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- ; NewIcons 4.6 Installer Script
- ; $Ver: 40.6 (20-Jun-99)
- ; Written by Phil Vedovatti
- ; Brought to you by Team NewIcons
- (set @default-dest "SYS:C")
- (set #wrongversion
- (cat "You have an old version of the program 'Installer' "
- "on your Amiga!\n\nThis installation needs at least Installer 42.9,\n\n"
- "available on Aminet (ftp.wustl.edu)"))
- (set #bad-kick
- (cat "\n\nSorry! You must have Workbench 3.0 or"
- "higher to to use this version."))
- (set #no-classact
- (cat "\nHmmm! You don't seem to have the ClassAct 2.0"
- "\nGUI system installed. You can obtain the"
- "\nlatest ClassAct classes via ftp on the"
- "\nInternet at: \n\n http://www.finale-dev.com."
- "\n\n Installation aborted!"))
- (set #Help-classact
- (cat "\nThis package requires ClassAct 2.0, which does not"
- "\nappear to be installed on your system. Select"
- "\n'Continue' to intall the program anyway, or select"
- "\n'Abort' to end the installation."))
- (set #hello-message
- (cat "\n\nThank you for trying NewIcons 4.6, the revolutionary"
- "\nGraphical User Interface system for the Amiga."
- "\nPlease read the documentation to get the most out"
- "\nof this package. Nothing will be deleted from your"
- "\nsystem with this installation program. Your old WB"
- "\nicons will still be there, even though it won't look"
- "\nlike it on your screen. If you don't understand any"
- "\npart of the installation, click on the \"Help\" gadget"
- "\nfound throughout the installation for more information."
- (set #hello-NIuser
- (cat "\nGreetings current NewIcons user!\n"
- "\nThanks for your continued support for NewIcons."
- "\nPlease check the documentation for the new changes"
- "\nto this version."
- "\n\nIf you don't understand any part of the installation,"
- "\nclick on the \"Help\" gadget found throughout the"
- "\ninstallation for more information."
- (set #welcome-message
- (cat "\nThe NewIcons System ©1993-1999 Team NewIcons"))
- (set #install-which
- (cat "\nWhich part(s) of the NewIcons System would"
- "\nyou like to install onto your hard drive?\n"))
- (set #MEorHE
- (cat "\nYour computer setup allows for installation of one"
- "\nof the more advanced versions of the newicons.library."
- "\n\nWhich version would you prefer to install"
- "\non your system?"
- "\n(Click on 'Help' if you're not sure which to choose.)\n"))
- (set #MEHEhelp
- (cat "\n\nThe Middle-End library supports an optional dithering"
- "\nmode, useful if you use a Workbench screenmode with"
- "\nfewer colors (e.g. 16 colors or less), and does not"
- "\nsupport the graphics card RTG mode."
- "\n\nThe High End library has the dithering code removed"
- "\nfor additional icon-loading speed, and has an optional"
- "\nRTG mode if you have a graphics card. If you run"
- "\nyour Workbench in 32 or more colors (AGA), or have a"
- "\ngraphics card, installation of the High End library"
- "\nis recommended."))
- (set #install-library
- (cat "\n\nInstalling NewIcon.library to LIBS:."))
- (set #install-library-help
- (cat "\n\nThis library is required to use NewIcons."))
- (set #install-newicons
- (cat "\n\nCopying the NewIcons executable file"
- "\n and support files to C:"))
- (set #install-newicons-help
- (cat "\n\nThis section installs NewIcons, InjectBrush"
- "\nPatchOpenWB and ShowNI to your C: directory."))
- (set #installdrawers
- (cat "\nThe Update Drawers utility allows you to select"
- "\nand install the drawer image of your choice to"
- "\nall subdirectories in a drawer or partition.\n"
- "\nWould you like to update some partitions or"
- "\nsubdirectories with a new drawer image now?"))
- (set #insdraw-help
- (cat "\nThis part of the installer will execute the"
- "\nUpdate drawers utility, allowing you to install"
- "\nNewIcon drawer images to the drawers and sub-"
- "\ndrawers of the partition or drawer you select."
- "\n\nIt will add a NewIcon drawer image to ALL the"
- "\ndrawer icons in that selected partition or drawer."
- "\n\nIf you are unsure that you want to do this,"
- "\nskip this portion of the installation by"
- "\nselecting NO."))
- (set #selectdir
- (cat "Select a drawer or partition. The default drawer"
- "\nimage icon will be installed to all subdirectories"
- "\nof your selection. The icon of the actual drawer"
- "\nor partition you selected will not be affected."))
- (set #seldirhelp
- (cat "\nThis part of the installer will let you install"
- "\nthe default drawer NewIcon image to all of the"
- "\nsubdirectories of the drawer or partition you"
- "\nhave selected."
