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- Short: Watches and Warns of Low Chipmem
- Uploader: splayer@execulink.com (Allan Versaevel)
- Author: splayer@execulink.com (Allan Versaevel)
- Type: util/moni
- ChipWatch 1.0 keeps an eye on your Chipram and will warn you if
- it gets below the limit you specify via it's tooltype. This is
- usefull on AGA or ECS only systems when you are doing a lot of
- Browsing, Music playing, or have a lot of screens and windows open.
- I hope this will help cut down on crashes due to insufficient Chipram.
- Features:
- ---------
- - Runs quietly in the background
- - User defined "Minimim" Chipram setting
- - User defined hotkeys can be set
- - Runs as a Commodity
- - Status of Chipram can be brought up at anytime
- - Can be quit at anytime
- - Ideal for your WBStartup drawer
- - Free
- Installation:
- ------------
- Copy ChipWatch to your WBStartup drawer or anywhere else.
- Usage:
- ------
- All of ChipWatch's settings are done in it's icon (tooltypes).
- CHIPMIN=300 : This is the deafult setting. Change it to whatever you like.
- Anything less than 100 is not recommended.
- NOTE: This value is in Kilobytes
- ---------------------------------
- CX_SHOW=shift lalt s : Key combination to bring up the ChipWatch sataus
- requaeter. Change this to whatever you want.
- CX_QUIT=shift lalt q : Key combination to quit ChipWatch.
- You can also use the Commodity Exchange program to handle this aswell.
- Notes:
- ------
- Main Status Requester (CX_SHOW)
- -------------------------------
- OK : Simply gets rid of the requester after you read the Chipram info.
- Update : Updates the requester info.
- Quit : Quits Chipwatch.
- Warning Requsester
- ------------------
- This happens when Chipram has fallen below the Chipram minimum
- you set (CHIPMIN).
- OK : Will get rid of the requster. If you did not close any windows or
- quit any programs, it will come back :)
- Update: Updates requester info. If the Warning is over upon updating
- you will be brought to the Status Requester.
- Ignore: Will not display the warning again, regardless how much lower
- your Chipram gets.
- Note: The warning gets re-set from Ignore if Chipram rises above the
- ---- warning limit.
- Quit: Quits ChipWatch.
- History:
- --------
- v1.0 - Initial Aminet Release
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- E-mail me if you like this thing or have any comments or suggestions at:
- splayer@execulink.com or visit the official SPlayer site at:
- www.execulink.com/~splayer
- Regards,
- Allan Versaevel