home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- .key none
- .bra {
- .ket }
- echo "Please READ this script first and remote the 'quit 20'"
- echo "command before execution! Don't say I haven't warned you ..."
- quit 20 ; remove this command AFTER CAREFULLY checking the contents of this script!
- failat 1
- set tmpversionid `echo version.id`
- ; first cd into another dir to make sure we find the CORRECT
- ; places of the commands we're looking for ... In order to
- ; deal with resident commands, remove all, just in case.
- echo "Removing possibly RESIDENT loaded programs; just ignore the error messages."
- failat 10
- resident remove uucico
- resident remove uucp
- resident remove uux
- resident remove uuxqt
- resident remove getty
- resident remove sendmail
- resident remove rmail
- makedir kludgedir
- cd kludgedir
- set tmpuuciconame `which uucico`
- set tmpuucpname `which uucp`
- set tmpuuxname `which uux`
- set tmpuuxqtname `which uuxqt`
- set tmpgettyname `which getty`
- set tmpsendmailname `which sendmail`
- set tmprmailname `which rmail`
- ; now check wheter we did find all programs; abort on first problem,
- ; let the user fix it.
- get tmpuuciconame
- if $RC not eq 0 val
- skip lab goterror
- endif
- get tmpuucpname
- if $RC not eq 0 val
- skip lab goterror
- endif
- get tmpuuxname
- if $RC not eq 0 val
- skip lab goterror
- endif
- get tmpuuxqtname
- if $RC not eq 0 val
- skip lab goterror
- endif
- get tmpgettyname
- if $RC not eq 0 val
- skip lab goterror
- endif
- get tmpsendmailname
- if $RC not eq 0 val
- skip lab goterror
- endif
- get tmprmailname
- if $RC not eq 0 val
- skip lab goterror
- endif
- set tmpuucpbinpath `list $tmpuuxname lformat "%p"`
- cd /
- delete kludgedir
- failat 1
- echo "*Nrename $tmpuuciconame $tmpuuciconame.pre_$tmpversionid ..."
- rename $tmpuuciconame $tmpuuciconame.pre_$tmpversionid
- echo "rename $tmpuucpname $tmpuucpname.pre_$tmpversionid ..."
- rename $tmpuucpname $tmpuucpname.pre_$tmpversionid
- echo "rename $tmpuuxname $tmpuuxname.pre_$tmpversionid ..."
- rename $tmpuuxname $tmpuuxname.pre_$tmpversionid
- echo "rename $tmpuuxqtname $tmpuuxqtname.pre_$tmpversionid ..."
- rename $tmpuuxqtname $tmpuuxqtname.pre_$tmpversionid
- echo "rename $tmpgettyname $tmpgettyname.pre_$tmpversionid ..."
- rename $tmpgettyname $tmpgettyname.pre_$tmpversionid
- echo "rename $tmpsendmailname $tmpsendmailname.pre_$tmpversionid ..."
- rename $tmpsendmailname $tmpsendmailname.pre_$tmpversionid
- echo "rename $tmprmailname $tmprmailname.pre_$tmpversionid ..."
- rename $tmprmailname $tmprmailname.pre_$tmpversionid
- echo "copy uucico $tmpuuciconame clone ..."
- copy uucico $tmpuuciconame clone
- echo "copy uucp $tmpuucpname clone ..."
- copy uucp $tmpuucpname clone
- echo "copy uux $tmpuuxname clone ..."
- copy uux $tmpuuxname clone
- echo "copy uuxqt $tmpuuxqtname clone ..."
- copy uuxqt $tmpuuxqtname clone
- echo "copy getty $tmpgettyname clone ..."
- copy getty $tmpgettyname clone
- echo "copy sendmail $tmpsendmailname clone ..."
- copy sendmail $tmpsendmailname clone
- echo "copy sendmail $tmprmailname clone ..."
- copy sendmail $tmprmailname clone
- echo "*NInstalling auxilary files in $tmpuucpbinpath ..."
- copy FeatureRequest BugReport ctime FindConfig MessageID $tmpuucpbinpath clone
- ; Now send a mail to the author, he just LIKES to get email =;->
- echo "*NSending message about installation to bugs@hactar.hanse.de ..."
- findconfig USERNAME >env:bugreportUSERNAME
- findconfig REALNAME >env:bugreportREALNAME
- findconfig NODENAME DOMAINNAME >env:bugreportHOSTNAME
- findconfig MAILEDITOR >env:bugreportEDITOR
- messageid >env:bugreportID
- ctime rfc >env:bugreportCTIME
- echo >t:report.form "To: bugs@hactar.hanse.de"
- echo >>t:report.form "From: $bugreportUSERNAME@$bugreportHOSTNAME ($bugreportREALNAME)"
- echo >>t:report.form "Sender: BugReport@$bugreportHOSTNAME (Script)"
- echo >>t:report.form "Date: $bugreportCTIME"
- echo >>t:report.form "Message-ID: <$bugreportID@$bugreportHOSTNAME>"
- echo >>t:report.form "Subject: Installed wUUCP 0.0.$tmpversionid on $bugreportCTIME"
- echo >>t:report.form "X-Report-For: wUUCP/-install-message-*N"
- echo >>t:report.form "%id:*N$bugreportID-$bugreportUSERNAME@$bugreportHOSTNAME*N%%*N"
- echo >>t:report.form "%path:*N$tmpuuciconame*N%%*N"
- echo >>t:report.form "%avail:"
- avail >>t:report.form
- echo >>t:report.form "%%*N"
- echo >>t:report.form "%cpu:*N`cpu`*N%%*N"
- echo >>t:report.form "%ver:*N`version`*N%%*N"
- sendmail <t:report.form
- delete t:report.#? env:bugreport#? quiet
- echo "*NUpdate complete. PLEASE READ THE SUPPLIED 'ChangesSince_Rel#?'-files!"
- skip lab cleanup
- lab goterror
- echo "An error occured, one or more files did not exist yet. You may need"
- echo "advise from an experience user -- or a more sophisticated install"
- echo "script =:->*N"
- echo "Aborting ..."
- lab cleanup
- unset tmpversionid
- unset tmpuuciconame
- unset tmpuucpname
- unset tmpuuxname
- unset tmpuuxqtname
- unset tmpgettyname
- unset tmpsendmailname
- unset tmprmailname
- unset tmpuucpbinpath