home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* main.c - Entry point plus startup and shutdown routines
- ** Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Karl J. Ots
- **
- ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ** (at your option) any later version.
- **
- ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ** GNU General Public License for more details.
- **
- ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- /*----------------*/
- /* Main procedure */
- /*----------------*/
- /* COMPILE_LITE takes precedence over COMPILE_RT */
- # ifdef COMPILE_RT
- # undef COMPILE_RT
- # endif /* COMPILE_RT */
- #endif /* COMPILE_LITE */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #ifdef COMPILE_RT
- # include <exec/libraries.h>
- #endif /* COMPILE_RT */
- #include <devices/trackdisk.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "main.h"
- #include "args.h"
- #include "mem_chunks.h"
- #include "td.h"
- #include "read_disk.h"
- #include "write_disk.h"
- #ifndef COMPILE_LITE
- # include "defl_disk.h"
- # include "infl_disk.h"
- #endif /* COMPILE_LITE */
- #include "util.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "version.h"
- /*---------------------------------*/
- /* Global constants and structures */
- /*---------------------------------*/
- const char breakText[] = "***Break";
- /*----------------------------*/
- /* Standatd Input/Ouput/Error */
- /*----------------------------*/
- BPTR StdIn, StdOut, StdErr;
- STRPTR ProgName;
- /*
- ** Set handles for DOS Library StdIO functions, as well as
- ** find our command name.
- */
- void setStdIO (void)
- {
- struct Process *Proc = (struct Process *)FindTask (NULL);
- StdIn = Proc->pr_CIS; /* Quicker than Input() or Output() */
- StdOut = Proc->pr_COS;
- StdErr = Proc->pr_CES;
- if (!StdErr)
- {
- /* Use the file handle from the file number of stdio FILE stderr */
- StdErr = (BPTR) fdtofh (fileno (stderr));
- if (!StdErr) StdErr = StdOut;
- }
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------*/
- /* Global variables and associated functions */
- /*-------------------------------------------*/
- #ifdef COMPILE_RT
- /* z.library base pointer */
- struct Library *ZBase;
- #endif /* COMPILE_RT */
- /* files */
- BPTR ADFile;
- /* io */
- struct MsgPort *diskPort;
- struct IOExtTD *diskReq;
- BOOL TDOpen;
- /*
- ** Initialise all globals to their default values.
- */
- void initGlobals (void)
- {
- #ifdef COMPILE_RT
- ZBase = NULL;
- #endif /* COMPILE_RT */
- setStdIO();
- /* Iniitalise our memory list */
- initMemChunkList();
- ADFile = NULL;
- DOSDev = NULL;
- diskPort = NULL;
- diskReq = NULL;
- TDOpen = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- ** Exit cleanly.
- */
- void cleanExit (ULONG rc, LONG rc2)
- {
- /* Free all allocated memory */
- deleteMemChunkList();
- if (TDOpen)
- {
- /* Flush any buffers that may be unwritten */
- flushTrack (diskReq);
- /* Turn off the motor */
- diskReq->iotd_Req.io_Command = TD_MOTOR;
- diskReq->iotd_Req.io_Flags = 0;
- diskReq->iotd_Req.io_Length = 0;
- DoIO ((struct IORequest *)diskReq);
- CloseDevice ((struct IORequest *)diskReq);
- }
- if (diskReq) DeleteIORequest ((APTR)diskReq);
- if (diskPort) DeleteMsgPort (diskPort);
- if (DOSDev) Inhibit (DOSDev,FALSE);
- if (ADFile) Close (ADFile);
- /* Turn the cursor on */
- FPuts (StdOut, "\033[1 p");
- Flush (StdOut);
- #ifdef COMPILE_RT
- if (ZBase) CloseLibrary (ZBase);
- #endif /* COMPILE_RT */
- SetIoErr (rc2);
- exit (rc);
- }
- /*---------------*/
- /* Main function */
- /*---------------*/
- int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- struct ADF_Packet adf_packet = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE};
- struct TA_Args *taArgs;
- LONG diskUnit;
- STRPTR ADFileName, origName;
- ULONG startTrack, endTrack, cLevel;
- ULONG fileType = 0;
- BOOL WriteDisk, Verify;
- LONG ADFOpenMode = MODE_NEWFILE; /* Default is to write to file */
- BYTE TDError;
- LONG DOSError;
- /* Initialise any global data */
- initGlobals();
- ProgName = FilePart (argv[0]);
- /* Collect arguments */
- taArgs = getArgs ();
