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Text File | 1994-11-15 | 50.4 KB | 1,329 lines |
- Introduction to the Tin newsreader
- Paul H Kramer
- pkramer@unlinfo.unl.edu
- University Nebraska Lincoln
- Abstract
- A gentle introduction to the basic command set of the tin newsreader.
- 1.0 Contents
- ------------
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 To start Tin
- 1.3 To quit Tin
- 1.4 To work in Tin
- 1.5 'Group selection level': screen layout
- 1.5.1 'Group selection level' screen: title
- 1.5.2 'Group selection level' screen: selection bar
- 1.5.3 'Group selection level' screen: newsgroup lines
- 1.5.4 'Group selection level' screen: command menu
- 1.6 'Group selection level': moving the selection bar
- 1.7 'Group selection level': searching for a newsgroup
- 1.8 'Group selection level': display all known newsgroups
- 1.9 'Group selection level': add (subscribe) newsgroups
- 1.10 'Group selection level': drop (unsubscribe) newsgroups
- 1.11 'Group selection level': reorder the newsgroups
- 1.12 'Group selection level': selecting a newsgroup
- 1.13 'Group level': screen layout
- 1.13.1 'Group level' screen: title
- 1.13.2 'Group level' screen: selection bar
- 1.13.3 'Group level' screen: article lines
- 1.13.4 'Group level' screen: command menu
- 1.14 'Group level': moving the selection bar
- 1.15 'Group level': selecting an article
- 1.16 'Article level': screen layout
- 1.16.1 'Article level' screen: header
- 1.16.2 'Article level' screen: body of article
- 1.16.3 'Group level' screen: command menu
- 1.17 'Article level': reading the selected article
- 1.18 'Article level': mail the article to someone
- 1.19 'Article level': print the article
- 1.20 'Article level': reply to the author of the article directly
- 1.21 'Article level': save the article as a file on your account
- 1.22 'Article level': write and post a reply to the article
- 1.23 'Article level': write and post your own article
- 1.1 Introduction
- ----------------
- Electronic News provides you the means to read articles found
- in the USENET newsgroups, a specific kind of bulletin board
- service available on the Internet. Each newsgroup contains
- articles written about a particular topic. The number of groups
- now number over 4000 when a site takes all available groups.
- In using tin, it is important to note how the newsgroups are
- organized and named. The newsgroups are organized in a
- hierarchical fashion by topic; some are designed for very
- specific readership and others for much broader appeal.
- This hierarchy is then reflected in the naming scheme for the
- newsgroups. For example, newsgroups beginning with the word
- 'rec.' are about recreational topics. Other top-level words
- that you will find in newsgroups names are (this list is not
- complete):
- bit.listserv. conferences originating as BITNET mailing
- lists (e.g. bit.listserv.pacs-l).
- clari. newsgroups from UPI (e.g.
- clari.sports.baseball).
- comp. Computer-related technical groups (e.g.
- comp.sys.mac.digest).
- sci. Scientific discussions (e.g.
- sci.meterology).
- soc. Discussions about societies, cultures,
- related issues (e.g. soc.culture.indian).
- 1.2 To start Tin
- ----------------
- +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +----------+
- | | | | | | | |
- Press | | | | | | and then the | | key
- | t | | i | | n | | Return |
- +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +----------+
- Press this key sequence to start the newsreader from the command line.
- Note: The <Return> key may be called <Enter> on some keyboards.
- 1.3 To quit Tin
- ---------------
- +-------+
- | |
- | | Press the <q> key.
- | q |
- +-------+
- This keystroke exits you from the program when the current
- operation level is 'Group selection level'.
- +-------+
- | |
- | | Press the <Q> key.
- | Q |
- +-------+
- This keystroke exits you from the program at any operation level.
- 1.4 To work in Tin
- ------------------
- When you work in E)lectronic News, you are using a computer
- program called 'tin'. This program responds to commands
- initiated with keystrokes. For example, the <h> key is assigned
- to the help function in 'tin'. By pressing this key, the
- program writes a list of commands on the screen.
