home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- **
- ** $VER: convert.c 1.5 (6.1.98)
- ** datatypes.library/Examples/DTConvert
- **
- ** Converts file into another format using datatypes
- **
- ** converters for the various datatype classes
- **
- ** Written 1996-1998 by Roland 'Gizzy' Mainz
- **
- */
- /* project includes */
- #include "DTConvert.h"
- #include "convert.h"
- /* local prototypes */
- static BOOL ConvertDataType( Object *, struct DataType *, STRPTR );
- static BOOL ConvertPicture( Object *, struct DataType *, STRPTR );
- static BOOL ConvertAnimation( Object *, struct DataType *, STRPTR );
- static BOOL ConvertSound( Object *, struct DataType *, STRPTR );
- static DISPATCHERFLAGS ULONG WriteAnimAndSoundDispatch( REGA0 struct IClass *, REGA2 Object *, REGA1 Msg );
- void Convert( STRPTR srcname, STRPTR datatypename, BOOL iff, STRPTR destname )
- {
- struct DataType *destdtn = NULL;
- if( datatypename )
- {
- destdtn = ObtainDataTypeA( DTST_RAM, (APTR)datatypename, NULL );
- }
- if( srcname && destname )
- {
- if( destdtn || (iff && (!datatypename)) )
- {
- Object *srcdto;
- ULONG groupid = ((destdtn)?(destdtn -> dtn_Header -> dth_GroupID):(0UL));
- BOOL retry = TRUE;
- Message( "loading source data \"%s\"\n", srcname );
- retry:
- if( srcdto = NewDTObject( (APTR)srcname, XTAG( destdtn, DTA_GroupID ), groupid,
- TAG_DONE ) )
- {
- if( ConvertDataType( srcdto, destdtn, destname ) )
- {
- Message( "file successfully converted\n" );
- }
- DisposeDTObject( srcdto );
- }
- else
- {
- if( retry )
- {
- retry = FALSE;
- /* Kluge that conversion between GID_ANIMATION and GID_MOVIE datatypes gets possible */
- switch( groupid )
- {
- case GID_ANIMATION: groupid = GID_MOVIE; goto retry;
- case GID_MOVIE: groupid = GID_ANIMATION; goto retry;
- }
- }
- Message( "can't create source object\n" );
- }
- ReleaseDataType( destdtn );
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "can' open destination datatype\n" );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- static
- BOOL ConvertDataType( Object *srcdto, struct DataType *destdtn, STRPTR destfile )
- {
- BOOL success = FALSE;
- LONG error = 0L;
- if( srcdto && destfile )
- {
- struct DataType *srcdtn;
- (void)GetDTAttrs( srcdto, DTA_DataType, (&srcdtn), TAG_DONE );
- Message( "converting \"%s\" %s into \"%s\" %s\n",
- (srcdtn -> dtn_Header -> dth_Name),
- GetDTString( (srcdtn -> dtn_Header -> dth_GroupID) ),
- ((destdtn)?(destdtn -> dtn_Header -> dth_Name):("IFF")),
- ((destdtn)?GetDTString( (destdtn -> dtn_Header -> dth_GroupID) ):("IFF")) );
- switch( srcdtn -> dtn_Header -> dth_GroupID )
- {
- case GID_SYSTEM:
- {
- /* There is currently no system.datatype base class defined */
- }
- break;
- case GID_TEXT:
- {
- }
- break;
- {
- /* There is currently no document.datatype base class defined */
- }
- break;
- case GID_SOUND:
- {
- success = ConvertSound( srcdto, destdtn, destfile );
