus to steal :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pack [file] <signature> Compress a file using internal single file compression method Pack %s Pack all selected files using recursion A ".dmp" extension is added Pack %s ABCD Adds a signature for later identification by an auto command. DMP0ABCD would be the first 8 characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unpack [file] Decompress a file using internal single file compression method Unpack %s Unpack all selected .dmp files using recursion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Further Information, Contact: Progressive Peripherals Inc. 938 Quail Street Lakewood, CO. U.S.A 80215-5513