- The key to working in this program efficiently is recognizing
- the three separate hierarchical levels of operation:
- Group selection level
- |
- +------- Group level
- |
- +------- Article level
- At the 'Group selection level', the program shows a list of
- newsgroups. From this list, you select a newsgroup that has
- articles that you would like to read. Other actions that you
- might take at this level are:
- * add (subscribe) newsgroups to the list,
- * display (yank) all known newsgroups into the list,
- * drop (unsubscribe) newsgroups from the list,
- * reorder (move) the newsgroups' positons in the list, or
- * write and post your own article to a newsgroup.
- At the 'Group level', the program shows a list of unread
- articles in the chosen newsgroup. From this list, you choose an
- article that you would like to read. Other actions that you
- might take at this level are:
- * mail an article to someone,
- * print an article to a printer,
- * save an article into a file on your account, or
- * write and post your own article.
- At the 'Article level', the program displays the text of the
- article that you selected. Other actions that you might take at
- this level are:
- * mail the article to someone,
- * print the article to a printer,
- * reply to the author of the article directly,
- * save the article into a file on your account,
- * write and post a reply to the article, or
- * write and post your own article.
- 1.5 'Group selection level': screen layout
- ------------------------------------------
- When you enter the `tin 'program, you should view a screen like
- the following:
- Group Selection (2067) h=help
- 1 ads.config
- 2 175 alt.artcom Artistic Community, a
- 3 153 alt.bbs Computer BBS systems
- 4 71 alt.bbs.ads Ads for various compu
- 5 1416 alt.bbs.internet BBS systems accessibl
- 6 359 alt.bbs.lists Postings of regional
- 7 21 alt.bbs.lists.d Discussion about regi
- 8 44 alt.bbs.waffle The Waffle UUCP BBS.
- 9 2206 alt.cd-rom Discussions of optica
- 10 1549 alt.censorship Discussion about rest
- 11 41 alt.cobol Relationship between
- 12 1922 alt.config Alternative subnet di
- 13 378 alt.cosuard Council of Sysops & U
- 14 3993 alt.folklore.computers Stories & anecdotes a
- 15 2 alt.fractals Fractals in math, gra
- 16 232 alt.graphics.pixutils Discussion of pixmap
- <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, c)atchup,
- g)oto, j=line down, k=line up, h)elp, m)ove, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread,
- s)ubscribe, S)ub pattern, u)nsubscribe, U)nsub pattern, y)ank in/out
- 1.5.1 'Group selection level' screen: title
- ...........................................
- Group Selection (2067) h=help
- This line shows the number of newsgroups available.
- 1.5.2 'Group selection level' screen: selection bar
- ...................................................
- 1 ads.config
- 2 175 alt.artcom Artistic Community, a
- The highlighted line is called a selection bar and it is used to
- indicate the current newsgroup.
- 1.5.3 'Group selection level' screen: newsgroup lines
- .....................................................
- 2 175 alt.artcom Artistic Community, a
- 3 153 alt.bbs Computer BBS systems
- 4 71 alt.bbs.ads Ads for various compu
- This is the main feature of the 'Group selection level'. There
- are four fields per line:
- Selection number (e.g. 3)
- Number of unread articles (e.g. 153)
- Newsgroup name (e.g. alt.bbs)
- Description (e.g. Computer BBS systems)
- The selection number gives each newsgroup in the list a unique
- identifier. You may input this identifer to move the selection
- bar. The number of unread articles refers to the number of
- articles that you have not read in the particular newsgroup. If
- you find no number in this field, the newsgroup has no articles
- for you to read. Each newsgroup name is composed of words that
- reflect the topic covered or the provider of the articles. For
- example, you can find articles from the Washington Post in a
- newsgroup named 'americast.wpost'. The last field provides a
- description of what you might find discussed in the newsgroup.
- 1.5.4 'Group selection level' screen: command menu
- ..................................................
