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- /* memory.c
- *
- * (c) Copyright 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software is provided as-is and is subject to change; no warranties
- * are made. All use is at your own risk. No liability or responsibility
- * is assumed.
- *
- */
- #include "hyperbrowser.h"
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #define HEXASC 39
- #define HEXSIZE 61
- #define OUTSIZE 512
- void showmemory (struct GlobalData * gd, ULONG address)
- {
- char *ptr = (char *) address;
- char outbuf[OUTSIZE];
- char *msg = NULL;
- int counter = 0;
- int cyc = 0;
- ULONG *mem;
- int i, max;
- int c;
- /* Build the title */
- strcpy (gd->gd_Node, "@{b}Memory@{ub}\n\n");
- if (address)
- {
- mem = ((ULONG *)address)-1;
- max = MIN (*mem, 384);
- if (max == *mem)
- bprintf (gd, "%08lx, %ld\n", address, *mem);
- else
- bprintf (gd, "%08lx\n", address);
- for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
- {
- c = (int *)(*ptr & 0xFF);
- ptr++;
- if (!cyc)
- {
- /* Time to init the output buffer */
- memset(outbuf, ' ', HEXSIZE);
- outbuf[HEXSIZE-1] = 0;
- }
- counter++;
- msg = outbuf+(cyc<<1)+(cyc>>2);
- msg[0] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[c>>4];
- msg[1] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[c&15];
- if (((c+1)&0x7f) <= ' ') c = '.';
- msg = "%04lx: %s\n";
- outbuf[HEXASC+cyc] = c;
- cyc++;
- if (cyc != 16) continue;
- cyc = 0;
- bprintf (gd, msg, counter, outbuf);
- msg = NULL;
- }
- if (msg)
- {
- bprintf (gd, msg, counter, outbuf);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- strcat (gd->gd_Node, "NULL pointer\n");
- }
- }