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- MyFormat v1.0
- © 1995-97 by Daniel J. Andrea II
- NOTE: This software is offered as GIFTWARE. If you like it, then you can
- send me something in payment of your choice (other programs, disks,
- computers, cars, etc.) at the address at the end of this document. No
- warranty of any kind is offered with this software or implied, or for
- suitability of purpose. It's use is entirely at your own risk.
- No fees can be charged for this software, other than the nominal fees for
- the cost of magnetic media and copying of the software onto that media,
- not to exceed the amount of US $5 for a disk containing this software.
- Copies of this software must include this documentation file for
- redistribution through Fred Fish or other similar software collections.
- What is it?
- ===========
- MyFormat is a replacement for the Format command. I wrote this because of
- the original Format that came with both OS2.1 and OS3.1 was severly lacking
- several handy features which I found useful from Olaf Barthel & MXM's
- Format replacement. I also found that their program didn't draw the
- gadgets properly under OS3.1, thus MyFormat was born.
- MyFormat works under both OS2.x and OS3.x, allowing certain extras under
- OS3.x. When operating under OS2.x, both OFS and FFS, with or without
- International mode is available. Under OS3.x, Directory Caching is
- available. MyFormat does require at least KickStart v37 to run.
- A quick note here. I've had several users mention they would like to see
- direct support for MultiFileSystem in MyFormat. This currently is not
- possible, at least until the MFS author is willing to release info on how to
- access MFS to change the current filesystem of the device.
- However, MyFormat does somewhat support the MFS system. If a device's
- filesystem is changed, either by inserting a different disk or from the MFS
- commodity, all you have to do is click on the device again within the Drives
- gadget and everything will be setup to format in the new filesystem.
- Installation
- ============
- To install, simply copy MyFormat and it's icon to your SYS:System directory.
- If you want to replace the original Format command, rename MyFormat to
- Format. MyFormat will work exactly as the original when called from
- the Workbench.
- Usage
- =====
- Usage of MyFormat is similar to Format. All the command line arguments
- from Format are supported, along with some extras for the new features.
- MyFormat can format disks with or without verifying, and can install a
- valid bootblock which will work for both OS2.x and OS3.x.
- There are three new command line arguments, BADSECTORS, BADTRACKS, INSTALL
- INSTALL tells MyFormat to install a valid 2.x/3.x Bootblock to make the disk
- bootable. NOVERIFY tells MyFormat to turn off verification of the tracks
- as they are written to the disk. The rest of the arguments work the same
- as the original Format's arguments as listed in the DOS reference manual.
- The arguments BADSECTORS and BADTRACKS, tells MyFormat to mark bad sectors
- in a FFS/OFS Bitmap if verify is enabled. The BADSECTORS argument tells
- MyFormat to mark only those sectors found as bad in the verify step, and
- BADTRACKS will mark the entire track (or "head") for that cylinder as bad.
- If the NOVERIFY option is included, then BADSECTORS and BADTRACKS are both
- ignored. BADTRACKS has priority over BADSECTORS (i.e. if both BADTRACKS and
- BADSECTORS are on the commandline, then BADTRACKS will be chosen.
- Note: this only works on FFS/OFS disks, and will be disabled for any non-OFS/FFS
- disks.
- If MyFormat is started by double-clicking its icon or from the shell with
- no arguments, it will open a window on the Workbench screen with several
- gadgets.
- The Drives gadget shows the available disk drives attached to the system.
- Just below it is the Size gadget, which shows the number of tracks and
- the size of the drive in megabytes.
- At the bottom of the window under the Drives gadget is a status window
- which shows the current operations of MyFormat.
- To the right is several checkbox gadgets, and two cycle gadget. The
- "use Filesystem" cycle gadget selects the FileSystem to use for formatting.
- Verify Writes turns on and off verification. Install Disk turns on Bootblock
- installation. Create Icons creates the disk and Trashcan icons for the disk.
- The "BadBlock marking" cycle gadget enables badblock marking for FFS/OFS floppies,
- using either sector marking or whole track marking as described in the CLI usage
- above. It is dsabled on non-FFS/OFS formatted partitions and if verisy is disabled.