- <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, c)atchup,
- g)oto, j=line down, k=line up, h)elp, m)ove, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread,
- s)ubscribe, S)ub pattern, u)nsubscribe, U)nsub pattern, y)ank in/out
- This three-line menu shows the commands available to you at this
- level. Each command label in the menu has two parts: the key
- that you press and a one- or two-word description of the action
- the program takes. The label sets the key off with either a
- parenthesis or an equal sign. Examples on how to read the
- labels follow:
- Example 1:
- +-------+
- | |
- the s)ubscribe means press the | | key
- | s |
- +-------+
- Example 2:
- +-------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- the S)ub pattern means | | and | | to make an S
- | Shift | | s |
- +-------+ +-------+
- Example 3:
- +-------+
- | |
- the /=search pattern means press the | | key
- | / |
- +-------+
- Example 4:
- +-------+
- | |
- the <n>=set current to n means input | |
- a number such as 1, 2, 3 ... | 1 |
- +-------+
- Remember that if the label in the menu shows the key as
- capitalized, you must make the keystroke in upper-case.
- Note: This menu does not show all of the commands understood
- by 'tin' at this level. To see the the full list, use
- the h=help command.
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key.
- | h |
- +-------+
- Note: If you know enough of the commands at this level, make
- a capital <H> to drop the menu from the display. A
- second capital <H> restores it.
- +-------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- | | and | | to make an H
- | Shift | | h |
- +-------+ +-------+
- 1.6 'Group selection level': moving the selection bar
- -----------------------------------------------------
- 1 ads.config
- 2 175 alt.artcom Artistic Community, a
- Moving the selection bar lets you scan the list of newsgroups
- found on the 'Group selection level' screen. With the following
- keystrokes you can move the selection bar to the:
- Beginning of list:
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key
- | 1 |
- +-------+
- End of list:
- +-------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- Press | | and | | together to make an $
- | Shift | | 4 |
- +-------+ +-------+
- Page Up:
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key or
- | b |
- +-------+
- +---------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- Press | | and | | together
- | Control | | u |
- +---------+ +-------+
- Page Down:
- +--------------------------------+
- | |
- Press the | | bar or
- | space |
- +--------------------------------+
- +---------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- Press | | and | | together
- | Control | | d |
- +---------+ +-------+
- Line Up:
- +-------+
- | ^ |
- Press the | | | key (up arrow)
- | | |
- +-------+
- Line Down:
- +-------+
- | | |
- Press the | | | key (down arrow)
- | V |
- +-------+
- 1.7 'Group selection level': searching for a newsgroup
- ------------------------------------------------------
- A second way to scan the newsgroup list is to initiate a search
- based on a word or string of characters in the newsgroup name.
- Forward search:
- 1. Press the slash key:
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | / |
- +-------+
- 2. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
- Search forwards [previous-string]>
- 3. Enter a word or a string of characters that you think will
- be found in the name of the newsgroup:
- Search forwards [previous-string]> clari.ne
- Once you press the <RETURN> key, the search preceeds in a
- forward direction toward the end of the list.
- Note: To repeat the search with the same input, make
- two keystrokes: the slash key and then the
- <RETURN> key-no input is required.
- Backward search:
- 1. Press the question-mark key:
- +-------+ +-------+
- | | | ? |
- | | and | |
- | Shift | | / |
- +-------+ +-------+
- 2. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
- Search backwords [previous-string]>
- 3. Enter a word or a string of characters that you think will
- be found in the name of the newsgroup.
- Search backwords [previous-string]> wpost
- Once you press the <RETURN> key, the search preceeds in a
- backward direction toward the top of the list.
- Note: To repeat the search with the same input, make
- two keystrokes: the question-mark key and then
- the <RETURN> key-no input is required.
- 1.8 'Group selection level': display all known newsgroups
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- It is possible that you may not have all of the newsgroups in
- your list. The first time you select E)electronic News, the
- program yanks in all of the newsgroups found in the CRC
- subscriptions file ( a subset of all of the newsgroups). If you
- want all of the newsgroups from the CRC 'active' file, follow
- these steps:
- 1. Note the number of newsgroups listed in the title:
- Group Selection (????) h=help
- 2. Press the <y> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | y |
- +-------+
- Note: Subsequent <y> keystrokes toggle the source file
- for this list: the '.tinrc' file on your account
- or the CRC 'active' file.
