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- .06
- More cleanup changes.
- Use pragmas now.
- Allow '!' as synonym for '-' in UULib:Sys file.
- The UULib:Sys file now doesn't have to have '\' continuation
- characters on comment and empty lines.
- UULib:Sys now allows whitespace to preceed groupnames on
- continuation lines.
- Some logic changes for a small speedup in processing.
- .05
- Some cleanup changes
- .03
- major fixes relating to RNews (forwardnews is a module of
- rnews)
- Now accepts -<wildcard> in the wildcard specification,
- listing newsgroups NOT to forward
- .02 (1.11-1.13 release)
- Aliases now allowed for systems in the Sys file, see
- Sys document.
- .01 (1.08 release)
- NEWS FORWARDING SUPPORT BY Mark R. Rinfret, new program
- written by Mark.
- .10
- ANSI-fied.
- Now supports -t and -h arguments.
- A usage() message is printed when bad arguments are used.
- All malloc()'s are now checked.
- .09
- Now uses Heirarchical news structure
- .08
- rnews line was broken, no spaces allowed between the 'rnews'
- and the number of bytes, now 0-pads it instead of space-pads
- it.
- .07
- Added DomainPath for Path: support
- Skips Xref: line at beginning of article
- Path: line may be anywhere in news article
- .06
- batchnews now uses library based compression calls instead of
- calling CBATCH.
- added BatchBits config entry -- specify compression type.
- Default is 12. I suggest going to 14 if your feed can
- handle it (a UNIX box can).
- .05 (1.08-1.13 release)
- No longer checks whether Path: already contains our node
- name now that PostNews no longer generates a path
- containing our node name (for locally generated news).
- BatchNews now prepends our node name regardless.
- .28
- Stop discarding control messages. If control is in
- UULib:Newsgroups file them there, otherwise file them in the
- group the were for (same as before .27).
- .27
- Now, if control is in uulib:newsgroups, file control messages
- in control. Otherwise, discard them.
- .26
- Re-implemented the OnlyOne option (-1) which was evidently
- broken as part of the 1.16 base release by Matt! I just got
- the first bug report on it.
- Removed an extraneous error check in unbatch().
- Set-up for "forward-only" groups.
- RNews would exit leaving an extra lock on the directory it
- started from; if any warning or error messages were printed.
- Error messages are now printed to stderr, instead of stdout.
- Error exit()'s now exit (30) instead of "whatever" (1, 2, 10
- were all used).
- .25
- Additional debugging data for file removals. New procedure
- rm(), which spits out the file name before doing the
- remove().
- .24
- If RNews had to figure out the compression method (ie, -u
- wasn't specified, and it was a "compress"/"cunbatch" style
- batch); RNews wasn't removing the temporary file. Oops. I
- probably broke this in patch 19.
- Make DOSBase a "struct Library" not "struct DOSLibrary" for
- version checking purposes.
- .23
- Changed ulog() information for "decompression failed" to a
- LogLevel 1, instead of a LogLevel -1 (ie, made it not appear
- by default during a local posting).
- .22
- Added the -p argument to indicate that RNEWS is being called
- by POSTNEWS. The only effect is that a specified uncompressor
- via the -u argument is ignored (as this is normally specified
- as a default in UULib:Config).
- Also changed so that if the uncompressor fails, RNEWS does not
- terminate but continues to try to interpret the batch. Thus,
- programs that don't set the -p properly can create batches,
- and post news locally with only a minor performance impact.
- .21
- The 2.04 includes had Flush() as a void in <clib/dos_protos.h>,
- this was screwing with DICE's brain. Using 3.1 includes now.
- The temporary file created when "-u" was not being removed
- due to the filename array (Buf) being overwritten in the
- HandleSequenceNumber procedure -- now the filename has its
- own array (FBuf).
- .20
- RNEWS was not properly terminating the input array from
- .next files, causing article numbers to be misformed (this
- was broken by .19).
- NewsDir is now used, instead of many calls on GetConfigDir().
- Memory storing pathnames wasn't being free'd appropriately,
- it wasn't returned until RNEWS terminated.
- Some error handling added to CopyToGroup().
- The '-n' argument now gives more useful information when RNEWS
- is compiled with DEBUG.
- RNEWS was limiting the size of a .next file to seven bytes.
- Not any more.
- .19
- When the -u flag is specified, a batch header of the "#!"
- form is now stripped from the input file -- the compression
- header will be logged with "-x 1" or higher.
- A article header of "! rnews" (as opposed to "#! rnews")
- was allowed. It no longer is.
- JunkFlag is now a global, reducing the individual article
- data path.
- CopyToGroup now uses AmigaDOS style I/O; resulting in a
- speed improvement.
