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- *-----------------------------------------
- *-- VNCLibrary --
- *-- © 1990-97 THOR-Software inc --
- *-- --
- *-- Library header file Version 3.50 --
- *-- --
- *-- created 5/2/92 by THOR --
- *-- updated to 2.06 3/28/93 --
- *-- updated to 2.08 4/21/93 --
- *-- updated to 2.12 6/18/93 --
- *-- updated to 2.14 6/25/93 --
- *-- updated to 2.16 9/30/93 --
- *-- updated to 2.17 10/4/93 --
- *-- updated to 2.21 11/28/93 --
- *-- updated to 2.26 1/1/94 --
- *-- updated to 2.32 2/21/94 --
- *-- updated to 3.00 3/1/96 --
- *-- updated to 3.12 10/13/96 --
- *-- updated to 3.14 11/02/96 --
- *-- updated to 3.19 2/8/97 --
- *-- updated to 3.30 3/30/97 --
- *-- updated to 3.40 5/8/97 --
- *-- updated to 3.50 16/7/97 --
- *-----------------------------------------
- ##base _VNCBase
- ##bias 42
- *---- system entry points
- ##private
- VNCInputHandler(events,vncbase)(a0/a1)
- ##public
- VNCRawKeyConvert(event,buffer,length,keymap,mode)(a0/a1,d1/a2,d0)
- *---- SnipMap Support
- GetVNCSnip()()
- SetVNCSnip(snip)(a0)
- AddVNCSnipHook(hook)(a0)
- RemVNCSnipHook(hook)(a0)
- *---- 2 slots reserved here
- ##bias 90
- *---- global patchable hook control. Don't call it, patch it
- InstallGlobalHooks(cn)(a5)
- *---- tabexpansion control
- SwitchTabExpansion(cn,onoff)(a5,d0)
- HandleTabExpansion(cn,len,pos,dir,buf,owner)(a5,d0,d1,d4,a0,a1)
- AbortTabExpansion(cn)(a5)
- *---- system entry points, continued
- ##private
- ImVNCInputHandler(events,vncbase)(a0/a1)
- VNCPost()()
- SysCopySnip(cn)(a5)
- SysPasteSnip(cn)(a5)
- VNCPreAdd()()
- VNCPostRemove()()
- *---- CNWindow support
- ##public
- AddWindow(cn)(a5)
- RemWindow(cn)(a5)
- LockWindow(cn)(a5)
- UnLockWindow(cn)(a5)
- AllocCNWindow(cn)(a5)
- FreeCNWindow(cn)(a5)
- OpenViNCWindow(cn,newwindow)(a5,a0)
- CloseViNCWindow(cn)(a5)
- ##private
- LockList()()
- UnLockList()()
- ##public
- FindCNWindow(filehandle)(d1)
- UnFindCNWindow(filehandle)(d1)
- *---- Preferences Support
- LockPrefs()()
- UnLockPrefs()()
- SetVNCPrefs(buffer,len)(a0/d0)
- GetVNCPrefs(buffer,len)(a0/d0)
- GetVNCDefaultPrefs(buffer,len)(a0/d0)
- LoadPrefs(buffer,max)(a0/d0)
- SetWindowPrefs(cn,buffer,len)(a5,a0/d0)
- GetWindowPrefs(cn,buffer,len)(a5,a0/d0)
- *--- 2 slots reserved here
- ##bias 282
- ReduceINPLines(cn,max)(a5,d0)
- ReduceUpperLines(cn,max)(a5,d0)
- ReduceLowerLines(cn,max)(a5,d0)
- LoadPrefsFrom(buffer,max,file)(a0/d0,a1)
- List2Prefs(mlist,blist,prefs,mlen,blen,mnum,bnum)(a0,a2,a1,d0,d2,d1,d3)
- Prefs2List(mlist,blist,prefs,mlen,blen,mnum,bnum)(a0,a2,a1,d0,d2,d1,d3)
- AllocPrefsBuffer()()
- FreePrefsBuffer(buf)(a1)
- *---- entry points for creating custom windows
- DosInitPC()()
- MainInitPC()()
- MountHandler(name,path,segment,override)(a0/a1,d1,d0)
- DisMountHandler(segment)(d1)
- AddVNCHook(cn,hook)(a5,a0)
- RemVNCHook(cn,hook)(a5,a0)
- *---- patchable hooks for window open/close messaging. Don't call them, patch them
- SendRequestPattern(cn,pat)(a5,a0)
- SendWindowOpens(cn,window)(a5,a0)
- SendWindowCloses(cn,window)(a5,a0)
- SendWindowQuits(cn)(a5)
- ##bias 390
- *---- obsolete device support functions, use the pooled functions below !
