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- Info V39.15
- © 1997/98 by Stephan Rupprecht
- All rights reserved.
- This version of Info is copyrighted 1997-99 by Stephan Rupprecht.
- All rights reserved. This program is freeware, so no financial
- donations required. Redistribution allowed if the package is
- left unchanged except for addition of new language catalogs.
- The author is not responsible for any damage caused by the
- use or misuse of this documentation and/or the program(s) it
- describes.
- Any Amiga® (compatible) computer with AmigaOS® 2.x or higher.
- Info is a replacement for the original AmigaDOS® 'info' command.
- In opposite to other info commands, this version does not cause
- any deadlocks. You can select if you want only information about
- disks or volumes or even selected devices (they are printed in
- alphabetical order). Another advantage is that the columns 'size'
- and 'used' are printed no longer in blocks, but in KBytes, MBytes
- or even in GBytes, so you don't have to know how long a block
- actually is on a specific device. For volumes the creation date
- is printed additionally. Info uses 64bit math-functions, so you
- won`t get wrong results about the size of a drive, if you have a
- big hd of 2GBytes or more. Another feature is that info outputs
- the disktype of each volume:
- Output File system
- --------------------------------------------------------
- OFS Old File System (DOS\0)
- FFS Fast File System (DOS\1)
- INT-OFS Old File System, internal. mode
- INT-FFS Fast File System, internal. mode
- DC-OFS Old File System, fast dirs
- DC-FFS Fast File System, fast dirs
- MSDOS CrossDos/MSDos disk
- NO DOS unknown system
- If you use any other filesystem, Info will show you the
- 4 byte filesystem identifier. Eg.: users of AmiFileSystem
- will get a PFS or AFS as disktype.
- Some filesystems, such as pfs2, don't return their real
- identifier, so it's possible that you get a different type
- than expected !
- To install Info simply doubleclick the Install icon in this
- directory. You can start Info only from shell, since it's a DOS
- command (except for the possibility to start it from Workbench
- through the menu item 'Execute Command...'). The format is
- Each parameter is optional.If you don't give any parameter, you'll
- get full information. If you provide one or more device names (eg. df0:)
- or pattern strings (eg. dh?:) you will get only information for the
- device(s) matching the given string(s). If you invoke Info with the
- keywords VOLUMES or DISKS, you'll only get information from these
- ones. The keyword VOLS is only an abbreviation for VOLUMES.
- Starting Info with GOODONLY given, will show you only information
- on those drives which have a valid disk inserted. The BLOCKS option
- will give you additional information such as total blocks, blocksize, ...
- Some examples for the DEVICES option:
- Info df0: dh0: Info only shows information about df0: and dh0:
- Info d#? Info shows all devices, which names begin with a 'd'
- For more about patterns, take a look at the AmigaDOS manual (ch. 1-11).
- If you specify an assign instead of a device name, Info will give
- you information on the assigned device (eg. C: -> DH0:).
- IMPORTANT: LATEBINDING and NONBINDING assigns are not supported!
- Starting with version 39.6 of Info, you can now specify your own
- date-time template for the creation date of a volume. This is done
- by setting the env variable 'info_datetime'.
- The variable must contain a template describing the desired format for
- the date and/or the time. This is constructed just like C-language printf()
- statements, except that different formatting codes are used. Just like in C,
- formatting codes start with a % followed by the formatting command.
- The following commands are accepted by this function:
- (Description is taken from the autodocs, (C) Amiga International, Inc.)
