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- /*
- * Simple ARexx interface by Michael Sinz
- *
- * This is a very "Simple" interface to the world of ARexx...
- * For more complex interfaces into ARexx, it is best that you
- * understand the functions that are provided by ARexx.
- * In many cases they are more powerful than what is presented
- * here.
- *
- * This code is fully re-entrant and self-contained other than
- * the use of SysBase/AbsExecBase and the ARexx RVI support
- * library which is also self-contained...
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <rexx/storage.h>
- #include <rexx/rxslib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- /*
- * The prototypes for the few ARexx functions we will call...
- */
- struct RexxMsg *CreateRexxMsg(struct MsgPort *,char *,char *);
- void *CreateArgstring(char *,long);
- void DeleteRexxMsg(struct RexxMsg *);
- void DeleteArgstring(char *);
- BOOL IsRexxMsg(struct Message *);
- /*
- * Pragmas for the above functions... (To make this all self-contained...)
- * If you use RexxGlue.o, this is not needed...
- *
- * These are for Lattice C 5.x (Note the use of RexxContext->RexxSysBase)
- */
- #pragma libcall RexxContext->RexxSysBase CreateRexxMsg 90 09803
- #pragma libcall RexxContext->RexxSysBase CreateArgstring 7E 0802
- #pragma libcall RexxContext->RexxSysBase DeleteRexxMsg 96 801
- #pragma libcall RexxContext->RexxSysBase DeleteArgstring 84 801
- #pragma libcall RexxContext->RexxSysBase IsRexxMsg A8 801
- /*
- * Prototypes for the RVI ARexx calls... (link with RexxVars.o)
- */
- __stdargs long CheckRexxMsg(struct RexxMsg *);
- __stdargs long GetRexxVar(struct RexxMsg *,char *,char **);
- __stdargs long SetRexxVar(struct RexxMsg *,char *,char *,long);
- /*
- * Now, we have made the pragmas needed, let's get to work...
- */
- /*
- * A structure for the ARexx handler context
- * This is *VERY* *PRIVATE* and should not be touched...
- */
- struct ARexxContext
- {
- struct MsgPort *ARexxPort; /* The port messages come in at... */
- struct Library *RexxSysBase; /* We will hide the library pointer here... */
- long Outstanding; /* The count of outstanding ARexx messages... */
- char PortName[24]; /* The port name goes here... */
- char ErrorName[28]; /* The name of the <base>.LASTERROR... */
- char Extension[8]; /* Default file name extension... */
- };
- #define AREXXCONTEXT struct ARexxContext *
- #include "SimpleRexx.h"
- /*
- * This function returns the port name of your ARexx port.
- * It will return NULL if there is no ARexx port...
- *
- * This string is *READ ONLY* You *MUST NOT* modify it...
- */
- char *ARexxName(AREXXCONTEXT RexxContext)
- {
- register char *tmp=NULL;
- if (RexxContext) tmp=RexxContext->PortName;
- return(tmp);
- }
- /*
- * This function returns the signal mask that the Rexx port is
- * using. It returns NULL if there is no signal...
- *
- * Use this signal bit in your Wait() loop...
- */
- ULONG ARexxSignal(AREXXCONTEXT RexxContext)
- {
- register ULONG tmp=NULL;
- if (RexxContext) tmp=1L << (RexxContext->ARexxPort->mp_SigBit);
- return(tmp);
- }
- /*
- * This function returns a structure that contains the commands sent from
- * ARexx... You will need to parse it and return the structure back
- * so that the memory can be freed...
- *
- * This returns NULL if there was no message...
- */
- struct RexxMsg *GetARexxMsg(AREXXCONTEXT RexxContext)
- {
- register struct RexxMsg *tmp=NULL;
- register short flag;
- if (RexxContext)
- if (tmp=(struct RexxMsg *)GetMsg(RexxContext->ARexxPort))
- {
- if (tmp->rm_Node.mn_Node.ln_Type==NT_REPLYMSG)
- {
- /*
- * If we had sent a command, it would come this way...
