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- Hello Kai, in <m0mdBhx-0000hzF@hactar.hanse.de> on Oct 9 you wrote:
- > Ok, hope to hear from you soon =:-> (Gee, never though that there was
- > such a interest in CNews ...)
- > kai
- Enclosed is a couple of scripts/programs I use locally under WB 2.0 (2.1).
- Feel free to include any of them in a cnews distribution. I would like
- to see CNews take a different face.. The underlying mechanism for CNews
- (active file and article history) works very well, but the external one
- needs quite a bit of work.. We're not working on a bland no-graphics
- unix station here..this is an amiga, and I want to see amiga-tized programs
- to do my news handling. It could be cleaned up quite a bit..hope to see
- that for the next amiga release..
- ---------------
- --- OLD/batchnews { Everything in the OLD directory is stuff that used to work,
- but not well. Feel free to look it over/use it if you wish.
- }
- .key none
- .bra {
- .ket }
- ;
- ; Primary script to batch out going news to other sites
- ;
- cd >Env:Dir{$$}
- list >T:batch{$$}.tmp uunews:out.going/#? lformat "BatchNewsSys %s"
- sort T:batch{$$}.tmp T:batch{$$}.sh
- execute T:batch{$$}.sh
- cd $Dir{$$}
- delete Env:Dir{$$} T:batch{$$}.#? quiet
- --- OLD/batchnewssys
- .key sys
- .bra {
- .ket }
- cd uunews:out.going/{sys}
- if exists togo
- rename togo togo.tmp
- c:replace <togo.tmp >togo.{sys} "UUNews:" ""
- failat 11
- batcher -S {sys} -f togo.{sys}
- list >T:batch{$$}.tmp1 batch_???? lformat "compress %s%s"
- list >T:batch{$$}.tmp2 batch_???? lformat "delete %s"
- sort T:batch{$$}.tmp1 T:batch{$$}.cmp
- execute T:batch{$$}.cmp
- sort T:batch{$$}.tmp2 T:batch{$$}.cmp2
- execute T:batch{$$}.cmp2
- delete T:batch{$$}.cmp T:batch{$$}.cmp2 T:batch{$$}.tmp1 T:batch{$$}.tmp2 togo.tmp quiet
- endif
- --- OLD/BatchTo { This script was replaced by the following program. }
- .key sys
- .bra {
- .ket }
- if exists uunews:in.coming
- cd uunews:in.coming
- List ~(#?.#?) FILES QUICK TO t:incoming.a LFORMAT "unbatchnewsfile %s"
- failat 10
- execute >nil: t:incoming.a
- endif
- if exists uunews:out.going/{sys}
- cd uunews:out.going/{sys}
- if exists togo
- batchnewssys {sys}
- endif
- endif
- copy togo.{sys} /togo.{sys}.old
- List FILES QUICK TO t:incoming.b LFORMAT "uux %s {sys}!rnews"
- execute >nil: t:incoming.b
- if not WARN
- delete uunews:out.going/{sys}/#?.Z
- delete uunews:out.going/{sys}/togo.{sys}
- endif
- delete t:incoming.a t:incoming.b quiet
- --- batch.c
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #define BATCHSIZE 50000
- #define BUFF_SIZE 20000
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- FILE *togo, *batch, *art;
- char artname[256];
- char batchname[60];
- char command[100];
- char togofile[50];
- char temp[50];
- char sysid[20];
- char *buffer;
- int currartsize=0;
- int currbatsize=0;
- int batchcount=0;
- int wrotesize;
- int readsize;
- int remainsize;
- batch = NULL;
- if (argc != 2) {
- printf("Usage: %s SYSTEM\n",argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- }
- strcpy(sysid,argv[1]);
- sprintf(togofile,"UUNews:out.going/%s/togo",sysid);
- if ((togo = fopen(togofile, "r")) == NULL) {
- printf("Unable to open togo file!\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- else /* togo got opened */ {
