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- ; *** Pinball Dreams Turbo Board Launcher
- ; *** Written by Jean-François Fabre in 1997
- ; *** For more infomation about this source code
- ; *** and the HDStartup technology, see my web site
- ; *** http://www.ensica.fr/~jffabre/patches.html
- ; *** e-mail: jffabre@ensica.fr
- include "/lib/libs.i"
- include "/lib/macros.i"
- include "/lib/refs.i"
- ; *** This game is a cool game, but it's programmed
- ; *** like shit (but I could not do such a game)
- _loader:
- move.l #$80000,D0
- JSRABS AllocExtMem
- move.l D0,ExtBase
- beq MemErr
- Mac_printf "Pinball dreams turbo board patch"
- Mac_printf "Programmed by Jean-François Fabre © 1997"
- Mac_printf "Please insert Pinball Dreams Disk 1 in DF0:"
- Mac_printf "And click the left mouse button"
- JSRABS TransfRoutines
- moveq.l #0,D0
- move.l #CACRF_CopyBack,D1
- JSRABS Degrade
- SAVE_OSDATA $80000
- move.w #$2700,SR
- ; **** boot stuff and patch
- lea boot,A0
- lea $100.W,A1
- copy$
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- cmp.l #$2900,A1
- bne.b copy$
- ; *** replaces memory check
- move.l ExtBase(pc),$3B4.W
- move.l #$60000076,$162.W
- ; *** installs level 6 interrupt
- move.l D0,$78.W
- ; *** a patch
- PATCHUSRJSR $262.W,Patch262
- ; *** flush caches
- JSRGEN FlushCachesHard
- nop
- nop
- jmp $100.W ; GO GO GO
- nop
- nop
- MemErr:
- Mac_printf "** Not enough mem to run Pinball Dreams!"
- JMPABS CloseAll
- ; *** routines relocated on the top of the memory, either in chip or fast
- _UserPatchRoutines:
- ; *** on 68060, this interrupt occurs at least once
- ; *** We have to trap it, and acknowledge
- PatchIntCIAB:
- move.w #$2000,intreq+$DFF000
- btst.b #0,$BFDD00 ; acknowledge CIA-B Timer A interrupt
- Patch1372:
- ; *** Removes a check causing incompatibility
- ; *** with 68060 boards (possibly 68040 too)
- move.l A0,-(sp)
- move.l ExtBase(pc),A0
- add.l #$C968,A0
- cmp.l #'FUCK',2(A0)
- bne nopatch0$
- move.l #$4E754E75,(A0)
- JSRGEN GoECS ; normal sprite size
- nopatch0$
- move.l (sp)+,A0
- ; *** keyboard interrupt (menu only, needs 1MB of fast memory)
- cmp.l #$423900BF,$1F4E.W
- bne nopatch2$
- nopatch2$
- MOVEA.L $7C000,A0 ;02: 20790007C000
- MOVEA.L $257A.W,A1 ;08: 2278257A
- LAB_0000:
- MOVE.B (A0)+,(A1)+ ;0C: 12D8
- SUBQ.L #1,$257E.W ;0E: 53B8257E
- BNE.S LAB_0000 ;12: 66F8
- MOVE.L A0,$7C000
- PATCHUSRJMP $1372.W,Patch1372 ; re installs the patch
- JSRGEN FlushCachesHard
- Patch262:
- move.l #'PD00',D0
- PATCHUSRJMP $1372.W,Patch1372
- JSRGEN FlushCachesHard
- rts
- KbInt:
- move.l D0,-(sp)
- not.b D0
- ror.b #1,D0
- cmp.b #$45,D0 ; ESC from the menu
- bne noquit$
- JSRGEN InGameExit
- noquit$:
- move.l (sp)+,D0
- rts
- _user_pbuffer:
- dc.l 0
- _general_pbuffer:
- dc.l 0
- ExtBase:
- dc.l 0
- _EndUserPatchRoutines:
- ; ** not used, but necessary for the link
- HD_PARAMS "","CON:20/20/400/250/Pinball Dreams Patch",0,1
- ; ** the startup program I had to rip on a 68020
- ; ** I could not do any other way, sorry...
- boot:
- incbin "pdmain.bin"
- end_