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- Short: Logical patience-type card game
- Uploader: darrylh@powerup.com.au (Darryl Hartwig)
- Author: darrylh@powerup.com.au (Darryl Hartwig)
- Type: game/board
- This is a patience-type card game with a difference. It's based on FreeCell
- from the PC.
- Version 1.7:
- - Add bit of code so if any other windows were put onto the FreeCell public
- screen, the screen won't close until those windows are closed.
- - Slight bug (you'll never find it... I guess someone did...) where... oh,
- never mind. It's been fixed. Well actually, it had to do with, in certain
- circumstances, the Ace of one suit went on to the King of a suit that was
- completely home.
- - Corrected a bit of the menu which allowed you to toggle where you shouldn't.
- And made it totally 'newlook'.
- - Changed the solution filenames to give a visual reference to the content of
- the solution. That is, whether you used the original or Baker's rules, and
- how many freecells.
- Version 1.6:
- - Slight bug in the instance where there is a free ace on the deal (one that
- could go immediately to home) and you click and declick on any card slowly
- (no double-click). What happened is that the move wasn't logged - fixed.
- - Another bug when changing Rules versions during a game. When the requester
- came up asking if you want to change the Rules, and you select Cancel, the
- rules changed anyway, and things got in a bind - corrected.
- - Bug fixed where you had a card selected (ie. card inversed) and you use the
- undo button to reverse the previous move. The card used to stay inverted.
- Now it doesn't.
- - Little bug which displayed wrong error message "Haven't got enough free
- cells to do that move" when doing a column move which was invalid anyway.
- Now displays "Invalid move" as it should.
- - Someone suggested that I should use 'NewLookMenus' instead of the 'oldlook'
- menus. Also shifted the 'About' requester under the Game menu.
- - Added undo button (and keyboard equivalent of left-arrow) to video control
- of Browse Solution.
- - Depending on the screen size you select with the screen mode selector, the
- card image data selected performs better. That is, it'll select the smaller
- set when the height of the screen is less than 400 pixels.
- - Added another menu item which allows you to slow down the animation (under
- the Options menu).
- - Added another menu item which allows you to 'temporarily' switch off the
- logging of the statistics. You win some, you lose some, but neither get
- logged!
- - A counter is now kept of how many attempts you make at a certain game -
- displayed in the title bar. It is also saved with your stats file (so no
- cheating!).
- Version 1.5:
- - New set of rules called 'Bakers Rules' (suggested by Dave Antczak). Basically
- the same game except a card can only go on the next higher card of the same
- suit (instead of the opposite colour). Adjusted screen title to show which
- version you are currently playing. This is also saved to your stats file.
- This extends to saving the solution and browsing the solution.
- - You can now 'undo' all the way back to the beginning of the game (I still
- think it's cheating!)
- - Added hotkey of 'Q' for quit.
- - There was a slight misalignment with the 10 of hearts - someone else found
- this, but it's been fixed.
- - There was a slight bug with pressing the column keys (1 to 8). If there was
- no game in progress, it still came up with the end-of-game requester - fixed.
- - Another slight bug (is any bug slight?) when using 'undo move' when the undo
- includes a card moved from the home cell. The number of cards left was not
- being incremented which means that the game was considered completed before
- all the cards were actually placed home.
- Version 1.4:
- - Fixed bug when trying to load in a game solution after having quit FreeCell
- during play (and restarting). It was trying to find the solution in the main
- directory - not the Solutions directory (this was introduced in v1.3).
- - When you have the number of FreeCells set to anything other than four and you
- load a game solution, the number of FreeCells is set to four. If any other
- number, it could interfere with the playing of the solution.
- - Added keyboard shortcuts for the VCR control when playing a game solution.
- - Thu guru (8000000B) that some people were getting can be solved by getting
- the latest version of SetPatch (43.6b) from the Amiga International website.
- The URL is http://www.amiga.de.
- - When you made an invalid move (one that didn't result in an actual move) and
- you clicked 'undo move' - the previous move BEFORE the bad move didn't undo
- (as it should). It now does.
- - If a solution already exists for the game you are about to play, a requester
- now appears giving you the following options: Play it again, choose another
- game, browse the solution, or cancel.