- %a - abbreviated weekday name
- %A - weekday name
- %b - abbreviated month name
- %B - month name
- %c - same as "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
- %C - same as "%a %b %e %T %Z %Y"
- %d - day number with leading 0s
- %D - same as "%m/%d/%y"
- %e - day number with leading spaces
- %h - abbreviated month name
- %H - hour using 24-hour style with leading 0s
- %I - hour using 12-hour style with leading 0s
- %j - julian date
- %m - month number with leading 0s
- %M - the number of minutes with leading 0s
- %p - AM or PM strings
- %q - hour using 24-hour style
- %Q - hour using 12-hour style
- %r - same as "%I:%M:%S %p"
- %R - same as "%H:%M"
- %S - number of seconds with leadings 0s
- %t - insert a tab character
- %T - same as "%H:%M:%S"
- %U - week number, taking Sunday as first day of week
- %w - weekday number
- %W - week number, taking Monday as first day of week
- %x - same as "%m/%d/%y"
- %X - same as "%H:%M:%S"
- %y - year using two digits with leading 0s
- %Y - year using four digits with leading 0s
- Example:
- SetEnv info_datetime "created %x"
- Info outputs a date formated like this 'created 05/01/97'
- SetEnv info_datetime ""
- Info does not print a creation date/time
- NOTE: This feature is only available under OS2.1 and higher!
- After you have found your favorite template, you should
- SetENV ENVARC:info_datetime "you fav template"
- it, so that it does not get lost after a reboot! If you don`t
- specify a template, Info uses the standard DOS template.
- If you translate Info to your native language, please send me the
- catalog translation file (.ct) via eMail, so that I can include it
- into the archive.
- You can find the catalog descriptor file in the subdir Catalogs/ !
- 39.1 first public release
- 39.2 added pattern-matching, removed DEVICES/M option for this
- purpose.
- fixed a bug, which causes info to continue its job even
- when a memory allocation failed.
- 39.3 devices and volumes are printed in alphabetical order now
- 39.4 recompiled with MaxonDEVELOP, some optimiziations
- 39.5 Info does no longer shorten the device designation to 5 characters.
- New catalog file (french).
- 39.6 customizeable date-time template, new catalogs
- 39.7 finally I added the assign support, os3 version
- 39.8 re-implemented DEVICES/M option by request of a single user, polish
- catalog
- 39.9 supports multiple assigns, now "Info Work:"-like calls are possible,
- new catalogs: serbian,spanish,italian
- 39.10 added GOODONLY option
- 39.11 changed german catalog by request of a single user, fixed rounding
- error
- 39.12 no "division by zero" guru, when disk size equals zero (thanks to
- Matthew Wakeling for the bug report).
- 39.13 added some new dostypes (specified by the author of the great xfs)
- to the internal conversion table (that thing that turns a DOS\0
- into a OFS or DOS\1 into FFS, ...).
- DEVICE option ignored volumes and assigns.
- 39.14 A single user reported me that info crashed on his v39 system when
- setpatch wasn't installed. I also have v39 but not this problem!
- To avoid a crash info checks if setpatch is running (it always did
- it for v40 systems since there was another user who reported me this
- for his v40 system).
- Info no longer assumes that the last character of a volume name is a
- colon.
- 39.15 new BLOCKS/S option. added some new dostypes to the internal
- conversion table <Timo Ronkko>.
- 39.16 used buggy mathcode for info_v39 39.15 <Martin Sprenger>.
- Gunther Nikl for reporting me that the german catalog file
- was missing the last time (39.1).
- Jussi T Lindgren and
- Dirk Mueller for their suggestions.
- Jens Gerrit Schröder for the bugreport.
- Translators:
- Didier Giron (french)
- Kristoffer Larsson (swedisch)
- Kim Roar Utsi (norwegian)
- Dimitris Panokostas (greek)
- Tomasz Kepa (polish)
- Javier de las Rivas and
- Juan Antonio Burgos Lopez (spanish)
- Daniele Peri (italian)
- Ljubomir Jankovic (serbian)
- and to all others, who sent me an eMail and aren't mentioned here!
- Please send bug reports and ideas to:
- Stephan Rupprecht
- Apfeldweg 1
- D44359 Dortmund
- Germany
- Send emails to
- stephan.rupprecht@gmx.de