1. You have at least 4 megabytes of free space on your hard disk.
2. Turn off all anti-virus programs.
3. 13" color monitor, and set at 256 colors.
4. Sound level at 5 or higher.
5. You must have 4 megabytes of RAM on your computer. Application will use 2,048 K.
6. System 6.0.7 or greater.
To install:
1. Select the drive where you would like to have the files installed.
2. Click on the "Install" button to begin the installation process. As the files are installed, you will be promped to insert the various disks shipped with this product. When installation is completed you will be asked to click on the "OK" button.
3. Once the program is installed you are ready to play the software. Find the folder named "The Flintstones" open it and double click on the file called "Coloring Book".
THE FLINTSTONES and all related names and likenesses are trademarks of Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.