- error = IoErr();
- }
- break;
- {
- /* There is currently no instrument.datatype base class defined */
- }
- break;
- case GID_MUSIC:
- {
- /* There is currently no music.datatype base class defined */
- }
- break;
- {
- success = ConvertPicture( srcdto, destdtn, destfile );
- error = IoErr();
- }
- break;
- case GID_MOVIE:
- {
- success = ConvertAnimation( srcdto, destdtn, destfile );
- error = IoErr();
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- SetIoErr( error );
- return( success );
- }
- static
- BOOL ConvertPicture( Object *srcdto, struct DataType *destdtn, STRPTR destfile )
- {
- BOOL success = FALSE;
- LONG error = 0L;
- Message( "picture converter\n" );
- if( srcdto && destfile )
- {
- Object *destdto;
- struct DataType *srcdtn;
- struct BitMap *bm;
- /* Some (ugly) picture.datatype needs a DTM_PROCLAYOUT before
- * allowing to access their bitmaps
- */
- (void)GetDTAttrs( srcdto, PDTA_BitMap, (&bm), TAG_DONE );
- if( bm == NULL )
- {
- struct gpLayout gpl;
- Message( "source requires layouting...\n" );
- /* "Layout" picture (for those picture classes which need this,
- * __NOT__ recommened)
- */
- SetDTAttrs( srcdto, NULL, NULL, PDTA_Remap, FALSE, TAG_DONE );
- gpl . MethodID = DTM_PROCLAYOUT;
- gpl . gpl_GInfo = NULL;
- gpl . gpl_Initial = 1L;
- DoDTMethodA( srcdto, NULL, NULL, (Msg)(&gpl) );
- }
- /* Get source datatype, see below */
- (void)GetDTAttrs( srcdto, DTA_DataType, (&srcdtn), TAG_DONE );
- /* Create empty picture.datatype subclass object */
- if( destdto = NewDTObject( NULL, DTA_SourceType, DTST_RAM,
- XTAG( destdtn, DTA_DataType ), destdtn,
- XTAG( (!destdtn), DTA_GroupID ), (srcdtn -> dtn_Header -> dth_GroupID),
- TAG_DONE ) )
- {
- STRPTR objname,
- objauthor,
- objannotation,
- objcopyright,
- objversion;
- ULONG modeid;
- ULONG numcolors;
- struct BitMapHeader *sbmh,
- *dbmh;
- ULONG *scregs;
- struct ColorRegister *scm;
- if( GetDTAttrs( srcdto, DTA_ObjName, (&objname),
- DTA_ObjAuthor, (&objauthor),
- DTA_ObjAnnotation, (&objannotation),
- DTA_ObjCopyright, (&objcopyright),
- DTA_ObjVersion, (&objversion),
- PDTA_ModeID, (&modeid),
- PDTA_BitMapHeader, (&sbmh),
- PDTA_NumColors, (&numcolors),
- PDTA_CRegs, (&scregs),
- PDTA_ColorRegisters, (&scm),
- PDTA_BitMap, (&bm),
- TAG_DONE ) == 11UL )
- {
- if( GetDTAttrs( destdto, PDTA_BitMapHeader, (&dbmh), TAG_DONE ) == 1UL )
- {
- if( sbmh && bm && dbmh )
- {
- ULONG *dcregs;
- struct ColorRegister *dcm;
- /* copy bitmapheader (RAW) from source bmh... */
- *dbmh = *sbmh;
- /* ...and fill in attributes which may be different */
- dbmh -> bmh_Compression = cmpNone;
- /* we're writing a full palette, set this flag (currently NOP, but...) */
- dbmh -> bmh_Pad = BMHDF_CMAPOK; /* also known as bmh_Flags */
- /* Set datas "name", "author", "annotation", "copyright", "version" etc.,
- * screen mode id,
- * our bitmap and
- * the requested number of colors...