- The Auto Start function is used to set a two second delay for
- auto-formatting of a disk inserted into any of the available drives. This
- feature allows almost hands-free operation for multiple disk formatting.
- This option is not available from the command line. If you plan to use
- this with MFS running, set the filesystem you want to format to in the
- MFS commodity BEFORE you set the Auto Start mode and insert a disk. Not
- doing so can cause unpredictable results, and you may not get the filesystem
- you wanted the disk formatted as. Also, MyFormat may read the values from
- the device entry while MFS is changing things around and get bad info, possibly
- causing a crash (I haven't had this happen yet, but it is possible). There's
- no way around this situation, until the author of MFS releases the info on how
- to set the filesystem within MFS.
- The last gadgets are the Name, Start, Quick, and Stop gadgets in the bottom
- of the window. The Name gadget is a text gadget into which you can
- enter the volume name for the disk to be formatted. Default name is
- "Empty". The Start gadget starts formatting the whole disk, and the
- Quick gadget starts formatting using the quick-format option. The format
- can be interrupted at any time by pressing the Stop gadget.
- During formatting operations several of the gadgets are disabled which are
- options that cannot be changed. Those which are not disabled may be
- changed at any time during format operations.
- Note: The Drive gadget does not show as disabled under OS2.x because
- there is currently no way to disable that type of gadget under OS2.x.
- Any activity in or on that gadget will be ignored by the program
- during format operations.
- Bugs
- ====
- There are no known bugs at this time. If you find any, please contact me
- at the E-Mail address or Snail-Mail address below with bug reports. Be
- sure to include information on what other software was running and what
- kind of system you have. Bug fixes will be incorporated into MyFormat
- as soon as possible.
- Note: I have received some complaints about the size information not
- being correct for some devices. There is a program called
- ReadDevice included in this archive. It is a Shell only program
- for reading device info from the Dos.library's devicelist in
- memory. For example, to read info on DF0:, type this:
- readdevice df0:
- or for redirecting the output
- readdevice >t:temp df0:
- this will produce output to the standard output, in this case
- the shell's console. Redirect the output of the program using
- standard file redirection and include the output of the program
- in an e-mail letter to the address below. This should help me
- figure out how to correct the problem. Also, include info about
- what software is used to run the device, i.e. CrossDOS for PC
- format floppies, etc.
- Also, I have had at least one person report not being able to format
- a floppy with the CrossMAC filesystem. The track format goes fine, but
- the initialize process fails. I cannot find anything in my code that could
- be causing this, so if anyone else has tried MyFormat with CrossMAC, please
- let me know by email your results, both good and bad. I am trying to get
- in contact with someone at Consultron, but have not heard back from them
- as of yet. Update: v1.20 seems to have fixed this. Please let me know
- if you still have problems formatting CrossMAC disks with MyFormat.
- There have also been reports of not being able to format large drives,
- like the Iomega Zip, when using CrossDOS. I have tried to find a problem
- in MyFormat, but cannot see what could be going wrong. The best I can
- figure, unless I have a REALLY obscure bug, is the CrossDOS driver can't
- handle larger disks properly when initializing. I have tried several
- different methods with my Zip drive, but cannot get it to format the drive
- either.
- As of a full month after sending Consultron the email concerning CrossMAC,
- I have not heard anything. If anyone is a registered user of CrossMAC
- and/or CrossDOS, please get in contact with them so I can find out what
- is wrong. Have them contact me if possible.
- History
- =======
- v1.0 -- Initial release.
- v1.01 -- Fixed minor bug in setting of Use_Filesystem gadget during
- startup and selection of drive to format. Also recompiled
- with SAS/C v6.55
- v1.02 -- Changed operation of Use_Filesystem gadget so that it is
- disabled on disks not using the standard Amiga Filesystem.
- e.g. PC formatted disks, PFS formatted disks, etc.
- v1.03 -- Changed arrangement of gadgets and how MyFormat responds to
- Workbench menu originated formats.
- v1.04 -- OOPS! Bug creeped in during rearrangement of gadgets in 1.03
- regarding Auto Start. Fixed so that Auto Start defaults to
- whole disk formatting.
- v1.05 -- Altered Auto Start code to notify user at end of format
- with a DisplayBeep call.
- v1.06 -- Changed disk change sensing method to recognize all diskchanges.
