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- Short: Multi Function Commodity
- Author: m_berndt@wanderer.gun.de (Martin Berndt)
- Uploader: m_berndt@wanderer.gun.de (Martin Berndt)
- Type: util/cdity
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MultiCX 2.80 (1.1.98)
- The ultimate Multi-Function-Commodity
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MultiCX is the smallest Multi-Function-Commodity for the Amiga, thought
- as a replacement for many larger and sometimes badly programmed
- programs. It is a 100% pure commodity, which means that it does not use
- interrupts and no special input handlers. Some Patches (SetFunction) are
- installed in a very clean way, so that they do not interfere with other
- programs which use the same vectors.
- As a result MultiCX can safely be disabled or removed at any time.
- If you need a clean Commodity without bad hacks there's no alternative !
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- News in v2.0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Advanced EditHook
- Advanced ResetHandler
- AssignWedge
- NewLookMenus
- NewLookProps
- Opaque Windows
- ShapeShifter Support
- TagScreens
- WB Extender
- WBGauge
- and many more...
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !!! MultiCX is SHAREWARE !!!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Short History:
- 2.0 - 2.39 Ancient History
- 2.40 (7.1.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed a global WB deadlock problem
- 2.41 (8.1.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed small bug in WBTITLE
- - ENTERASCII now works with LALT or RALT
- 2.42 (23.1.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - implemented AUTOMOUNT
- - improved EDITHOOK
- 2.43 (23.1.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - improved ASSIGNWEDGE
- 2.44 (26.1.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - improved ASSIGNWEDGE (AUTOMOUNT) behaviour
- 2.45 (12.2.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - removed SMARTWB, because it would never work properly
- - removed a sanity check from ASSIGNWEDGE
- 2.46 (18.3.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - implemented NOCLOSEWB
- - implemented IGNOREKEY
- - improved IOALERT,
- Multitasking is inhibited now while displaying the
- alert to give the chance for a emergency reset
- - WBTITLE now detects CyberGraphX
- - easier access to Support BBS
- 2.47 (24.3.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed ASSIGNWEDGE's Mount to work properly with
- some 3rd party command shells (WShell etc.)
- 2.48 (11.4.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - implemented ASSIGNWEDGE workaround for WBStartup+
- (bug in launcher.library)
- - fixed small bug in NOCAPSLOCK
- - improved SetFunction interfacing code
- - optimised some routines
- - included german documentation
- 2.49 (13.4.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed a nasty bug in new SetFunction interfacing code
- 2.50 (29.4.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed bug in SCRMODE, ToolType was simply ignored
- 2.52 (10.6.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - improved Drive Protection routines
- - implemented IGNOREMOUSE and IGNOREDISK
- - implemented AVOIDSUN
- - implemented DATE display for extended TitleBar
- 2.53 (11.6.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed small bug in DATE routine
- 2.54 (18.6.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed bug in AVOIDSUN
- - improved InputEvent killing routine
- 2.55 (24.6.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - implemented German Localisation
- - improved some routines
- 2.56 (24.7.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - improved NEWLOOKPROPS
- - fixed bug in WBGAUGE (Type 1)
- - fixed bug in AVOIDSUN which affected Window Cycling
- - implemented FORCEAMIGA
- 2.57 (10.9.96) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - improved and extended WBABOUT and WBTITLE
- - improved German documentation
- 2.60 (10.1.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - implemented SCREENMENU
- - SUNxxx functions no longer disable MUI Stringgadgets
- - fixed some small bugs
- - changed account number for money transfer
- 2.61 (15.1.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed stupid bug in SCREENMENU
- 2.62 (16.1.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed another stupid bug in DATE ToolType handling
- - improved SCREENMENU routine
- 2.63 (5.2.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - added Window Movement options
- - added AM/PM display to clock's 12HRS mode
- - WBTITLE now detects Picasso96
- 2.70 (14.4.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - implemented TITLEACTIVATE
- - implemented SUNPOPUP
- - implemented WBMENU
- - implemented LEFTYMOUSE
- - implemented MAPCAPSLOCK
- - implemented SCRMODEID
- - implemented PRTSC_LEFT and PRTSC_RIGHT
- - implemented simple ToolAlias option
- - extended WBABOUT to show CyberGraphX version
- - added SUPERLAYERS support for CyberGraphX v3
- - fixed bug in Qualifier handling code
- - improved some routines
- - included HandleCX source
- - changed registration details
- - sorry, german documentation not finished yet
- 2.71 (24.4.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - fixed some very small bugs
- 2.72 (12.5.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - added WIDE option for extended TitleBar
- - improved SCREENMENU to be PowerWindows compatible
- 2.73 (20.5.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - added DPMS for CyberGraphX
- 2.74 (4.6.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - WBABOUT now works with SetPatch 43.6
- 2.75 (15.8.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - added Reboot option to WBMENU
- - MultiCX now automatically handles Executive, so it
- should be removed from Executive's Tasklist.
- 2.76 (22.8.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - added BLANKPRI in order to avoid problems with
- some badly programmed software
- 2.77 (27.8.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - hopefully fixed deadlock problem in SCREENMENU
- 2.78 (3.9.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - WBABOUT 'More...' now works with Kickstart 3.0
- 2.79 (23.10.97) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - implemented CHECK_CLOCK
- - WBABOUT now displays type and speed of PowerPC if present
- - Screen Blanker no longer blanks when Time/Date is changed
- - some minor cosmetic changes
- 2.80 (1.1.98) PUBLIC RELEASE
- - SUPERLAYERS switch now only needed for non-CyberGraphX
- systems using some kind of SuperLayers
- - EDITHOOK should now always work properly with other
- global EditHooks (i.e. Storm Wizzard)
- - FEATURES list now shows up all restrictions for
- unregistered users