- "\n\nThe actual icon of the selected item (the top"
- "\ndrawer or partition) will not be affected."
- "\n\nIf you are unsure that you want to do this,"
- "\nskip this portion of the installation by leaving"
- "\nthe selection entry blank, and click 'Proceed'."))
- (set #moredrawers
- (cat "\n\nWould you like to install more drawer images?"
- "\n\nSelect YES to select another drawer or partition."
- "\n\nSelect NO to continue with the remainder of the"
- "\nNewIcons System installation."))
- (set #moredraw-help
- (cat "\nSelect YES if you would like to add more default"
- "\ndrawer images to all the subdirectories of another"
- "\npartition or drawer."
- "\n\nSelect NO to move on with the remainder of the"
- "\ninstallation process."))
- (set #installdisk
- (cat "\nThis part of the installer lets you customize the"
- "\ndisk images that appear on the Workbench for your"
- "\nhard drive partitions and other available devices."
- "\nYou will be given several image choices to choose"
- "\nfrom. Would you like to do this now?"))
- (set #insdisk-help
- (cat "\nIf you select 'Yes', you will be presented with"
- "\na requester asking you which device you would"
- "\nlike to update with a new disk icon image. Once"
- "\nyou have selected the device to be updated, you"
- "\nwill be given a choice from several icon images"
- "\nto select as the disk icon image for that chosen"
- "\n\ndevice."
- "\n\n If you do not want to update your disk icons"
- "\nwith a new image now, select 'No' instead."))
- (set #selectdisk
- (cat "Select a hard disk partition or device. You will"
- "\nthen be given a choice of icons to select as the"
- "\ndisk icon for that device. All subdirectories,"
- "\files, and other device icons will not be affected."))
- (set #seldiskhelp
- (cat "\nThis part of the installer will let you install"
- "\nan icon image to be used for the disk icon of"
- "\na selected device (hard disk partition, floppy"
- "\ndisk, ZIP disks, etc."
- "\n\nNo files other than the 'disk.info' file for"
- "\nthat device will be updated."
- "\n\nIf you are unsure that you want to do this,"
- "\nskip this portion of the installation by leaving"
- "\nthe selection entry blank, and click 'Proceed'."))
- (set #moredisks
- (cat "\n\nWould you like to install more disk images?"
- "\n\nSelect YES to select another device."
- "\n\nSelect NO to continue with the remainder of the"
- "\nNewIcons System installation."))
- (set #moredisk-help
- (cat "\nSelect YES if you would like to add more default"
- "\ndisk images to selected disk devices."
- "\n\nSelect NO to move on with the remainder of the"
- "\ninstallation process."))
- (set #install-icons
- (cat "\n\nInstalling the NewIcons icon images to your"
- "\nSYS: partition."
- "\n\nYour old icons will NOT be removed."
- "\n\nNOTE: make sure you have the standard Amiga 'list'"
- "\ncommand in your command path before proceeding."
- "\n\nInstalling may take some time...patience."))
- (set #install-icons-help
- (cat "\n\nThe new icon images will be embedded in"
- "\nthe tool types of your existing .info"
- "\nfiles. The tooltype lines will be"
- "\ninvisible once NewIcons is running"
- "\nso operation will be totally transparent"
- "\nto the user."))
- (set #tools-dest
- (cat "\nWhich drawer would you like the NewIcon"
- "\nmanipulation utilities to be installed?"
- "\nA drawer will NOT be created."))
- (set #install-prefs
- (cat "\nInstalling NewIconsPrefs to your"
- "\nSys:prefs directory."))
- (set #install-prefs-help
- (cat "\nUse this program to configure NewIcons!"))
- (set #startup-change
- (cat "\nNewIcons V3.0 and above requires this line in"
- "\nyour user startup to launch it. Shall I add"
- "\n\n'Run <NIL: >NIL: c:NewIcons'"
- "\n\nto your S:user-startup file?"
- "\n\n(You may need to remove the old line manually"
- "\nif you are updating from v2.0 and didn't originally"
- "\ninstall NewIcons using the Installer utility.)"
- "\n\nIf you are running ScalOS or DirOpus as a workbench"
- "\nreplacement, you should select SKIP."))
- (set #install-deficons
- (cat "\n\nInstalling the DefIcons daemon to your"
- "\nC: directory, and copying default icons"
- "\nto your Envarc:sys directory."))
- (set #install-deficons-help
- (cat "\nThis sections installs the Deficons program"
- "\nand copies the required def_icons to your"
- "\nENVARC: directory."))
- (set #move-olddefs-dir
- (cat "The installer will move your old default"
- "\nicons to another location for safe keeping."
- "\nWhere would you like me to create a directory"
- "\nto put them in?"))
