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- wusel, Sun, 19 Jun 1994 16:06:16 +0200:
- o 1 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/getty/getty.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.20 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/19 14:49:28; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +45 -9
- Getty now also logs external port requests via OwnDevUnit to uulib:last;
- if no owner name was specified, `ODU-REQUEST' is used.
- =============================================================================
- wusel, Fri, 24 Jun 1994 14:59:45 +0200:
- o 9 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/gio.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.21 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/24 13:28:37; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +13 -6
- Changes to reflect new use of xfer.proto[] in xferstat.c for the g protocols.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.20
- date: 1994/06/23 22:26:29; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +68 -80
- Allocation of Rx/Tx buffers is now done dynamically gturnon()/gturnoff().
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.19
- date: 1994/06/23 21:51:07; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4
- Removed debugging output.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.18
- date: 1994/06/23 21:04:18; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +49 -26
- Made the neccessary modifications for using the e protocol also.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.17
- date: 1994/06/22 04:18:48; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +22 -13
- Redesigned debugging output.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.16
- date: 1994/06/22 03:56:08; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +14 -4
- Fixed a problem with the RxSegK initialization; refer to the code
- for the whole story.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.15
- date: 1994/06/22 03:45:34; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +28 -5
- Added checks for remote's usage of packet sizes (i. e. max. segment size
- and wheter or not they differ during conversation is stored).
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.14
- date: 1994/06/21 01:16:27; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4
- Reenabled checks for ERROR_THRESHOLD; cico now again fails on more than
- %20 errors.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.13
- date: 1994/06/20 15:28:34; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +44 -12
- Added UseRemotesSettings if-clauses.
- =============================================================================
- o 5 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/uucico.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.85 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/23 21:43:55; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +12 -7
- Forgot the xgetc() in use_proto() ...
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.84
- date: 1994/06/23 21:35:04; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2
- Added #define __USE_SYSBASE 1 for new includes (SAS/C; no use for DICE but
- since I only keep one major set of includes and utilizing multi-assigns to
- use DICE' own includes, this is neccessary).
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.83
- date: 1994/06/23 21:04:18; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +85 -34
- Incorporated Software Brewery's protocol switching routines and their
- `e' protocol implementation. FIRST VERSION, TEST, DON'T USE IT ;))
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.82
- date: 1994/06/22 05:40:15; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +36 -14
- Medium internal change: system's not listed in the userfile now have their
- current working directory set to uupubw: or uupub:incoming (whichever
- exists). Furthermore, for those systems, the run of uuxqt is disabled.
- NOTE: this may need both some testing AND though since you finally have
- to maintain uulib:passwd (to enable logins), uulib:userfile (to
- allow them `real'áuucp access) and uulib:Security (to specify which
- directories a particular system may read and/or write to). Unsatis-
- factory, imho.
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.81
- date: 1994/06/20 15:28:34; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +90 -77
- Added -ForceOutGSettings switch and the appropriate code sections.
- =============================================================================
- o 2 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/xferstat.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.6 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/24 13:28:37; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7
- Since the g protocols are able to use different packet sizes in the
- two directions, xferstat.c now logs the packetsizes (and wheter or
- not their sizes varied during conversation) of both directions instead
- of only we->them. To make this additional data fit into the 4 chars,
- only the `k' parameter is logged and no longer the size in bytes.
- An example:
- < lutzifer 24-06-94 12:05:32 > 24-06-94 12:29:54 (00:24:22) 3457 2900 83%
- | g 7 64 4619430 435051 # 4211503 29183 # 42 6
- | VIA device bscisdn.device unit 2 number 66950957
- That former output would now read as follows:
- < lutzifer 24-06-94 12:05:32 > 24-06-94 12:29:54 (00:24:22) 3457 2900 83%
- | g 7 x2x2 4619430 435051 # 4211503 29183 # 42 6
- | VIA device bscisdn.device unit 2 number 66950957
- The first `x2' refers to the packetsize WE used to talk to system lutzifer
- (in this case fiXed 2^(2+4)=64 bytes); the second `x2' tells us that lutz-
- ifer used the same settings to talk to us (again fixed 64 bytes per packet).
- ╗| G 7 v7x2½ would mean that we used a variable packetsize of up to 2^(7+4),
- i. e. 2048 bytes/packet, when sending data to the system in question and
- that system uses a fixed packet size of 2^(2+4) when sending data to us.