- VNCCreateExtIO(port,size)(a1/d0)
- VNCDeleteExtIO(ioreq)(a1)
- VNCCreateStdIO(port)(a1)
- VNCDeleteStdIO(ioreq)(a1)
- VNCCreatePort(name,pri)(a1/d0)
- VNCDeletePort(port)(a1)
- VNCNewList(list)(a0)
- ##private
- DelayAWhile(cn)(a5)
- ##public
- *---- More support functions and hooks, added in 3.0
- VNCRequestFile(cn,vncreq)(a5,a0)
- *---- Patchable hooks (try if you can do better)
- CtrlZSuspend(cn,owner)(a5,a4)
- *---- Even more support functions
- VNCUniqueID()()
- GetNodeN(list,count)(a0,d0)
- *---- pooled editor memory management (static and dynamic)
- AllocEdMem(cn,bytesize,reqments)(a5,d0/d1)
- FreeEdMem(cn,mem)(a5,a1)
- AllocLine(cn,size)(a5,d0)
- FreeLine(cn,line)(a5,a0)
- GetYLine(cn,position)(a5,d0)
- GetForcedYLine(cn,position)(a5,d0)
- *---- line scrolling
- LogicalScrollUp(cn,count)(a5,d0)
- LogicalScrollDown(cn,count)(a5,d0)
- LogicalRemoveNLines(cn,count,position)(a5,d0/d1)
- LogicalInsertNBlankLines(cn,count,position)(a5,d0/d1)
- *---- 1.3 callable allocvec functions
- VNCAllocVec(bytesize,reqments)(d0,d1)
- VNCFreeVec(vec)(a1)
- *---- patchable job control hooks
- NotifyChOwner(cn,old,new,cmd)(a5,a0,a1,d0)
- NotifyClearScreen(cn)(a5)
- *---- number conversion and strings
- VNCAtoI(strsuccptrptr)(a0)
- VNCHtoI(strsuccptrptr)(a0)
- VNCStrToL(strsuccptrptr,base)(a0/d0)
- ##private
- VNCReserved03()()
- ##public
- VNCItoA(number,buffer)(d0/a0)
- ##private
- VNCReserved04()()
- VNCObsoleteStrLen(str)(a0)
- ##public
- VNCStrCmp(str1,str2)(a0/a1)
- VNCStrICmp(str1,str2,first)(a0/a1,d0)
- VNCToUpper(char)(d0)
- VNCSPrintf(buffer,strem,fmtstr)(a0/a1/a2)
- FilterInput(cn,cursorxptr,buffer)(a5,a0/a1)
- *---- 1 slot reserved here
- ##bias 624
- *---- more support 3.0
- ConvertWindowTitle(cn,owner,from,to)(a5,a4,a0,a1)
- FindCloseMacro(cn,owner)(a5,a4)
- PrintSuspend(cn,port,owner)(a5,a0,a4)
- *---- scrolling, inserting and deleting
- ScrollNLeft(cn,count)(a5,d0)
- ScrollNRight(cn,count)(a5,d0)
- ScrollNUp(cn,count)(a5,d0)
- ScrollNDown(cn,count)(a5,d0)
- RemoveNLines(cn,count,position)(a5,d0/d1)
- InsertNLines(cn,count,position)(a5,d0/d1)
- DeleteLinesDown(cn,position)(a5,d0)
- SetTextRange(cn)(a5)
- InsertBlock(cn,string,len,pos)(a5,a0/d0,d1)
- InsertChar(cn,char,len,pos)(a5,a0/d0,d1)
- DeleteChar(cn,size,pos)(a5,d1/d0)
- PrintAll(cn)(a5)
