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- Release 1.00
- The minimal player daemon - upd
- ===============================
- © 1991 Jonas Petersson & Absolut Software (aka Sirius Soft)
- Introduction:
- =============
- Wouldn't it be nice to have a process hanging around to play any
- sound file for you on demand instead of you having to do all this
- mucking about with audio.device etc? But it really has to be small
- and it HAS to be able to play my very large samples anytime...
- I must be able to call it simply from anywhere - even from scripts!
- Tricky, but it can be done.
- As a feature you can register you favourite sounds in a configuration
- file and well behaved programs will use the ones you like right now.
- It also has Arexx support - to be truely honest, that the ONLY way to
- use it...
- Current version works rather well along the way I intended.
- Usage:
- ======
- [run] upd [bufsize [IDfile]]
- The "run" is ofcourse optional, but daemons really should be in the
- background unless you want the see the debugging information. "bufsize"
- is the amount of chip memory that each of the four buffers will use
- while playing. (These are allocated at start to make sure you will be
- able to play anytime - as long as you can get hold of the audio
- channels...). Default is 1024 and specifying less than 64 will give you
- the default. (I've heard that some people can't ever get anything good
- out with less than a 1K buffer - am I really the only one with a quick
- enough HD/SCSI interface?)
- NOTE: Don't make the buffer bigger than you actually need - a large
- buffer also means that the sample will start a little bit later since
- more information must be loaded before it can begin!
- The if the IDfile parameter exists, it will be used instead of the
- default s:upd.IDs. Note that you have to set bufsize explicitly to use
- this. I agree that it's a bit ugly but most people should really not
- need to use this.
- The above won't produce any sound as you probably realize. Once run, the
- only way to talk to upd is with Arexx - I even removed the BREAK stuff
- that was in it for Zound, since Arexx could hang around waiting for a
- reply forever when you interupted the sound that way. The break will
- "wait" until the daemon is idle next time.
- upd currently knows of four commands:
- file filepath [options] [anotherfilepath [options]]
- id id-in-s:upd.IDs
- rescan new-id-file
- exit
- Well, there is actually one more command: 'Can it, Marvin'. This will
- silently interrupt the current sample. (To be truely honest, ANY command
- will interrupt a sample - if it's known, it will be used, otherwise the
- sound just stops). Be careful with the 'rescan' command, if there is a
- problem reading the new file, you will loose all your old IDs...
- The options are the same as for Zound except for the -n option that doesn't
- exist here (tell me you need it and I'll fix that too... sigh). Here's the
- list:
- -r rate How fast to play the sample. Default is what is in the
- 8svx header or 310 if it's a raw file. This is usually
- reasonable - most 'raw' samples I've come across are either
- 310 or 155. Lower numbers will play the sample faster.
- -v volume Ranges between 0 and 64, 64 being max and default.
- -s start Possible offset from the beginning. Default 0.
- -l length Possible length unless you want it all. Default is
- length of the sample. Be careful with these two, or
- you might get undesired results.
- -c cycles How many times to play each buffer. Default 1. Not
- very useful, but you can get a nice "mouse" effect by
- setting this to 2 and playing twice as fast...
- -d Show debug information. Note that this will appear on
- the standard output of the DEAMON, not where you called
- it from (that is, the ARexx script or wherever).
- -L Play the sample in the left speaker only. If it's a stereo
- sample only the left channel samples are used.
- -R Same as '-L' but for right speaker.
- -S Play in both speakers even if it's a mono sample.
- Default for these three options are of course what is in the
- 8SVX header or -L if it's a raw sample.
- Example of usage (from WShell etc):
- "address play file 'sounds:chopper'
- "address play id 2001
- "address play rescan 'ram:upd.IDs'
- "address play exit
- NOTE: Arexx normally converts everything to UPPERCASE and might try to
- do arithmetics etc on filenames which is why it's generally a good idea
- to 'singelquote' all paths, IDs etc. If you're looking for the port
- 'the hard way' to send your own message, the name is "PLAY" in uppercase.
- NOTE2: If you are REALLY in a hurry to get rid of upd you could do this:
- 1) Send a any dummy Arexx message (this will stop the sound)
- 2) Send a break C to upd - break still works when upd is idle.
- or
- A) Send the exit message.
- The last might sound much easier than the first unless you (like me)
- have a trapped DisplayBeep() that 'pings' via upd. In this case,
- producing a DisplayBeep() and a break C is much simpler. The order is
- not relevant since the break is "queued".