- (set #move-olddefs-help
- (cat "\nThis section copies your old default icons to"
- "\na safe place instead of overwriting them."
- "\nShould you wish to deinstall Deficons, you"
- "\nWill have them available to restore."))
- (set #move-olddefs
- (cat "Moving your old default icons to \n"
- destdir))
- (set #install-envarc
- (cat "\nCopying the default icons and brainfile"
- "\nto ENVARC: so DefIcons can use them.\n"))
- (set #install-envarc-help
- (cat "\n\nThis section installs the icons that DefIcons"
- "\nwill use to display icon images for files that"
- "\ndon't have icons already attached to them."))
- (set #startup-deficons
- (cat "\n\nAdding a line to your S:user-Startup file"
- "\nto launch DefIcons whenever the system"
- "\nis booted up."))
- (set #powb-message
- (cat "\n\nIf you have installed NewIcons, you must "
- "add a line to your S:Startup-Sequence:\n\n"
- "C:PatchOpenWB\n"
- "\nto fix a bug in the 3.x operating system!"
- "\n\n Make sure to place the line after Setpatch"
- "\nand before IPrefs."
- "\n\nMCP users and MCX users using the PatchOpenWB"
- "\noption can skip adding this line."))
- (set #docs-dest
- (cat "Where would you like the NewIcons Documentation"
- "\nGuide to be installed?"))
- (set #incdir
- (cat "Where would you like the include files to go?"))
- (set #srcdir
- (cat "Where would you like the example source code"
- "\nto be installed?"))
- (set #autoddir
- (cat "Where would you like the Autodoc material"
- "\n to be copied to?"))
- (set #emoddir
- (cat "Where would you like the E modules to be"
- "\ninstalled to?"))
- (set #exit-message
- (cat "\nPlease reboot your system to fully activate\n"
- "the new NewIcons System, then set your"
- "\npreferences with the Prefs program."
- "\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy this package!"
- "\n\n\nCheck out the NewIcons Web Page at"
- "\nhttp://www.amiganet.org/NewIcons/"))
- ; ------------------------------------
- ; Check Installer & Kickstart Version
- ; ------------------------------------
- (if (< @installer-version 2752521)
- (
- (message #wrongversion (all))
- (exit (quiet))
- )
- )
- (if (< (getversion "LIBS:version.library") (* 39 65536))
- (abort #bad-kick)
- )
- ; ------------------------------
- ; Check if ClassAct 2.0 installed
- ; ------------------------------
- (if (< (getversion "libs:window.class") (* 42 65536))
- (abort #no-classact)
- )
- ; ------------------------------
- ; Greetings, user!
- ; ------------------------------
- (set NIon (run "/c/isnirunning" (safe)))
- (if (> NIon 0)
- (message #hello-NIuser (all))
- (message #hello-message (all))
- )
- (welcome #welcome-message)
- ; ------------------------------
- ; What should I install?
- ; ------------------------------
- (complete 0)
- (set InstallOpt
- (askoptions (prompt #install-which)
- (help @askoptions-help)
- (choices "NewIcons" "DefIcons" "32 Color Icon Set" "Documentation" "Developer Data")
- (default 15)
- )
- )
- ; ------------------------------
- ; Install NewIcon.library
- ; ------------------------------
- (complete 10)
- (if (patmatch (database "cpu") "68000|68010")
- (copylib
- (source "/libs/LE/newicon.library")
- (dest "libs:")
- (prompt #install-library)
- (help #install-library-help)
- (confirm)
- )
- ((set name
- (askchoice
- (prompt #MEorHE)
- (help #MEHEhelp)
- (choices "Middle-End library" "High End library")
- (if (patmatch (database "chiprev") "AA")
- (default 1)
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= name 0)
- (copylib
- (source "/libs/ME/newicon.library")
- (dest "libs:")
- (prompt #install-library)
- (help #install-library-help)
- (confirm)
- )
- (copylib
- (source "/libs/HE/newicon.library")
- (dest "libs:")
- (prompt #install-library)
- (help #install-library-help)
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;--------------------------------------------------------
- ; Install NewIcons and support files
- ;--------------------------------------------------------
- (complete 20)
- (if (BITAND InstallOpt 1)
- ((copylib
- (prompt #install-newicons)
- (source "/C/NewIcons")
- (dest "c:")
- (help #install-newicons-help)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/C/InjectBrush")
- (dest "c:")
- )
- (copylib
- (source "/C/PatchOpenWB")
- (dest "c:")
- )
- (copylib
- (source "/C/ShowNI")
- (dest "c:")
- )
- (complete 30)
- (set destdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #tools-dest)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "Sys:Utilities")
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/Utilities/CopyNewIcon")
- (dest destdir)
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/Utilities/CreateDefaultIcon")
- (dest destdir)
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/Utilities/KillNewIcon")
- (dest destdir)
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/Utilities/UpdateDrawers")
- (dest destdir)
- (infos)
- )
- (complete 35)
- (if (OR (AND (= NIon 0) (< (getversion "newicon.library" (resident)) (* 39 65536))) (= NIon 5))
- ((startup "NewIcons"
- (prompt #startup-change)
- (command "Run <NIL: >NIL: c:NewIcons")
- (help @startup-help)
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 40)
- (copylib
- (prompt #install-prefs)
- (source "/prefs/NewIconsPrefs")
- (dest "Sys:prefs")
- (help #install-prefs-help)
- (confirm)
- (infos)
- )
- (run "/prefs/convertprefs")
- )
- )
- ;------------------------------
- ;Install Icons
- ;------------------------------
- (complete 50)
- (if (BITAND InstallOpt 4)
- ((set looper
- (askbool
- (prompt #installdrawers)
- (help #insdraw-help)
- (choices "Yes" "No")
- )
- )
- (while (= looper 1)
- (set destdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #selectdir)
- (help #seldirhelp)
- (disk)
- (default "")
- )
- )
- ; (set dirimage
- (run (cat "/Utilities/UpdateDrawers `/C/ShowNI SELECT drawers/d1.info drawers/d2.info drawers/d3.info drawers/d4.info drawers/d5.info drawers/d6.info`" " "destdir)(safe))
- ; )
- ; (working "Updating drawers...")
