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- Short: Powerfull MPEG audio player (V1.52)
- Author: Thorsten Hansen <hansen_t@informatik.fh-hamburg.de>
- Uploader: Thorsten Hansen <hansen_t@informatik.fh-hamburg.de>
- Version: 1.52
- Type: mus/play
- *** AMPlifier ***
- MPEG Audio Player
- supports hardware decoder:
- Melody Z2, Melody1200+/pro, Peggy+, CD32 FMV
- software decoding using mpega.library and AHI or X-Audio.
- Info: User without a Melody or any other MPEG HW decoder must switch
- to AHI in the prefs.
- Features:
- ---------
- * Supports musicam up to Layer III and even AIFF, MAUD, WAVE and RAW.
- * Basic functionality known from CD-Players
- (play, pause, stop, forward, backward, skip back, skipforward)
- * Powerful plugin system - for external visualization plugins
- * Resizeable and configureable user interface - easy to use
- * WinAMP skins (different gfx designs)
- * Opens and moves to any public screen on your choice
- * Comfortable and fast move to any position in a song by using
- a pos-slider
- * Powerfull Playlist (sortable, loop support).
- * Load, Save and Edit of playlists.
- * Random play
- * Simple drag&drop of files and drawers. (drop it over the
- playlist window to add it)
- * Recursive scan through directorys with pattern matching (d&d).
- with possibility to abort!
- (drop a drawer or volume on the player or playlist window)
- * ID3-Tag support to get closer and better infos from the songs played
- (artist, title, album, year,...)
- * Time remain/elapse display
- * ARexx port
- * Commodity
- ...
- Short history:
- 1.52
- - support for volumes/dirs on CLI startfile argument
- - selecting no title on song-req scans the whole directory
- - fixed Tag-info editor comment bug
- - fixed a timer-io bug
- 1.51
- - advanced intelligent decoder routine
- - added ID3-Tag info editor
- - added CLI popup option
- - added AHI volume boost option
- 1.50
- - new powerfull plugin system - support for external visualization
- plugins
- - true-color visualization plugin
- - optimized audio output (avoids skipping)
- - fixed MPEG loading bug on few MPEGs with an odd aligned header
- (much more faster now)
- - fixed ARexx wait command
- 1.48
- - increased filecheck buffer
- - highlight the active title in the playlist
- - added default playlist directory
- 1.47
- - added title scrolling
- - fixed pattern config bug
- - fixed bug when moving the slider in pause mode
- 1.46
- - improved MPEG filetype identification
- - added doubleclick select option
- - added playlist move up/down functions
- - more improved ARexx commands
- 1.45
- - new advanced buffering routines, avoids interrupts on software decoding
- - fixed problem identify few MP3 files
- - added extendend WinAMP2 skin features (balance)
- - added default song directory and start file
- - optimized visualization (vu-meter and scope is much faster now)
- - click on the right bottom edge from skin opens the settings window.
- 1.42
- - skinlist is now sorted
- - added skin visualization (vu-meter, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer)
- - few bug fixes
- 1.41
- - changed playlist display
- - added file name and path to ID3 title format
- 1.4
- - added Skin support (different gfx designs)
- Hi/True-color screen recommended for most designs.
- - more options saved in config file (random, loop, time mode...)
- 1.35
- - new and extended ARexx commands
- 1.3 *** major update since MPEGPlay
- - new name :)
- - support musicam up to layer III
- - ID3 TAG info support
- - software MPEG decoding
- - AHI support
- - X-Audio support
- - improved buffering for software decoding
- - asynchrone playlist
- - diplays time, total time and number of titles
- - easy configuration
- ...
- Thorsten Hansen
- Kato Development Group
- WWW:http://kato.home.pages.de