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- NISClock 2.20 (1998.Feb.21)
- © Copyright 1995-97, 1998 John Muir
- Written by John Muir
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- Introduction
- NISClock is a small clock program that displays the time and date
- on the active public screen. Locale.library is used to format the
- time and the date that you define. The text of your choosing (the
- time by default) is displayed in a small window that matches the
- screen's title-bar colour, or as a screen gadget button look-alike.
- A mouse click on the window will display a second text (usually the
- date).
- The E-Clock timer is used to time the update intervals so that
- the time is always updated even if the clock is adjusted backwards.
- NISClock is written in C, and compiled with SAS/C 6.58.
- Screen Notification
- NISClock can make use of Stephan Becker's screennotify.library which
- patches a few intuition.library functions so that the clock will
- automatically close its window if the Public screen that it inhabits
- is closed by another program. If NISClock is on the Workbench screen,
- it will be notified of the close and opening of the Workbench screen
- by IPrefs for a preferences change or by any other program which calls
- CloseWorkbench(). The window will then not open until OpenWorkbench()
- is called.
- Other Options
- Other options include window position, justification of the text within
- the window, a specified amount of time (seconds) to update the clock
- display, and the ability to avoid certain public screens.
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- Requirements
- NISClock has the following simple requirements:
- - Amiga OS V37 (2.04). Uses V39 features if present.
- - locale.library.
- - RECOMMENDED: screennotify.library by Stephan Becker. See
- 'Installation' for more information on screennotify.library.
- - NISClock must be run from the Workbench; perfect for the WBStartup
- drawer.
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- Installation
- Use the Workbench to copy NISClock into the WBStartup drawer to have
- the program execute as you startup. If you have a 68000, use the CLI
- to delete NISClock, and rename NISClock_000 as NISClock before copying
- it.
- If you decide to use screennotify.library by Stephan Becker for the
- enhanced features, the library must be installed in LIBS: or PROGDIR:
- (the directory where NISClock is started from). Get
- screennotify.library from the distribution archive on AmiNET:
- /pub/aminet/util/libs/ScreenNotify10.lha (19K)
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- Usage
- Execution
- To run NISClock, simply double-click on the icon! To run NISClock at
- startup, place the program in the WBStartup drawer. NISClock can be
- halted by executing the program again.
- NISClock will not run from the CLI.
- Date and Time Display
- NISClock will by default display the text defined by TIMEFORMAT. The
- text defined by DATEFORMAT can be displayed for four seconds by
- clicking on the NISClock window.
- If the time text or date text is too big for the current window size,
- then the window is enlarged to fit the text. The window is never
- shrunk back. The window will enlarge to the left if EDGE is negative,
- or if the window does not fit any further right. Similarly, the
- window will enlarge to the right if EDGE is positive, or the window
- reaches the left edge of the screen.
- Use the TOP and EDGE tooltypes to define the position of the NISClock
- window. Use the JUST tooltype to justify the text within the NISClock
- window.
- Active Public Screen
- NISClock will automatically jump to the active public screen. If
- NISClock is using screennotify.library, then screen closures will
- automatically be detected, and the window will be re-opened on the
- active public screen.
- Avoiding Public Screens
- Screens can be avoided through the AVOIDSCR tooltype. That is,
- NISClock will not open its window on screens that match the pattern
- given with this tooltype. Custom screens (such as your screen blanker)
- are automatically avoided. The Workbench screen cannot be avoided, so
- you can keep the NISClock window on the Workbench screen with by
- setting "AVOIDSCR=#?".
- Tooltypes
- Icon tooltypes are used to control the appearance of NISClock. NISClock
- will automatically update itself if the icon tooltypes are changed.
- NISClock accepts the following tooltypes:
- UPDATE - Numeric; eg: UPDATE=1
- - specifies the window update time in seconds.
- - the E-Clock timer is used to time this period, with the
- result that backward time changes do not affect the clock.
- BUTTON - Boolean
- - if FALSE, the time is displayed in the title bar colours,
- otherwise a box is drawn on the edge of the window to match the
- screen gadget.
- - NOTE: V37: Backpen = 2 (White) and FrontPen = 1 (Black).
- EDGE - Numeric; eg: EDGE=400
- - the value represents the edge of the NISClock window.
- - if the value is negative, this is the right edge of the
- window + 1, ie: EDGE=-1 signifies that the window is all the
- way to the right of the screen, except that it must fit around
- the screen gadget.
- - the window cannot be positioned with the mouse, so make good
- use of the file notificaiton on NISClock.info! :)
- TOP - Numeric; eg: TOP=-4
- - Top or bottom edge of the window.
- - if the value is negative, this is the bottom edge of the
- window + 1, ie: TOP=-1 signifies that the window is against
- the bottom of the screen.
- JUST - Enumerated
- - display the time and/or date with justification;
- - NONE means CENTER when BUTTON is true, and RIGHT otherwise.
- TIMEFORMAT - Text; eg: TIMEFORMAT=Time: %H:%M:%S
- - specifies the format of the time text as defined by
- the locale.library FormatDate() function.
- - this is constructed just like C-language printf() statements,
- except that different formatting codes are used. Just like in
- C, formatting codes are a % followed by the formatting command.