- */
- SetDTAttrs( destdto, NULL, NULL,
- DTA_ObjName, objname,
- DTA_ObjAuthor, objauthor,
- DTA_ObjAnnotation, objannotation,
- DTA_ObjCopyright, objcopyright,
- DTA_ObjVersion, objversion,
- PDTA_ModeID, modeid,
- PDTA_NumColors, numcolors,
- PDTA_BitMap, bm,
- /* Some (ugly) picture.datatype needs a DTM_PROCLAYOUT before
- * allowing to access their bitmaps
- */
- (void)GetDTAttrs( destdto, PDTA_BitMap, (&bm), TAG_DONE );
- if( bm == NULL )
- {
- struct gpLayout gpl;
- Message( "destination requires layouting...\n" );
- /* "Layout" picture (for those picture classes which need this,
- * __NOT__ recommened)
- */
- SetDTAttrs( destdto, NULL, NULL, PDTA_Remap, FALSE, TAG_DONE );
- gpl . MethodID = DTM_PROCLAYOUT;
- gpl . gpl_GInfo = NULL;
- gpl . gpl_Initial = 1L;
- DoDTMethodA( destdto, NULL, NULL, (Msg)(&gpl) );
- }
- /* Get color tables (dest cregs, dest cm) */
- if( GetDTAttrs( destdto, PDTA_CRegs, (&dcregs),
- PDTA_ColorRegisters, (&dcm),
- TAG_DONE ) == 2UL )
- {
- /* Success ? */
- if( dcregs && dcm )
- {
- ULONG i;
- /* Copy color tables... */
- for( i = 0UL ; i < numcolors ; i++ )
- {
- dcregs[ ((i * 3) + 0) ] = scregs[ ((i * 3) + 0) ]; /* copy r, */
- dcregs[ ((i * 3) + 1) ] = scregs[ ((i * 3) + 1) ]; /* g, */
- dcregs[ ((i * 3) + 2) ] = scregs[ ((i * 3) + 2) ]; /* b */
- *dcm++ = *scm++; /* copy colorregisters */
- }
- Message( "saving picture: \"%s\"\n", destfile );
- if( !(success = SaveDTObjectA( destdto, NULL, NULL, destfile, DTWM_RAW, TRUE, NULL )) )
- {
- Message( "saving failed\n" );
- error = IoErr();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "picture object mem err (no color tables)\n" );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* can't get required args from object */
- }
- /* src datatype will free it's bitmap */
- SetDTAttrs( destdto, NULL, NULL, PDTA_BitMap, NULL, TAG_DONE );
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "can't get bitmap\n" );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* can't get required args from destination object */
- Message( "can't get PDTA_BitMapHeader from destination object \n" );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* can't get required args from source object */
- Message( "can't get required args from source object\n" );
- }
- /* Get rid of the picture object */
- DisposeDTObject( destdto );
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "can't create empty object\n" );
- /* NewDTObject failed */
- error = IoErr();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* missing function args */
- }
- SetIoErr( error );
- return( success );
- }
- static
- BOOL ConvertAnimation( Object *srcdto, struct DataType *destdtn, STRPTR destfile )
- {
- BOOL success = FALSE;
- LONG error = 0L;
- Message( "animation converter\n" );
- if( srcdto && destfile && destdtn )
- {
- TEXT classname[ 256 ];
- struct Library *DTClassBase;
- Object *destdto;
- struct DataType *srcdtn;
- /* Get source datatype, see below */
- (void)GetDTAttrs( srcdto, DTA_DataType, (&srcdtn), TAG_DONE );
- /* Create class library name... */
- mysprintf( classname, "DataTypes/%s.datatype", (destdtn -> dtn_Header -> dth_BaseName) );
- /* ...then open it */
- if( DTClassBase = OpenLibrary( classname, 0UL ) )
- {
- struct IClass *AnimClass;
- /* Obtain destination class */
- if( AnimClass = ObtainEngine() )
- {
- struct IClass *WriteAnimClass;
- /* Create our new class... */
