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- **************************************************************************
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- * Hello and welcome to XAP! *
- * *
- **************************************************************************
- About XAP:
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- XAP underwent four complete rewrites and was erased entirely once by
- a Lamer Exterminator which found its way into my disks. Curse it forever.
- This is the final incarnation which has taken six months of on-and-off
- development.
- It's written in AMOS. I just wanted to prove AMOS was actually good for
- something. And it's just about OK I think. (P.S. On my 1200 I can make
- it run twice as fast or smooth. Hope everyone buys one. AMOS on a 1200
- is quite pleasantly useful).
- XAP is about 5000 lines long. If you want the source code, send me your
- registration number and a fiver and you can have it. Then you can tweak
- to your heart's desire.
- What XAP Runs On:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Currently XAP is tested on
- Amiga 500 with 0.5Mb Fast Ram expansion
- Standard Amiga 600
- Standard Amiga 1200
- Standard Amiga 4000/030
- Accelerators should not affect the speed of the game in any way. Fast
- ram doesn't appear to have any effect either.
- You will need a normal colour monitor/TV and a mouse to play XAP. Also
- a joystick can be used in place of the two keyboard controls that there
- are. XAP can be installed to a hard drive easily.
- To play immediately, just boot the disk.
- **** IMPORTANT : On a 0.5Mb Chip Ram Amiga, switch off the power first,
- and disconnect any external disk drives!!!! If you don't, the
- display may get corrupted in your game. This is not a bug as
- such, it's just AMOS Basic's way of telling you you have no
- chip ram left!
- ANY TIME when you're playing XAP, if you type Ctrl-C, it aborts back
- to the Workbench. Also if you tap Left Amiga-A, you will be flipped back
- to the Workbench (useful if the boss wanders by but make sure you turn the
- volume down too..). To get back to the game, tap Left Amiga-A again.
- Playing XAP
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- XAP is an abstract shoot-em-up game of 32 levels. Each level is split
- into a number of phases in which a wave of aliens beams down. However, this
- is the demo version and you only get 4 levels, and on the end of the last
- level one of the end-of-level gidrahs from the full game appears.
- You are supposed to defend the cute purple creatures. These creatures
- sit about the screen and hop here and there oblivious to everything that
- is going on around them.
- The mouse is your main control device. It controls a crosshair. When
- you are beaming down at the start of a level or if you die, the crosshair
- turns into a diamond shape. This means that you should place yourself
- somewhere safe; you appear on the crosshair. When you appear, you will
- note that you are a purple sphere.
- Aliens beam in with a characteristic effect. Don't let one beam in on top
- of you! Collision with aliens when they finally materialise is generally
- fatal! (NOTE: You can't die by touching a cute purple creature - but you
- CAN shoot them. Don't.)
- To MOVE: hold down the RIGHT mouse button. You will move towards your
- crosshair. The further away it is, the faster you move.
- To SHOOT: hold down the LEFT mouse button. A stream of bullets will fire
- at your crosshair.
- You are also equipped with a SHIELD and SMART BOMBS. The shield is used
- by holding down the left shift key or holding the joystick fire button.
- You can destroy ANY ALIEN when your shield is on, but you will score NO
- POINTS AT ALL! In addition, collision with aliens and bullets makes your
- shield discharge much quicker. But it recharges s-l-o-w-l-y, and is
- totally replenished at the end of the level.
- Smart bombs are fired by pressing the CTRL key or by nudging the joystick
- in ANY direction (so don't drop it). Smart bombs destroy all aliens on
- screen. They don't work on all the aliens though...
- You can pick up missiles as powerups (see below). These can be launched
- manually at the crosshair with the left-ALT key. They go off automatically
- at purple creatures being attacked. They are quite fun however, and useful
- against end-of-level gidrahs.
- So what's happening to the purple creatures? Well, the wobbily spheres
- (look like bubbles) float about until they bump into purple creatures.
