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- PSX 1.1 (PublicScreenX)
- A 2.0 Public Screen Manager
- by Steve Tibbett
- ---
- UPDATE NOTE: PSX 1.1 is PSX 1.0 with some enforcer hits removed, and
- with the addition of a DISPLAYID keyword when starting from CLI. If
- you've got the CBM includes then you can specify a DisplayID as a hex
- number as in PSX OPEN Phred DISPLAYID 0x8000 (to get a hires screen).
- Also, 1.1 changes the way the MAKEDEFAULT keyword works. MAKEDEFAULT
- is now /K instead of /S, meaning it now needs a string. So to open
- Phred and have it be the default, you'd need to do something like
- ---
- PSX is a utility that won't mean much to you unless you have programs that
- use public screens, or you need to have a public screen around to open
- windows on.
- PSX can be run with no arguments, in which case it will open up it's
- user interface, or you can get it to do most of it's things from the
- command line.
- The user interface is very straightforward so I will only touch on it
- lightly here.
- When you run PSX with no arguments, a window will open with gadgets along
- the left side, and a scrolling list on the right side. The scrolling list
- contains the names of all the public screens currently in the system, and
- the gadgets on the left are various ways of maniuplating items in the list.
- To select a screen, simply click on it's name. The name of the last
- selected screen is just below the list.
- "Open Screen" will pop up another window with screen selection gadgets -
- type in the name you want for your new screen, if you want it to be
- hires, etc., click on the appropriate gadgets, then click Open Screen
- (or Cancel if you get cold feet).
- "Close Screen" will attempt to close the screen. Public Screens are
- supposed to be closed by the program that owns them, so this is usually
- only a good idea to perform on screens you have opened with "Open Screen".
- "Move To Screen" will move the PSX window itself to the selected
- screen. If the screen is LORES, PSX may have a hard time squeezing
- itself onto the screen, but otherwise it should have no trouble dealing
- with whatever fonts and colours the screen has up.
- "Make Default" will make the selected screen the "Default Public Screen" -
- which simply means that any program smart enough to open on the
- "Default Public Screen" will now open on that ascreen.
- "Refresh List" just grabs a new copy of the screen list, since it won't
- automatically notice if a screen appears or disappears while the
- window is open.
- The next two gadgets are "Global Flags" that affect the operation of all
- public screens. The "Shanghai" flag, when on, will redirect all windows that
- would have gone to the "Workbench" screen to the "Default Public Screen",
- and the "PopPubScreen" flag will bring to the front any public screen as
- a window opens on it.
- Typing "PSX ?" will give you this:
- and in that line is everything you need to know about PSX's command line
- interface. The keywords are:
- OPEN "ScreenName"
- CLOSE "ScreenName"
- DISPLAYID 0x00000000 (display ID number, 0x#=Hex, otherwise Decimal)
- TOFRONT "ScreenName"
- TOBACK "ScreenName"
- MAKEDEFAULT "ScreenName"
- The HIRES and DEPTH items are flags for the OPEN command (ie,
- OPEN "ScreenName" HIRES LACE will open a hires interlaced screen. The
- depth is specified as DEPTH 3 where 3 is the number of bitplanes the
- screen is to have. MAKEDEFAULT specifies that the newly opened screen
- should also become the Default Public Screen.
- SHANGHAI and NOSHANGHAI turn the Shanghai flag on and off. These get
- processed AFTER the "Open" and "Close" commands.
- POP and NOPOP turn on and off the POPPUBSCREEN flag - enable and disable
- the popping to the front of any screen whenever a window is opened.
- So a valid command line would be:
- which would give you a screen entitled "CLIScreen", Hires interlaced,
- (with the actual dimensions taken from your preferences), and the SHANGHAI
- and POPPUBSCREEN flags are both turned on.
- This in combination with the fact that under 2.0 you can give a Public
- Screen name for console windows to open up on means you can set up a
- screen for the exclusive purpose of running a CLI or two on, making them
- one bitplane so they scroll more quickly than the Workbench screen,
- which would look kind of ugly in one bitplane.
- Remember that all public screen names ARE case sensitive - "MyScreen" is
- not the same as "MYSCREEN".
- I've included the source to PSX. It's a very "2.0" program - it uses
- the DOS "ReadArgs" call to parse the command line, it uses GadTools for
- the user interface, and (I believe) is a good example for dealing with
- public screens.
- It compiles with the Lattice 5.10 C compiler and the 2.0 includes. It
- will probably only compile with Lattice, as I've taken a liking to the
- C++ comment style, which Lattice permits.
- PSX is freely redistributable, but is also Copyright 1990 Steve Tibbett.
- Distribution is only very slightly limited: You may not distribute
- PSX without it's current documentation, nor without source,
- and if it is to be commercially distributed, I won't demand but I would
- appreciate being sent a copy of whatever it is being distributed with
- or on (in the case of disk magazines).
- Like all my stuff, PSX will likely continue to change. If you like
- PSX, check with wherever you got it every few months for updated
- versions, especially if you have problems with it (and have let me
- know about them), as I normally fix problems quickly.
- I don't ask for any cash contribution for PSX. If you are feeling
- guilty and just want to send something, send an original game or
- a neat demo, I'll probably appreciate it more than cash.
- My Virutal Addresses:
- My BBS is 613-731-3419, up 24 hours/day running my own BBS (BBX)...
- You can reach me on Plink (where I'm an Asst. Chair) as STEVEX...
- You can reach me on Bix as "s.tibbett"...
- You can reach me through FidoNet on point 1:163/109.42...
- You can send me Usenet mail at cognos!alzabo!omx!stevex...
- Or you can call me at 613-731-5316.
- I prefer talking with people electronically (including phone) rather
- than mail - I answer all email, but very little paper mail.
- My Physical Address:
- Steve Tibbett
- 2710 Saratoga Pl. #1108
- Gloucester, Ontario
- K1T 1Z2 Canada