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- QEMM Version 7.0 - READ.ME File
- Congratulations! You have just installed the most powerful,
- feature-packed memory manager available for 386, 486, and Pentium-
- based PC's. Please take a moment to review this text file which
- includes a few tips to help you get the most out of QEMM as well
- as some last-minute information that did not make it into the
- manual. You may want to print this file for future reference.
- To do this, be sure you are in the QEMM directory and type
- "COPY READ.ME PRN:" at the DOS prompt.
- QEMM SETUP - Check it Out!
- If you have used earlier versions of QEMM, you may be used
- to manually editing your CONFIG.SYS file to add or remove
- QEMM parameters--and paging through the manual for help in
- determining which ones you need and why. Those days are gone.
- QEMM has a new feature called QEMM Setup that lets you quickly
- and easily make changes to QEMM. QEMM Setup also contains
- valuable information about getting the best use of QEMM, using
- QEMM with different hardware, software and versions of DOS, and
- troubleshooting information.
- To run QEMM Setup, just type QSETUP at the DOS prompt. QEMM Setup
- does all this and more:
- 1) Enables or disables the features you choose, adding the
- appropriate lines to your CONFIG.SYS file.
- 2) Adds or removes some of the more commonly-used QEMM
- parameters and explains what they do and when to use them.
- 3) Provides extensive online help, including detailed
- explanations of many features and parameters.
- 4) Allows you to manually edit your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT
- file, without leaving QEMM Setup.
- 5) Lets you view hints and tips, this READ.ME file, and a
- collection of troubleshooting and informational technotes.
- 6) Tells you if you need to run QEMM's Optimize program after
- changing your configuration--and then runs it for you.
- With the addition of QEMM Setup, you not only have the most
- powerful memory manager, but the easiest one to use.
- QEMM's Stealth ROM and Stealth DoubleSpace (ST-DBL) features
- depend on the existence of an EMS page frame. QEMM installation
- normally sets up a page frame in upper memory. If you want to
- use the Stealth features, you must do nothing that would
- eliminate the page frame (i.e., do not use the parameters EMS:N;
- FRAMELENGTH=0, 1, 2 or 3; or FRAME=NONE on the QEMM386.SYS
- device driver line in CONFIG.SYS.)
- You will find general troubleshooting information in Appendix A
- of the QEMM manual. There are also several technical bulletins
- included in the \QEMM\TECHNOTE directory on your hard drive.
- These "technotes" cover a variety of issues such as Exception 13
- messages and using QEMM with Microsoft Windows, Stacker and
- other programs. For information on the technotes, see Appendix B
- of the QEMM manual. You can view the technotes from the QSETUP
- program or from within your favorite text editor or viewer.
- QEMM is compatible with almost all popular hardware and software.
- Although compatibility problems are rare, we have compiled a list
- of hardware and software products that require parameters,
- excludes, etc. when used in conjunction with QEMM or Stealth ROM.
- If you have problems with a specific program or with your system
- after installing QEMM, you should refer to the technical bulletin
- PRODUCTS.TEC for information on resolving compatibility issues.
- This technote can be found in your QEMM\TECHNOTE directory. You
- can view it from the QSETUP program or from within your favorite
- text editor or viewer.
- QEMM now has automatic support for Stacker versions 2.0 - 3.1
- and SuperStor 2.0, 2.04 and SuperStor Pro. If you use either
- of these disk compressors, see the appropriate technote file
- (STACKER3.TEC or SSTOR.TEC). These files are located in the
- QEMM\TECHNOTE directory. You can view them from QSETUP program
- or from within your favorite text editor or viewer.
- If you are using XtraDrive, refer to XTRADRV.TEC.
- If you are using DoubleDisk Gold, read DBLDISK.TEC.
- Space MANAger by Vertisoft is not compatible with QEMM's new
- Stealth DoubleSpace feature. DO NOT use Stealth DoubleSpace
- (ST-DBL) if you are using this program. Doing so can result
- in loss of data on your hard drive.
- MS-DOS 6:
- MS-DOS 6 gives you the ability to create multiple CONFIG.SYS and
- AUTOEXEC.BAT blocks and choose from the various configurations
- at boot up. QEMM 7's Optimize supports this feature of DOS 6 by
- allowing you to choose which configuration you wish to Optimize.
- For more information on running Optimize while using multiple
- configurations, see the text file MSDOS6.TEC in the QEMM\TECHNOTE
- directory. You can view it from the QSETUP program or from
- within your favorite text editor or viewer.
- DR DOS 6:
- For information on optimally configuring DR DOS 6 with QEMM 7 and
- DOS-Up, see the file DRDOS6.TEC in the QEMM\TECHNOTE directory.
- You can view it from the QSETUP program or from within your
- favorite text editor or viewer.
- XBDA:x (QEMM386.SYS parameter)
- By default, QEMM detects the Extended BIOS Data Area (XBDA) on
- systems that have it, and moves it away from the top of
- conventional memory to a place in High RAM. However, if QEMM
- detects that you have a Suspend/Resume feature, or if you place
- the SUSPENDRESUME parameter on the QEMM386.SYS line in CONFIG.SYS,
- it will by default move the XBDA into conventional memory.