- RefreshAll(cn)(a5)
- *---- 3 slots reserved here
- ##bias 738
- *---- block functions
- BlockStart(cn)(a5)
- BlockChange(cn)(a5)
- BlockEnd(cn)(a5)
- ##private
- VNCReserved08()()
- ##public
- CutBlock(cn)(a5)
- CopyBlock(cn)(a5)
- PasteBlock(cn)(a5)
- PasteCommand(cn)(a5)
- HideBlock(cn)(a5)
- CopyBlockQuiet(cn)(a5)
- VNCMICut(cn)(a5)
- VNCMICopy(cn)(a5)
- VNCMIPaste(cn)(a5)
- VNCMISelectAll(cn)(a5)
- CopyBufferToVec(cn)(a5)
- RemoveBlock(cn,flags)(a5,d0)
- *---- mask functions et al.
- GetGlobalRasterMask(cn)(a5)
- RemakeRasterLists(cn)(a5)
- FlushCopyBuffer(cn)(a5)
- *---- more block support 3.0
- VNCMICopyQuiet(cn)(a5)
- *---- gadget support
- HandleGadgets(cn)(a5)
- ##private
- VNCReserved18()()
- VNCReserved19()()
- ##public
- GetProp(cn,prop,visible,entries)(a5,a0,d0/d1)
- SetProp(cn,prop,visible,entries,position)(a5,a0,d0/d1/d2)
- GetXProp(cn)(a5)
- GetYProp(cn)(a5)
- SetXProp(cn)(a5)
- SetYProp(cn)(a5)
- ##private
- VNCObsoleteBuildPropGadget(cn,edprop,type)(a5,a0,d0)
- VNCReserved11()()
- ##public
- AllocMacro(cn,cmd,num,maxlen)(a5,a0,d0,d1)
- AllocButton(cn,cmd,title,num,maxlen,maxtitle)(a5,a0/a1,d0,d1/d2)
- *---- 2 slots reserved here
- ##bias 948
- *---- DOS support functions
- VNCReplyPacket(dp,res1,res2)(a0,d0/d1)
- AllocAsyncPacket(stream,size)(d0,d1)
- QueueOwnerLine(cn,owner,buffer,size)(a5/a4,a0/d0)
- PushOwnerLine(cn,owner,buffer,size)(a5/a4,a0/d0)
- GetLineData(cn,owner,buffer,size)(a5/a4,a0/d0)
- PutLineData(cn,owner,buffer,size)(a5/a4,a0/d0)
- VNCLockDeviceList(mode)(d0)
- VNCUnLockDeviceList(mode)(d0)
- SendAsyncPacket(stream,type,arg1,data,size)(d1,d2,a1,a0/d0)
- VNCDoPacket(type,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,port)(d0,d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7,a0)
- *---- line controlling
- SaveActual(cn)(a5)
- LoadActual(cn)(a5)
- ClearActualINP(cn)(a5)
- ChangeActualINP(cn,line)(a5,a0)
- *---- console hacks
- DataToConsole(cn)(a5)
- DataFromConsole(cn)(a5)
- *---- support functions
- SwitchToUser(cn)(a5)
- SwitchToDOS(cn)(a5)
- *---- job control functions
- Foreground(flags,stream)(d0,d1)
- Background(flags,stream)(d0,d1)
- *---- cursor movement
- MoveCursorXY(cn,x,y,flags)(a5,d0/d1,d2)
- MoveCursorX(cn,x,flags)(a5,d0,d1)
- CursorToLeft(cn)(a5)
- CursorToRight(cn)(a5)
