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- /*
- * Unshar V1.4 (C) Copyright Eddy Carroll 1992
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- * Usage: Unshar {-overwrite} {-nosort} <filename> ...
- *
- * Extracts files from a SHAR'd archive.
- *
- * This utility has a few advantages over the version of SH on Fish Disk 92.
- * For a start, it doesn't crash if it gets a slightly unusual format! It
- * also has a (limited) capability for extracting files from shar archives
- * which use 'SED' rather than 'CAT' (typically, this is done so that
- * each line in the file may be prefixed with an 'X' or similar, so that
- * indentation is preserved). Unshar will spot 'SED' lines, and treat them
- * the same as 'CAT' (allowing for different parameters of course) with
- * the exception that any leading characters matching the string specified
- * in the SED command are discarded.
- *
- * Unshar checks files being extracted to see if they are to be stored
- * within a sub-directory. If they are, and the sub-directory does not
- * already exist, it is created.
- *
- * One other small addition is that any filenames which are prefixed with
- * the characters "./" have these characters removed. Some shar files
- * use this prefix to ensure that the files are stored in the current
- * directory.
- *
- * Files are extracted into the current directory. As each file is extracted,
- * an appropriate message is printed on the screen. If the file already
- * exists, the user is warned and given the chance to avoid overwriting it
- * "Overwrite file (Yes/No/All)? ". The default is Yes. If All is selected,
- * then this prompt is supressed for the rest of the current file. It may
- * be disabled for all the files by specifying the -o switch on the
- * command line.
- *
- * By default, unshar will do a `prescan' over all the files listed, looking
- * at the first few lines of each for a Subject: line. If one is found, then
- * it examines it for Issue numbers and Part numbers, and unshars those files
- * having the lowest numbers first. This results in the shar files being
- * extracted in the correct order, regardless of what order they were listed
- * in on the command line. You can override this behaviour and unshar files
- * in the command line order by specifying the -n switch.
- *
- * I retain copyright rights to this source code, though it may be _freely_
- * distributed. The executable file created from this source code is in
- * the Public Domain and may be distributed without any restrictions.
- *
- *
- * N.b. The code is starting to look a bit messy; could be it will get
- * a complete overhaul for the next revision.
- *
- */
- /* Compiles under Lattice V5.04 */
- #ifndef LATTICE_50
- #include "system.h"
- #endif
- #define YES 1
- #define NO 0
- #define CR '\015'
- #define EOL '\012'
- #define SINGLEQUOTE '\''
- #define DOUBLEQUOTE '\042'
- #define MAXSTRING 512 /* Maximum length of input line */
- /*
- * New handler for Ctrl-C. Checks if CTRL-C received, and if it has,
- * sets the global CtrlC variable to true.
- */
- #define chkabort() (CtrlC |= ((SetSignal(0,0) & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)))
- char HelpMsg[] = "\
- Unshar V1.4 by Eddy Carroll 1992 Public Domain, extracts Unix shar archives.\
- \n\
- Usage: unshar {-overwrite} {-nosort} <filename> ...\n";
- char DiskMsg[] = "Unshar aborted - Disk write error (disk full?)\n";
- char ErrorMsg[] = "Unshar: Invalid CAT or SED command at line ";
- int linenum;
- int CtrlC = NO;
- char Version[] = "$VER: Unshar 1.4 (29.9.92)";
- /*
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * The following block may be removed `as-is' and used in other programs.
- * It provides basic buffered i/o on two files, an input file and an output
- * file. It also provides output to the current standard output via
- * print. Buffering is done using buffers of size MAXBUF.
- *
- * The following routines are provided:
- *
- * getc() returns an integer corresponding to the next character read from
- * infile, or EOF if the end of file has been reached.
- *
- * putc(c) outputs a character to outfile. If a diskerror occurs, the global
- * diskerror is set to YES, and all further diskwrites are ignored.
- *
- * getline() returns a pointer to a string containing the next line
- * read in from infile. getline() also checks for CTRL-C via chkabort()
- *
- * putline(s) outputs a string to outfile, returning non-zero if an
- * error occurred during the write.
- *
- * flushin() resets getc() and getline() for input from a new file
- *
- * flushout() flushes output buffer; call prior to closing output file.
- *
- * input() returns a pointer to a string containing a line from stdin.
- *
- * print(s) prints a message on standard output.
- *
- * print3(s1,s2,s3) outputs three strings on standard output.
