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- Copyright.
- ----------
- The program(s) and the related documentation that are accompanied by this
- file are copyright to Silicon Based Life (herein SBL) and to the named
- author(s).
- You may not use, copy, modify, or duplicate the programs or documentation,
- other than as expressed in the program's accompanying documentation.
- You are permitted to make any number of backups of the accompanying
- program(s), provided these are kept solely for your personal use.
- If the program(s) are passed to another party, unless otherwise stated in
- the program's documentation, you must destroy all copies/ backup copies of
- the program(s). The program(s) can only be passed on in full, with all the
- supporting files and documentation of the original distribution.
- If the program(s) are to be used within a commercial organisation, one copy
- must be purchased for each workstation on which the program(s) may be in
- use simultaneously. Enquires for site licences should be made to the named
- author(s).
- Disclaimer.
- -----------
- Neither, SBL or the named author(s) take any responsibility for any loss or
- damage caused to data or equipment which may have been caused directly or
- indirectly by the use of the accompanying program(s).
- The software is provided `as is', without a warrantee of any kind, either
- expressed or implied. By using the program(s), you agree to accept the
- entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program(s). SBL
- attempt to ensure that programs have been thoroughly tested before release,
- but, cannot guarantee that all bugs/ inaccuracies have been removed.
- Any views expressed by or actions undertaken by the named author(s),
- individually or together, that are apparent from the programs or
- their documentation are of the choice of those author(s) only and are not
- representative of the other members of SBL.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Silicon Based Life (SBL) and the Silicon Based Life Logo are copyright.
- Silicon Based Life is not an official partnership.
- Current members are, (in no special order),
- James Ling (Founder),
- Trenton Oliver,
- Stephen Fairbairn,
- Peter Smith,
- Kevin Crate.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Amiga (tm), AmigaDOS (tm) are registered trademarks of Commodore-Amiga Inc.
- Workbench (tm), Intuition (tm) are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga Inc.
- Commodore is a registered trademark of Commodore Electronics Ltd.