- 1.9 'Group selection level': add (subscribe) newsgroups
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Initially, the program subscribes you to a subset of all known
- newsgroups. To add more newsgroups to your list, follow these
- steps:
- 1. Note the number of newsgroups listed in the title:
- Group Selection (????) h=help
- 2. Press the <y> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | y |
- +-------+
- 3. Read the expanded list of newsgroups.
- 4. Move the selection bar onto a newsgroup that you want added
- to your list (it should be marked as unsubscribed):
- 345 comp.binaries.os2 Binaries for use unde
- u 346 - bionet.agroforestry Discussion of Agrofor
- u 347 - bionet.general General BIOSCI discus
- 5. Press the <s> key:
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | s |
- +-------+
- Note: The keystroke removes 'u' from in front of the
- selection number. Thus, a space in that field
- indicates a subscribed newsgroup. A record of
- what newsgroups you are subscribed to is kept in
- a file called '.tinrc'.
- 1.10 'Group selection level': drop (unsubscribe) newsgroups
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Each time you select E)lectronic News, the program displays the
- newsgroups that you are subscribed to. To drop newsgroups from
- this list, you must set the 'unsubscribe' attribute for each
- newsgroup you do not want. The steps are as follows:
- 1. Move the selection bar onto the newsgroup that you want
- dropped from your list (it should be marked as subscribed):
- 345 comp.binaries.os2 Binaries for use unde
- 346 - bionet.agroforestry Discussion of Agrofor
- 347 - bionet.general General BIOSCI discus
- 2. Make sure it is maked as subscribed:
- 347 - bionet.general General BIOSCI discus
- 3. Press the <u> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | u |
- +-------+
- Note: The keystroke adds a 'u' to in front of the
- selection number. This change is actually made
- when you quit the program and is recoded in your
- '.tinrc' file. The <y> keystroke yanks the
- unsubscribed newsgroups back into your list.
- 1.11 'Group selection level': reorder the newsgroups
- ----------------------------------------------------
- The program for E)lectronic News alows you to define the order
- of newsgroups appear in your list. The steps are as follows:
- 1. Move the selection bar onto the newsgroup that you want
- reordered:
- 346 - bionet.agroforestry Discussion of Agrofor
- 347 - bionet.general General BIOSCI discus
- 2. Press the <m> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | m |
- +-------+
- 3. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
- Position bionet.general in group list (1,2,..,$) [347]>
- 4. Input the newsgroup's new position in the list:
- Position bionet.general in group list (1,2,..,$) [347]>
- Note: After input, the program moves the newsgroup to
- its new position and drops all unsubscribed
- newsgroups from the list. The <y> keystroke
- yanks the unsubscribed newsgroups back into your
- list.
- 1.12 'Group selection level': selecting a newsgroup
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Selecting a newsgroup is the main task that you carry out at
- this level. The steps to do this are straightforward:
- 1. Move the selection bar to newsgroup you want to read
- (ie, clari.feature.mike_royko):
- 1153 - comp.databases.theory
- 1154 - rec.music.marketplace
- 1155 - rec.music.info
- 1156 - comp.sys.next.advocacy
- 1157 - comp.sys.next.hardware
- 1158 - comp.sys.next.software
- 1159 - comp.sys.next.marketplace
- 1160 - comp.society.privacy
- 1161 - rec.sport.paintball
- 1162 - clari.feature.dave_barry
- 1163 - clari.feature.mike_royko
- like this:
- 1153 - comp.databases.theory
- 1154 - rec.music.marketplace
- 1155 - rec.music.info
- 1156 - comp.sys.next.advocacy
- 1157 - comp.sys.next.hardware
- 1158 - comp.sys.next.software
- 1159 - comp.sys.next.marketplace
- 1160 - comp.society.privacy
- 1161 - rec.sport.paintball
- 1162 - clari.feature.dave_barry
- 1163 - clari.feature.mike_royko
- 2. Press the <RETURN> key.
