(prompt "Would you like to install the OpenURL package version 2.0?\n\nOpenURL is a shared library that allows easy sending of URLs to webbrowsers. The library is used extensively in WebVision, and is also supported by such programs as AmIRC and YAM.\n\nWithout it, you can only send URLs to the clipboard.\n\n")
(help "It is quite harmless to install this. You will get four new files, a library called openurl.library, a handler called OpenURL-Handler, a prefs program and a MUI class called Popport.mcc which is used by the prefs program.")
(choices "Install" "Don't install")
(default 1)
(prompt "Installing the OpenURL library")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "OpenURL/openurl.library")
(dest "Libs:")
(prompt "Installing the OpenURL handler")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "OpenURL/OpenURL-Handler")
(dest "L:")
(prompt "Installing the OpenURL preference program")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "OpenURL/OpenURL")
(dest "SYS:Prefs")
(prompt "Installing the Popport.mcc MUI class")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "OpenURL/Popport.mcc")
(dest "MUI:Libs/MUI")
(prompt "You should run the OpenURL preferences program now to set your browser path(s). Would you like me to launch it?\n\nNote: You should quit all OpenURL using apps now, to allow the old version of the library to be flushed from memory.")
(help "")
(default 1)
(run "Avail FLUSH >NIL:")
(run "SYS:Prefs/OpenURL")
; Check for prior installations
(set #webtvpath (getenv "WebTV_LASTUSEDDIR"))
(if #webtvpath
(set #webtvinstalled
(= (exists (tackon #webtvpath "WebTV")) 1)
(= (exists (tackon #webtvpath "WebVision")) 0)
(set #webtvinstalled 0)
; Copy old files over from old WebTV installation
(prompt "An installation of WebTV has been detected. Would you like to copy over the keyfile (if you have one), the site configuration file and the MUI configuration file from this installation?")
(help "The following operations are performed:\nCopy WebTV.key TO WebVision.key\nCopy WebTV.sites TO WebVision.sites\nCopy ENV:mui/WEBTV.1.prefs TO ENV:mui/WEBVISION.1.prefs\nCopy ENVARC:mui/WEBTV.1.prefs TO ENVARC:mui/WEBVISION.1.prefs")
(default 1)
(set #copyoldfiles 0)
(source (tackon #webtvpath "WebTV.sites"))
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "WebVision.sites")
(optional "nofail")
(source (tackon #webtvpath "WebTV.key"))
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "WebVision.key")
(optional "nofail")
(source "ENV:mui/WEBTV.1.prefs")
(dest "ENV:mui")
(newname "WEBVISION.1.prefs")
(optional "nofail")
(source "ENVARC:mui/WEBTV.1.prefs")
(dest "ENVARC:mui")
(newname "WEBVISION.1.prefs")
(optional "nofail")
; Optionally install script to make V work
(prompt "The Voyager webbrowser supports WebTV through sending URLs to it from the context menu of images. To make this work with WebVision you will need a small script to send the URL on to WebVision. Would you like to install this script?")
(help "A script called WebTV is installed in the WebVision directory and the WebTV_LASTUSEDDIR is set to point to the WebVision directory.")
; Optionally avoid adult cams in the installation and future auto updates
(= @user-level 0)
(set #restore-novice-level 1)
(user 1) ; yes, I know this is evil
(set #restore-novice-level 0)
(prompt "WebVision is distributed together with a list of camsites. Some of these sites are only intended for adult audiences. If you like, these sites can be left out of the installation.\n\nAdditionally, through the new automatic sitelist update feature (registered users only) you may get new sites that are only suitable for adult audiences. If you like, you can filter out such sites when using the update service.\n\nAvoid adult webcams?")
(help "The filter setting can be changed later inside the WebVision settings window if you wish.")