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- This material was submitted to me at the World of Commodore show in
- Toronto, by one of the users of a BBS, where it was uploaded by
- the authors. It has since been posted to Usenet (twice) and I have
- received email from one of the authors indicating that it is OK to
- include it in the library. For reference purposes, this email and
- the headers of the Usenet postings are included below.
- This is a VERY NICELY done game. One of the nicest features is that,
- unlike many commercial games, it actually plays by the rules and
- doesn't require you to reboot to use it. Maybe this just shows
- what can be done by dedicated games designers and programmers that
- really understand the machine and work with it, rather than against
- it...
- -Fred ><>
- 28-Dec-87
- ======================================================================
- From daemon Sun Dec 27 05:29:07 1987
- Return-Path: <root>
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- id AA21007; Sun, 27 Dec 87 05:29:02 MST
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- id AA11540; Wed, 23 Dec 87 02:50:29 pst
- Date: Tue, 22 Dec 87 14:14:40 pst
- From: Steven A. Dean <noao!husc6!EDDIE.MIT.EDU!harvard!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!uvicctr!sdean1@hao.UCAR.EDU>
- Message-Id: <8712222214.AA03472@uvicctr.UUCP>
- Received: by uvicctr.UUCP id AA03472; Tue, 22 Dec 87 14:14:40 pst
- To: ssc-vax!uw-beaver!mit-eddie!husc6!hao!noao!mcdsun!fnf
- Subject: Re: "Goldfish" disks available
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga
- In-Reply-To: <617@mcdsun.UUCP>
- Organization: University of Victoria, Victoria B.C.
- Cc:
- Status: R
- As an interested party to getting our little demo out to the world, I was
- wondering if you'd received a copy AMOEBA Invaders yet? If you have, then
- you have our permission (as per the README file) to include it on any
- disk you wish to. If you have not, then I would be willing to send you a
- disk with our demo on it through the mail (or, I believe, you can FTP from
- the purdue archives) - or whatever. Please let me know if you are interested
- in it and need to get a hold of it.
- Steven A. Dean
- PS: You are *really* doing a great job for the Amiga community! All of the
- software you put onto disks and ship out help make the Amiga one of the nicest
- machines to work on anywhere. Many thanks from myself and the entire LND crew!
- :-) <---- Happy smiley :-).
- ======================================================================
- Article 91 of comp.binaries.amiga:
- Path: mcdsun!noao!hao!boulder!sunybcs!rutgers!iuvax!pur-ee!j.cc.purdue.edu!afb
- From: afb@j.cc.purdue.edu (Matthew Bradburn)
- Newsgroups: comp.binaries.amiga
- Subject: amoeba invaders, part 1 of 3
- Message-ID: <5947@j.cc.purdue.edu>
- Date: 10 Dec 87 07:25:35 GMT
- Organization: Purdue University Computing Center
- Lines: 569
- Approved: Matthew Bradburn
- These are the binaries to a freely-redistributable clone of "Space
- Invaders". The author may be reached at SDEAN1@UVVM.BITNET. Binaries
- only, for now. Concatenate parts 1 and 2 and uudecode to form
- 'amoeba'. And no, I didn't ask why it's called what it is.
- Matthew Bradburn
- ARPA: afb@j.cc.purdue.edu
- UUCP: j.cc.purdue.edu!afb
- BITNET: bradburn@purccvm.bitnet