- *
- * numtostr(n) returns a pointer to the ascii representation of n.
- *
- * Special Notes
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- * You should ensure that you use the filenames 'infile' and 'outfile'
- * when you are opening the input and output files in main(). Also,
- * do not #define EOF or MAXBUF elsewhere in your program.
- *
- */
- #define EOF -1
- #define MAXBUF 10000
- BPTR infile, outfile;
- LONG maxin = MAXBUF, maxout = MAXBUF, inbuf = MAXBUF, outbuf = 0;
- unsigned char inbuffer[MAXBUF], outbuffer[MAXBUF];
- int diskerror = NO;
- /*
- * int getc()
- * ----------
- * Returns next character from infile, or EOF if end of file.
- *
- * Replaced by a macro to improve performance. Original function was:
- *
- * int getc()
- * {
- * if (!maxin)
- * return (EOF);
- *
- * if (inbuf >= maxin) {
- * maxin = Read(infile, inbuffer, MAXBUF);
- * inbuf = 0;
- * if (!maxin)
- * return (EOF);
- * }
- * return (inbuffer[inbuf++]);
- * }
- *
- */
- #define IF(x,y,z) ((x) ? (y) : (z))
- #define getc() IF(!maxin, EOF, \
- IF(inbuf >= maxin, ( \
- inbuf = 0, maxin = Read(infile, inbuffer, MAXBUF), \
- IF(!maxin, EOF, inbuffer[inbuf++]) \
- ), inbuffer[inbuf++])) \
- /*
- * Prepares getc() for input from a new file
- */
- #define flushin() (maxin = MAXBUF, inbuf = MAXBUF)
- /*
- * putc(ch)
- * --------
- * Outputs character ch to disk. If a diskerror is detected, then all
- * further output is ignored and the global diskerror is set to YES.
- *
- * Replaced by a macro for performance reasons. Original function was:
- *
- * void putc(ch)
- * int ch;
- * {
- * if (ch == EOF)
- * maxout = outbuf;
- * else
- * outbuffer[outbuf++] = ch;
- *
- * if (outbuf >= maxout) {
- * if (!diskerror && Write(outfile, outbuffer, maxout) == -1)
- * diskerror = YES;
- * outbuf = 0;
- * maxout = MAXBUF;
- * }
- * }
- */
- #define flushout() (maxout = outbuf, \
- IF(!diskerror && Write(outfile, outbuffer, maxout) == -1, \
- diskerror = YES, \
- 0), \
- outbuf = 0, maxout = MAXBUF)
- #define putc(ch) (outbuffer[outbuf++] = ch, \
- IF(outbuf >= maxout, \
- (IF (!diskerror && \
- Write(outfile, outbuffer, maxout) == -1, \
- diskerror = YES, \
- 0), \
- outbuf = 0, maxout = MAXBUF), \
- 0))
- /*
- * print(s)
- * --------
- * Outputs a message to std output
- */
- void print(s)
- char *s;
- {
- Write(Output(),s,strlen(s));
- }
- /*
- * print3()
- * --------
- * Outputs three strings to std output.
- * Useful for sequences like print3("string", variable, "string");
- */
- void print3(s1,s2,s3)
- char *s1,*s2,*s3;
- {
- print(s1);
- print(s2);
- print(s3);
- }
- /*
- * getline()
- * ---------
- * Reads in a line from current infile into string, and returns a
- * pointer to that string. Returns NULL if EOF encountered.
- */
- char *getline()
- {
- register int ch, i = 0;
- static char line[MAXSTRING];
- ch = getc();
- if (ch == EOF)
- return (NULL);
- while (i < (MAXSTRING-1) && ch != EOF && ch != EOL) {
- line[i++] = ch;
- ch = getc();
- }
- line[i] = '\0';
- linenum++;
- chkabort();
- return (line);
- }
- /*
- * putline()
- * ---------
- * Outputs a string to the current output file (terminating it with LF).
- * Returns 0 for success, non-zero for disk error
- */
- int putline(s)
- char *s;
- {
- while (*s)
- putc(*s++);
- putc(EOL);
- return (diskerror);
- }
- /*
- * input()
- * -------
- * Reads a line from keyboard and returns pointer to it
- */
- char *input()
- {
- static char s[80];
- int len;
- s[0] = '\0';
- len = Read(Input(),s,75);
- if (len < 0)
- len = 0;
- s[len] = '\0';
- chkabort();
- return(s);
- }
- /*
- * numtostr()
- * ----------
- * Converts integer to string and returns pointer to it.
