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- _L_ _ ___ ___ __ _L_ _ _________
- And now, yet another | \ | _| | _/ /\ | \/ |___ __ /
- game from... | | |_ | |/ /\ \ |\ /|__|Y / /_
- |_\_|_ _|/\___/==\_\|_\/_|_ _|/__ _|
- Y \/ Y Y
- . : .
- ·
- C.A.N.E. (Cargo And Nothing Else) DeMO 1.01
- Programming, GFX, leveldesign & idéa by Mopz
- Muzac by Maze
- Map-GFX by Mio & Mopz
- No Manual by Gosweede in this version
- Copyright© 1997 NC.Gamez
- I hope you'll have understanding for my (probably) lousy english!
- ...::: About :::...
- This is a mix of the gravity- and puzzle-series; it's CANE! You controll a
- little spacecraft, with wich you are ment to pick up cargo and dudes, and
- take'em to the teleporters. There are loads of stuff - other than the car-
- go - to pick up or be afraid of; you'll see!
- The game was created using Blitz Basic 2.1 from Acid Software, Personal
- Paint 4.0 from Cloanto, and Pro.Tracker 3.61 from... ehr?.. have to check
- that one out \: And we thank them with all parts of our pumpin' hearts!
- We are, by the way, NOT responsable for the damages that this program
- could (but most probably wouldn't) cause your system!
- ...::: Shareware :::...
- No, this game is NOT shareware! It used to be, but there was no response,
- so I decided to not finish it! WHAT EVER YOU DO, DO NOT SEND ME MONEY!..
- or wait a minute... I changed my mind; send me alot of money! But I can
- not send you a full version! It does not exist!
- ...::: A short version of the story-sort-of-thing :::...
- A long long time ago - in the 21 century - man started using other planets
- for some notsowellplaned purposes. Mars, for example, became a great nuke-
- garbagecan. Pluto, on the other hand, was a place were you could put nasty
- "wobbas" in huge, icy fortresses.
- Anyway... now - in more civilised times - some ships has been send out to
- clear the shit of the planets, and you have been assigned to the cargo pick-
- upteam - C.A.N.E.. That's about it!
- ...::: Controll :::...
- A quick explenation of the joy:
- Up -> increase speed in current direction
- Left/Right -> rotate ship
- Down -> totaly drop any cargo carried
- Fire -> use a pickedup item (shown in a little box)
- Picking cargo up...
- Your ship must have its "nose" pointing up, then fly just above the cargo
- and it will be grabbed with a robotarm. The cargo will then follow you, but
- if the range between your ship and the cargo gets to high, or if fly to
- fast, it'll be dropped. Dropping a dude could lead you to some splatt-prob-
- lems..! Take the cargo to the teleporter (where you started), and it will
- be teleported to your mothership.
- The amount of cargos that has to be picked up is displayd on the score-
- line, but that is not the whole truth... Dudes are treated just as cargos,
- but ALL of the dudes MUST be picked up. So if you are to pick up five cargos
- and there are three dudes and three cargos on level, you must leave (or use
- - if possible) one of the cargos; NOT one of the dudes! This is very im-
- portant to keep in mind!
- Using items...
- Some items - such as antigravity, diving, fuel et.c - will be activated
- at the very moment you pick'em up. Other stuff - bombs et.c - you'll have to
- use your firebutton to activate. B.t.w., bombs can only destroy UNNATURAL ma-
- terial; you can't blow mountains of, only shit build by man.
- ...::: A helping hand :::...
- Avoid touching sticky/boogy things, such as the roofs under water, nets et.c
- Don't pick things up the very moment you see'em. Rather wait until they come
- handy.
- Magnets and other boogies can be blown off (but you needn't in this demo!).
- The nuclear-cargo is explosive, and will make a great piece of hole if you
- drop it. Unlike the bomb, it will explode even if it lands on material of
- nature.
- You must only pick as many cargos up that is mentioned on the scoreline.
- /
- _L_ _L___
- ::.:/\ ./\ ./__\ __ __(__ )
- : :/_ \/ _\/ () | |_) \ / /
- ::/ \ / \____| ___// /_ marjoh@algonet.se
- .:\_/:\/.\ _______/ (___ )
- .:^MiV^::.Y.:::..:!NcG!.::Y.