- if( WriteAnimClass = MakeClass( NULL, NULL, AnimClass, 0UL, 0UL ) )
- {
- /* Prepare class for usage... */
- WriteAnimClass -> cl_Dispatcher . h_Entry = (HOOKFUNC)WriteAnimAndSoundDispatch;
- WriteAnimClass -> cl_UserData = 0UL; /* datatypes.library expects here a (struct Library *) or NULL,
- * therefore we cannot use this for our context data
- */
- /* Create empty subclass object (from our dest write class) */
- if( destdto = (Object *)NewDTObject( NULL, DTA_SourceType, DTST_RAM, /* Create empty object... */
- DTA_DataType, destdtn, /* ...using this datatype... */
- DTA_Class, WriteAnimClass, /* ...from this class... */
- WRITEANIMA_SourceObject, srcdto, /* source of data */
- TAG_DONE ) )
- {
- /* datatypesclass attributes */
- STRPTR objname,
- objauthor,
- objannotation,
- objcopyright,
- objversion;
- /* picture (e.g. global) attributes */
- ULONG modeid;
- ULONG numcolors;
- struct BitMap *bm;
- struct BitMapHeader *sbmh,
- *dbmh;
- ULONG *scregs;
- struct ColorRegister *scm;
- ULONG width,
- height,
- depth;
- /* animation attributes */
- ULONG frames,
- fps,
- finc;
- /* sound attributes */
- BYTE *sample;
- ULONG samplelength,
- period,
- volume,
- cycles;
- if( GetDTAttrs( srcdto, DTA_ObjName, (&objname),
- DTA_ObjAuthor, (&objauthor),
- DTA_ObjAnnotation, (&objannotation),
- DTA_ObjCopyright, (&objcopyright),
- DTA_ObjVersion, (&objversion),
- PDTA_BitMapHeader, (&sbmh),
- ADTA_ModeID, (&modeid),
- ADTA_NumColors, (&numcolors),
- ADTA_CRegs, (&scregs),
- ADTA_ColorRegisters, (&scm),
- ADTA_KeyFrame, (&bm),
- ADTA_Width, (&width),
- ADTA_Height, (&height),
- ADTA_Depth, (&depth),
- ADTA_Frames, (&frames),
- ADTA_FramesPerSecond, (&fps),
- ADTA_FrameIncrement, (&finc),
- ADTA_Sample, (&sample),
- ADTA_SampleLength, (&samplelength),
- ADTA_Period, (&period),
- ADTA_Volume, (&volume),
- ADTA_Cycles, (&cycles),
- TAG_DONE ) == 22UL )
- {
- if( GetDTAttrs( destdto, PDTA_BitMapHeader, (&dbmh), TAG_DONE ) == 1UL )
- {
- if( sbmh && bm && dbmh )
- {
- ULONG *dcregs;
- struct ColorRegister *dcm;
- /* copy bitmapheader (RAW) from animation bmh... */
- *dbmh = *sbmh;
- /* ...and fill in attributes which may be different */
- dbmh -> bmh_Compression = cmpNone;
- /* we're writing a full palette, set this flag (currently NOP, but...) */
- dbmh -> bmh_Pad = BMHDF_CMAPOK; /* also known as bmh_Flags */
- /* Set datas "name", "author", "annotation", "copyright", "version" etc.,
- * screen mode id,
- * our bitmap and
- * the requested number of colors...
- */
- SetDTAttrs( destdto, NULL, NULL,
- DTA_ObjName, objname,
- DTA_ObjAuthor, objauthor,
- DTA_ObjAnnotation, objannotation,
- DTA_ObjCopyright, objcopyright,
- DTA_ObjVersion, objversion,
- PDTA_BitMapHeader, sbmh,
- ADTA_ModeID, modeid,
- ADTA_NumColors, numcolors,
- ADTA_CRegs, scregs,
- ADTA_ColorRegisters, scm,
- ADTA_KeyFrame, bm,
- ADTA_Width, width,
- ADTA_Height, height,
- ADTA_Depth, depth,
- ADTA_Frames, frames,
- ADTA_FramesPerSecond, fps,
- ADTA_FrameIncrement, finc,
- ADTA_Sample, sample,
- ADTA_SampleLength, samplelength,
- ADTA_Period, period,
- ADTA_Volume, volume,
- ADTA_Cycles, cycles,
- /* Get color tables (dest cregs, dest cm) */
- if( GetDTAttrs( destdto, ADTA_CRegs, (&dcregs),
- ADTA_ColorRegisters, (&dcm),
- TAG_DONE ) == 2UL )
- {
- /* Success ? */
- if( (dcregs && dcm) || (numcolors == 0UL) )
- {
- ULONG i;
- /* Copy color tables... */
- for( i = 0UL ; i < numcolors ; i++ )
- {