- */
- char *numtostr(n)
- int n;
- {
- static char s[20];
- int i = 19;
- s[19] = '\0';
- if (n)
- while (n)
- s[--i] = '0' + (n % 10), n /= 10;
- else
- s[--i] = '0';
- return(&s[i]);
- }
- /*
- * --------------------* End of Buffered IO routines *-----------------
- */
- /*
- * Skips spaces at the start of a string
- */
- char *SkipBlanks(char *buf)
- {
- if (buf) {
- while (*buf && isspace(*buf))
- buf++;
- }
- return(buf);
- }
- /*
- * index()
- * -------
- * Like standard Unix index(), but skips over quotes if skip == true.
- * Also skips over chars prefixed by a \. Returns pointer to first
- * occurance of char c inside string s, or NULL.
- */
- char *index(s,c,skip)
- char *s,c;
- int skip;
- {
- register char *p = s;
- register int noquotes = YES, literal = NO;
- while (*p) {
- if (literal) {
- literal = NO;
- p++;
- } else {
- if (skip && ((*p == SINGLEQUOTE) || (*p == DOUBLEQUOTE)))
- noquotes = !noquotes;
- if (noquotes && (*p == c))
- return(p);
- literal = (*p == '\\');
- p++;
- }
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- /*
- * getname()
- * ---------
- * Extracts a string from start of string s1 and stores it in s2.
- * Leading spaces are discarded, and quotes, if present, are used to
- * indicate the start and end of the filename. If mode is MODE_FILE,
- * then if the name starts with either './' or '/', this prefix is
- * stripped. This doesn't happen if the mode is MODE_TEXT. A pointer
- * to the first character after the string in s1 is returned. In
- * addition, any characters prefixed with are passed through without
- * checking.
- */
- #define MODE_FILE 1
- #define MODE_TEXT 2
- char *getname(s1,s2,mode)
- char *s1,*s2;
- {
- char endchar = ' ';
- while (*s1 == ' ')
- s1++;
- if (*s1 == SINGLEQUOTE || *s1 == DOUBLEQUOTE)
- endchar = *s1++;
- if (mode == MODE_FILE) {
- if (s1[0] == '.' && s1[1] == '/')
- s1 += 2;
- while (*s1 == '/')
- s1++;
- }
- while (*s1 && *s1 != endchar) {
- if (*s1 == '\\' && *(s1+1))
- s1++;
- *s2++ = *s1++;
- }
- *s2 = '\0';
- if (*s1 == endchar)
- return(++s1);
- else
- return(s1);
- }
- /*
- * checkfordir()
- * -------------
- * Checks filename to see if it is inside a subdirectory. If it is,
- * then checks if subdirectory exists, and creates it if it doesn't.
- */
- void checkfordir(filename)
- char *filename;
- {
- char dir[80], *p;
- int i, x;
- BPTR dirlock;
- p = filename;
- while (p = index(p, '/', 1)) {
- /* Dir exists, so copy dir part of filename into dir name area */
- x = p - filename;
- for (i = 0; i < x; i++)
- dir[i] = filename[i];
- dir[i] = '\0';
- /* Now, see if directory exists, if not then create */
- if ((dirlock = Lock(dir,ACCESS_READ)) == NULL) {
- dirlock = CreateDir(dir);
- if (dirlock) {
- print3("Creating directory ", dir, "\n");
- }
- }
- if (dirlock)
- UnLock(dirlock);
- p++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * unshar()
- * --------
- * Extracts all stored files from a shar file. Returns zero for success,
- * non-zero if a disk error occurred. If echofilename is non-zero, then
- * the name of each shar file is output before unsharing it. If
- * overwrite is non-zero, then existing files are overwritten without
- * any warning. If title is non-NULL, then it points to a string
- * which is printed out before any files are extracted.