- (This is done in order to retain the use of the Suspend/Resume
- features.) QEMM will also place the XBDA in conventional memory
- if there is no available High RAM. When the XBDA is in High RAM
- or conventional memory, QEMM is still able to perform video
- filling on monochrome, Hercules and CGA systems. Moving the XBDA
- does not prevent the use of VIDRAM on EGA/VGA systems, nor does
- it reduce the size of DESQview or DESQview/X windows by 16K.
- The XBDA:H parameter forces QEMM to put the XBDA in High RAM
- (if there is any available) even if you have a Suspend/Resume
- feature. This parameter can save you 1K of conventional memory,
- but you risk Suspend/Resume not working properly.
- The XBDA:N parameter tells QEMM not to move the XBDA. XBDA:N is
- a common troubleshooting option, and is needed whenever a ROM or
- an application assumes that the XBDA is located at the top of
- conventional memory. The symptom of this problem is usually a
- system crash, which can occur at boot time or later, or a failure
- to access a disk.
- The XBDA:L parameter forces QEMM to move the XBDA to low
- conventional memory instead of High RAM; this decreases
- conventional memory by 1K, but preserves all the other benefits
- of moving the XBDA. This parameter is therefore a less drastic
- solution to XBDA-related problems than XBDA:N, although XBDA:N
- will solve some problems that XBDA:L will not.
- There is a new LOADHI.COM parameter, /ENVHI (abbreviated /EH),
- that is used to load the command processor and the DOS environment
- into upper memory. Because many network shells will fail if the
- environment is loaded high, you should only use this parameter
- if you are NOT using a network.
- QEMM's DOS-Up feature normally loads your command processor into
- upper memory by adding LOADHI.COM to your SHELL statement in the
- CONFIG.SYS file. With the LOADHI.COM syntax added, your SHELL
- statement would look something like this (with the n in R:n
- replaced by a High RAM region number):
- DOS's default environment size is 160 bytes. If you need more
- conventional memory (and, especially if you are using the /E:
- switch on your SHELL line to create a larger environment) you may
- want to add the /ENVHI parameter to have QEMM load the command
- processor and the DOS environment into upper memory as follows:
- C:\DOS\ /P /E:2048
- In the above example, the /ENVHI parameter would gain you an
- extra 2K of conventional memory by loading the environment into
- upper memory. (NOTE: In our example above, all parameters
- should be typed on the same line.)
- Chapter 11 of the QEMM manual describes the EMS utility programs.
- On page 115 is a description of several parameters to EMS. The
- CREATE, CREATEFAST, CREATESLOW, and RESIZE parameters each take
- an argument nnnnnn[K] that expresses the amount of memory to
- allocate. There are some new ways to express this amount of
- memory:
- You can use the letter M instead of K to express a value in
- megabytes.
- You can use the argument ALL to specify that all memory
- should be allocated.
- You can use the argument ALL-nnnnnn, ALL-nnnnnnK or ALL-nnnM to
- allocate all memory minus a specified number of pages,
- kilobytes or megabytes.
- HINTDATA.OPT - Used by MANIFEST after the OPTIMIZE process for
- providing optimization hints.
- UNOPT.BAT - Restores CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT as they existed
- before you most recently ran Optimize. Requires the presence of
- the AUTOEXEC.QDK and CONFIG.QDK files created by OPTIMIZE.
- OPTIMIZE.INF - User-readable file that contains information
- about the OPTIMIZE process.
- OPTIMIZE.DAT - Data file that holds information used when
- processing called .BAT files.
- LOADHI.OPT - Output file generated by the LOADHI programs during
- the Detection Phase and processed by OPTIMIZE during its
- Analysis Phase.
- P. 20 In the third paragraph in the section "Booting Without
- QEMM," the last sentence should read:
- If you are using QEMM's DOS-Up feature, you will see a message
- asking if you want to unload it; press Esc to unload DOS-Up,
- then IMMEDIATELY press and hold down Alt again.
- P. 22 Near the bottom of the page, the line that loads QEMM's
- DPMI driver should appear as follows (all on a single line):
- P. 24 The fifth paragraph from the bottom of the page, concerning
- DR DOS, is incorrect. Please see the text file DRDOS6.TEC in the
- QEMM\TECHNOTE directory for information on using QEMM with
- DR DOS 6. You can view it from the QSETUP program or from within
- your favorite text editor or viewer.
- P. 39 The second paragraph should read:
- DOS-Up will modify it to read:
- P. 56 In the description of the RAM parameter, the first sentence
- of the second paragraph should read:
- If you specify the RAM parameter without an address range, QEMM
- sets aside room for an EMS page frame (unless you are using the
- EMS:N, FRAMELENGTH=0, 1, 2, or 3, or FRAME=NONE parameters) and
- places High RAM at all other upper memory addresses at which
- QEMM has not detected ROM, video RAM and adapter RAM.
- P. 89 The LOADHI parameter @[:file] has been renamed to
- /RESPONSEFILE[:file] (/RF[:file]). @[:file] is still
- accepted by the LOADHI programs.
- P. 120 In the first paragraph of Step 6, the parameter TM:N is
- incorrectly listed as TM:M.
- << End of READ.ME >>