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- UULIB:Domain
- -
- The UULIB:Domain file holds routing information for addresses
- you send USENET mail to. This file is normally required ONLY if
- your machine can talk to MORE THAN ONE USENET host.
- For machines that can talk to ONLY ONE USENET host, you need
- only set the 'DefaultNode' entry in UULIB:Config to the name
- of the one host.
- A domain is something like 'CTS.COM' or 'BERKELEY.EDU'. Lets say
- you have direct USENET connections to UCBVAX.Berkeley.EDU and
- Now, you want to send an email message to CHARLIE.Berkeley.EDU
- and another email message to GALAXY.CTS.COM ... obviously you will
- want the first message to be routed through UCBVAX and the second
- routed through FUBAR. The appropriate domain entries would be:
- *.berkeley.edu MF UU ucbvax.UUCP
- *.cts.com MF UU fubar.UUCP
- You will also want a default of some sort ... say you send mail
- to PHOTON.CSNET, you want unknown domains to be routed to somewhere
- that knows how to deal with them. So you would also have another
- entry in UULIB:Domain:
- * MF UU ucbvax.UUCP
- That specifies the machine to route mail through to reach an
- unknown address.
- *** NOTE *** UUCP sites that you directly connect to MUST ALSO be listed
- in UULIB:Domain. For said machines any additional domain information is
- ignored (such as .UUCP). In case the name of an immediately adjacent UUCP
- site conflicts with another site you can enter that other site into the
- domain list explicitly using the MD Type described below.
- Each line in the domain file may be blank, contain a '#' and then
- a comment, or contain a domain record. Each domain record is broken
- up into four fields:
- Domain Type Class Address-Info
- Domain = domain in question, you may use '*' instead of a domain
- name to match ONE OR MORE SUBDOMAINS or the machine name.
- Case is ignored.
- For example: *.COM
- *.Berkeley.EDU
- *
- Type = MF or MD. MF stands for mail forwarder, MD stands for
- mail destination. The difference can be shown with an
- example:
- ucbvax.berkeley.edu MD UU ucbvax.UUCP
- *.berkeley.edu MF UU ucbvax.UUCP
- In the first case the domain is actually a complete machine
- name which we can directly talk to, thus MD is used telling
- the mail system that we REPLACE the address with this address.
- In the second case the machine is what we must go THROUGH to
- reach machines with the given domain (note that more explicitly
- specified domains always have priority of less explicitly
- specified domains). The mail system will PREPEND the address
- field with the forwarding machine address.
- Class = UU
- Currently only UU, meaning USENET class, is supported. This
- field is reserved to allow specification of different types
- of low level mailers so the mail system is not necessarily
- limited to using the USENET as the transport layer.
- AddrInfo
- for the UU class AddrInfo contains a ! separated UUCP path
- where the first machine MUST be an immediately adjacent node.
- The remainder of the path is tagged onto the rmail line along
- with the original path specification.
- NOTE: For any machine in the bang (!) path of the AddrInfo
- field which is directly connected to the previous machine
- (the first machine is always directly connected to your
- machine), the domain is optional. That is, the machine may
- be listed with or without a domain separated by dots. The
- examples below show parts of paths both with and without
- domain names.
- When you route through the INTERNET, however, you must be
- more careful. Only known USENET paths may be addressed
- without worrying about the domain part of the machine name.
- Using the UULIB:Domain file in local networks drastically
- simplifies most other parts of the UUCP mail system. The
- greatest advantage of using a Domain file is that you can
- refer to machines in your local net by name rather than by
- path and can refer to them by name in any groups you might
- have constructed in UULIB:Aliases. you can also use the Domain
- file to re-route email to machines that may have moved to
- somewhere else in your local network (say a buddy moves back
- east) without bouncing the email. Which we can't do anyway yet..
- automatic bouncing will be in a future release.
- Lets say you have a group of people all running UUCP connected
- like this:
- d
- / f
- / /
- a---b---c---h
- / \ \
- / \ g
- x e
- If your machine is b.UUCP and you want to email to user@h.UUCP,
- then the appropriate path is:
- To: c!h!user
- If your machine is d.UUCP and you want to email to g.UUCP,
- then the appropriate path is:
- To: b!c!g!user
- There is another alternative. You can setup your UULIB:Domain
- file with all of these paths and just say:
- To: user@g.UUCP
- The Domain file would be different for each node but you have
- removed the complexity one step. The Domain file for a.UUCP
- would look like this:
- * MF UU b.UUCP
- This assumes that b.UUCP also implements Domains. The Domain
- file for b.UUCP would look like this:
- * MF UU c.UUCP
- Because, apart from x.UUCP, the only nodes b.UUCP cannot reach
- directly are reachable via c.UUCP.
- The Domain file for c.UUCP would be:
- * MF UU b.UUCP
- Because the only nodes c.UUCP cannot reach go through b.UUCP,
- so we set the default route for unknown nodes to go through
- b.UUCP. Here we assume that b.UUCP uses UULIB:Domains as
- well and knows how to get to x.UUCP which is not immediately
- adjacent to it.
- The Domain file for c.UUCP assuming the b.UUCP does NOT use
- a Domains file (which is safest actually) is:
- * MF UU b.UUCP
- Alternately you can use MD (mail destination):
- * MF UU b.UUCP
- d
- / f
- / /
- a---b---c---h---ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- / \ \
- / \ g
- x e
- This is another possible configuration... one person in your
- little Amiga network has a connection to the outside world.
- In this case everyone in your network should have UULIB:Domain
- entries to properly route email back and forth. Specifically, if
- you are giving somebody your email address and your machine is
- x.UUCP, you want to be able to give them:
- ucbvax.berkeley.edu!h!x!user
- As your address rather than
- ucbvax.berkeley.edu!h!c!b!a!x!user
- In otherwords, you want to HIDE your local network from the
- outside world. This would require h.UUCP to have the
- following UULIB:Domain file:
- * MF UU ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- a.UUCP MF UU c!b
- b.UUCP MF UU c
- d.UUCP MF UU c!b
- e.UUCP MF UU c!b
- f.UUCP MF UU c
- g.UUCP MF UU c
- x.UUCP MF UU c!b!a
- Each of the other nodes in the network would have a similar
- Domain file. Note that when you have a connection to the
- outside world the default, '*', should point to the outside
- world. The '*' entry for a.UUCP, for example, would be:
- * MF UU b!c!h!ucbvax
- If everyone in your local net implemented '*' properly it
- would suffice to redirect '*' to, say, just b.UUCP, and b.UUCP
- would direct it to c.UUCP, etc... The cleanest way to deal
- with it is actually to redirect it to the last node in your
- local net that talks to the outside world:
- * MF UU b!c!h
- This allows the sysop at h.UUCP the latitude to do further
- routing. For example, what if h.UUCP was able to connect to
- two machines on the outside world!
- ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- /
- ----h
- \
- pacbell.pacbell.com
- In this case you want to give h.UUCP the latitude to redirect
- email to the .pacbell.com domain to pacbell.pacbell.com
- instead of going the long path through ucbvax.berkeley.edu ...
- * MF UU ucbvax
- *.PacBell.COM MF UU pacbell
- Thus, all the other nodes in your local network should direct
- unknown addresses through h.UUCP rather than bypass h.UUCP's
- domain system by giving an explicit route through it.