- - Added palette requester under the Options menu. You can now choose your own
- colours and save them. If you have the multiple stats option set, a palette
- is saved for each different stats file.
- Version 1.3:
- - Added single move undo (I still think it's cheating!).
- - You can now quit FreeCell in the middle of a game and continue it on your
- next session.
- - Added a tool dock which contains 4 buttons to Start a new game, select a
- game, restart a game and undo the last move. For those people who are too
- lazy to use the menu. If you close this window, you can open it again from
- the menu.
- - You can use the 'help' key to bring up the guide.
- - If you didn't like my idea of multiple statistics files, you can now switch
- off that annoying stats file requester and get playing sooner! See the guide
- for details.
- - For new stats files, the original display screen is now cloned from Workbench.
- This may help some people with graphic boards who were having trouble starting
- FreeCell with a PAL (640 x 256) screen.
- - There might have been some instances where the AutoMove() didn't operate
- after initial keyboard use. Fixed.
- - Added the ability to load the solution to a game and play through it. This
- is so you can see how someone else solved the game - or use it for
- educational or fun value.
- - You can now change the number of FreeCells during a game. This can only be
- done if you resign the current game.
- - The solutions are now stored in their own directory.
- Version 1.2:
- - Fixed bug where some interesting graphics showed up when right clicking on an
- empty column.
- - Corrected 'Select New Game' requester (expanded it a bit to fit the new
- game numbers).
- - Added new feature whereby you can select the number of Free Cells available
- for play. Any number from 0 to 4 can be selected.
- - Added new feature whereby you can save the solution for any game that you
- complete. The game is logged as you play.
- - You can now keep more than one statistics file. At the start of the game,
- a file requester allows you to select one. This means that you can keep
- separate stats files for each person who plays the game, or two or more for
- yourself.
- - The stats file now keeps note of the last game you played - handy if you are
- a person who wants to play each game from 1 to 999,999,999 in order!
- - The 'Load Set Game' now uses a file requester.
- - When playing the 'set game', you won't get a 'resign' requester anymore when
- you want to play a new game or quit.
- - A screen mode requester has been added under the Options menu.
- - Small bug fixed where after winning a game and selecting a game to play, it
- only allowed you to play game 1.
- - Fixed bug where if you resign a game (by starting a random new game or
- selecting one), the 'game lost' count didn't increment.
- - (I think) I fixed bug where GURU visited when displaying statistics before
- playing first game of a session.
- - Fixed bug where you have two adjacent rank cards in the Free Cells, and you
- can put the higher rank card on top of the lower card.
- - Changed some of the requesters to use EasyRequest() - makes them look
- prettier and uses a lot less code.
- Version 1.1:
- - Added Doubleclick option (under Options menu). If switched on, allows you to
- double click to remove a card quickly to a Free Cell.
- - Added two new screen modes - PAL and NTSC.
- - Designed a smaller set of cards (71 x 60 - the original was 71 x 91) for the
- PAL and NTSC screen modes (it will still be fairly restrictive space-wise,
- especially for NTSC).
- - Allowed higher range of game selections - now 1 to 999,999,999 (I still don't
- know if these games are all unique or not).
- - Removed the Cancel button from the 'Select Game' requester. It didn't serve
- any real purpose.
- - When quitting FreeCell with a game in progress, now asks if you want to
- resign first (instead of just informing you that you resigned the game).
- - Added keyboard shortcut 'F3' for 'Select Game' menu item.
- - Added new feature ('Load set game' under Game menu) allowing you to set up a
- deal the way you like and then play it. Enter the deal into a text file
- (see guide) and select this menu item. Good for testing those unsolvable
- hands from the Windows version of FreeCell. This will not affect the
- statistics.
- Version 1.0:
- - Original version.
- The following files are included in this archive:
- <fonts>
- <xcourier>
- 11
- 13
- 15
- <xen>
- 8
- 9
- 11
- XCourier.font
- XEN.font
- <Solutions>
- Solution.game310760976
- DeckOfCardsLarge.imagedata
- DeckOfCardsSmall.imagedata
- fonts.info
- FreeCell
- FreeCell.guide
- FreeCell.guide.info
- FreeCell.info
- FreeCell.readme
- setgame.PC11982
- setgame.PC18492
- Solutions.info