- I think you've got the idea ;)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.5
- date: 1994/06/23 21:21:14; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2
- Added 'v' and 'e'áprotocol.
- =============================================================================
- o 1 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/sysdep.c:
- revision 1.23 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/21 01:16:27; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3
- If delay_amount is 0, Delay(delay_amout) is no longer called ;)
- Oh, these pesty hacks, I love 'em ;)
- =============================================================================
- o 6 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/eio.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.6 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/23 22:32:30; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7
- The delay_flg again ...
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.5
- date: 1994/06/23 22:26:29; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +45 -21
- Allocation of Rx/Tx buffers is now done dynamically setup_e()/eturnoff().
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.4
- date: 1994/06/23 21:43:55; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4
- Oops. Forgot the prototypes ;)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.3
- date: 1994/06/23 21:31:40; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +25 -29
- Fixed use of xgetc() (newer versions take an additional argument).
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.2
- date: 1994/06/23 21:25:58; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3
- Added #include <sys/stat.h> and #include "uucp.h"
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.1
- date: 1994/06/23 21:04:18; author: wusel; state: Exp;
- Initial revision
- =============================================================================
- o 1 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/xferstat.h:
- revision 1.2 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/24 13:25:57; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1
- Expanded proto[] field to hold up to 8 chars.
- =============================================================================
- wusel, Sat, 25 Jun 1994 06:15:10 +0200:
- o 3 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/uucico.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.88 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/25 04:54:48; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3
- Fixed '\n'-problem when getting the phone number; '\n' is now stripped
- from the lsysline correctly.
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.87
- date: 1994/06/25 04:36:14; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +18 -3
- Fixed enforcer hit in new userfile code (mental note: always supply as many
- arguments to *printf() as your fmt-string specifies =:->).
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.86
- date: 1994/06/25 03:00:31; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +36 -32
- Changed userfile stuff, now grabs the userfile entry based on $LOGIN and
- verifies whether the systemname from Shere matches the one given in the
- gotten userfile entry. If the userfile entry has an empty hostname field,
- the current working directory is changed to UUPUBW: or UUPUB:incoming if
- possible (otherwise cwd remains UUSPOOL:) and starting uuxqt is disabled;
- if the field is not empty and the names to not match, the conversation is
- aborted with ^PLOGIN. If the names match, anything works as usual.
- As before, the userfile check is only enabled if $LOGIN is set.
- Changes to previous behaviour: it's now possible to have multiple logins
- for the very same site, e. g. on ISDN login based on the callers phone
- number and also a conventional one for analogue calls. Thanks to Martin
- Jahner <marty@ruessel.sub.org> for forcing me to this changes ;))
- =============================================================================
- o 3 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/getty/passwd.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.5 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/25 00:42:06; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +64 -3
- If Device isn't owned my getty anymore ("+..."), don't do ODU stuff.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.4
- date: 1994/06/25 00:19:52; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2
- Added support for '+' HACK.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.3
- date: 1994/06/24 22:59:26; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +19 -27
- Minor changes.
- =============================================================================
- o 8 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/getty/getty.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.28 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/25 05:03:09; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2
- Normal logins can't begin with '0'ánow; this is to ensure that no-one can
- break in simply by typing a phone number. NOTE: maybe one should use a
- different file for identification by number?
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.27
- date: 1994/06/25 04:08:39; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5
- Oops ;)
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.26
- date: 1994/06/25 04:05:53; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +58 -112
- Cleaned up DoLogin(), should work a little nicer now.
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.25
- date: 1994/06/25 02:04:49; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +42 -46
- Really need internal redesign ...
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.24
- date: 1994/06/25 01:49:05; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1
- Doing ODU-locking after +-command execute now with FLockSerial() ..
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.23
- date: 1994/06/25 00:42:06; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +54 -45
- Quick'n'dirty hack to get +-stuff working; need internal redesign!
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.22
- date: 1994/06/25 00:19:52; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +228 -167
- First alpha release of this ISDN detection stuff ...
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.21
- date: 1994/06/24 22:59:26; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +33 -1
- Added HACK to run commands that want to lock the port themselves
- (like the 38.x slip.device with ODU-support). Prefix the command
- with `+' to enable this. WARNING: THIS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED!
- =============================================================================
- * Hmm, seems as if rlog won't parse "Fri, 24 Jun 1994 14:59:29 +0200"
- correctly, since some of these messages were listed twice ... Oh well.
