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- #ifndef VNC_OWNER_H
- #define VNC_OWNER_H
- /*********************************************************
- ** ViNCEd **
- ** a DOS - window handler **
- ** **
- ** © 1991-97 THOR-Software inc. **
- ** Version 3.30 **
- ** **
- ** program version 1.23 05/03/91 THOR **
- ** update version 1.25 06/19/91 THOR **
- ** header file 06/19/91 THOR **
- ** updated to 3.30 03/31/97 THOR **
- ** **
- ** ViNCEd Owner Definitions **
- **-----------------------------------------------------**
- ** **
- ** all use at your own risk,etc.,etc. **
- ** **
- ** Everything declared as "reserved" or **
- ** "not used" is NOT free for your use, **
- ** it will propably used in a later release. **
- ** All FREE entries are free for public **
- ** use and are, if not otherwise noticed, **
- ** initialized as ZERO **
- *********************************************************/
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_LISTS_H
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_PORTS_H
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_TASKS_H
- #include <exec/tasks.h>
- #endif
- #include <devices/timer.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef DOS_DOS_H
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #endif
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #endif
- /* The next one is a ViNCEd owner, i.e. the structure assosiated
- to all processes using the same named console for printing/reading.
- Owners setup the foreground/background mechanism, see the guide. */
- struct ViOwner {
- struct MsgPort vow_DOSPort; /* put messages here */
- /* name is the name of the
- console associated to it*/
- UWORD vow_UseCount; /* counts # of times opened*/
- struct List vow_ReceivedOutNodes;
- /* keeps outnodes, i.e. this
- establishes the output
- buffer */
- UWORD vow_RAWCount; /* reserved */
- struct MsgPort *vow_BreakPort; /* send ^C where ?*/
- ULONG vow_RequestedEvents;
- /* send which
- input events ?*/
- UWORD vow_OutSize; /* size of the output
- buffer */
- UWORD vow_ReadPointer;/* file pointer in output
- buffer, set with SEEK */
- struct timerequest vow_TimerIO; /* used by WaitForChar */
- struct Message *vow_messagedummy; /* internal use only */
- struct MsgPort *vow_OwnerPort; /* pointer to
- this structure */
- ULONG vow_Type; /* always A_Timer.
- This fakes a DOSPacket */
- ULONG vow_resultdummy;/* another dummy for faking */
- struct MsgPort vow_EventPort; /* for incomming events */
- UWORD vow_WaitingReads; /* counts number of read
- requests */
- ULONG vow_ParseFlags; /* see below */
- struct MsgPort *vow_ReadPort; /* last reading port, invalid
- if counter=0.
- Used for TAB expansion */
- struct MsgPort *vow_WritePort; /* last port writing here.
- Used for ^C */
- struct MsgPort *vow_PendingPort; /* suspended task in ^Z */
- UWORD vow_reserved;
- UWORD vow_WaitingWrites; /* suspended write
- requests */
- struct MinList vow_SubOwnerList; /* List of subowners */
- struct DosPacket *vow_WaitPacket; /* WaitForChar packet */
- /* private data beyond this point... do not touch */
- };
- /* The sub-owner structure is allocated once per stream (unlike the
- owner, which is allocated once per named console).
- This is what you find in your file handle */
- struct SubOwner {
- struct SubOwner *vsow_Next;
- struct SubOwner *vsow_Pred; /* linked list */
- UBYTE vsow_Type;
- UBYTE vsow_Pri;
- char *vsow_Name; /* points to name of
- the owner, i.e.
- console name */
- UWORD vsow_cludgefill;
- struct Owner *vsow_Owner; /* subowner of which
- owner */
- struct FileHandle *vsow_Stream; /* no BPTR! Stream
- of this SubOwner */
- };
- /* flags defined in vow_ParseFlags */
- /* something saved back ?*/
- #define VOW_SAVEDBACK_MASK (1L<<0)
- /* parsing in ESC or CSI ?*/
- /* special character set codes */
- #define VOW_FOUNDSS2_BIT 12
- #define VOW_FOUNDSS3_MASK (1L<<12)
- /* got new read request, title must be rebuild */
- #define VOW_GOTNEWREAD_MASK (1L<<29)
- /* owner is not allowed to print, i.e. in background */
- #define VOW_STOPME_BIT 30
- #define VOW_STOPME_MASK (1L<<30)
- /* owner is suspended, and message is printed */
- #define VOW_SUSPENDED_BIT 31
- #define VOW_SUSPENDED_MASK (1L<<31)
- #endif