- This change was needed because the A3000's scsi.device didn't
- recognize the command I originally used for sensing disk changes.
- This should now work with all removable media drives. It works
- fine with my Iomega Zip drive on the A3000 scsi.device as unit 5.
- v1.07 -- Found a bug in the disk type and size sensing code for non-Amiga
- formatted disks. This mainly affected disks greater than 50 megs
- (the OFS size limit). Now works. Also has been recompiled with
- SAS/C 6.56. Also, this is first version to be uploaded to Aminet.
- v1.08 -- Fix minor bug in size info calulations which caused some really
- weird size info to be placed in the size gadget. Bug did not
- affect formatting the disk, just the size reported in the window.
- Thanks to Jon Peterson for help in tracking this down.
- v1.09ß -- Internal test versions during BadBlock marking development.
- thru Never released.
- v1.12ß
- v1.13ß -- Now includes Bad Block marking for FFS/OFS formatted partitions.
- thru This can be set to either mark sectors or whole tracks as used
- v1.15ß in the bitmap. Added warning messages for bad sectors on the
- RootBlock track and/or track 0. Beta versions, not released.
- v1.16 -- v1.15ß passed testing, and is now released to Aminet after
- re-compiling.
- v1.17 -- The new warning messages were too long for screens less than
- 800 pixels wide. Re-formatted the text.
- v1.18 -- An elusive bug, which I never saw, was discovered by Carsten Sorensen
- in the GUI layout code. I had mistakenly, way back in v1.03, set
- the topedge of some gadgets to a set value, rather than adjusting
- them according to the screen's font. This has now been fixed.
- Also turned the optimizer back on in SAS/C with size optimization.
- This cut the size of the code by a little more than 1K over no
- optimization for v1.18. Might even be a little faster as well.
- v1.19 -- Well, I did find another stupid bug on my part. :-\
- I had created the BadBlocks type gadget with some bad info in the
- list it used for defining the available settings. Caused some
- problems with MCP's cycle-to-menu option (caused lockups). I'm
- surprised this didn't show up until now. Also removed a call
- that would force the window to the front whenever AutoStart mode
- is enabled. I will be making some changes in MyFormat 2.0 to
- make this optional, since it is rather annoying to have the
- Workbench screen pop to the front while trying to read email on
- Thor's own screen.
- v1.20 -- Found another rather obscure bug, though I don't think it ever
- affected anything. I had mistakenly set the dostype for the
- disk initialization to always be an Amiga type, as in FFS. I
- had thought this might be why the CrossDOS formatting of larger
- disks didn't work, but it didn't change anything on formatting
- my Zip drive to PC format. See the note above about bugs and
- Consultron for more info. Now compiled with SAS/C 6.58.
- Extra nore on 1.20: This bugfix seems to have fixed the CrossMAC
- formatting problem. If anyone still has problems with this, let
- me know. Also included a new version of readdevice with this
- re-upload. Readdevice was causing some Enforcer hits when
- string pointers in the device entry are not set. Now it includes
- some more pointer checks for those entries and will accept device
- names with or without the ':'.
- Author
- ======
- I can be contacted through Internet E-Mail at:
- dandrea@unix.tfs.net
- or through Snail-Mail at:
- Daniel J. Andrea II
- 1331 Metropolitan St.
- Leavenworth, KS 66048
- U.S.A.
- To check up on MyFormat development and other projects when they arise,
- point your web browser at
- http://www.tfs.net/~dandrea/
- MyFormat was developed on an Amiga 500 with a Microbotics VXL*30/RAM*32
- accelerator and on a 25 MHz A3000 using SAS/C v6.0 thru v6.3 and
- v6.55 thru v6.58.
- Future
- ======
- Next I will try to work in a reworked, font-sensitive GUI as well as locale support.
- Thanks
- ======
- Many thanks to my beta-testers from v1.13ß-v1.15ß:
- Iwan Heskamp, Ron Burman, Jon Peterson, Max Headroom (? not sure if this is real name),
- and Javier De Las Rivas Fdez. There was one other , but all I have is "Software Solutions"
- for a name and that he is in the Bahamas. Thanks to you all.
- Also, thanks to Carsten Sorensen for pointing out the bug fixed in v1.18.