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- Moin folks! Hamburg, Wed, 20 Apr 1994 03:49:49 +0200
- Appended/included is another release of wUUCP (no longer called
- `alpha' =:->), to be rememberes as The Easter Edition ;)
- Legal status: You may upload this to any FTP server or BBS you wish
- as long as the archive itself remains intact (yes, this clause prohibits
- adding ANYTHING to the archive itself; see file `Contents' for the original
- contents). It's insane to post something to the Net but restrict distribu-
- tion via other channels =:-> Permission to upload this to AmiNet or include
- it on CD-ROM is granted.
- While I'm not requesting any donations, I wouldn't reject them; it's
- not really `giftware' and currently I'm not able to promise wheter or not I
- will continue to support this; simply consider `you get what you pay for'
- when asking for support =:->
- Send bug reports, flames, birthday cakes or local currency to either
- <bugs@hactar.hanse.de> or `Kai Siering, Heidlohstrasze 3a, D-22459 Hamburg,
- West Germany', whatever is more appropriate ;)
- kai
- -- _
- _ // Kai 'wusel' Siering, 22459 HH ╖ Voice & Data (ISDN X.75): +49-40-55981440
- \X/: wusel@hactar.Hanse.DE wusel@hactar.adsp.sub.org Data (V32bis): -5503549
- "REVOLUTION -- wir wollten weg von der Masse
- kopfⁿber in die H÷lle und zurⁿck
- heute stehst du bei Hertie an der Kasse
- und da ist keine Sehnsucht mehr in deinem Blick
- du sagst man tut halt, was man kann und dir geht's gut -
- du kotzt mich an" -- Die ─rzte, ╗Kopfⁿber in die H÷lle und zurⁿck½