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- Short : Great address book manager with lots of features
- Author : Stefan Blixth (develin@vegasys.com)
- Version : 2.0
- Type : biz/dbase
- Requires : OS 2.x or newer, asl.library, some free memory ;-)
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- OnyxBase is a fast and easy-to-use address book.
- It's very easy to add, delete or change entries. The limit of entries this
- program can handle is based on how much memory you have (dynamic allocation).
- So don't you worry about any static limits ;-)
- Some features in OnyxBase :
- - Simple GUI, for easy usage for everyone (I hope) ;-)
- - Shortcuts on all visual buttons.
- - Full localization
- - Sort posts in database
- - Appending saved base-files after the last entry in the database
- - DTMF tone sender for dialing phone-numbers
- - Send emails (if a email-program is started...)
- - Check homepages (if a browser is started...)
- - Copy & Paste feature using the clipboard
- Check out our homepage for more information and program updates at :
- www.onyxsoft.nu
- Email :
- develin@vegasys.com or
- stefan@onyxsoft.nu
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- Version history :
- =================
- * 2.0 - Second public release (1999-12-13)
- · Fix the loss of memory with the old version.
- · New binary fileformat has been added.
- · Change the GUI-layout (it's now dynamical).
- · Drag & Drop support.
- · Imports MegaBook 4.x, YAM 2.x and OnyxBase 1.0 files.
- · Exports MegaBook 4.x, YAM 2.x and OnyxBase 1.0 files.
- · Now handles both CLI and WB arguments.
- · Fixed the text that broke the window border.
- · Can now Copy & Paste whole records (internal).
- · A real DTMF-generator is now available (no more samples).
- · It is now possible to search in the database.
- · Changed the locale system.
- · Includes a filetype for DirectoryOpus (Magellan).
- · Plus LOTS of more changes...
- (see inside for more information about the beta-releases between)
- * 1.0 - First public version (1998-07-26)
- · DTMF tones when dialing (using audio.device).
- · Communication with email and web-browser software.
- · Copy & Paste feature through clipboard.device.
- · Full locale support
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