- if ((buffer=(char *)malloc(BUFF_SIZE))==NULL) {
- printf("Not enough memory for buffer\n");
- exit(10);
- }
- while (fscanf(togo, "%s %d\n", artname, &currartsize) == 2) {
- if (currbatsize > BATCHSIZE) {
- fclose(batch);
- procbatch(batchname,sysid);
- currbatsize = 0;
- batch = NULL;
- }
- if (!batch) {
- sprintf(batchname, "t:batch_%04d", ++batchcount);
- if ((batch = fopen(batchname, "w")) == NULL) {
- fclose(togo);
- printf("Unable to open batch!\n");
- free(buffer);
- exit(10);
- }
- }
- if ((art = fopen(artname, "r")) == NULL)
- printf("Unable to open article: %s\n", artname);
- else {
- fprintf(batch, "#! rnews %ld\n", currartsize);
- remainsize = currartsize;
- while (remainsize) {
- if (remainsize > BUFF_SIZE)
- readsize = BUFF_SIZE;
- else
- readsize = remainsize;
- remainsize = remainsize - readsize;
- if (fread(buffer, 1, readsize, art) != readsize)
- printf("Read from article failure!\n");
- else if (fwrite(buffer, 1, readsize, batch) != readsize)
- printf("Write to batch failure!\n");
- }
- }
- fclose(art);
- currbatsize += currartsize;
- }
- }
- fclose(batch);
- free(buffer);
- procbatch(batchname, sysid);
- fclose(togo);
- sprintf(command,"copy UUNews:out.going/%s/togo UUNews:out.going/togo.%s.old", sysid, sysid);
- system(command);
- sprintf(command,"delete uunews:out.going/%s/togo QUIET", sysid);
- system(command);
- }
- int
- procbatch(char *batchname, char *sysid)
- {
- char command[100];
- sprintf(command, "compress %s",batchname);
- system(command);
- sprintf(command, "uux %s.z %s!rnews", batchname, sysid);
- system(command);
- sprintf(command, "delete %s.z QUIET", batchname);
- system(command);
- }
- --- OLD/CNewsLock
- LAB Check_Again
- If EXISTS T:Cnews.lock
- Wait 65
- Skip Back Check_Again
- EndIf
- Echo >T:Cnews.lock "locked"
- --- DoExpire
- .key VAR
- .bra {
- .ket }
- cnewslock
- changetaskpri PRIORITY=-1
- expire >NIL: -v -l UULib:News/Expire.{VAR}
- Delete Quiet T:Cnews.lock uulib:News/(log|errlog)
- Copy UULib:News/active uulib:news/active.old
- ;arnmaster >NIL:
- changetaskpri PRIORITY=0
- --- UULib:News/Expire.d { Daily expire of news }
- # :ts=8
- # hold onto history lines 14 days
- /bounds/ x 14-14-14 -
- # no article gets more than 6 days
- /expired/ x 0-14-14 -
- # real noise gets thrown away fast
- # (handled by "all" below)
- junk,control x 0-0-0 -
- # unmoderated groups get 7 days, moderated ones 7 also
- # comp x 7 -
- misc.forsale.computers x 2-2-2 -
- comp.sys.amiga.marketplace x 2-2-2 -
- news.groups x 2-2-2 -
- all x 14-14-14 -
- --- OLD/Poll { Could never get this to work correctly. Needs work. }
- .key hostname/A,tries/A,delay
- .bra {
- .ket }
- ;
- ; Batch news to coplex
- Failat 11
- Batch coplex >NIL:
- ;
- ; Keep track of how many times we've tried
- ;
- SetEnv Poll{hostname} 1
- ;
- ; Will be deleted if the connection was successful
- ;
- Echo >uuspool:C.{hostname}DUMMY
- ;
- ; Call every two minutes until we connect or get tired
- ;
- Lab Loop
- Echo "Call #" NOLINE
- Echo $Poll{hostname} NOLINE
- Echo " of " NOLINE
- Echo {tries} NOLINE
- Echo " started at " NOLINE
- Date
- ;
- ; Make the call
- ;
- uucico -s{hostname}
- ;
- ; Increment our attempt counter
- ;
- Eval <Env:Poll{hostname} >NIL: TO T:PollTemp{$$} value2=1 op=+ ?
