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- $VER: DoVer V1.8 (26.06.97)
- =====================
- Introducing
- DoVer searchs version strings ("$VER...") in files. Optional the version
- string will written to the file comment.
- If xfd.library is available files will unpacked before scanned.
- If xfd.library is available executable files without a "$VER" will
- relocated and scanned for a resident structure ($4AFC), this will find
- the version of libraries, devices and handlers.
- The idea of copying the version string to the file-comment is not from me,
- but from Drago Fiser's tool v2c (aminet:util/cli/v2c.lha), thanks to you !
- Requirements
- Kickstart 2.0 (V37) or better
- Disclaimer
- This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note"
- It is Freeware as defined in paragraph 4a.
- For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1 or higher).
- Installation
- just copy DoVer anywhere you like (e.g. C:)
- for decrunching and relocating the xfd-package must be installed
- (currently aminet:util/pack/xfd115.lha)
- Using
- - open a Shell and type in "DoVer <name_of_file>"
- DoVer will load the file and output the version string if found
- - DoVer is PURE and can made resident
- - see CLI-Convention for further details
- The CLI-Convention
- - Template :
- FILE/A/M the name of the files to search in
- (you can specify multiple files !)
- FMT/K with this you can create your own version format
- specify a format string using these special keys:
- %n - program name (first word in $VER)
- %v - version (second word in $VER)
- %d - day of the datestamp (1..31)
- %m - month as number (1..12)
- %M - month as string (Jan..Dec)
- %y - year as short number (0..99)
- %Y - year as long number (1978..2077)
- %e - extra (all after the date)
- %% - to get a '%'
- between the "%" and the keychar you can insert an
- integer which sets the minimal length of the inserted
- field in the version string
- if the first char of the integer is a '0' the area is
- filled with '0' otherwise with ' '
- if DoVer cannot convert the $VER the format will
- ignored and the unmodified $VER is written
- Examples:
- orginal version string = "DoVer 1.6 (08.09.96) by B.Jahn"
- FMT="%n %v (%d.%m.%y)" -> "DoVer 1.6 (8.9.96)"
- FMT="Version %v at %d.%M.%Y" -> "Version 1.6 at 8.Sep.1996"
- FMT="%5v (%02d %M%3y) %n %e" -> " 1.6 (08 Sep 96) DoVer by B.Jahn"
- DEFAULT/K if no version will found this is the default
- string for SetComment
- FORCE/S overwrite exist comment
- APPEND/S the version will appended on exist comment
- PREPEND/S the version will inserted in front of exist comment
- QUIET/S make no output except error messages
- NOCOMM/S set not the comment
- the keyword SHORT is removed starting at version 1.5 use FMT/K instead
- the keyword CONVERDATE is removed starting at version 1.5 use FMT/K instead
- only one of FORCE,APPEND,PREPEND can specified at the same time
- - My personal use in DOpus (4.12) :
- "DoVer write"
- C:DoVer FMT="%5v (%2d %M %y) %n" DEFAULT=" -" FORCE QUIET {O}
- (Options: "CD source" "Do all files" "Reload each file")
- "DoVer show"
- C:DoVer NOCOMM {O}
- (Options: "CD source" "Do all files" "Output window")
- Bugs
- - version strings larger than 255 chars will cut for display
- the string for the comment will be cut to 79 chars
- Thanks to
- Bill Boegelein, Rudolph Riedel, Tobias Haase for suggestions and comments
- Contact me for bugs, improvements, comments ...
- EMail: jah@fh-zwickau.de
- WWW: http://www.fh-zwickau.de/~jah/
- Mail: Bert Jahn
- Franz-Liszt-Straße 16
- Rudolstadt
- 07407
- Germany