- */
- int unshar(sharfile, title, echofilename, overwrite)
- char *sharfile, *title;
- int echofilename, overwrite;
- {
- register char *s, *p;
- char endmarker[100], filename[100],sedstring[100];
- int endlen, stripfirst, startfile, found = NO, err = NO, skip, sedlen;
- int append;
- BPTR filelock;
- if ((infile = Open(sharfile, MODE_OLDFILE)) == NULL) {
- print3("Can't open file ", sharfile, " for input\n");
- return(1);
- }
- linenum = 0;
- if (echofilename)
- print3("\033[7m Shar file: ", sharfile, " \033[0m\n");
- if (title)
- print(title);
- while (!err && !CtrlC && (s = getline()) != NULL) {
- s = SkipBlanks(s);
- startfile = NO;
- if (strncmp(s,"cat ",4) == 0) {
- startfile = YES;
- stripfirst = NO;
- }
- if (strncmp(s,"sed ",4) == 0) {
- startfile = YES;
- stripfirst = YES;
- sedlen = 0;
- /*
- * Note - tons of sanity checks done here to ensure that a
- * sed line of the form:
- *
- * sed >s/somefile <<'endmarker' -e 's/X//'
- *
- * Will be interpreted correctly.
- */
- #define ISPREFIX(ch) (ch == DOUBLEQUOTE || ch == SINGLEQUOTE || ch == ' ')
- #define ISMETA(ch) (ch == '<' || ch == '>')
- #define ISOK(s) (s[1] == '/' && ISPREFIX(s[-1]) && !ISMETA(s[-2]))
- p = s;
- while ((p = index(p,'s',0)) != NULL && !ISOK(p))
- p++;
- if (p != NULL) {
- p += 2; /* Skip over the 's/' bit */
- if (*p == '^') /* Skip past starting char */
- p++;
- while (*p && *p != '/')
- sedstring[sedlen++] = *p++;
- }
- }
- if (startfile) {
- if (found == NO) {
- found = YES;
- }
- if ((p = index(s,'>',1)) == NULL) {
- print3(ErrorMsg, numtostr(linenum), "(a)\n");
- } else {
- /*
- * This next bit checks to see if we are creating or
- * appending to the output file (i.e. >file or >>file)
- */
- if (*++p == '>') {
- p++;
- append = YES;
- } else
- append = NO;
- getname(p,filename,MODE_FILE);
- p = s;
- while ((p = index(p,'<',1)) && (p[1] != '<'))
- ;
- if (p)
- getname(p+2,endmarker,MODE_TEXT);
- endlen = strlen(endmarker);
- if (strlen(filename) && endlen) {
- checkfordir(filename);
- /* Found a valid line so perform extract */
- /* Check if file exists */
- skip = NO;
- outfile = NULL;
- if (!overwrite) {
- filelock = Lock(filename, ACCESS_READ);
- if (filelock) {
- UnLock(filelock);
- if (!append) {
- print3("Overwrite file ", filename,
- " (Yes, [No], All)? ");
- switch (tolower(*input())) {
- case 'a': overwrite = YES; break;
- case 'y': skip = NO; break;
- default : skip = YES; break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Open as old file and seek to the end if
- * appending AND the file already exists. If
- * it doesn't exist, then just open as new file.
- */
- if (filelock && append) {
- outfile = Open(filename, MODE_READWRITE);
- if (outfile)
- Seek(outfile, 0, OFFSET_END);
- } else if (!skip)
- outfile = Open(filename, MODE_NEWFILE);
- if (!outfile && !skip) {
- print3("Couldn't open file ",filename," for output\n");
- skip = YES;
- }
- if (!skip) {
- if (filelock && append)
- print3("Extending file ", filename, "\n");
- else
- print3("Unsharing file ", filename, "\n");
- }
- s = getline();
- err = NO;
- while (s && strncmp(s,endmarker,endlen) && !CtrlC) {
- if (stripfirst && !strncmp(sedstring,s,sedlen))
- s += sedlen;
- if (!skip && (err = putline(s)))
- break;
- s = getline();
- }
- if (!skip) {
- flushout();
- if (err || diskerror)
- print(DiskMsg), err = YES;
- Close(outfile);
- }
- } else
- print(ErrorMsg, numtostr(linenum), "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if (!err && !CtrlC)
- if (found)
- print("Unshar done\n");
- else
- print("No files to unshar\n");
- Close(infile);
- flushin();
- return(err);
- }
- /*
- * readheader()
- * ------------
- * Reads in the first few lines (actually 480 bytes) of filename, and
- * scans for a subject line. If the subject line is found, then
- * it is stored in subject (up to 100 chars in length), else a null
- * string is stored. The subject line is also examined, and a sequence
- * number determined. If the subject line starts with i or I, followed
- * by a number, then this is taken as the sequence number. Otherwise,
- * the first number after `Part' or `part' is uses. This sequence
- * number is returned in seqnum. I-type sequence numbers have 1000
- * added on to them first of all, to keep them seperated from 'part'
- * types.
