home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- resident >nil: "`which selector`" pure add
- cd install
- set t "@text '"
- set m "'@ @text '"
- set e "'@"
- selector note $t This script helps you to decide $m which of the executable files $m to install. $e
- execute getversions /selector c:selector
- set aa `/tools/getver /selector`
- if $aa GT `/tools/getver C:selector` VAL
- if `selector yesno $t Copy Selector to C: ? $m (This is the main program) $version` EQ Yes
- copy /selector C:
- endif
- endif
- if not exists s:user-startup
- echo >>s:user-startup " "
- endif
- /tools/getline s:user-startup opa resident C:selector
- if "$opa" EQ ""
- if `selector yesno $t Make Selector resident $m in S:user-startup? $m This will make things faster $m and often save memory. $e` EQ Yes
- setenv opa "Resident C:Selector pure add"
- /tools/changeline s:user-startup opa resident C:selector
- endif
- endif
- ;selector docs.sel
- resident /tools/chopword pure add
- run >nil: selector messy "Please wait while analysing your system"
- unsetenv aa
- unsetenv bb
- unset aa
- unset bb
- list >t:instemp /tools/ files pat ~(#?.info) lformat "/tools/getver >env:aa /tools/%n *N /tools/getver >env:bb C:%n *Nif $aa GT $bb VAL*Nsetenv %n button*Nelse*Nsetenv %n *"text @is installed@*"*Nendif"
- ;ttx t:instemp
- execute t:instemp
- echo >t:instemp "settings off*Ngap 0*Ncolumns 2*Nflow right*Ntextcol white"
- list >>t:instemp /tools/ files pat ~(#?.info) lformat "button %n exec 'execute getinfo %n'*N[%n] Install exec 'copy /tools/%n C:' setenv %n 'text @is installed@' update"
- echo >>t:instemp "x 640*Ny 11*Ntitle Installer"
- set aa `/tools/getver /tools/extras/MagicColors`
- if $aa GT `/tools/getver SYS:wbstartup/MagicColors` VAL
- setenv MagicColors button
- else
- setenv MagicColors "text @is installed@"
- endif
- echo >>t:instemp "button MagicColors exec 'execute getinfo MagicColors /tools/extras/ SYS:WBStartup/'*N[MagicColors] Install exec 'copy /tools/extras/MagicColors#? SYS:WBStartup' setenv MagicColors 'text @is installed@' update"
- setenv ExecuteHack button
- if exists C:execute.orig
- set aa `/tools/getver /tools/extras/execute`
- if $aa GT `/tools/getver C:execute` VAL
- setenv ExecuteHack button
- else
- setenv ExecuteHack "text @is installed@"
- endif
- endif
- echo >>t:instemp "button ExecuteHack exec 'execute getexinfo'*N[ExecuteHack] Install exec 'execute inex' setenv ExecuteHack 'text @is installed@' update"
- echo "Install Info"
- echo "------------"
- echo " "
- echo "Press the buttons in the left column for info about"
- echo "the programs. Press a button in the right column to"
- echo "install the program."
- echo " "
- echo "You don't have to install all programs. Press the"
- echo "left buttons to read about the programs and decide if"
- echo "you want to install them or not. You can always run this"
- echo "install tool later to install more tools."
- echo " "
- echo "The tools that I think is the most important to install"
- echo "is WBRun, MagicColors (if you not allready have a similar"
- echo "program installed), and perhaps RequestString."
- echo " "
- echo "Close the button window when ready installing."
- selector t:instemp
- echo ""
- list >t:instemp /tools/ files pat ~(#?.info) lformat "unsetenv %n"
- execute t:instemp
- delete >nil: t:instemp
- unsetenv executehack
- unsetenv opa
- unsetenv magiccolors
- if exists c:wbrun
- if exists libs:MagicColors.info
- set aa `/tools/getver sys:libs/parm.library`
- else
- set aa `/tools/getver libs:parm.library`
- endif
- if `/tools/getver /tools/extras/parm.library` GT $aa VAL
- execute getversions /tools/extras/parm.library libs:parm.library
- if `selector yesno $t parm.library is needed for WbRun $m Install it? $version` EQ Yes
- copy /tools/extras/parm.library libs:
- endif
- endif
- endif
- resident chopword remove
- echo " "
- echo "The installation is ready..."