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- Project : UUPOLL
- Genesis : 20 Sep 1991
- All releases are marked with a release information which
- includes the following information:
- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- | | | | |
- | | | | +--- date
- | | | +----- month
- | | +------- year
- | +----------- revision number
- +------------- version number
- R0.01 [910920]
- :
- ** worked, but very less elegant with many logfile tests and
- ** direct task checking because this was needed for UUCICO v1.13D
- :
- R0.52 [920124]
- R0.53 [920125]
- - UUPOLL now works with UUCICO v1.15D, i.e. it uses forkv()
- to execute UUCICO and to decide what to do dependend on it's
- dos return-code.
- - Removed serveral functions which were needed for UUCICO
- v1.13D.
- R0.54 [920126]
- - Removed delay-timer which was for UUCICO v1.13D
- logfile-checking only.
- - Added survival timer to provide us with the ability to exit
- independend of Matt's horrible cleanup sequence in UUCICO.
- - Now UUPOLL executes UUXQT manually after an failed polling
- session.
- R0.55 [920127]
- - Now UUPOLL checks for polling time violation via l.sys file.
- it sets his restriction minutes accordingly to the given
- time ranges in l.sys if no expilcit restriction value is
- specified by the user.
- - Added new -i option for giving information about the
- calculated restriction time without polling. this is useful
- if you would run UUPOLL but there are e.g. only 3 minutes
- left to poll at the specified host. So you can first check
- the restriction time via -i option before UUPOLL is polling.
- [920128]
- - New "-m" option to give UUPOLL the ability to preset your
- modem via commands specified in the given setup-file (not
- fully implemented yet).
- - Added new "-a" option: UUPOLL now handles env-variables for
- each site. if a polling session was succesful he writes
- SUCCESSFUL to it. if he was breaked (ctrl-c or restriction)
- and has breaked UUCICO due to this, or if too many retries,
- he writes FAILED to it. After he is invoked he checks for
- this variable. If he has -a (always) option then he ignores
- it and always goes on with the session in the mind he has
- FAILED last time.
- R0.56 [920128]
- - Added -p (profane) option: specifing this option forces
- UUPOLL to propfane the holy restriction times, i.e. it
- polls independend of any active restriction time. But the
- current UUCICO has no option to force him to poll at a
- restricted time, so UUPOLL will try to poll but UUCICO still
- disagrees. (needed for debug, but seems to be useful for a
- polling trick by T.Lotterer, if UUCICO would become a
- profane option)
- - Now UUPOLL provides us with the full implemented ability to
- setup the modem via setup-script.
- R0.57 [920130]
- - Now a call to UUPOLL without any options acts like a simple
- UUCICO call: no retries, no restrictiontime, no
- modemsetup,...
- - Now UUPOLL sets its baudrate to setup the modem accordingly
- to the baudrate specified in L.Sys entry of host.
- R0.58 [920131]
- - Changed minor outputs, comments, function order, etc.
- - Setup new compiler options for shorter object, extra
- checkings, etc.
- - Distributed this release to USENET::alt.sys.amiga.uucp.
- R0.59 [920201]
- - Now UUPOLL spawns the UUXQT command after successful call
- also because UUCICO isn't no longer able to do this due to a
- path problem when he tries to run the UUXQT command. This
- happens at my host only, but nothing get wrong if we do a
- second UUXQT execution.
- - Changed the informations pages because some option info was
- not very clear to understand from the -? oder -v pages
- R0.60 [920205]
- - Deleted the file specification options because these would
- be used not very often and I think that they are not very
- interesting.
- - Changed modemsetup: now UUPOLL uses only one file
- (uulib:modemsetup) for all hosts. This file has a layout
- similar to the uulib:sys. The difference is that modemsetup
- file has AT-Commands instead of newsgroups. This was done
- for clearer optic and less config-files.
- - Now UUPOLL is full documented by UUPOLL.man
- R0.61 [920206]
- - Now UUPOLL has a delay timer for retries. The timer seconds
- are set via the new option '-d'. Default is zero., i.e. no
- delay!
- - Changed '-h' option to '-s' and integrated '-p' option in
- the new '-S' option. This gives UUPOLL a similar optic as
- UUCICO. UUPOLL also does different UUCICO calls dependend
- on the '-s' or '-S' option, i.e. it call UUCICO with '-s'
- when he has it's '-s' option and with '-S' if he has its
- option '-S'.
- - Now UUPOLL has includes full runtime debugcode in its main
- procedure
- - Distributed this release to USENET::alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches.
