home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Reset
- OpenScreen 2 HALF
- Color AAA 000 FFF 06F
- Font Siesta/8
- AddMenu Project, Display Format, D, SetFormat
- AddMenu Project, Add Command, AddCmd
- AddMenu Project, Change Command, ChgCmd
- AddMenu Project, Add Menu Item, AddMenu
- AddMenu Project, Add Auto Command, AddAutoCmd
- AddMenu Project, Add Key Command, AddKeyCmd
- AddMenu Project, Palette, Color
- AddMenu Project, Printer Setup, SetPrinter
- AddMenu Project, Save Config, S, SaveConfig
- AddMenu Project, ReConfig, batch sys:startup.dm
- AddMenu Project, Save Cmd Window, SaveCmdWin
- AddMenu Project, About, About
- AddMenu Project, Quit DM, Q, Quit
- AddMenu Tools, Execute Command.., Extern
- AddMenu Tools, Test REXX, A, REXX
- AddMenu Tools, Run Selected, Single;External run %s
- AddMenu Tools, Run DM Script, single;batch %s
- AddMenu Tools, Change Font, Font
- AddMenu Tools, New Window, N, OpenWindow 240 40 260 120
- AddMenu Tools, New Cmd Window, C, OpenWindow 240 40 260 120 CMD;AddCmd
- AddMenu Tools, Run DM Script, Single;Batch %s
- AddMenu Tools, Print Dir, P, printdir %s prt:
- AddMenu Tools, PrintFiles.., O, Extern tools/printfiles %s
- AddMenu Tools, Swap S<->D, Swap
- AddMenu Sort, Sort By NAME.., sortby Name
- AddMenu Sort, Sort By DATE.., sortby Date
- AddMenu Sort, Sort By SIZE.., sortby Size
- ;You MUST have the decompression programmes already in your C: directories - we do not supply them.
- AddMenu Archives, Lharc Add, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Add Window";Archive "Lharc <* -x -r a";StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Arc Add, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Add Window";Archive "Arc <* a";StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Zoo Add, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Add Window";Archive "Zoo <* a";StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Lharc Extract, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window";Extern Lharc <* x %s;StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Lharc X >Dest, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window";Extern CD %d \Lharc <* x %s;StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Lharc X Req, Confirm "Enter destination path" Continue Cancel %P;StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window";Extern CD %R \Lharc <* x %s;StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Arc Extract, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window";Extern Arc <* x %s;StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Zoo Extract, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window";Extern Zoo <* x// %s;StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Lharc List, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/160/List Window";Extern Lharc v %s;Wait;StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Arc List, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/160/List Window";Extern Arc v %s;Wait;StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, Zoo List, StdIO "CON:0/12/640/160/List Window";Extern Zoo v %s;Wait;StdIO CLOSE
- AddMenu Archives, DM Pack, Pack %s %d
- AddMenu Archives, DM UnPack, Unpack %s %d
- AddMenu Disk, Format, F, Format
- AddMenu Disk, DiskCopy, X, DiskCopy
- AddMenu Disk, Format DF0:, Confirm "Are you sure?";Format DF0:
- AddMenu Disk, Format DF1:, Format DF1: VERIFY "WorkDisk"
- AddMenu Disk, Clear DF0:, Format DF0: QUICK INSTALL VERIFY
- AddMenu Disk, Copy DF0: DF0:, DiskCopy DF0: DF0:
- AddMenu Disk, Copy DF0: DF1:, DiskCopy DF0: DF1:
- AddMenu Control, Lock as Source, Lock S
- AddMenu Control, Lock as Dest, Lock D
- AddMenu Control, UnLock, UnLock
- AddMenu Control, UnLock all, UnLock All
- AddMenu Control, Toggle Expand, Expand
- AddMenu MMedia, Play.., P, Play %s
- AddMenu MMedia, Show.., S, ShowPic %s
- AddMenu DMS, DMS Read.., extern sys:c2/DMS read ram:DMSfile
- AddMenu DMS, DMW Write.., extern sys:c2/DMS write %s
- Button "parent"
- SetFormat "NS T DMY A C"
- BarFormat "DiskMaster %V %W %T %D %M %Y Total RAM: %P Kbytes"
- TitleFormat "%B/%F %I/%C"
- OpenWindow 324 12 95 188 CMD
- AddCmd Root, 10, Root
- AddCmd Parent, 10, Parent
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd All, 20, Select *
- AddCmd Clear, 20, Deselect *
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd MakeDir, 30, MakeDir
- AddCmd Copy, 30, ReqPattern;Copy %s %d
- AddCmd CopyNEW, 30, Copy %s %d NEWER
- AddCmd CopyAS , 20, Copy %s %d RENAME
- AddCmd Move, 30, ReqPattern;Move %s %d
- AddCmd Rename, 30, Recurse OFF;Rename %s
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd Delete!, 32, ReqPattern;Confirm "All selected files will be lost.";Protect %s +D;Delete %s
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd IFF2DCTV, 12, external c:ifftodctv %s -w640 -h400 -d3 -oram:; this is an example of how to use an external file like IFF2DCTV
- AddCmd Protect, 20, Recurse OFF;Protect %s
- AddCmd Comment, 20, Recurse OFF;Comment %s
- AddCmd Exclude, 20, DeSelect
- AddCmd Find, 20, ReqPattern "Please enter search pattern";Find %s
- AddCmd SizeChk, 20, UnMark OFF;Check %s
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd Read, 30, Read %s LACE
- AddCmd HexRead, 30, Read %s HEX
- AddCmd Edit, 30, scrback; external c:ed %s; scrfront
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd Print, 12, Single; Print %s PRT:
- AddCmd PrtDir, 12, printdir %s PRT:
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd , 20,
- AddCmd Quit, 21, Quit
- OpenWindow 420 12 220 188
- OpenWindow 0 12 217 188
- OpenWindow 218 12 105 188
- AddAutoCmd FORM????ACBM, ShowPic %s
- AddAutoCmd FORM????8SVX, ShowPic %s
- AddAutoCmd FORM????ILBM, ShowPic %s
- AddAutoCmd FORM????ANIM, Extern sys:utilities/View %s
- AddAutoCmd ??-lh,StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window";Extern Lharc <* x %s;StdIO CLOSE
- AddAutoCmd ^Z,StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window";Extern Arc <* x %s;StdIO CLOSE
- AddAutoCmd ZOO ?.?? Archive,StdIO "CON:0/12/640/100/Extract Window";Extern Zoo <* x// %s;StdIO CLOSE
- AddAutoCmd TEXT,Read %s
- AddAutoCmd DEFAULT,Read %s HEX
- AddKeyCmd Q, quit
- AddKeyCmd c, copy %s %d
- AddKeyCmd C, copy %s
- AddKeyCmd D, delete %s
- AddKeyCmd r, rename %s
- AddKeyCmd m, move %s %d
- AddKeyCmd M, move %s
- AddKeyCmd e, extern c:ed %s
- AddKeyCmd E, extern c:ced %s
- AddKeyCmd /, Parent
- AddKeyCmd :, Root
- AddKeyCmd q, quit