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- Short: Wusel's CNews (UUCP news system)
- Author: Kai 'wusel' Siering <wusel@hactar.hanse.de>
- Uploader: Christian Stelter <cosinus@deepthought.north.de>
- Type: comm/uucp
- This is wCNews 1.0.30 - a very nice news system which didn't make
- its way to the aminet. (I can't imagine why...)
- Some notes from the author:
- this stuff is a modified (and partialy enhanced =:->) version of
- CNews, based on the port done by Frank 'Crash' Edwards
- (uunet-version, *not* the buggy one from teh AmigaLigDisks).
- It's primary intended to replace `Amiga UUCP Plus 1.02'
- installations - it has been modified to comform to the `usual' Amiga
- UUCP directory layout used by Matt Dillon and Ingo Feulner (that is:
- controlfiles like `sys', `active' or `history' in `uulib:news/',
- articles in `uunews:', binaries in the AmigaDOS' search path or
- `uulib:news/bin') and is expected to be run on top of Matt Dillons
- UUCP implementation (at least in terms of configuration). Thus,
- former CNews users will have to reorganize a bit in order to make use
- out of this ...
- This version *requires* at least OS Version 36 and has been
- tested only on V37.175 (official 2.0 ROMs) until now. I assume in
- cases where this matters, I've checked for the OS version, but I
- don't make any guarantees. But as most programs wouldn't run anyway
- if you're working with ancient OS versions, I think this doesn't
- matter - you have been warned =:->
- In the following, I refer to `Amiga UUCP Plus 1.02' by Ingo
- Feulner as `AUUCP', to `Amiga UUCP' by Matthew Dillon as `DUUCP'
- (optionally followed by a version number, e. g. `DUUCP 1.16') and to
- the CNews-Port done by Frank `crash' Edwards as `CNews'. I call this
- stuff myself `wCNews' - no comments, please =:->
- Differences CNews <-> wCNews
- o Configuration
- Above all, the environment (local, then global) is respected.
- After environment lookup failed, a lookup in the DUUCP
- configuration file (`S:UUConfig' or `UULIB:Config') is performed.
- Finally, the old style CNews configuration stuff is executed, i.
- e. lookup in `uulib:news/CNews.config'.
- o NewsHostName
- `uulib:news/whoami' still has highest priority. Next comes the
- `hostname' environment variable, then DUUCP's `NodeName' is taken
- (if `DomainPath' is set to `y[es]', `DomainName' will be appended
- to the `NodeName' value). If all fails, your newsname is
- `anonymous'.
- o sys-File
- You may specify _exactly_ one `%s' in the sy_cmd field, this will
- be replaced by an absolute(!) path under which the current article
- has been filed. Of course, `<%s' also works, this way you can
- specify which program should get the article on its stdin (e. g.
- for `site:grps/dist::lockserial someprg <%s' - a stupid example
- but you should get the idea =:->) - if you don't specify any `%s',
- in the example above, `lockserial' would get the article on stdin
- (same behaviour as under CNews).
- Specifying a sys-line like `s:n/d::dh0:etc/bin/news/format drive
- vd0: name %s' now also works - before, at least my version
- mis-interpreted `dh0' as the batchparms and got somewhat upset of
- them.
- Finally: `site/ex1,ex2,ex3:ng/dist:flgs:' now excludes not only
- `ex1' but - as documented - also `ex2' and `ex3'.
- o RFC stuff
- You may set `RFCStrictness' to `0' to `2' to reject articles with
- message-ids not conforming to RFC 822 and unqualified hostnames
- (e. g. `<0851@host>' instead of `<0815@host.do.main>).
- RFCStrictness 0 acts like original CNews
- RFCStrictness 1 enables check for `@domain' and illegal chars
- RFCStrictness 2 enables check for fully qualified domain as
- required by RFC 1036 but often ignored.
- You may set `MaxArticleAge' to a decimal value, specifying how old
- an article may be. Articles with a `Date:' header specifying a
- date older than `MaxArticleAge' days (or with dates more than one
- day in future) will be rejected.
- Both of the above features are inspired by recent UNOX-CNews
- releases but implemented as more or less quick and dirty hacks; I
- haven't had the time to adopt (parts of) the `CNews performance
- release' from May '92 yet ...
- o `expire' now checks wheter or not the remove() system call succeeds
- and in case it fails with errno != ENOENT, the article's history
- entry is copied into the new history; this hopefully reduces the
- number of old files left in the news tree ...
- Credits
- I've incorporated source code and/or ideas from the following
- poeple; thank you for making the source code widely available:
- Henry Spencer & Geoff Collyer (UNOX CNews)
- Frank 'crash' Edwards (Amiga port of CNews)
- Ingo Feulner (AUUCP; newscontrol)
- Walter Mildenberger (fixactive, sendbatches)
- Matthew Dillon (configuration, locking and more)
- (apologies if I forgot anyone =:-<)
- Disclaimer
- See per-file copyright notices; all my code (most commonly #define
- WUSEL) is (c) 1991-1992 by Kai `wusel' Siering and may not be used
- anywhere else without my prior written permission. You may not use it
- for commercial purposes.
- This is an alpha release for testing purposes, don't blame me if you
- loose anything due to using this. I am not responsible for any
- damages or losses caused by this software. Standard disclaimers apply
- =:->
- Bugreports, Suggestions
- Please report any bugs and/or suggestions to
- <wusel@hactar.hanse.de>.