- R0.62 [920215]
- - Changed ENV:-variables to upper case
- - Removed a bug in hostname validation. UUPOLL validates the
- hostname if he gets it from the config-file only. No check
- was done if specified via '-s' or '-S' option. Now a global
- check after all hostname setup will be done.
- - Removed inconsistence in polling profanation. UUPOLL now
- sets the restriction time at profanation (-'S') to zero only
- if no explicit restriction time ('-t') was given.
- [920218]
- - Added the important "AT&W" command in UUPOLL.man example and
- a notice which explains why this so important!
- - Added delay-timer abortion at ctrl-c handling
- [920219]
- - Now UUPOLL has a better option parsing. It now uses
- SAS/argopt() which is a bit similar to UNIX/getopt() from
- the users view. You can now separate the option arguments
- from the options with whitespaces. But you cannot give more
- than one option per argv! I will replace this by a real
- getopt() at a unkown time.
- R0.63 [920229]
- - Added the jobctl feature: UUPOLL now checks for the
- ENV:-variable UUPOLL_JOBCTL before startup. If it is set to
- DISABLE then UUPOLL aborts immediately without doing
- anything (except logfile entry). This was introduced for
- disabling UUPOLL if it will be started via crontab and we
- want to avoid this because of some work to do before the
- next polling.
- [920230]
- - Added a new "-e" option: With this option you can specify a
- command that will be executes after a successful call. This
- is indpendend of the execution of the UUXQT command.
- - Corrected some inconsitences in UUPOLL.man
- R0.64 [920305]
- - Changed a lot of sourcecode lines (variabel names, header
- names etc.) but without changing the object code very much.
- - Corrected some statements in the manual which would lead to
- misunderstandings.
- [920308]
- - Distributed this release to CUBEnet-BBS::Amiga/FileMain/.
- R0.65 [920310]
- - Merged the user command and the UUXQT spawning into one.
- Now, the default user command is set to "UUXQT" and will be
- spawned only after these situations:
- - successful UUCICO session
- - abort due to a restriction timeout
- - user abort or UUCICO break/software error
- - Now you can specify a '-E' instead of the '-e' option to
- indicate that the command had to be spawned always before
- UUPOLL exists.
- - UUPOLL now uses system() instead of Execute() to spawn the
- user command.
- [920319]
- - Distributed this release to USENET::alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches.
- R0.66 [920323]
- - Fixed a problem in command name which occured when starting
- - Changed the "_" (underscore) in enviroment variables to a
- "." (dot) Just for consistence with my other programs.
- [920410]
- - Added the UUPOLL Job Control feature (was recently
- implemented as own shell script) directly to UUPOLL. Now
- you can _switch_ the job control.
- [920421]
- - Fixed a bug in control-c abortion. UUPOLL hangs if it was
- breaked and no UUCICO process was running (i.e. if it is
- inside a retry delay!).
- - Now UUPOLL substracts 30 seconds from the restriction time
- if it was calculated to let the tasks time to cleanup on
- time bounds. If the restriction time is given explicitly
- (via '-t') nothing is adjusted.
- [920422]
- - Added new -p feature: Now you can say "Poll only if pending
- work" directly to UUPOLL instead of doing this by specifing
- "-r1" to UUCICO. You can also say "Poll only if more than
- or equal to N files are pending for that system".
- - Added new option '-c': UUPOLL can check for any running
- UUCICO processes at startup and either abort due to this or
- break the process (and wait 20s) before going on with the
- polling procedure.
- [920510] .. [920605]
- - Changed the old information feature (-i) to a real one!!
- Now UUPOLL gives you information about all status and all
- restriction times plus a full 72 hour polling time chart.
- [920605]
- - Fixed a serious bug in tokenize(): The pointer table wasn't
- terminated by a NULL pointer which leads to a deadloop when
- processing this table until the (non existing) NULL pointer
- will be found.
- - Now UUPOLL supports multiline host entries in uulib:l.sys.
- - Replaced old restriction time calculation by new algorithm
- from "host status". Now UUPOLL handles _all_ time intervals
- (even those on serious time/day bounds)
- R0.67 [920606]
- - Fixed a inconsitence in host status output. The "[#]" will
- no longer appear in `short host status'.
- - Added a remark in the manual about the `-u "-X -Y -Z ..."'
- problem!
- - Added new `-n' option: Now a user can be notified if the
- session fails due to max number of retries or restriction
- timeout.
- [920716]
- Because the current UUPoll doesn't run under OS2.04 because
- of a bug in SAS/Lattice fork() functions, I will stop the
- OS1.3 support at this point. Do not run this under later
- releases of AmigaOS than 1.3!!