home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- "$VER: Filer.catalog 4.00 (9.3.97)
- english
- Out of memory!
- Do you want to quit?
- Operation aborted!
- Operation finished!
- Pattern
- Can't show history buffer!
- History
- Fast Mem
- Chip Mem
- Enter the pattern!
- Invalid pattern!
- Refresh
- _Okay
- Question
- Stringinput
- Cancel
- Trouble
- !Please close all visitor windows!
- Continue
- Message
- Operation
- %s in progress
- Abort
- Error while reading directory!
- Device not mounted!
- Directory not found!
- Drive is empty, try again?
- Can't access directory!
- !The supposed directory is a file!
- Directory Cache
- Question
- File "%s" exists.
- _Overwrite
- Overwrite _All
- _Cancel
- %File "%s" is protected from deletion.
- _Delete
- Delete _All
- Volume not avaible, try again?
- %Volume is write protected, try again?
- %Volume is being validated, try again?
- .Trouble with the FileSystem, shall I continue?
- 5@Not enough free space on volume!|@Shall I continue?
- Cancel
- Enter new Filename!
- "%s" renamed to "%s"
- !A file or directory "%s" exists.
- _Other Name
- _Skip
- Error while renaming "%s": %s
- Protocolwindow
- Enter new directory's name!
- Create
- 2A file or directory with this name already exists!
- Can't create directory!
- Shall I create a Icon?
- Can't create icon!
- "%s" created.
- Can't delete "%s": %s
- _@Warning!||All selected files and directories will be deleted!|@Do you really want to continue?
- "%s" deleted.
- Error while opening "%s": %s
- &Error while reading from file "%s": %s
- %Error while writing to file "%s": %s
- %WARNING: Can't set protection flags.
- WARNING: Can't set date.
- WARNING: Can't set comment.
- Infinite loop in "%s".
- "%s" created.
- #Error while scaning directory "%s".
- Can't create softlink "%s".
- "%s" is corrupt.
- Can't access "%s": %s
- Can't create directory "%s".
- "%s" copied to "%s"
- "%s" moved.
- Can't move "%s": %s
- "%s" is a directory.
- "%s" moved to "%s"
- Protection Flags
- Process a_ll files
- 'Can't set protection flags for "%s": %s
- Enter filename for the copy!
- Can't access
- [32m%s
- [31m.
- [32m%s
- [31m found.
- Enter the Pattern!
- Search
- Invalid pattern!
- [32mSearch finished!
- Delete
- Duplicate
- Filer's CLI Window
- Can't open CLI window.
- Source directory not available.
- Target directory not available.
- No filename supplied.
- !Enter arguments for program call:
- Program call aborted!
- Couldn't run editor!
- File couldn't be displayed!
- Enter new comment:|
- Apply
- Couldn't set comment.
- Enter new volume name!
- Couldn't relabel volume!
- !Couldn't run program sucessfully!
- Unknown archive type!
- Add "%s" to archive "%s".
- Couldn't run archive program!
- Created archive "%s".
- Enter the pattern!
- Please select only one archive!
- Filename for the new archive?
- *A directory with this name already exists!
- Can't create this archive type!
- Couldn't create file list!
- Enter name fo new link:
- Create a link
- #What kind of link shell be created?
- _Hardlink
- _Softlink
- _Cancel
- Cancel
- Create a softlink
- Couldn't create softlink!
- Create a hardlink
- Object not found!
- Object is corrupt !
- Couldn't create Hardlink!
- Auto Action
- Enter the ownername:
- Enter the groupname:
- Owner "%s" doesn't exist.
- Group "%s" doesn't exist.
- %Modification of the Owner Information
- )Can't set owner information for "%s": %s
- Error while opening "%s": %s
- &Error while reading from file "%s": %s
- Disk Scan
- #Error while scaning directory "%s".
- Disk usage evaluated
- File "%s" is missing.
- %"%s" and "%s" are of different size.
- #"%s" and "%s" differ at offset %ld.
- Can't access "%s": %s
- "%s" is not a directory.
- Dir "%s" is missing.
- Compare
- Compare results
- missing directorie(s)
- missing file(s)
- file(s) with different size
- file(s) differing
- Project
- About...
- Clean Up Memory
- Quit & Die
- Preferences
- Miscellaneous
- Stay resident
- Silent
- Extend Path
- Cache
- Doubleclick
- Deselect
- Use ExAll()
- Automatic Requesters
- Memory Display
- Weekdays
- Reverse Colors
- Sort Cache
- Select Icon
- Click on Border for Parentdir
- Update Listviews
- Activate Window
- Read directory after Diskchange
- Multiple Drag and Drop
- Flags
- Comment
- ASynchron
- Overwrite
- Check free Diskspace
- Format
- Verify
- International
- Directory Cache
- Sound Playback
- Filter
- Sort Left Directory Listview
- Sort Right Directory Listview
- By Name
- By Date
- By Size
- Display Mode...
