home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Library Check on a selected volume
- V1.2 - 01/28/98 - © Age*/
- if ~show('L',"rexxreqtools.library") then addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30,0)
- say "This ARexx-Script checks the libraries outside of the drawer LIBS:"
- say " V1.2 - 01/28/98 - © Heiko Schröder"
- say "------------------------------------------------------------------"
- say ""
- say "This check can take a long time (volume-size specific)."
- say "Do you want to continue (Y/N)?"; Pull Keyword
- If upper(Keyword)~="Y" then exit
- Device = rtfilerequest(,,"Pick a device",,"rtfi_volumerequest=vreqf_noassigns")
- IF Device = "" then do
- echo "Cancel"
- exit
- say "I'm looking for libraries on "||Device
- say "Please wait some minutes... Thanks."
- if Device~="" then Device=d2c(34)||Device||d2c(34)
- address command 'list ' device || 'p=#?.library to=Ram:VolLibCheck files lformat %s%s all'
- say "Now I'm ready... Thanks for waiting."
- say ""
- say "Now i create the VolList.dvc for DVC."
- Open("HDL","Ram:VolList.dvc","W")
- Writeln("HDL","DVC1 (Don't change this line!)")
- Writeln("HDL",";$VER: VolList.dvc by Heiko Schröder from LibGuide")
- Writeln("HDL",";$EML: Heiko Schroeder <age@thepentagon.com>")
- Writeln("HDL","")
- IF ~OPEN('Infile',"ram:VolLibCheck","R") THEN EXIT 10 /*List-Result*/
- DO WHILE 1 /* DO Forever - We'll EXIT on EOF) */
- Libfile = ReadLn('Infile')
- IF EOF('Infile') THEN leave
- say Libfile
- pos = max(pos(":",Libfile),lastpos("/",Libfile)) /*#?.library*/
- temp=Delstr(Libfile,1,pos)
- pos =LastPos(".library",temp) /* Version */
- LibfileK=Delstr(temp,pos+8)
- address command "search >ram:ListSearch search :"||LibfileK||" nonum Scripts/LibList.dvc"
- Open("list","ram:Listsearch","R")
- ScriptLib=readln("list")
- Close("list")
- If ScriptLib="" then do
- address command "search >ram:ListSearch search /"||LibfileK||" nonum Scripts/LibList.dvc"
- Open("list","ram:Listsearch","R")
- ScriptLib=readln("list")
- Close("list")
- End
- If ScriptLib~="" then do
- pos = max(pos(":",ScriptLib),lastpos("/",ScriptLib)) /*#?.library*/
- temp=Delstr(ScriptLib,1,pos)
- pos =LastPos(".library",temp) /* Version */
- ScriptVers=Delstr(temp,1,pos+8)
- writeln("HDL",Libfile||" "||ScriptVers)
- end
- else writeln("HDL",Libfile||" 0.0")
- End
- close("Infile")
- close("HDL")
- say "DVC checks the version strings of your libraries."
- address command "DVC list=Ram:VolList.dvc"
- say ""
- say "You can find a list of your libraries at Ram:VolLibCheck."
- address command "delete ram:VolList.dvc QUIET"
- address command "delete ram:ListSearch QUIET"
- say "Press »Return« to end."
- PARSE PULL Keyword
- exit