- +-----------+
- | |
- | |
- | Return |
- +-----------+
- Note: This action places you in the next operational
- level: 'Group level'.
- Another way to select a newsgroup and display its articles is to
- input the newsgroup's numeric identifer:
- 1. Type the identifer of the newsgroup (e.g. 67):
- Select group> 67
- 2. Press the <RETURN> key.
- +-----------+
- | |
- | |
- | Return |
- +-----------+
- Note: This action places you in the next operational
- level: 'Group level'.
- 1.13 'Group level': screen layout
- ---------------------------------
- After you select a newsgroup, you should view a screen like the
- following:
- clari.feature.mike_royko (10T 10A 0K 0H R) h=help
- 1 + This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 2 + Americans deserve lawyer in every pot Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 3 + Holiday music ban is a classic lesson Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 4 + Aspin defenseless against whisperers Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 5 + Columnist, friend, card-carrying celeb Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 6 + What do we have a right to know? Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 7 + Humiliated Jackson can join the crowd Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 8 + Mary and Joe, Chicago style Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 9 + How to ease that hangover Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 10 + A stiff lesson Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
- a)uthor search, c)atchup, j=line down, k=line up, K=mark read, l)ist thread,
- |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread, s)ave, t)ag, w=post
- *** End of Articles ***
- 1.13.1 'Group level' screen: title
- ..................................
- clari.feature.mike_royko (10T 10A 0K 0H R) h=help
- The line for the title shows the following:
- Newsgroup name (e.g. clari.feature.mike_royko)
- Number of articles per thread (e.g. 10T)
- Number of articles overall (e.g. 10A)
- Number of killed articles (e.g. 0K)
- Number of auto selected articles (e.g. 0H)
- Show only unread article (e.g. R)
- Note: A 'thread' refers to a particular conversation. The
- number of threads refer to the number of different
- conversations taking place in the newsgroup. Usually,
- there is one article per thread. If the number of
- articles is greater than the number of threads, it
- means there is one or more people writing about a
- particular line of conversation. In other words, a
- person wrote about something and others are replying
- to it.
- 1.13.2 'Group level' screen: selection bar
- ..........................................
- 1 + This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 2 + Americans deserve lawyer in every pot Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- The highlighted line is called a selection bar and it is used to
- indicate the current article.
- 1.13.3 'Group level' screen: article lines
- ..........................................
- 8 + Mary and Joe, Chicago style Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 9 + How to ease that hangover Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 10 + A stiff lesson Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- The article lines are the main component of the 'Group level'
- screen. In each line you should at most, find four fields:
- Selection number (e.g. 8)
- Unread/Read attribute (e.g. '+' or space)
- Article's subject (e.g. Mary and Joe, Chi ...)
- Author's e-mail address (e.g. Mike Royko (clarinews@cla))
- The selection number gives each article in the list a unique
- identifier. You may input this identifer to move the selection
- bar. The unread/read attribute indicates whether you have yet
- read the article. Once you have selected an article to read,
- the '+' is replaced with a space in that field upon return. The
- third field displays the subject of the article. This subject
- is supplied by the person who wrote the article. The last field
- is the e-mail address of the person who posted the article.
- Note: If the article-line reports a number between the
- second and third fields, it means there is a number of
- articles on that thread of conversation-not just one.
- 1.13.4 'Group level' screen: command menu
- .........................................
- <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
- a)uthor search, c)atchup, j=line down, k=line up, K=mark read, l)ist thread,
- |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread, s)ave, t)ag, w=post
- This three-line menu shows the commands available to you at this
- level. Each command label in the menu has two parts: the key
- that you press and a one- or two-word description of the action
- the program takes. The label sets the key off with either a
- parenthesis or an equal sign. Remember that if the label in the
- menu shows the key as capitalized, you must make the keystroke
- in upper-case.