- Snapshot Window
- Screen Font
- Colors...
- Textviewer
- Display Mode...
- Font...
- External...
- Command Buttons
- Contents...
- Font...
- Display Format...
- Editor...
- Hide...
- Can't save preferences!
- 5This Filer is registered to:||%s||License number: %ld
- @*** No license ***||To register send US$ 30 or 40,- DM to:|@Matthias Scheler|@Sch
- tzenstra
- e 18|@33178 Borchen|@FR Germany|@See documentation for details.
- Y|@Copyright 1989-1997 by Matthias Scheler|@Sch
- tzenstra
- e 18|@33178 Borchen|@FR Germany||
- line %ld: %s
- Filer-Configuration
- illegal boolean expression
- '%lc' expected
- unexpected end of line
- wrong window-/screensize
- Press [RETURN]
- invalid or missing color number
- invalid or missing RGB value
- missing variable name
- unknown variable
- illegal IFF identifer
- invalid or missing font height
- invalid or missing row number
- !invalid or missing column number
- Illegal Stacksize
- illegal key description
- Illegal Historybuffersize
- invalid screen depth
- invalid or missing bank number
- invalid or missing buffer size
- invalid or missing side
- invalid or missing sort method
- illegal command
- # Automatically created configuration file for %s
- # display mode for Filer's screen
- # colors of Filer's screen
- # some global configuration flags
- # buttons of the main panel
- # alternate buttons of the main panel
- # keyboard map
- # Directory Listviews
- # miscellaneous parameters
- # ARexx commands
- # textviewer configuration
- # command search path
- # Don't show these assigns/volumes/drives!
- # additional IFF types
- # known archive formats
- # known classes
- # Drag & Drop configuration
- Enter name of the text viewer:
- Enter display format:
- Enter editor's name:
- Can't access device!
- Drive is empty!
- Volume write protected!
- Can't read bootblock!
- Can't write bootblock!
- Bootblock created!
- Low Level Format
- _Abort
- Error while Formating!
- Error while verifying!
- Format aborted!
- U@Warning!||All existing Data on '%s' will be erased.|@Do you really want to continue?
- EDANGER!||'%s' is probably a harddisk.|Do you really want to erase it?
- Empty
- Enter new volume's name:
- Can't create volume!
- Volume created successfully!
- normal FileSystem (OFS)
- fast FileSystem (FFS)
- International FileSystem (OFS)
- #International Fast FileSystem (FFS)
- )FileSystem with Directory Cache (DC-OFS)
- -Fast FileSystem with Directory Cache (DC-FFS)
- MS-DOS FileSystem
- Ami-FileSafe FileSystem
- unknown FileSystem (0x%08lx)
- Format
- Drive:
- Size (KB):
- FileSystem:
- Device:
- Unit:
- _Verify
- Fas_tFileSystem
- Inter_national Mode
- _Directory Cache
- _Format
- _Quick Format
- _Install
- _Cancel
- #Executing archive program for "%s".
- Can't run archive program!
- Can't open file "%s".
- Can't read file "%s".
- !Executing ARexx command for "%s"
- !ARexx command Can't be executed.
- Executing command for "%s"
- Can't run application.
- 'No idea what to do with this file "%s".
- Executing command for "%s"
- Viewer
- Choose string to search for!
- File is empty!
- Can't open file.
- Error while reading!
- Cancel
- _Red:
- _Green:
- _Blue:
- _Allocate
- _Free
- _Undo
- Filer's Palette Preferences
- _Cancel
- Hide:
- Visible Drives:
- Select a font
- _Delete
- Cancel
- Use PubScreen
- Clone Default PubScreen
- On own Screen:
- On a PubScreen:
- Width:
- Height:
- Colors:
- X-Pos:
- Y-Pos:
- PubScreen:
- Default
- %The monitors were not setup properly.
- EThe screen is too small or the font|too large to open the requester.
- Select display mode
- Command Buttons
- _Bank:
- _Label:
- _Command:
- _Pen:
- Cl_ear
- C_opy to Buffer
- P_aste Buffer
- _Swap with Buffer
- _Delete
- Error in IFF file "%s".
- IFF file "%s" is incomplete.
- IFF file "%s" is corrupt.
- *IFF file "%s" uses an unsupported feature.
- %Error while reading IFF file "%s": %s
- !Showing picture "%s": %ldx%ldx%ld
- 5%s: The frequence is too high for the "audio.device".
- %The "audio.device" is not available.
- Sound Replay
- Name:
- Frequency:
- Mode:
- Length:
- Stereo
- Abort
- "%s" is a instrument.
- %lu bytes free
- %lu bytes in %lu file(s)
- Dragging %ld items
- !Source and Target are identical!