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- /* defl_disk.c - Delfate a disk into a compressed file
- ** Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Karl J. Ots
- **
- ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ** (at your option) any later version.
- **
- ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ** GNU General Public License for more details.
- **
- ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <devices/trackdisk.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include "zlib.h"
- #include "defl_disk.h"
- #include "main.h"
- #include "mem_chunks.h"
- #include "td.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #define DD_TBTRACKS 1 /* Tracks in dd_TrackBuf */
- #define DD_TBSIZE (DD_TBTRACKS * TRACK_SIZE) /* Bytes in dd_TrackBuf */
- #define DD_FBSIZE (32*1024) /* Bytes in dd_FileBuf */
- UBYTE *dd_TrackBuf; /* Our input buffer - reads from disk. */
- UBYTE *dd_FileBuf; /* Our output buffer - writes to file. */
- /*
- ** Deflate a disk into a file.
- ** Expects all fields of adfPkt to be set.
- */
- void deflDisk (struct ADF_Packet *adfPkt, ULONG deflLevel, STRPTR origName,
- ULONG fileType)
- {
- static z_stream defl_stream;
- ULONG nextTrack, CRC, USize, CSize;
- LONG DOSError;
- BYTE TDError;
- int zerr, ocnt, deflg, winbits;
- /* Output info header */
- FPrintf (StdOut, "Deflating from TrackDisk Unit %ld (DF%ld:) to %s.\n",
- adfPkt->diskUnit,
- adfPkt->diskUnit,
- adfPkt->ADFileName);
- FPrintf (StdOut, "Starting at track %ld, Ending at track %ld.\n",
- (adfPkt->startTrack>>1),
- (adfPkt->endTrack>>1));
- FPuts (StdOut, "Compressing disk as a ");
- switch (fileType) {
- case FT_ZLIB: FPuts (StdOut, "ZLib"); break;
- case FT_GZIP: FPuts (StdOut, "GZip"); break;
- case FT_PKZIP:
- case FT_PKZIP_ADD: FPuts (StdOut, "PKZip"); break;
- }
- FPuts (StdOut, " file.\n");
- /* Allocate the buffers */
- dd_TrackBuf = (UBYTE *)myAllocMem (DD_TBSIZE, MEMF_CLEAR);
- dd_FileBuf = (UBYTE *)myAllocMem (DD_FBSIZE, MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (!dd_TrackBuf || !dd_FileBuf)
- {
- /* No Memory */
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Out of memory.\n", ProgName);
- }
- /* Output the file header */
- if (writeHead (adfPkt->ADFile, origName, fileType) == FALSE)
- {
- DOSError = IoErr();
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Error - Couldn't write file header.\n",ProgName);
- if (DOSError)
- reportDOSError(DOSError);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- /* Initialise the z_stream */
- if (fileType == FT_ZLIB) winbits = 15;
- else winbits = -15; /* windowBits is passed < 0 to suppress zlib header */
- defl_stream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
- defl_stream.zfree = Z_NULL;
- defl_stream.opaque = Z_NULL;
- zerr = deflateInit2 (&defl_stream, deflLevel,
- Z_DEFLATED, winbits, 8, 0);
- if (zerr != Z_OK)
- {
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Deflate Init Error - ", ProgName);
- reportZLibError (zerr);
- if (defl_stream.msg) FPrintf (StdErr, "\t(%s)\n", defl_stream.msg);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- /* Start deflateing */
- defl_stream.avail_in = 0; /* Input buffer is empty */
- defl_stream.next_out = dd_FileBuf; /* Pointer to output buffer */
- defl_stream.avail_out = DD_FBSIZE; /* output buffer is empty */
- deflg = Z_NO_FLUSH;
- CRC = crc32 (NULL, Z_NULL, 0); /* Initialise the CRC */
- nextTrack = adfPkt->startTrack;
- while (1)
- {
- if (defl_stream.avail_in == 0) /* Input is empty */
- if (nextTrack <= adfPkt->endTrack)
- {
- /* Update progress report */
- FPuts (StdOut, "\rReading ");
- FPUTS_TS (nextTrack, StdOut);
- Flush (StdOut);
- /* Fill the input buffer from disk */
- TDError = readTrack (dd_TrackBuf, DD_TBTRACKS, nextTrack,
- adfPkt->diskReq);
- if (TDError)
- {
- FPutC (StdOut, '\n');
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Error reading from DF%ld: - ",
- ProgName, adfPkt->diskUnit);
- reportTDError (TDError);
- deflateEnd (&defl_stream);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- nextTrack++;
- defl_stream.next_in = dd_TrackBuf;
- defl_stream.avail_in = DD_TBSIZE;
- }
- if (defl_stream.avail_in == 0) /* Still zero - no more input */
- deflg = Z_FINISH;
- else
- /* New data - Update the CRC */
- CRC = crc32 (CRC, dd_TrackBuf ,defl_stream.avail_in);
- /* Fill the output buffer with deflated data, and keep filling */
- /* it until no more inflated data exists in the input buffer. */
- while (1)
- {
- /* Check for Control-C break */
- if (CTRL_C)
- {
- FPutC (StdOut, '\n');
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s - %s\n", breakText, ProgName);
- deflateEnd (&defl_stream);
- cleanExit (RETURN_WARN, NULL);
- }
- /* Upate progress report */
- FPuts (StdOut, "\rDeflating ");
- Flush (StdOut);
- zerr = deflate (&defl_stream, deflg);
- if (zerr < Z_OK)
- {
- FPutC (StdOut, '\n');
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Deflate error - ", ProgName);
- reportZLibError (zerr);
- if (defl_stream.msg) FPrintf (StdErr, "\t%s\n", defl_stream.msg);
- deflateEnd (&defl_stream);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- /* Flush the output buffer */
- ocnt = DD_FBSIZE - defl_stream.avail_out;
- if (ocnt)
- {
- if ( Write (adfPkt->ADFile, dd_FileBuf, ocnt) != ocnt)
- {
- DOSError = IoErr();
- FPutC (StdOut, '\n');
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Error writing deflated data - ", ProgName);
- reportDOSError(DOSError);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, DOSError);
- }
- }
- defl_stream.next_out = dd_FileBuf;
- defl_stream.avail_out = DD_FBSIZE;
- if ((ocnt != DD_FBSIZE) || (zerr == Z_STREAM_END))
- /* Last deflate() did not completely fill the output buffer, */
- /* thus no more data is pending, or we reached the end of the */
- /* compressed data stream. */
- break;
- }
- if (zerr == Z_STREAM_END) break;
- }
- USize = defl_stream.total_in;
- CSize = defl_stream.total_out;
- FPrintf (StdOut, "\rDeflated: %ld ==> %ld (%ld%%). ",
- USize, CSize, ((CSize * 100) / USize));
- Flush (StdOut);
- /* End the deflate process */
- zerr = deflateEnd (&defl_stream);
- if (zerr != Z_OK)
- {
- FPutC (StdOut, '\n');
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Deflate End Error - ", ProgName);
- reportZLibError (zerr);
- if (defl_stream.msg) FPrintf (StdErr, "\t(%s)\n", defl_stream.msg);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- /* Finish the file */
- if ( finishFile (adfPkt->ADFile, CRC, CSize, USize, fileType) == FALSE)
- {
- FPutC (StdOut, '\n');
- FPrintf (StdErr, "%s: Error - Couldn't finish output file correctly.\n",
- ProgName);
- cleanExit (RETURN_FAIL, NULL);
- }
- /* Free and clear buffers */
- myFreeMem (dd_TrackBuf);
- myFreeMem (dd_FileBuf);
- }