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- /*
- **
- ** NewReadArgs() -
- ** a shell/workbench transparent ReadArgs() interface
- **
- ** © 1997-98 by Stephan Rupprecht
- ** All rights reserved.
- **
- ** email: stephan.rupprecht@primus-online.de
- **
- ** FREEWARE - I am not responsible for any damage that
- ** is caused by the (mis)use of this program.
- **
- ** MaxonC++, OS2.04+
- **
- */
- /*
- ** Slightly modified by Matteo Cortese
- ** to compile with Dice
- */
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #include <workbench/workbench.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/icon_protos.h>
- #include <clib/utility_protos.h>
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define bug kprintf
- #define d(x) (x)
- #else
- #define bug
- #define d(x) ;
- #endif
- /****************************************************************************/
- struct NewRDArgs {
- // initialize these fields before calling NewReadArgs() !!!
- STRPTR Template; // ReadArgs() template
- STRPTR ExtHelp; // ExtHelp string
- STRPTR Window; // workbench window -> eg. "CON:////Test"
- LONG *Parameters; // where to store the data
- LONG FileParameter; // -1 = none, 0 = all
- LONG PrgToolTypesOnly;
- // private data section
- struct RDArgs *RDArgs; // RDArgs we give to ReadArgs()
- struct RDArgs *FreeArgs; // RDArgs we get from ReadArgs()
- APTR Pool;
- BPTR WinFH; // i/o window stream
- BPTR OldInput; // old i/o streams
- BPTR OldOutput;
- };
- /****************************************************************************/
- const STRPTR NRDArgsID = "NewReadArgs 39.3 © 1997-1998 by Stephan Rupprecht";
- /****************************************************************************/
- void NewFreeArgs(struct NewRDArgs *);
- LONG NewReadArgs(struct WBStartup *, struct NewRDArgs *);
- /****************************************************************************/
- void NewFreeArgs(struct NewRDArgs *rdargs)
- {
- d(bug("--- NewFreeArgs ---\n"));
- FreeArgs(rdargs->FreeArgs);
- d(bug("FreeArgs( rdargs->FreeArgs )\n"));
- if(rdargs->RDArgs)
- FreeDosObject(DOS_RDARGS, rdargs->RDArgs);
- d(bug("FreeDosObject( DOS_RDARGS, rdargs->RDArgs )\n"));
- if(rdargs->WinFH)
- {
- SelectOutput(rdargs->OldOutput);
- Close(SelectInput(rdargs->OldInput));
- d(bug("SelectOutput( .. )\nClose( ... )\n"));
- }
- if(rdargs->Pool)
- DeletePool(rdargs->Pool);
- d(bug("memory freed\n"));
- d(bug("--- EXIT ---\n"));
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- LONG IsArg(STRPTR template, STRPTR keyword)
- {
- UBYTE buffer[128], c;
- register STRPTR ptr = buffer;
- while((c = *keyword++) && (c != '=')) *ptr++ = c;
- *ptr = 0;
- /*- checks if keyword is specified in template -*/
- return(FindArg(template, buffer));
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- LONG NewReadArgs(struct WBStartup *WBStartup, struct NewRDArgs *nrdargs)
- {
- d(bug("--- NewReadArgs ---\n"));
- nrdargs->RDArgs =
- nrdargs->FreeArgs = NULL;
- nrdargs->WinFH = NULL;
- nrdargs->Pool = NULL;
- if(nrdargs->RDArgs = (struct RDArgs *)AllocDosObject(DOS_RDARGS, NULL))
- {
- STRPTR ToolWindow = nrdargs->Window;
- if(WBStartup)
- {
- APTR pool;
- struct WBArg *wbarg;
- STRPTR *Args, ptr;
- LONG MaxArgs = 1, *ArgLen, num = WBStartup->sm_NumArgs,
- FileArgs = nrdargs->FileParameter, FArgNum = -1L;
- if(!(ptr = nrdargs->Template))
- /*- count max number of args -*/
- while(*ptr)
- {
- if(*ptr++ == ',')
- MaxArgs++;
- }
- ptr = nrdargs->Template;
- /*- how many file args? -*/
- FileArgs = (FileArgs > num) ? num : ((FileArgs == -1) ? 0L : num);
- MaxArgs += FileArgs;