- Note: This menu does not show all of the commands understood
- by 'tin' at this level. To see the the full list, use
- the h=help command.
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key.
- | h |
- +-------+
- Note: If you know enough of the commands at this level, make
- a capital <H> to drop the menu from the display. A
- second capital <H> restores it.
- +-------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- | | and | | to make an H
- | Shift | | h |
- +-------+ +-------+
- 1.14 'Group level': moving the selection bar
- --------------------------------------------
- 1 + This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 2 + Americans deserve lawyer in every pot Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- Moving the selection bar lets you scan the list of articles
- found for the selected newsgroup. With the following keystrokes
- you can move the selection bar to the:
- Beginning of list:
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key
- | 1 |
- +-------+
- End of list:
- +-------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- Press | | and | | together to make an $
- | Shift | | 4 |
- +-------+ +-------+
- Page Up:
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key or
- | b |
- +-------+
- +---------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- Press | | and | | together
- | Control | | u |
- +---------+ +-------+
- Page Down:
- +--------------------------------+
- | |
- Press the | | bar or
- | space |
- +--------------------------------+
- +---------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- Press | | and | | together
- | Control | | d |
- +---------+ +-------+
- Line Up:
- +-------+
- | ^ |
- Press the | | | key (up arrow)
- | | |
- +-------+
- Line Down:
- +-------+
- | | |
- Press the | | | key (down arrow)
- | V |
- +-------+
- 1.15 'Group level': selecting an article
- ----------------------------------------
- Selecting an article is the main action taken at this level.
- The steps to do this are straightforward:
- 1. Move the selection bar to the article you want to read
- (eg. Mary and Joe, Chicago style):
- 1 + This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 2 + Americans deserve lawyer in every pot Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 3 + Holiday music ban is a classic lesson Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 4 + Aspin defenseless against whisperers Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 5 + Columnist, friend, card-carrying celeb Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 6 + What do we have a right to know? Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 7 + Humiliated Jackson can join the crowd Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 8 + Mary and Joe, Chicago style Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 9 + How to ease that hangover Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 10 + A stiff lesson Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- like this:
- 1 + This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 2 + Americans deserve lawyer in every pot Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 3 + Holiday music ban is a classic lesson Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 4 + Aspin defenseless against whisperers Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 5 + Columnist, friend, card-carrying celeb Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 6 + What do we have a right to know? Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 7 + Humiliated Jackson can join the crowd Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 8 + Mary and Joe, Chicago style Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 9 + How to ease that hangover Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 10 + A stiff lesson Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
- 2. Press the <RETURN> key.
- +-----------+
- | |
- | |
- | Return |
- +-----------+
- Note: This action places you in the next operational
- level: 'Article level'.
- Another way to select an article is to type the article's
- numeric identifer:
- 1. Type the identifer of the article (eg. 6):
- Select group> 6
- Note: You do not have to press a key to show this
- prompt the digits that you type produce it.
- 2. Press the <RETURN> key.
- +-----------+
- | |
- | |
- | Return |
- +-----------+
- Note: This action places you in the next operational
- level: 'Article level'.
- 1.16 'Article level': screen layout
- -----------------------------------
- After you select an article, you should view a screen like the
- following:
- Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:16:34 clari.feature.mike_royko Thread 8 of 10
- Lines 105 Mary and Joe, Chicago style No responses
- clarinews@clarinet.com Mike Royko at A Happy Company
- (This Christmas column originally appeared in 1967 and has
- been reprinted many times since.)
- Mary and Joe were flat broke when they got off the bus in
- Chicago. They didn't know anybody and she was expecting a baby.
- They went to a cheap hotel. But the clerk jerked his thumb
- at the door when they couldn't show a day's rent in advance.
- They walked the streets until they saw a police station.
- The desk sergeant said they couldn't sleep in a cell, but he told
- them how to get to a welfare office.
- A man there said they couldn't get regular assistance
- because they hadn't been Illinois residents long enough. But he
- gave them the address of the emergency welfare office on the West
- Side.