- if (!taArgs) outputUsage ();
- #ifdef COMPILE_RT
- /* Open z.library */
- ZBase = OpenLibrary ("z.library",0);
- if (!ZBase)
- {
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Couldn't open z.library.\n", ProgName);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- #endif /* COMPILE_RT */
- diskUnit = Name2Unit (taArgs->Drive);
- ADFileName = taArgs->File;
- startTrack = taArgs->Start;
- endTrack = taArgs->End;
- WriteDisk = taArgs->WriteDisk;
- Verify = taArgs->Verify;
- #ifndef COMPILE_LITE
- if (taArgs->ZLib) fileType = FT_ZLIB;
- else if (taArgs->GZip) fileType = FT_GZIP;
- else if (taArgs->PKZip)
- {
- if (taArgs->PKZAdd) fileType = FT_PKZIP_ADD;
- else fileType = FT_PKZIP;
- }
- origName = taArgs->OrigName;
- cLevel = taArgs->Level;
- #endif /* COMPILE_LITE */
- if (diskUnit < 0)
- {
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Error - Invalid drive.\n",ProgName);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- if ((startTrack < 0) || (startTrack > endTrack))
- {
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Invalid Start/End track.\n", ProgName);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- if (endTrack > 159)
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Warning - Extended tracks specified, transfer may fail.\n",ProgName);
- /* Inhibit DOS access to the drive we'll be operating on */
- DOSDev = taArgs->Drive;
- if ( !Inhibit (DOSDev, DOSTRUE) )
- {
- DOSError = IoErr();
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Error - Couldn't inhibit DOS access to %s.\n",
- ProgName, DOSDev);
- DOSDev = NULL;
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, DOSError);
- }
- /* Open the Amiga Disk File */
- if (WriteDisk) ADFOpenMode = MODE_OLDFILE; /* Reading from file */
- else if (fileType == FT_PKZIP_ADD) ADFOpenMode = MODE_READWRITE;
- ADFile = Open (ADFileName, ADFOpenMode);
- if (!ADFile)
- {
- DOSError = IoErr();
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Couldn't open %s for %s - ", ProgName, ADFileName,
- (WriteDisk ? "input" : "output"));
- reportDOSError (DOSError);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, DOSError);
- }
- /* Attempt to create a MsgPort */
- diskPort = CreateMsgPort();
- if (!diskPort)
- {
- FPrintf (StdErr,
- "%s: Error - Couldn't create a Message Port for TrackDisk IO.\n",
- ProgName);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- };
- /* Attempt to create an IORequest */
- diskReq = (struct IOExtTD *)
- CreateIORequest (diskPort, sizeof (struct IOExtTD));
- if (!diskReq)
- {
- FPrintf (StdErr,
- "%s: Error - Couldn't create a Request for TrackDisk IO.\n",
- ProgName);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- /* Attempt to open trackdisk.device */
- TDError = OpenDevice (TD_NAME, diskUnit, (struct IORequest *)diskReq,NULL);
- if (TDError)
- {
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Couldn't open trackdisk.device - ", ProgName);
- reportTDError (TDError);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- else
- TDOpen = TRUE;
- /* The trackdisk.device in now open and ready for use */
- /* Turn off the cursor */
- FPuts (StdOut, "\033[0 p"); Flush (StdOut);
- /* Load packet */
- adf_packet.diskReq = diskReq;
- adf_packet.diskUnit = diskUnit;
- adf_packet.ADFile = ADFile;
- adf_packet.ADFileName = ADFileName;
- adf_packet.startTrack = startTrack;
- adf_packet.endTrack = endTrack;
- adf_packet.verify = Verify;
- if (WriteDisk)
- {
- /* We're reading from the file and writing to the disk */
- #ifndef COMPILE_LITE
- fileType = getFileType (ADFile);
- if ((fileType == FT_ZLIB) ||
- (fileType == FT_GZIP) ||
- (fileType == FT_PKZIP))
- inflDisk (&adf_packet, origName, fileType);
- else
- #endif /* COMPILE_LITE */
- writeDisk (&adf_packet);
- }
- else
- {
- /* We're reading from the disk and writing to the file */
- #ifndef COMPILE_LITE
- if (fileType)
- deflDisk (&adf_packet, cLevel, origName, fileType);
- else
- #endif /* COMPILE_LITE */
- readDisk (&adf_packet);
- }
- FPuts (StdOut, "\nDone.\n");
- /* Let's get outa here! */
- cleanExit (RETURN_OK, NULL);
- /* Keep the compiler happy */
- return 0;
- }