- Copy T:PollTemp{$$} Env:Poll{hostname} quiet
- Delete T:PollTemp{$$} quiet
- ;
- ; Are we done trying?
- ;
- If $Poll{hostname} NOT GT {tries}
- ; Did we connect?
- If exists uuspool:C.{hostname}DUMMY
- ; If not, try again later
- Wait {delay} min
- Skip back Loop
- Else
- Skip Connected
- Endif
- Endif
- ;
- ; Cleanup
- ;
- Delete Env:Poll{hostname} quiet
- Quit
- ;
- ; Here's where we go once we've connected
- ;
- Lab Connected
- ;
- ; Check to see if uuxqt is still running
- ;
- If exists t:UUXQT.lock
- Wait 1 min
- Skip back Connected
- Endif
- ;
- ; Unbatch any news we may have recieved
- ;
- UnBatchNews >NIL:
- Quit
- --- UUIO { What I currently use to call out. }
- ; $Ver UUIO 1.0 5-23-92
- ;
- Batch coplex >NIL:
- ;
- Poll.mine coplex
- ; check for connection complete
- lab connected
- if exists env:retrycoplex
- wait 2 min
- Skip connected BACK
- endif
- ; check for uuxqt still running
- lab unbatching
- if exists t:UUXQT.LOCK
- wait 2 min
- Skip unbatching BACK
- endif
- ;
- changetaskpri PRIORITY=-1
- unbatchnews <NIL: >NIL:
- wait 15 mins
- arnmaster <NIL: >NIL:
- changetaskpri PRIORITY=0
- --- Poll.mine
- .KEY hostname/A
- .BRA {
- .KET }
- setenv retry{hostname} x
- echo >uuspool:C.{hostname}DUMMY
- lab loop
- ;echo "Call started at "
- ;date
- uucico -A -7 -U1 -n7 -pri -p1 -s{hostname}
- echo >>env:retry{hostname} x NOLINE
- if $retry{hostname} NOT EQ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- if EXISTS uuspool:C.{hostname}DUMMY
- wait 2 min
- skip loop BACK
- endif
- endif
- delete env:retry{hostname} QUIET
- --- UnBatchNews
- .key type
- .bra {
- .ket }
- ;
- ; Primary script to process in coming news
- ;
- ; Set the CNews lock and save our directory
- ;
- CNewsLock
- cd >Env:Dir{$$}
- cd uunews:in.coming
- failat 11
- ;
- ; List all file in uunews:in.coming and unbatch them in order
- ;
- List >T:unbatch{$$}.tmp #?.z LFORMAT "UnBatchNewsFile %s"
- Sort T:unbatch{$$}.tmp T:unbatch{$$}.sh >nil:
- If warn
- Skip Exit
- EndIf
- Execute T:unbatch{$$}.sh
- ;
- ; Run ArnMaster to update the .newsdb's
- ;
- ArnMaster >NIL:
- ;
- ; Return us to out starting directory and clean up
- ;
- Lab Exit
- Cd $Dir{$$}
- Delete T:unbatch{$$}.#? QUIET
- Delete Env:Dir{$$} T:CNews.lock QUIET
- Quit
- --- UnBatchNewsFile
- .key file/a,type
- .bra {
- .ket }
- ;echo "Processing ... {file}" NOLINE
- uncompress <{file} >t:tempfile
- failat 20
- relaynews <t:tempfile -r
- cd uunews:in.coming
- delete {file} QUIET
- ;echo " ... Done"
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Joel C. Justen | UUNET: uunet!coplex.com!crpi!joel
- \\\ /// System Administrator | BITNET: jcjust01@ulkyvx.BITNET
- \XXX/ Crazyrat Software Productions | UUCP: joel@crpi.UUCP
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- flames <NIL: >NIL: | "This is *MY* damn amiga and I'll say what I want to say!"