- dcregs[ ((i * 3) + 0) ] = scregs[ ((i * 3) + 0) ]; /* copy r, */
- dcregs[ ((i * 3) + 1) ] = scregs[ ((i * 3) + 1) ]; /* g, */
- dcregs[ ((i * 3) + 2) ] = scregs[ ((i * 3) + 2) ]; /* b */
- *dcm++ = *scm++; /* copy colorregisters */
- }
- Message( "saving animation: \"%s\"\n", destfile );
- if( !(success = SaveDTObjectA( destdto, NULL, NULL, destfile, DTWM_RAW, TRUE, NULL )) )
- {
- Message( "saving failed\n" );
- error = IoErr();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "animation object mem err (no color tables)\n" );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* can't get required args from object */
- }
- /* src datatype will free it's key frame (bitmap) */
- SetDTAttrs( destdto, NULL, NULL, ADTA_KeyFrame, NULL, TAG_DONE );
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "can't get key frame (bitmap)\n" );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* can't get required args from destination object */
- Message( "can't get PDTA_BitMapHeader from destination\n" );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* can't get required args from source object */
- Message( "can't get required args from source object\n" );
- }
- /* Get rid of the animation object */
- DisposeDTObject( destdto );
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "can't create empty object\n" );
- /* NewDTObject failed */
- error = IoErr();
- }
- /* Free class... */
- while( !FreeClass( WriteAnimClass ) )
- {
- /* Let other tasks partake... */
- Delay( (TICKS_PER_SECOND / 5UL) );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "can't obtain output anim class\n" );
- }
- CloseLibrary( DTClassBase );
- }
- else
- {
- /* Can't open class library */
- if( !(error = IoErr()) )
- {
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* missing function args */
- }
- SetIoErr( error );
- return( success );
- }
- static
- BOOL ConvertSound( Object *srcdto, struct DataType *destdtn, STRPTR destfile )
- {
- BOOL success = FALSE;
- LONG error = 0L;
- Message( "sound converter\n" );
- if( srcdto && destfile )
- {
- Object *destdto;
- struct DataType *srcdtn;
- /* Get source datatype, see below */
- (void)GetDTAttrs( srcdto, DTA_DataType, (&srcdtn), TAG_DONE );
- /* Create empty sound.datatype subclass object */
- if( destdto = NewDTObject( NULL, DTA_SourceType, DTST_RAM,
- XTAG( destdtn, DTA_DataType ), destdtn,
- XTAG( (!destdtn), DTA_GroupID ), (srcdtn -> dtn_Header -> dth_GroupID),
- TAG_DONE ) )
- {
- STRPTR objname,
- objauthor,
- objannotation,
- objcopyright,
- objversion;
- struct VoiceHeader *svh,
- *dvh;
- SAMPLE8 *sample;
- ULONG samplelength;
- ULONG period,
- volume,
- cycles;
- if( GetDTAttrs( srcdto, DTA_ObjName, (&objname),
- DTA_ObjAuthor, (&objauthor),
- DTA_ObjAnnotation, (&objannotation),
- DTA_ObjCopyright, (&objcopyright),
- DTA_ObjVersion, (&objversion),
- SDTA_VoiceHeader, (&svh),
- SDTA_Sample, (&sample),
- SDTA_SampleLength, (&samplelength),
- SDTA_Period, (&period),
- SDTA_Volume, (&volume),
- SDTA_Cycles, (&cycles),
- TAG_DONE ) == 11UL )
- {
- if( GetDTAttrs( destdto, SDTA_VoiceHeader, (&dvh), TAG_DONE ) == 1UL )
- {
- if( svh && sample && samplelength && dvh )
- {
- /* copy voiceheader (RAW) from source vh... */
- *dvh = *svh;
- /* ...and fill in attributes which may be different */
- dvh -> vh_Compression = CMP_NONE;
- /* Set datas "name", "author", "annotation", "copyright", "version" etc.,
- * screen mode id,
- * our sample data etc.