- Hints:
- ======
- Running upd from your SOUNDS: directory is a nice way to get rid of having
- you type the FULL path everytime you want to play a sample. (The daemon
- has no simple way of knowing WHERE you were when you sent the message
- (that I know of) and therefore assumes it to be in the current directory)
- Files:
- ======
- s:upd.IDs
- This file contains the IDs of your favourite samples like a database
- the is easily editable. File format:
- # Lines starting with '#' are comments
- # Id list for micro player daemon
- # Created 910201 Jonas Petersson (zaphod@magrathea.indic.se)
- # These sounds could be called for at certains situation
- # On severe error
- BUG sounds:explosion -S
- # When asked for confirmation
- CONFIRM sounds:PressLeftMouseButton -L
- # Minor trouble
- ERROR sounds:ImSorryDaveImAfraidICantDoThat -R
- # Going down...
- GURU sounds:RoysDeathMonologueFromBladerunner -S
- # Personal shortcuts/favourites
- 2001 sounds:openpod -L sounds:hal -R
- Removing entries will ofcourse result in no sound (upd might mourn about
- it on the standard output though, unless you redirect it). Remember that
- ARexx might convert to uppercase unless you quote!
- Feel free to add whatever you like. Could be nice with some standard though.
- Suggestions are welcome. Mjl's Arq is an example of a program that uses
- this feature. Read Arq's docs for details.
- NOTE: It *IS* possible to have white space, lowercase etc in the IDs, but
- it might cause confusion if used. Be warned.
- NOTE2: The file is scanned once when the program starts. If you make any
- changes to it, you'll have to restart the deamon.
- Return codes:
- =============
- If the Arexx command returns 20, the secondary result code gives the
- reason for the failure:
- 10 Can't allocate channels.
- 17 Can't open s:upd.IDs on request to play by ID.
- 18 Requested ID not found.
- 19 Trouble reading new ID file.
- 20 Error during parse of options.
- 21 Can't open file with sample.
- 22 File is IFF, but not FORM 8SVX.
- 23 Bad IFF file.
- 24 Bad CHAN length.
- 25 Bad VHDR length.
- 26 Can't open file 2nd time. (For stereo possibility)
- 30 Can't play backwards. (Wierd options)
- 31 Can't allocate IOAudio structs.
- 32 Can't open ports for channels.
- Being interrupted to play another sample is not considered a failure.
- Future enhancements:
- ====================
- Maybe automatic detach (didn't work well in Aztec 5.0a, and I havn't really
- tried with 5.0d yet).
- Probably not very much else - this is a simple sound daemon for minor
- background purposes of helping simple programs do more than DisplayBeep().
- I'd like to think of it as a complement to SPEAK: - if you want more
- you probably want it interactive. (Hmm, that's a thought - a SOUND: device)
- Problem history:
- ================
- 1. If your sample is on a floppy (or a very slow HD) there might be
- some sounds of silence when the playing rate exceeds the loading
- rate...
- Fix: You can now specify the amount of memory to be used by upd when you
- start the daemon as in: 'upd 2000'. But note that a larger buffer also
- makes a longer delay until you hear the first part of the sound - it
- doesn't start until it has filled the first buffer.
- 2. Stereo and Fibonachi packed samples not yet supported (there are loading
- problems - play them with 'Zound' instead for now).
- Fix: Stereo is OK now if you use the above size option (it actually worked
- in RAM: before too - but I didn't enable it for the prerelease). As for
- Fibonachi: it's not too hard to fix, but I've never seen anyone using it -
- is it worth the effort? If you happen to have a Fib-sample - PLEASE send it
- to me - I don't have the patience to reconstruct one by hand...
- 3. Could hang forever if someone stole the channel.
- Fix: So, I didn't check everything in 0.99 - now I do (I hope... ;-)
- 4. -s and -l wasn't used in 0.99, now it is.
- Thanks to mjl@alison.at for the idea.
- Distribution
- ============
- UPD is not public domain. A friend of mine advised me to call it
- "Freely Distributable Copyrighted" instead. That's close enough.
- If You wish to include it with a commercial program feel free provided
- that You send me a registered copy.
- As always, Fred Fish is free to include it in his library.
- Source code? You mean there is something to IMPROVE??? Right, send
- me a message then and I'll think about it...
- Jonas 'Zaphod' Petersson
- Albrektsvagen 113A
- S-603 53 Norrkoping
- Phone: +46 11 162517
- zaphod@magrathea.indic.se /* At home */
- zap@indic.se /* At work */
- zaphod@slaka.sirius.se /* Absolute software */
- Feel free to send comments, bug reports (huh?), money, coke, beer, girls...
- Just a "Hi, I liked your program" is as good as a few bucks - I wrote this
- because I needed it, not to make money out of it...