- *
- * The idea is that successive parts of a set of several shar files
- * will have increasing sequence numbers.
- *
- * Zero is returned if an error occurred.
- */
- int readheader(filename, subject, seqnum)
- char *filename, *subject;
- int *seqnum;
- {
- static char buf[480];
- BPTR file;
- int len, i;
- char *p;
- *subject = '\0';
- file = Open(filename, MODE_OLDFILE);
- if (!file) {
- print3("Can't open file ", filename, " for input\n");
- return (0);
- }
- len = Read(file, buf, 480);
- Close(file);
- if (len == -1) {
- print3("Error reading header from file ", filename, "\n");
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Now analyse file for a Subject: line
- */
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (buf[i] == '\n' && strnicmp(&buf[i+1], "Subject:", 8) == 0) {
- /*
- * Copy subject line into subject string, ensuring
- * it is properly terminated with a \n and \0
- */
- i++;
- strncpy(subject, buf + i + 9, 98);
- subject[98] = '\0';
- for (p = subject; *p; p++) {
- if (*p == '\n') {
- break;
- }
- }
- *p++ = '\n';
- *p = '\0';
- /*
- * Now scan new subject string looking for sequence number
- */
- p = subject;
- while (*p) {
- if (*p == 'i') {
- *seqnum = atoi(p+1);
- if (*seqnum != 0)
- return 1;
- }
- if (strnicmp(p, "Part", 4) == 0) {
- p += 4;
- while (*p == ' ')
- *p++;
- *seqnum = atoi(p);
- if (*seqnum != 0) {
- *seqnum += 1000;
- return 1;
- }
- } else
- p++;
- }
- *seqnum = 10000;
- return (1);
- }
- }
- *seqnum = 10000;
- return (1);
- }
- /*
- * Start of mainline
- */
- int main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int i, numfiles;
- int overwrite = NO, sortfiles = YES;
- char **filenames;
- if ((argc == 1) || (*argv[1] == '?')) {
- print(HelpMsg);
- return (10);
- }
- while (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-') {
- switch (tolower(argv[1][1])) {
- case 'o':
- overwrite = YES;
- break;
- case 'n':
- sortfiles = NO;
- break;
- default:
- print(HelpMsg);
- return (10);
- }
- argc--; argv++;
- }
- numfiles = argc - 1;
- filenames = &argv[1];
- if (!sortfiles) {
- /*
- * Just process files in the order they occur
- */
- for (i = 0; i < numfiles && !CtrlC; i++) {
- if (unshar(filenames[i], NULL, numfiles > 1, overwrite) != 0)
- break;
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * Do a prescan through all the files, and then unshar them
- * in the right order.
- */
- typedef struct SortRecord {
- struct SortRecord *next; /* Next record in list */
- int index; /* Index into filenames [] array */
- int seqnum; /* Sequence number of file */
- char name[100]; /* Original subject line */
- } SORT;
- SORT *filehdrs, *head = NULL, *cur;
- filehdrs = AllocMem(sizeof(SORT) * numfiles, 0);
- if (!filehdrs) {
- print("Couldn't allocate memory to store file headers\n");
- goto endsort;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < numfiles && !CtrlC; i++) {
- int seqnum;
- SORT **ptr;
- if (!readheader(filenames[i], filehdrs[i].name, &seqnum))
- continue; /* If couldn't read file, move to next file */
- /*
- * Now insert name at correct position in linked list
- */
- for (ptr = &head; *ptr && (*ptr)->seqnum <= seqnum;
- ptr = &(*ptr)->next)
- ;
- filehdrs[i].next = *ptr;
- *ptr = &filehdrs[i];
- filehdrs[i].seqnum = seqnum;
- filehdrs[i].index = i;
- }
- /*
- * Now we have a sorted list of files, so just walk down
- * the list unsharing files as we go.
- */
- for (cur = head; cur && !CtrlC; cur = cur->next) {
- if (unshar(filenames[cur->index], cur->name,
- numfiles > 1, overwrite) != 0)
- break;
- }
- endsort:
- if (filehdrs)
- FreeMem(filehdrs, sizeof(SORT) * numfiles);
- }
- /*
- * All files handled, now just tidy up and exit. If CtrlC was
- * pressed, let the user know.
- */
- if (CtrlC)
- print("^C\n");
- }