- */
- SetDTAttrs( destdto, NULL, NULL,
- DTA_ObjName, objname,
- DTA_ObjAuthor, objauthor,
- DTA_ObjAnnotation, objannotation,
- DTA_ObjCopyright, objcopyright,
- DTA_ObjVersion, objversion,
- SDTA_Sample, sample,
- SDTA_SampleLength, samplelength,
- SDTA_Period, period,
- SDTA_Volume, volume,
- SDTA_Cycles, cycles,
- Message( "saving sound: \"%s\"\n", destfile );
- if( !(success = SaveDTObjectA( destdto, NULL, NULL, destfile, DTWM_RAW, TRUE, NULL )) )
- {
- Message( "saving failed\n" );
- error = IoErr();
- }
- /* src datatype will free it's sample data */
- SetDTAttrs( destdto, NULL, NULL, SDTA_Sample, NULL, TAG_DONE );
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "can't get sample (maybe unsupported sound.datatype V41 mode)\n" );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* can't get required args from destination object */
- Message( "can't get required args from destination object\n" );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* can't get required args from source object */
- Message( "can't get required args from source object\n" );
- }
- /* Get rid of the sound object */
- DisposeDTObject( destdto );
- }
- else
- {
- Message( "can't create empty object\n" );
- /* NewDTObject failed */
- error = IoErr();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* missing function args */
- }
- SetIoErr( error );
- return( success );
- }
- /* WriteAnimClass/WriteSoundClass dispatcher */
- static
- ULONG WriteAnimAndSoundDispatch( REGA0 struct IClass *cl, REGA2 Object *o, REGA1 Msg msg )
- {
- ULONG retval = 0UL;
- switch( msg -> MethodID )
- {
- case OM_NEW:
- {
- /* Assumes that WRITEANIMA_SourceObject contains a valid object
- * (WRITEANIMA_SourceObject s mapped to DTA_UserData; datatypesclass handles
- * storage of this attribute :-)
- */
- if( retval = DoSuperMethodA( cl, o, msg ) )
- {
- /* NOP */
- }
- }
- break;
- case OM_DISPOSE:
- {
- DoSuperMethodA( cl, o, msg );
- }
- break;
- case OM_UPDATE:
- {
- /* Avoid OM_NOTIFY loops */
- if( DoMethod( o, ICM_CHECKLOOP ) )
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- case OM_SET:
- {
- /* Pass the attributes to the text class and force a refresh
- * if we need it
- */
- if( retval = DoSuperMethodA( cl, o, msg ) )
- {
- /* writeanimclass is alwasy the top instance... */
- /* Top instance ? */
- if( OCLASS( o ) == cl )
- #endif /* COMMENTED_OUT */
- {
- struct RastPort *rp;
- /* Get a pointer to the rastport */
- if( rp = ObtainGIRPort( (((struct opSet *)msg) -> ops_GInfo) ) )
- {
- struct gpRender gpr;
- /* Force a redraw */
- gpr . MethodID = GM_RENDER;
- gpr . gpr_GInfo = ((struct opSet *)msg) -> ops_GInfo;
- gpr . gpr_RPort = rp;
- gpr . gpr_Redraw = GREDRAW_UPDATE;
- DoMethodA( o, (Msg)(&gpr) );
- /* Release the temporary rastport */
- ReleaseGIRPort( rp );
- }
- retval = 0UL;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /* This two methods are superset by writeanimclass (e.g. us) */
- {
- Object *source;
- if( GetDTAttrs( o, WRITEANIMA_SourceObject, (&source), TAG_DONE ) == 1UL )
- {
- if( source )
- {
- /* Route msg to source object... */
- retval = DoMethodA( source, msg );
- }
- else
- {
- /* This error code aborts animation.datatype's playback and should also abort any encoder
- * (only ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND should be ignored by encoders...)
- */
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /* This two methods are superset by writesoundclass (e.g. us) */
- {
- Object *source;
- if( GetDTAttrs( o, WRITESOUNDA_SourceObject, (&source), TAG_DONE ) )
- {
- if( source )
- {
- /* Route msg to source object... */
- retval = DoMethodA( source, msg );
- }
- else
- {
- /* This error code aborts animation.datatype's playback and should also abort any encoder
- * (only ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND should be ignored by encoders...)
- */
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /* Let the superclass handle everything else */
- default:
- {
- retval = DoSuperMethodA( cl, o, msg );
- }
- break;
- }
- return( retval );
- }