- The following commands are accepted by this function (from
- AutoDocs):
- %a - abbreviated weekday name
- %A - weekday name
- %b - abbreviated month name
- %B - month name
- %c - same as "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
- %C - same as "%a %b %e %T %Z %Y"
- %d - day number with leading 0s
- %D - same as "%m/%d/%y"
- %e - day number with leading spaces
- %h - abbreviated month name
- %H - hour using 24-hour style with leading 0s
- %I - hour using 12-hour style with leading 0s
- %j - julian date
- %m - month number with leading 0s
- %M - the number of minutes with leading 0s
- %n - insert a linefeed
- %p - AM or PM strings
- %q - hour using 24-hour style
- %Q - hour using 12-hour style
- %r - same as "%I:%M:%S %p"
- %R - same as "%H:%M"
- %S - number of seconds with leadings 0s
- %t - insert a tab character
- %T - same as "%H:%M:%S"
- %U - week number, taking Sunday as first day of week
- %w - weekday number
- %W - week number, taking Monday as first day of week
- %x - same as "%m/%d/%y"
- %X - same as "%H:%M:%S"
- %y - year using two digits with leading 0s
- %Y - year using four digits with leading 0s
- - Note: for some reason, %W and %U don't work properly. Bug in
- locale.library?
- DATEFORMAT - Text; eg: DATEFORMAT=%Y/%m/%d
- - display the date in the requested format.
- - formatting text is as described above.
- - this text is only displayed for four seconds after the mouse
- is clicked on the window.
- - pattern matching names of screens that NISClock will not jump
- to. Uses the standard pattern matching that is part of
- dos.library.
- - available pattern tokens (from AutoDocs):
- ? Matches a single character.
- # Matches the following expression 0 or more times.
- (ab|cd) Matches any one of the items seperated by '|'.
- ~ Negates the following expression. It matches all
- strings that do not match the expression (aka ~(foo)
- matches all strings that are not exactly "foo").
- [abc] Character class: matches any of the characters in the
- class.
- [~bc] Character class: matches any of the characters not in
- the class.
- a-z Character range (only within character classes).
- % Matches 0 characters always (useful in "(foo|bar|%)").
- * Synonym for "#?", not available by default in 2.0.
- Available as an option that can be turned on.
- - DOPUS 4.x will attempt to close visiting windows (not a good
- thing) when it closes its screen. This is a very bad idea, and
- definitely not good for NISClock which will shortly thereafter
- cause your machine to crash.
- - < V39: Put your pattern in uppercase; there was a bug
- in MatchPatternNoCase().
- - You cannot avoid the Workbench screen. Sorry! ;)
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- Comments? Talk to me!
- EMail: John D. Muir <jmuir@poboxes.com>
- My PGP private key is available on my home page at
- http://www.poboxes.com/jmuir .
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- History
- 1.81 (13.1.97)
- - Fixed a display bug which occured when the Full-Date mode was
- set.
- - Moved most of the .readme into .doc for uploading purposes; this
- file's size was getting rediculous for a .readme.
- - Default NISClock is now the 020 version, NISClock_000 is the
- 68000 version.
- 2.0 (29.9.97)
- - Localized.
- - Changed a lot of stuff...
- - Re-read the documentation.
- - Automatically resizes the window for the given text. (Previously
- guessed the maximum...)
- - Size went from 4272 to 3960, but processing time probably went
- up due to new calls to Locale.library.
- 2.1 (1997.Oct.8)
- - Fixed bugs regarding tooltypes (BUTTON=FALSE didn't work..).
- - LEFTEDGE -> EDGE, negative values == distance from right side + 1.
- - EDGE determines in which direction the window is sized.
- - added TOP tooltype, negative values == distance from bottom + 1.
- - Automatically jumps to the active public screen every UPDATE
- seconds. (You may have to wait if UPDATE=60). Force it by clicking
- on the window for the date, and moving to the other screen before
- the time is re-displayed.
- 2.11 (1997.Oct.14)
- - BUGFIX: gets stuck on the DOPUS screen because DOPUS is aware of
- visitor windows, and will attempt to close (!!!!!) them when it
- quits or iconifies, instead, it should attempt to close and wait for
- the signal telling it that no windows are on the screen. Fix: added
- the AVOIDSCR tooltype. When DOPUS closes the NISClock window, the
- computer WILL crash at the next UPDATE period.
- 2.20 (1998.Feb.4)
- - Now uses the E-clock as a timer rather than the time clock, and is
- thus not affected by time changes, backward or forward.
- - Window change when text is smaller as well.
- - If the text-size change is less than four pixels smaller, and there
- are less than 8 pixels on either side of the text, then the window
- remains the same size.
- - Mouse clicks which are released outside the window nolonger cause
- the date to be displayed.
- - Uses the size of the screen's depth gadget rather than a hard-coded
- value.
- - Can now be run from the CLI, but does not create itself a separate
- process.
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- To Do
- - Custom time/date formatting command characters.
- eg: - Kludge to fix the week number problem.
- - Small letters for 'am' or 'pm'.
- - Force the NISClock window to close for a short period of time. May be
- useful for allowing public screens (eg: MUI's IBrowse screen) to close
- when the main user program is quit.
- - Attach to windows that are on top of the NISClock window. (eg:
- your Web Browser).
- Let me know if you have a favorite or suggestions.