- wusel, Mon, 27 Jun 1994 02:23:46 +0200:
- o 1 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/uucico.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.89 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/27 00:09:31; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4
- Logins NOT listed in the userfile are now denied with the propper
- error message (^PRYou are unknown to me). NOTE: IN ORDER TO ALLOW
- Example entry for anon-uucp login `nuucp':
- uulib:passwd:
- nuucp,nuucp,202,102,Anonymous UUCP Account,UUPUB:,uucico -7 -P8 -pri -nodelay
- uulib:userfile:
- nuucp, uupub:
- =============================================================================
- o 1 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/xferstat.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.7 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/25 06:39:42; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +35 -4
- Fixed g output, if no packets have been received, there was garbage written
- to the xferstat file.
- =============================================================================
- wusel, Mon, 27 Jun 1994 02:47:30 +0200
- o 1 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/uucico.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.90 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/27 00:40:26; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3
- Fixed incorrect output (LOGIN MISMATCH ...).
- =============================================================================
- wusel, Tue, 28 Jun 1994 01:46:36 +0200
- o 2 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/uucico.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.92 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/27 23:34:12; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +42 -19
- Additional fixes to move2finaldestination(); should be able to handle
- `uupub:filename' correctly now.
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.91
- date: 1994/06/27 17:44:36; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +13 -4
- Accidently broke anon uucp logins in previous version, sorry. Fixed it ;)
- =============================================================================
- o 2 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/modem.c:
- revision 1.7 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/27 23:34:12; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +26 -84
- Removed wait for OK message (didn't work anyway), enabling to modify
- the value of the Delay() after sending \rAT\r has to enough for Holger's
- modems to work at 57600 bps.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.6
- date: 1994/06/27 17:44:36; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +23 -4
- On request of hal@caty.north.de (Holger Lubitz): read OK
- after initial AT; allow modification of the delay.
- You can specify the Delay() between sending the initial \rAT\r (this
- is neccessary for modems to synchronize on the DTE speed) and waiting
- for the OK response from the modem with the config variable ATDelay
- (defaults to 50, unit is Ticks (cmp. dos.library/Delay()); 50 Ticks
- would mean 1 second).
- =============================================================================
- wusel, Thu, 7 Jul 1994 03:47:50 +0200:
- o 5 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/uucico.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.95 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/07/06 23:20:28; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0
- Hopefully fixed a strange problem:
- If a C. file could not be removed, uucico used to process this ever and
- ever again -- could cost you a real fortune to your phone company :(
- Now, uucico tries at least to rename the file in question.
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.94
- date: 1994/07/04 21:13:36; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +14 -5
- ARGH! 7CharNames stuff was BROKEN, the used buffer usually contained
- some garbage and the 8th char wasn't set to \0 :( Thanks for Holger
- Lubitz for discovering this.
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.93
- date: 1994/06/28 01:47:09; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +17 -28
- Cosmetic changes ...
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.92
- date: 1994/06/27 23:34:12; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +42 -19
- Additional fixes to move2finaldestination(); should be able to handle
- `uupub:filename' correctly now.
- ----------------------------
- revision 0.91
- date: 1994/06/27 17:44:36; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +13 -4
- Accidently broke anon uucp logins in previous version, sorry. Fixed it ;)
- =============================================================================
- o 2 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/modem.c:
- revision 1.7 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/06/27 23:34:12; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +26 -84
- Removed wait for OK message (didn't work anyway), enabling to modify
- the value of the Delay() after sending \rAT\r has to enough for Holger's
- modems to work at 57600 bps.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.6
- date: 1994/06/27 17:44:36; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +23 -4
- On request of hal@caty.north.de (Holger Lubitz): read OK
- after initial AT; allow modification of the delay.
- You can specify the Delay() between sending the initial \rAT\r (this
- is neccessary for modems to synchronize on the DTE speed) and waiting
- for the OK response from the modem with the config variable ATDelay
- (defaults to 50, unit is Ticks (cmp. dos.library/Delay()); 50 Ticks
- would mean 1 second).
- =============================================================================
- o 2 changes have been applied to Death:src/wail/duucp/uucico/gio.c:
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.23 locked by: wusel;
- date: 1994/07/01 03:39:18; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3
- Oops (Typo).
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.22
- date: 1994/07/01 03:35:27; author: wusel; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7
- Optimized code to find optimum packet size a bit.
- =============================================================================