- *
- * Since we don't in this simple example, we just throw
- * away anything that looks "strange"
- */
- flag=FALSE;
- if (tmp->rm_Result1) flag=TRUE;
- /*
- * Free the arguments and the message...
- */
- DeleteArgstring(tmp->rm_Args[0]);
- DeleteRexxMsg(tmp);
- RexxContext->Outstanding-=1;
- /*
- * Return the error if there was one...
- */
- tmp=flag ? REXX_RETURN_ERROR : NULL;
- }
- }
- return(tmp);
- }
- /*
- * Use this to return a ARexx message...
- *
- * If you wish to return something, it must be in the RString.
- * If you wish to return an Error, it must be in the Error.
- * If there is an error, the RString is ignored.
- */
- void ReplyARexxMsg(AREXXCONTEXT RexxContext,struct RexxMsg *rmsg,
- char *RString,LONG Error)
- {
- if (RexxContext) if (rmsg) if (rmsg!=REXX_RETURN_ERROR)
- {
- rmsg->rm_Result2=0;
- if (!(rmsg->rm_Result1=Error))
- {
- /*
- * if you did not have an error we return the string
- */
- if (rmsg->rm_Action & (1L << RXFB_RESULT)) if (RString)
- {
- rmsg->rm_Result2=(LONG)CreateArgstring(RString,
- (LONG)strlen(RString));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Reply the message to ARexx...
- */
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)rmsg);
- }
- }
- /*
- * This function will set an error string for the ARexx
- * application in the variable defined as <appname>.LASTERROR
- *
- * Note that this can only happen if there is an ARexx message...
- *
- * This returns TRUE if it worked, FALSE if it did not...
- */
- short SetARexxLastError(AREXXCONTEXT RexxContext,struct RexxMsg *rmsg,
- char *ErrorString)
- {
- register short OkFlag=FALSE;
- if (RexxContext) if (rmsg) if (CheckRexxMsg(rmsg))
- {
- /*
- * Note that SetRexxVar() has more than just a TRUE/FALSE
- * return code, but for this "basic" case, we just care if
- * it works or not.
- */
- if (!SetRexxVar(rmsg,RexxContext->ErrorName,ErrorString,
- (long)strlen(ErrorString)))
- {
- OkFlag=TRUE;
- }
- }
- return(OkFlag);
- }
- /*
- * This function will send a string to ARexx...
- *
- * The default host port will be that of your task...
- *
- * If you set StringFile to TRUE, it will set that bit for the message...
- *
- * Returns TRUE if it send the message, FALSE if it did not...
- */
- short SendARexxMsg(AREXXCONTEXT RexxContext,char *RString,
- short StringFile)
- {
- register struct MsgPort *RexxPort;
- register struct RexxMsg *rmsg;
- register short flag=FALSE;
- if (RexxContext) if (RString)
- {
- if (rmsg=CreateRexxMsg(RexxContext->ARexxPort,
- RexxContext->Extension,
- RexxContext->PortName))
- {
- rmsg->rm_Action=RXCOMM | (StringFile ?
- (1L << RXFB_STRING):0);
- if (rmsg->rm_Args[0]=CreateArgstring(RString,
- (LONG)strlen(RString)))
- {
- /*
- * We need to find the RexxPort and this needs
- * to be done in a Forbid()
- */
- Forbid();
- if (RexxPort=FindPort(RXSDIR))
- {
- /*
- * We found the port, so put the
- * message to ARexx...
- */
- PutMsg(RexxPort,(struct Message *)rmsg);
- RexxContext->Outstanding+=1;
- flag=TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * No port, so clean up...
- */
- DeleteArgstring(rmsg->rm_Args[0]);
- DeleteRexxMsg(rmsg);
- }
- Permit();
- }
- else DeleteRexxMsg(rmsg);
- }
- }
- return(flag);
- }
- /*
- * This function closes down the ARexx context that was opened
- * with InitARexx...