- You'll hear a sort of.. noise.. and then the bubble starts to mutate the
- creature round and round until finally it bursts to reveal... a MAD JELLY!
- Jellies cackle insanely and then home in on you shooting sporadically.
- They are quite dangerous really.
- To RESCUE a creature from mutation, simply shoot the bubble ONCE or hold
- your shields on and collide with it! You get a 500 point bonus for rescuing
- a creature (or 750 points if you are astoundingly quick or lucky).
- If all the creatures die, you are DOOMED. This is why you should not shoot
- them accidentally. If this happens, then you will be invaded by a massive
- JELLY INCURSION!!! Yikes! And on the next level, you will get ONE creature
- to defend... so you'd better be very careful indeed. Every four levels,
- you get ALL EIGHT creatures back again.
- Other than that, it's quite a simple game: shoot everything else that moves!
- Powerups
- ~~~~~~~~
- Every so often you will receive a POWERUP. These beam in at the same time
- as aliens, and need to be collected sharpish or they disappear.
- The powerups are:
- Extra Life
- Extra Smart Bomb
- Extra Cute Purple Creature
- Super Shield - gives you an automatic shield for a short while,
- which acts like a normal shield except it gives you points for
- killing aliens with it! So use it! And afterwards you will note
- that your normal shield has been fully recharged.
- Rapid Fire - many of these can be collected (see Gun Powerup).
- Gun Powerup - increases the power of your guns. The two largest guns
- actually fire through any aliens they destroy, so careful where
- you aim! Also, a gun powerup slows your rate of fire down, so
- you need to collect more rapid fire powerups.
- Homing Missiles - you get several homing missiles (displayed in the
- status panel at the top). These go off automatically whenever a
- creature is attacked by a wobbily sphere. Most useful indeed. They
- don't always hit, though...
- Speedup - makes your ship faster.
- Mines - you can collect up to three mines. They serve two purposes:
- 1. When you die, mines are removed in preference to any other powerups
- from your ship.
- 2. They float around your crosshair, destroying aliens for quite some
- time. The more powerful your gun is when you get them, the longer
- they last. They aren't terribly effective though.
- When you die, you will lose some of your powerups according to a complicated
- scheme. Basically, mines are the first to go one by one, and then you are
- stripped of one level of speed, rapid fire, and gun power together (but you
- never go much below what you started the level with).
- If you have maximum powerup in a particular characteristic, you are awarded
- a bonus of 1000pts instead.
- End Of Level Gidrahs
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Every four levels, a really large alien comes on and tries to kill you
- (surprise). They need a lot of shooting. Some of them do wierd things. A
- couple of the later ones can only be shot in a certain place. You can tell
- if you're damaging an end of level gidrah because it screams in much the
- same way that a purple creature screams when you shoot it. Eyes are a
- good place to aim for. If they don't scream whatever you do then it's
- safe to assume that it's being damaged anyway...
- **************************************************************************
- If you'd like to make donations, send comments (much appreciated too), etc.
- you can write a letter etc. to
- C. Prince,
- 92 Tring Road,
- Aylesbury,
- Bucks. HP20 1LS
- England
- If you want to babble etc. on e-mail, I can be got at
- ssuprinc@uk.ac.rdg
- until July '94.
- If you'd like the full game, send a CHEQUE or POSTAL ORDER for five pounds
- sterling (if you can't get pounds sterling then don't bother coz it's a
- hassle) to me. If you want the source code as well, send me ten pounds
- instead (what a scam! I hear you cry). I will send you a disk with the
- source code, all the graphics I can muster and sound samples etc. and
- maybe I'll even put some meaningful comments in. This sounds mean and
- miserly, but, business is business.
- P.S. If you send cash then it's at your own risk.
- P.P.S. Watch out for my new game Senseless Violence, which has just been
- completed (16/10/93). Demos should be circulating soon...