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- ¢1mFiles¢22m ¢1min¢22m ¢1m/usr/lib/news¢22m ¢1m(aka¢22m ¢1mNEWSCTL)¢22m
- ¢4mHenry¢24m ¢4mSpencer¢24m
- Dept. of Zoology
- University of Toronto
- The following files can appear in ¢4m/usr/lib/news¢24m (or wherever
- the site's ``NEWSCTL'' directory¡¡see ¢4mDirectory¢24m ¢4mLayout¢24m ¢4mand¢24m
- ¢4mPATH¢24m ¢4min¢24m ¢4mC¢24m ¢4mNews¢24m¡¡is). There may be others for the sake of
- local news readers, etc., but these are the ones C News
- knows about.
- active Major control file: list of newsgroups recog¡
- nized at this site, including current maximum
- and minimum article numbers and moderation
- status. Updated by ¢4mrelaynews¢24m and ¢4mupact¢24m.
- active.old Previous ¢4mactive¢24m. Created by ¢4mupact¢24m.
- active.times List of created newsgroups and when they were
- created, aimed at making it possible for news
- readers to be smarter about knowing when a
- group is new. Not yet supported by standard
- news readers.
- batchlog Latest batcher log, created by ¢4msendbatches¢24m,
- showing backlogs.
- batchlog.o* Previous batcher logs.
- batchparms Control file for ¢4msendbatches¢24m, specifying how
- to feed other sites.
- bin Master override directory for programs,
- searched before any other by all C News soft¡
- ware. Normally contains only the ¢4mconfig¢24m
- shell file specifying where to find every¡
- thing else.
- errlog Error log from ¢4mrelaynews¢24m.
- errlog.o* Previous ¢4merrlog¢24ms.
- explist Control file for ¢4mexpire¢24m, specifying what gets
- expired, and when, and what archiving is
- done.
- history List of articles currently known at this
- site, with reception dates and pathnames.
- Updated by ¢4mrelaynews¢24m and ¢4mexpire¢24m.
- history.dir Part of the ¢4mdbm¢24m index for ¢4mhistory¢24m.
- history.pag Other part of the ¢4mdbm¢24m index for ¢4mhistory¢24m.
- history.o Previous ¢4mhistory¢24m. Created by ¢4mexpire¢24m.
- localgroups List of local groups and descriptions, for
- use by ¢4mcheckgroups¢24m control¡message handler
- (which uses it to decide what groups are
- legitimate even though the ¢4mcheckgroups¢24m mes¡
- sage did not mention them). Each line is a
- group name, a tab, and a terse description of
- the group. The descriptions are read only by
- humans.
- 9 June 1989
- ¡2¡
- log Log file from ¢4mrelaynews¢24m, reporting what was
- received and when.
- log.o* Previous ¢4mlog¢24ms.
- mailname Name of the site for purposes of mail, typi¡
- cally a domainized name. Used in building
- ``From:'' lines in newly¡posted news. If not
- present, ``¢4mhostname¢1m¢24m.uucp¢22m'' is assumed.
- mailpaths Mailing routes for submissions to moderated
- newsgroups.
- newsgroups File created by ¢4mcheckgroups¢24m processing, with
- names and descriptions of newsgroups. For
- human reading only. Format identical to that
- of ¢4mlocalgroups¢24m.
- newsgroups.bac Previous ¢4mnewsgroups¢24m file. Created by ¢4mcheck¡¢24m
- ¢4mgroups¢24m processing.
- organization Name of the organization, for ¢4minews¢24m's use in
- creating the ¢4mOrganization:¢24m header for a
- posted article.
- postdefltdist Default distribution (if any; default
- ``world'') for ¢4mpostnews¢24m.
- postdefltgroup Default newsgroup (if any; default is to
- insist on the user supplying one) for ¢4mpost¡¢24m
- ¢4mnews¢24m.
- replyusepath This file should exist if and only if the
- local ``mail'' command is unable to handle
- `@' addresses, meaning that replies to con¡
- trol messages (etc.) must use the ``Path:''
- line instead of ``From:''. The contents are
- ignored.
- server Host name of the news server, where all oper¡
- ations (posting, etc.) should be done. If
- file does not exist, current host is assumed.
- setnewsids Set¡uid¡root program to get user and group
- ids correct for ¢4mrelaynews¢24m. Needed only if
- the system is old enough to refuse to do
- ¢4msetuid(geteuid())¢24m. Included in NEWSCTL
- rather than NEWSBIN because its presence is a
- significant policy issue for the administra¡
- tor, i.e. it is, sort of, a control file.
- sys Major control file specifying what groups are
- legitimate here, and what groups are fed to
- other sites.
- watchtime Last time ¢4mnewswatch¢24m was run.
- whoami Name of the system for news purposes, for
- ¢4mnewshostname¢24m. If file does not exist, other
- sources (¢4mhostname¢24m etc.) are consulted.
- 9 June 1989