- if(!(pool = nrdargs->Pool = CreatePool(MEMF_ANY, 1024, 1024)) || !(Args = AllocPooled(pool, MaxArgs*sizeof(STRPTR)*2)))
- for(num = 0L; num < (MaxArgs*2); num++)
- Args[num] = 0L;
- ArgLen = (LONG *)&Args[MaxArgs];
- for( wbarg = WBStartup->sm_ArgList, num = 0L;
- num < WBStartup->sm_NumArgs;
- num++, wbarg++ )
- {
- struct DiskObject *dobj;
- BPTR olddir;
- /*- get file-names if requested -*/
- if(FileArgs)
- {
- TEXT buf[300];
- if(FArgNum < FileArgs && FArgNum >= 0L)
- {
- d(bug("ICON: %s\n", wbarg->wa_Name));
- if( NameFromLock(wbarg->wa_Lock, buf, sizeof(buf)) &&
- AddPart(buf, wbarg->wa_Name, sizeof(buf)) )
- {
- STRPTR dst;
- LONG len = strlen(buf) + 2L;
- if(Args[FArgNum] = dst = AllocPooled(pool, len))
- {
- CopyMem(buf, (dst+1), len-2L);
- *dst = dst[len-1] = '"';
- ArgLen[FArgNum] = len;
- }
- else return(ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE);
- }
- else return(ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG);
- }
- FArgNum++;
- }
- if(nrdargs->PrgToolTypesOnly && num)
- continue;
- olddir = CurrentDir(wbarg->wa_Lock);
- /*- get tooltypes from .info file -*/
- if(dobj = GetDiskObject(wbarg->wa_Name))
- {
- if(dobj->do_Type == WBTOOL || dobj->do_Type == WBPROJECT)
- {
- STRPTR *tarray = (STRPTR *)dobj->do_ToolTypes;
- while(*tarray)
- {
- if(**tarray != '(')
- {
- STRPTR src = *tarray;
- LONG i;
- d(bug("tt: %s\n", *tarray));
- /*- valid arg ? -*/
- if((i = IsArg(ptr, src)) > -1)
- {
- STRPTR dst;
- LONG len;
- i += FileArgs;
- if(Args[i] = dst = AllocPooled(pool, (len = strlen(src))+2L))
- {
- /*- copy arg -*/
- while(*src)
- {
- if(((*dst++ = *src++) == '=') && (*src != '"'))
- {
- *dst++ = Args[i][len+1] = '"';
- len+=2;
- }
- }
- ArgLen[i] = len;
- }
- else return(ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE);
- }
- /*- arg not specified in template, check for WINDOW tooltype -*/
- else if(!IsArg("WINDOW", src))
- {
- if((i = strlen(src)-6L) > 1L)
- {
- if(ToolWindow = AllocPooled(pool, i))
- CopyMem((src+7L), ToolWindow, i);
- }
- else ToolWindow = "CON:";
- }
- }
- tarray++;
- }
- }
- FreeDiskObject(dobj);
- }
- CurrentDir(olddir);
- }
- /*- now copy all given args to a single line -*/
- for(num = FileArgs = 0; FileArgs < MaxArgs; FileArgs++)
- num += ArgLen[FileArgs];
- if(num)
- {
- nrdargs->RDArgs->RDA_Source.CS_Length = (num+=MaxArgs);
- if(nrdargs->RDArgs->RDA_Source.CS_Buffer = ptr = AllocPooled(pool, num+1))
- {
- for(FileArgs = 0; FileArgs < MaxArgs; FileArgs++)
- {
- if(num = ArgLen[FileArgs])
- {
- CopyMem(Args[FileArgs], ptr, num);
- ptr += num;
- *ptr++ = ' ';
- }
- }
- }
- else return(ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE);
- *(ptr-1) = '\n';
- *ptr = '\0'; // not really needed
- d(bug("CS_Buffer: %s", nrdargs->RDArgs->RDA_Source.CS_Buffer));
- }
- }
- /*- call ReadArgs() -*/
- nrdargs->RDArgs->RDA_ExtHelp = nrdargs->ExtHelp;
- if(!(nrdargs->FreeArgs = ReadArgs(nrdargs->Template, nrdargs->Parameters, nrdargs->RDArgs)))
- {
- d(bug("ReadArgs() error\n"));
- return(IoErr());
- }
- d(bug("ReadArgs() okay\n"));
- /*- when started from wb, open window if requested -*/
- if(ToolWindow && WBStartup)
- {
- d(bug("WINDOW has been defined\n"));
- if(nrdargs->WinFH = Open(ToolWindow, MODE_READWRITE))
- {
- d(bug("Opened WINDOW=%s\n", ToolWindow));
- nrdargs->OldInput = SelectInput(nrdargs->WinFH);
- nrdargs->OldOutput = SelectOutput(nrdargs->WinFH);
- }
- else return(IoErr());
- }
- }
- else return(ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE);
- d(bug("--- EXIT ---\n"));
- return(RETURN_OK);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/