- HandleSequenceNumber now uses AmigaDOS style I/O; resulting
- in a speed improvement.
- Several local allocations were removed and replaced with
- use of a global Buffer resulting in a speed improvement.
- More error handling.
- .18
- A very-old bug, exacerbated by .17, where a Lock() was not
- released on an input file, has been corrected.
- .17
- Added -u flag for specifying the decompresser to run. SHOULD
- be -d (for C News compatibility), but that was already in use
- for setting the debug level.
- Some work to simplify gunbatch/funbatch, if I decide to go
- back and support those.
- .16
- Changed a buffer to unsigned char, which caused non-cunbatch
- compressed-file headers to fail sometimes.
- .15
- .next files are now created without using update I/O, so that
- XFH should work.
- Article numbers no longer roll over at 32767.
- The long-standing problem with "#! r_n_e_w_s" being in an article
- screwing up RNEWS has been corrected.
- Even more better error handling.
- It was possible for RNEWS to get into an infinite loop under
- some error conditions (such as out-of-memory). This is no longer
- true.
- If a newsbatch does *not* have a "#! cunbatch" header, RNEWS
- checks for the "magic numbers" to see if it should be handled
- as a compressed batch.
- Added '-t' option for specifying temporary directory for building
- uncompressed batches. Significantly reduces thrashing on my
- news partition when set to T: (ram disk) as well as a significant
- speed improvement. Does eat up memory though, especially if the
- input is from stdin and it is a pipe.
- Initial NewsOverView coding. Not yet supported.
- Much reformatting (because I wanted to :).
- .14
- Hardlink support added (only if running 2.04 == V37 or better)
- Better error handling added.
- No, I am NOT superstitious!
- .12
- Fixed bug in compress error checking
- .11
- Relinked with new uncompress library function that now checks
- for error conditions
- .10
- RNews now uses the JunkSave config entry to disable
- writing articles to junk when no other newsgroups match
- UULIB:NewsGroups ... 'JunkSave N' will disable the feature.
- Note that when forwarding news to other sites you will want
- 'JunkSave Y' or leave the config option out alltogether (it
- defaults to Y) so such articles can still be propogated.
- .09
- major upgrade to rnews. now uses standardized library
- function calls for decompression. Works much faster.
- Multiple-article-copy bug fixed, downstream operation now
- works without generating exponential article copies.
- .08
- now generates the proper article size in the log file
- .07 (1.11 - 1.13 release)
- Now incorporates forwardnews .02
- .06 (1.08 release)
- RNews no longer requires the 'USENET' argument.
- RNews now outputs a summary of received articles to the
- log
- .05
- News forwarding supprt by Mark R. Rinfret added to rnews.
- .04 (1.06)
- RNewsDebug config variable support added to make debugging
- news easy.
- .03 (1.06)
- rnews extensively rewritten to increase efficiency.
- The sequence number now rolls over at 32767->0
- .02 (1.05) uses library routines to obtain various directories
- and files.
- .10
- If "RNewsNoP Yes" then don't set the -p argument.
- Don't create a Path: header if one already exists.
- .09
- PostNews now sets the -p argument for RNEWS. This requires
- RNews-23 or above.
- SysBase and DOSBase are declared external for pragma support.
- .08
- The obsolete 'Newsfeed' email message is no longer sent.
- PostNews will no longer duplicate From, Date, Message-Id,
- Organization, Subject, or Newsgroup headers. It's comparison
- of headers is no longer case-sensitive.
- Rewrote lots of it.
- Error messages now go to standard error, whereas before
- they may have been redirected into the bit-bucket.
- If RNews fails while trying to file the article, PostNews
- now checks the return status and logs a message. The temporary
- files generated to post the news article is NOT deleted.
- The day (like "Mon") is now included when PostNews generates
- a Date header.
- PostNews now checks arguments much more carefully. A variety
- of error-checking has been added, and miscellaneous garbage
- removed.
- The stdio bufsize now set to 8K (from default of 1024 bytes).
- .07
- The 'NewsFeed' config entry is no longer supported, if you
- have one postnews will send you an email note about it.
- .06
- Message-ID: placed after other headers, appears to have
- screwed up some nodes (runing BNews?) when it previously
- occured before the Newsgroups: line.
- .05 (1.08-1.13 release)
- Path: changed ... postnews now generates only Path: user,
- relying on BatchNews to prepend our node name.
- Date: format fixed, now standard date format for news.
- Organization: header added.
- .04
- Added local post / batching support (both upstream and
- downstream batching)
- .03
- Rewritten completely w/ new options to support third-party
- news handlers (and DNews)
- .02
- First numbered release 1.05D