- */
- void FreeARexx(AREXXCONTEXT RexxContext)
- {
- register struct RexxMsg *rmsg;
- if (RexxContext)
- {
- /*
- * Clear port name so it can't be found...
- */
- RexxContext->PortName[0]='\0';
- /*
- * Clean out any outstanding messages we had sent out...
- */
- while (RexxContext->Outstanding)
- {
- WaitPort(RexxContext->ARexxPort);
- while (rmsg=GetARexxMsg(RexxContext))
- {
- if (rmsg!=REXX_RETURN_ERROR)
- {
- /*
- * Any messages that come now are blown
- * away...
- */
- SetARexxLastError(RexxContext,rmsg,
- "99: Port Closed!");
- ReplyARexxMsg(RexxContext,rmsg,
- NULL,100);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Clean up the port and delete it...
- */
- if (RexxContext->ARexxPort)
- {
- while (rmsg=GetARexxMsg(RexxContext))
- {
- /*
- * Any messages that still are coming in are
- * "dead" We just set the LASTERROR and
- * reply an error of 100...
- */
- SetARexxLastError(RexxContext,rmsg,
- "99: Port Closed!");
- ReplyARexxMsg(RexxContext,rmsg,NULL,100);
- }
- DeletePort(RexxContext->ARexxPort);
- }
- /*
- * Make sure we close the library...
- */
- if (RexxContext->RexxSysBase)
- {
- CloseLibrary(RexxContext->RexxSysBase);
- }
- /*
- * Free the memory of the RexxContext
- */
- FreeMem(RexxContext,sizeof(struct ARexxContext));
- }
- }
- /*
- * This routine initializes an ARexx port for your process
- * This should only be done once per process. You must call it
- * with a valid application name and you must use the handle it
- * returns in all other calls...
- *
- * NOTE: The AppName should not have spaces in it...
- * Example AppNames: "MyWord" or "FastCalc" etc...
- * The name *MUST* be less that 16 characters...
- * If it is not, it will be trimmed...
- * The name will also be UPPER-CASED...
- *
- * NOTE: The Default file name extension, if NULL will be
- * "rexx" (the "." is automatic)
- */
- AREXXCONTEXT InitARexx(char *AppName,char *Extension)
- {
- register AREXXCONTEXT RexxContext=NULL;
- register short loop;
- register short count;
- register char *tmp;
- if (RexxContext=AllocMem(sizeof(struct ARexxContext),
- {
- if (RexxContext->RexxSysBase=OpenLibrary("rexxsyslib.library",
- NULL))
- {
- /*
- * Set up the extension...
- */
- if (!Extension) Extension="rexx";
- tmp=RexxContext->Extension;
- for (loop=0;(loop<7)&&(Extension[loop]);loop++)
- {
- *tmp++=Extension[loop];
- }
- *tmp='\0';
- /*
- * Set up a port name...
- */
- tmp=RexxContext->PortName;
- for (loop=0;(loop<16)&&(AppName[loop]);loop++)
- {
- *tmp++=toupper(AppName[loop]);
- }
- *tmp='\0';
- /*
- * Set up the last error RVI name...
- *
- * This is <appname>.LASTERROR
- */
- strcpy(RexxContext->ErrorName,RexxContext->PortName);
- strcat(RexxContext->ErrorName,".LASTERROR");
- /* We need to make a unique port name... */
- Forbid();
- for (count=1,RexxContext->ARexxPort=(VOID *)1;
- RexxContext->ARexxPort;count++)
- {
- stci_d(tmp,count);
- RexxContext->ARexxPort=
- FindPort(RexxContext->PortName);
- }
- RexxContext->ARexxPort=CreatePort(
- RexxContext->PortName,NULL);
- Permit();
- }
- if ( (!(RexxContext->RexxSysBase))
- || (!(RexxContext->ARexxPort)) )
- {
- FreeARexx(RexxContext);
- RexxContext=NULL;
- }
- }
- return(RexxContext);
- }