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- aH's MpegA GUI
- BaH's MpegA GUI
- Version 1.041
- ©1997 Bruce A Henderson
- Bonus Systems
- MPEGA is an Mpeg Audio Decoder (Layers I, II & III)
- ©1997 Stephane Tavenard
- Aminet- mus/play/mpega.lha
- If you have any ideas for implementation, don't hesitate to ask ;)
- All Bugs, Comments and much needed Criticism can be sent to my mailbox at:
- brucey@thenet.co.uk
- Subject: BMG
- NOTE: Sorry no Guide or Installer. Didn't think it was worth it for the
- size of everything. Just copy the fonts to Fonts: and it'll run anywhere.
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- Features:
- Track Advance/Back inc Auto Play New Track if Current Track Playing.
- Auto Next Track when Finished Current.
- It's got a TIMER !
- PAUSE/PLAY !!!!!!!!! PAUSE then restart... way hey !
- It can handle MULTIPLE Audio Files ! (upto 64 Tracks)
- Repeat/Random Track play
- CD Player-Like buttons
- PREFS !! Yep, on another window, so the Timer keeps ticking ;)
- --- New for 1.02 ---
- SNAPSHOTS the windows. Now you can have them in your favourite place.
- New Parameter passing (See USAGE)
- --- New for 1.04 ---
- New MINIMIZE option. Press Right-Mouse-Button while Main window is
- selected....
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- Requirements:
- Mpega - Mpeg Audio Decoder in "C:"
- Fixplain7 font (included) in "FONTS:"
- A reasonably fast Amiga (060 recommended !!!)
- Oh, and some Mpeg Audio files.
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- You can now call BMG with Params too.
- Use:
- BMG [-r] [-n] <TrackList>
- -r : Repeat Play set on Startup
- -n : Random Play set on Startup
- -m : Minimize ON if this is used
- <TrackList> : Track list with FULL paths
- To load a NEW track, press either PLAY ( > ) or EJECT ( ^ ).
- Select the Track(s) you want to play.
- To Advance between tracks Press BACK ( << ) or FORWARD ( >> ).
- To Pause a track press PAUSE ( || ). To restart the track, press
- To Stop a track press STOP ( [] ) or Eject ( ^ ).
- If you EJECT but don't select new Tracks to play, the Old Tracks
- will remain.
- For REPEAT playing press the REPEAT ( <-) ) button. This will play
- the track list repeatedly until STOPped.
- RANDOM ( ? ) track selection will set up the Track List in a random
- order. Re-randomizing the list on a REPEAT PLAY.
- To Quit press the Window's CLOSE gadget.
- PREFS ->
- Select the required Options.
- FREQ -> [ None , x2, x4 ]
- QUALITY -> [ Low , Medium, High ]
- OUTPUT -> [Stereo, Mono, None ]
- (Audio) FILTER -> [ On , Off ]
- VOL -> Use the Slider to Select the Required Volume
- level. Anything over 64 is a BOOSTED level,
- and quality may decrease.
- BUF (SEC) -> Use the Slider to Select the Required Buffer
- size. This pre-loads a segment (in seconds)
- of music, cutting back on Disk access.
- To save the Prefs to File (S:BMG.Prefs), click on SAVE. The Prefs
- file will be loaded whenever you restart the GUI.
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- Coming Soon.....
- (1.05) JukeBox V1.00 - Multi-Group/Multi-track Database
- generator. (unlimited Tracks).
- [-j<jukeboxfile>] JukeBox parameter
- Programmable Play Lists.
- AHI support.
- AmigaGuide Documentation.
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- History:
- (dd.mm.yy)
- (03.06.97) ------- Started Coding.
- (03.06.97) v 0.01a First Alpha Release
- (03.06.97) v 0.02a Fixed - AutoNext Track problem.
- (04.06.97) v 0.03a Added Prefs Window
- Fixed Play-While-Playing Fault. Now does nothing if
- Play Button is pressed while playing a track.
- Added SAVE Prefs (Now Loads Prefs File on Startup)
- (05.06.97) v 0.04a Fixed the Clock-counting-back problem. No Probs ;)
- Added Repeat & Random Track play.
- Added Audio Buffer size (1-5 seconds)
- Added Font check (Quit on error)
- (06.06.97) v 0.05a Added. Finally Implemented the PAUSE/PLAY.
- Fixed System-Font Title-bar fault, now resizes.
- (07.06.97) v 0.10b Added LastDir to FileRequester.
- Added Track Name to Display.
- Fixed a couple of RANDOM player bugs.
- (10.06.97) v 0.11b Fixed ANOTHER Random bug. Hopefully that's them all
- now.
- (10.06.97) v 1.00 FIRST PUBLIC RELEASE.
- (12.06.97) v 1.01 Fixed silly bug with the Buffer. (Thanks to J Pecjak)
- (12.06.97) v 1.02 Added Windows SnapShot - Saved with Prefs.
- Added new Parameter functions (Ideas from pAV)
- (14.06.97) v 1.03 Fixed Quality Setting - Wasn't used ! (Thanks T Boer)
- Fixed Snapshot - Didn't remember Prefs unless Saved.
- Fixed NASTY bug that appeared 0.10b. Note: Didn't do
- anything on my computer. Ask Vader :P
- (24.06.97) v 1.04 Fixed bug where Random/Repeat showed on Prefs.
- Added Minimize parameter.
- Added Timer & Track on Title-bar when minimized.
- (27.06.97) v 1.041 Fixed Timer. Now works correctly in ALL screen modes.
- (Well, it SHOULD do, finally)
- Fixed button display problem.
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- Thanks to..
- [Vader] - davef@thenet.co.uk
- For his awesome wit, his ability to find things Wrong with my code,
- and mostly for pointing me to Blitz in the first place....
- (Coming Soon, to a Screen near you.... Vader ?)
- The Blitz Mailing List - blitz-list@netsoc.ucd.ie
- For some assistance with bits & pieces.
- IFCI's IRC server (irc.thenet.co.uk Port 7000)
- For providing a wonderful forum for [Vader] to destroy my desire to live.
- """"""""""""""""""
- Special thanks to Everyone who have provided me with comments and
- criticism, and given me the urge to make BMG better.
- All ideas have been noted & considered. Many of which have been planned
- since its inception.
- """"""""""""""""""
- ..finally..
- Randall, my cat
- For being a COOL Cat !!
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- ©1997 Bonus Systems
- Designed and Coded by Bruce A Henderson
- ----
- This Program may only be included in a CD compilation (including any
- magazine cover-CD's) ONLY after the Author is notified FIRST.
- /|
- / |MIGA