- It was a two-mile walk up Madison Street. Someone gave
- <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
- a)uthor search, B)ody search, c)atchup, f)ollowup, K=mark read,
- |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r)eply mail, s)ave, t)ag, w=post
- --More--(20%) [1190/5859]
- 1.16.1 'Article level' screen: header
- .....................................
- Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:16:34 clari.feature.mike_royko Thread 8 of 10
- Lines 105 Mary and Joe, Chicago style No responses
- clarinews@clarinet.com Mike Royko
- On the first three lines of the article is the header which
- reports the following attributes about the article:
- Date posted (e.g. Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:16:34)
- Newsgroup name (e.g. clari.feature.mike_royko)
- Article number (e.g. 8 of 10)
- Number of lines (e.g. 105)
- Subject (e.g. Mary and Joe, Chicago style)
- Number of respones in thread (e.g. No responses)
- Author (e.g. clarinews@clarinet.com)
- Organization (e.g. A Happy Company)
- If the article's length is two or more pages, the header at the
- top of each screen shows:
- Thread 8 of 10 (page 2): Mary and Joe, Chicago style
- Article number (e.g. 8 of 10)
- Page number (e.g. 2)
- Subject (e.g. Mary and Joe, Chicago style)
- 1.16.2 'Article level' screen: body of article
- ..............................................
- (This Christmas column originally appeared in 1967 and has
- been reprinted many times since.)
- Mary and Joe were flat broke when they got off the bus in
- Chicago. They didn't know anybody and she was expecting a baby.
- They went to a cheap hotel. But the clerk jerked his thumb
- at the door when they couldn't show a day's rent in advance.
- They walked the streets until they saw a police station.
- The desk sergeant said they couldn't sleep in a cell, but he told
- them how to get to a welfare office.
- A man there said they couldn't get regular assistance
- because they hadn't been Illinois residents long enough. But he
- gave them the address of the emergency welfare office on the West
- Side.
- It was a two-mile walk up Madison Street. Someone gave
- This is simply the text of the article.
- 1.16.3 'Group level' screen: command menu
- .........................................
- <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
- a)uthor search, B)ody search, c)atchup, f)ollowup, K=mark read,
- |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r)eply mail, s)ave, t)ag, w=post
- This three-line menu shows the commands available to you at this
- level. Each command label in the menu has two parts: the key
- that you press and a one- or two-word description of the action
- the program takes. The label sets the key off with either a
- parenthesis or an equal sign. Examples on how to read the
- labels follow:
- Example 1:
- +-------+
- | |
- the o=print means press the | | key
- | o |
- +-------+
- Example 2:
- +-------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- the B)ody search means | | and | b | to make an B
- | Shift | | |
- +-------+ +-------+
- Remember that if the label in the menu shows the key as
- capitalized, you must make the keystroke in upper-case.
- Note: This menu does not show all of the commands understood
- by 'tin' at this level. To see the the full list, use
- the h=help command.
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key.
- | h |
- +-------+
- Note: If you know enough of the commands at this level, make
- a capital <H> to drop the menu from the display. A
- second capital <H> restores it.
- +-------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- | | and | | to make an H
- | Shift | | h |
- +-------+ +-------+
- 1.17 'Article level': reading the selected article
- --------------------------------------------------
- To read a selected article, use the following keystrokes:
- Next Page:
- +--------------------------------+
- | |
- Press the | | bar
- | space |
- +--------------------------------+
- Previous Page:
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key
- | b |
- +-------+
- First Page:
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key
- | g |
- +-------+
- Last Page:
- +-------+ +-------+
- | | | |
- Press | | and | | together to make an G
- | Shift | | g |
- +-------+ +-------+
- Text searching:
- 1. Press the slash key:
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | / |
- +-------+
- 2. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
- Search forwards [previous-string]>
- 3. Type the word or the string of characters that you are
- searching for:
- Search forwards [previous-string]> kramer
- Press the <RETURN> key. If there is a match, the article
- is turned to that page. Otherwise, a message indicating no
- match is reported.