- ; (run (cat "/Utilities/UpdateDrawers drawers/"dirimage " " destdir) (safe))
- (set looper
- (askbool
- (prompt #moredrawers)
- (help #moredraw-help)
- (choices "Yes" "No")
- )
- )
- )
- (set looper 0)
- ((set looper
- (askbool
- (prompt #installdisk)
- (help #insdisk-help)
- (choices "Yes" "No")
- )
- )
- (while (= looper 1)
- (set destdisk
- (askdir
- (prompt #selectdisk)
- (help #seldiskhelp)
- (disk)
- (default "SYS:")
- )
- )
- (run (cat "/Utilities/CopyNewIcon `/C/ShowNI SELECT disks/d1.info disks/d2.info disks/d3.info disks/d4.info disks/d5.info disks/d6.info disks/d7.info disks/d8.info`" " "destdisk"disk.info")(safe))
- (set looper
- (askbool
- (prompt #moredisks)
- (help #moredisk-help)
- (choices "Yes" "No")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (message #install-icons)
- (if (AND (= NIon 0) (< (getversion "newicon.library" (resident)) (* 39 65536)))
- (run "run <NIL: >NIL: /c/NewIcons")
- )
- (working "Installing the icon set...patience.")
- (execute "Install_Icons"
- (help #install-icons-help)
- )
- )
- )
- ;------------------------------
- ;Install Deficons
- ;------------------------------
- (complete 70)
- (if (BITAND InstallOpt 2)
- ((set destdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #move-olddefs-dir)
- (help #move-olddefs-help)
- (default "Sys:Storage")
- )
- )
- (set destdir
- (tackon destdir "Old_Def_icons")
- )
- (makedir destdir
- )
- (complete 80)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #move-olddefs)
- (source "Envarc:sys")
- (dest destdir)
- (pattern "def#?")
- (help #move-olddefs-help)
- )
- (copylib
- (prompt #install-deficons)
- (source "/C/DefIcons")
- (dest "C:")
- (help #install-deficons-help)
- (confirm)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #install-envarc)
- (source "/envarc")
- (dest "ENVARC:")
- (all)
- (infos)
- (help #install-envarc-help)
- )
- (startup "DefIcons"
- (prompt #startup-deficons)
- (command "DefIcons")
- (help @startup-help)
- )
- )
- )
- ;------------------------------
- ;Install Documentation
- ;------------------------------
- (complete 90)
- (if (BITAND InstallOpt 8)
- ((set destdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #docs-dest)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "Help:")
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/NewIcons.guide")
- (dest destdir)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- ;------------------------------
- ;Install Developer Data
- ;------------------------------
- (complete 95)
- (if (BITAND InstallOpt 16)
- ((set destdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #incdir)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "include:")
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/Developers/Include")
- (dest destdir)
- (all)
- )
- ((set destdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #srcdir)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "Work:")
- )
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/Developers/Source")
- (dest destdir)
- (all)
- )
- ((set destdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #autoddir)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "Work:")
- )
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/Developers/Autodocs")
- (dest destdir)
- (all)
- )
- (if (exists "EModules:" (noreq))
- ((set destdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #emoddir)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "Emodules:")
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "/Developers/Emodules")
- (dest destdir)
- (all)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 99)
- (message #powb-message (all))
- (complete 100)
- (message #exit-message (all))
- (exit (quiet))