- DeleteCursorLine(cn,from,to,mask,flags)(a5,d0/d1/d2,d3)
- NewSizeWindow(cn)(a5)
- SearchWordFWD(cn,flags)(a5,d0)
- SearchWordBKWD(cn,flags)(a5,d0)
- HandleKeys(cn)(a5)
- EmptyWindowPort(cn)(a5)
- *---- 4 slots reserved here
- ##bias 1152
- *---- nenu support
- ##private
- VNCReserved14()()
- ##public
- HandleMenu(cn)(a5)
- RemoveMenu(cn)(a5)
- BuildMenu(cn)(a5)
- ##private
- VNCReserved20()()
- VNCReserved21()()
- ##public
- RemoveMenuFromWindow(cn)(a5)
- AddMenuToWindow(cn)(a5)
- BuildMenuStructs(cn,menucommand)(a5,a0)
- SetEditItems(cn)(a5)
- ConvertString(cn,from,to)(a5,a0/a1)
- ##private
- VNCReserved22()()
- ##public
- DoAsciiData(cn,string,len)(a5,a0/d0)
- ##private
- VNCReserved15()()
- VNCReserved16()()
- ##public
- FreeMacroList(cn,list)(a5,a0)
- *---- 3 slots reserved here
- ##bias 1266
- *---- miscellaneos
- PredLine(cn,line)(a5,a2)
- SuccLine(cn,line)(a5,a2)
- ##private
- VNCReserved17()()
- ##public
- ClearFrame(cn)(a5)
- BuildIfNeed(cn)(a5)
- DisplayCursor(cn)(a5)
- RemoveCursor(cn)(a5)
- CmpText(cn,template,pos,cmp)(a5,a0/d0,a1)
- SearchToPast(cn)(a5)
- SearchToFuture(cn)(a5)
- ##private
- SearchObsolete1(cn)(a5)
- SearchObsolete2(cn)(a5)
- ##public
- PredStarter(cn,lineptr)(a5,a0)
- SuccStarter(cn,lineptr)(a5,a0)
- LinearToLine(cn,char,line)(a5,a0,a1)
- LinearToAlloc(cn,char,flags)(a5,a0,d0)
- LineToLinear(cn,char,line)(a5,a1,a0)
- *---- 1 slot reserved here
- *---- extended version 3.00 entries: pooled device support
- ##bias 1374
- PoolCreateExtIO(cn,port,size)(a5,a1/d0)
- PoolDeleteExtIO(cn,ioreq)(a5,a1)
- PoolCreateStdIO(cn,port)(a5,a1)
- PoolDeleteStdIO(cn,ioreq)(a5,a1)
- PoolCreatePort(cn,name,pri)(a5,a1/d0)
- PoolDeletePort(cn,port)(a5,a1)
- *---- 4 slots reserved here
- ##bias 1434
- *---- extended 3.50 entries: buffer io support
- VNCFOpen(name,flags,bufsize)(a0,d0,d1)
- VNCFClose(handle)(a0)
- VNCFRead(handle,buffer,length)(a0,a1,d1)
- VNCFWrite(handle,buffer,length)(a0,a1,d1)
- VNCFSeek(handle,offset,mode)(a0,d0,d1)
- VNCOneRequester(body)(a0)
- VNCTwoRequester(body)(a0)
- VNCBuildFailureString(error,dest,header,un)(d0,a1,a2,a0)
- GetHistory(filename,flags)(a0,d0)
- GetScreen(filename,flags)(a0,d0)
- PutHistory(filename,flags)(a0,d0)
- PutScreen(filename,flags)(a0,d0)
- *---- 4 slots reserved here
- ##end