- Quit:
- +-------+
- | |
- Press the | | key
- | q |
- +-------+
- This keystroke returns you to the previous operation level.
- 1.18 'Article level': mail the article to someone
- -------------------------------------------------
- If you would like someone to receive the article that you are
- currently reading via e-mail, you need to follow these steps:
- 1. Press the <m> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | m |
- +-------+
- 2. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
- screen:
- Mail a)rticle, t)hread, h)ot, p)attern, T)agged articles, q)uit: t
- 3. Press the <a> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | a |
- +-------+
- This indicates that an article is to be mailed.
- 4. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
- screen:
- Mail article(s) to [previous-address>
- 5. Enter the e-mail address of the person to receive the
- article:
- Mail article(s) to [previous-address> pkramer@unl.edu
- Note: You may mail the article to one person at a time.
- 6. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
- screen:
- q)uit, e)dit, s)end [subject]: s
- 7. Press the <s> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | s |
- +-------+
- This confirms your intention to mail the current article.
- The other keystrokes allow you to change your mind about
- mailing it or allow you to make changes to the article.
- 1.19 'Article level': print the article
- ---------------------------------------
- If you would like to print the article that you are currently
- reading, you need to follow these steps:
- 1. Press the <o> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | o |
- +-------+
- 2. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
- screen:
- Print a)rticle, t)hread, h)ot, p)attern, T)agged articles, q)uit: a
- 3. Press the <a> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | a |
- +-------+
- 1.20 'Article level': reply to the author of the article directly
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- If you would like to write to the author of the article that you
- are reading, you need to follow these steps:
- 1. Press the <r> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | r |
- +-------+
- 2. Using the text editor invoked for you, write your reply.
- When finished, make the keystroke or enter the command that
- closes the editor.
- 3. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
- q)uit, e)dit, s)end: s
- 4. Press the <s> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | s |
- +-------+
- This confirms your intention to mail your reply. The other
- keystrokes allow you to change your mind about mailing it
- or allow you to make further changes to the reply.
- 1.21 'Article level': save the article as a file on your account
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- If you would like to save the article that you are currently
- reading, you need to follow these steps:
- 1. Press the <s> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | s |
- +-------+
- 2. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
- screen:
- Save a)rticle, t)hread, h)ot, p)attern, T)agged articles, q)uit: a
- 3. Press the <a> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | a |
- +-------+
- 4. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
- screen:
- Save filename []>
- 5. Enter the name that you want used as the filename:
- Save filename []> file.pkramer
- 6. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
- screen:
- Process n)one, s)har, u)ud, l)ist zoo, e)xt zoo, L)ist zip, E)xt zip, q)uit: n
- 7. Press the <n> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | n |
- +-------+
- This keystroke selects a null extraction process for the
- saving of the file. The other choices, if selected, apply
- the following extraction processes:
- s s)har unsharing
- u u)ud uudecoding
- l l)ist zoo list files within 'zoo' archive
- e e)xt zoo extract files within 'zoo' archive
- L l)ist zip list files within 'zip' archive
- E E)xt zip extract files within 'zip' archive
- 1.22 'Article level': write and post a reply to the article
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- If you would like to write and post a reply to the article that
- you are currently reading, you need to follow these steps:
- 1. Press the <f> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | f |
- +-------+
- 2. Using the text editor invoked for you, write your reply.
- When finished, make the keystroke or enter the command that
- closes the editor.
- Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
- q)uit, e)dit, p)ost: p
- 3. Press the <p> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | p |
- +-------+
- This confirms your intention to post your followup.
- 1.23 'Article level': write and post your own article
- -----------------------------------------------------
- If you would like to write and post your own article to the
- current newsgroup, you need to follow these steps:
- 1. Press the <w> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | w |
- +-------+
- 2. Using the text editor invoked for you, write your article.
- When finished, make the keystroke or enter the command that
- closes the editor.
- 3. Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
- screen:
- q)uit, e)dit, p)ost: p
- 4. Press the <p> key.
- +-------+
- | |
- | |
- | p |
- +-------+
- This confirms your intention to your post.