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- Short: HD Installer for Cannon Fodder 2 V1.2
- Type: game/patch
- Author: jffabre@ensica.fr (Jean-François Fabre)
- Uploader: jffabre@ensica.fr (Jean-François Fabre)
- Install-Script & HD-loader © 1996/1997 Jean-François FABRE
- Cannon Fodder 2 is Copyright © 1993 Sensible Software.
- This installer requires the Cannon Fodder 2 original disks (there are 3).
- The HD-Patched game will need about 4Mb of memory. 512K of chip should
- be enough. It should work on ALL Kickstarts and ALL CPUs (up to '060).
- The game was also patched for NTSC users.
- Report me any bugs you'll find.
- Click on the Install_Cannon2 icon to install the game.
- Due to a problem with overlapping files, I had to include 2 small files from the game.
- Don't try to install the game 'by hand', because some annoying bugs could occur
- (soldiers not at the right place, etc...)
- - Runs fully from HD
- - Allows saves/load to/from HD or floppy disk
- - Uses fast memory unless specified (NOFAST) (original does not)
- - Enables instruction cache for 68020+ (original disables it)
- - Convenient installer script
- - Quit key (F10)
- It is possible to save and load your games from HD, provided you've got enough memory.
- I introduced a Delay for HD saves, because the buffers are not flushed at once.
- So avoid copyback disk caches, like AFS, or disable the copyback feature (in dynamicache).
- WARNING: Do not press keys during hard disk access: this can lock the machine, which means
- a possible disk corruption if you're saving a game (not very serious, but annoying).
- I took the maximum care I could to avoid those problems, and I tested those features
- a lot because I know they are critical. Use it at your own risk. If you don't trust
- the program, run the game from a test partition or a ramdisk. If you're not happy with
- it, nevermind. I worked hard for this and it works for me :-)
- Because of the Delay after a write to the disk (file open then close in read mode then
- 2 seconds waiting), I think disk crashes are very improbable. I did not test my program
- with a very slow hard drive or a floppy, but I never crashed my disk with this system.
- The 'FORMAT' option has been disabled in HD saves mode. You'll understand why :-)
- Anyway, if you don't want to write/read the hard disk for game saves, or you haven't enough
- memory, you can disable the HD accesses by activating the NOOSWAP tooltype.
- The full HD version will not work with machines equipped with only 4 MB of
- memory. Use the NOOSSWAP tooltype/argument to enable floppy saves.
- The in-game 'FORMAT' option still works but it's slow because it formats all the sectors.
- It's also randomly reliable.
- If you've got already formatted disks and you want to create save game disks from them,
- use the MakeSaveDisk script. It's much faster and much safer.
- I created and tested this package with a A1200/060/50 16Mb, so there should
- be no problems for all 680x0 CPUs (caches,chipset...). It degrades display properly
- so Multiscan users won't have any sprite or screen problem.
- This version loads really fast, because I succeeded in relocating the main
- program in fast memory by removing the absolute memory allocation useful only
- for 1 Meg machines (the OS is destroyed)
- However, if you haven't enough mem to run the game, or for any other reason, you
- can activate the NOFAST tooltype. The extension memory will be located in $80000
- (you must have 1MB chip to do this)
- I had lots of problems with this game, and I hope you'll appreciate the work.
- If you find some bugs, or the game crashes, please e-mail me (specify your
- configuration).
- I'm also looking for people who could send me original disks for me to patch them
- for 680x0 or write HD-Installers (NOT FOR CRACKED VERSIONS).
- E-mail me if you're interested, or if you simply like this installer.
- Thanx go to:
- - Kenneth C. Nilsen for his general purpose assembler startup code.
- - Dave Clarke for providing me the original disks.
- - Sentinel for his installer script I adapted mine from.
- Enjoy this great game from Sensible on your HD.
- Jeff