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- Startup-Sequence Assignments (examples). Note, UUPUB: will in the
- future be used for 'public' uucp transfers.
- ---------- METHOD #1 ---------
- Assign UUCP: DF0:
- Assign UUSPOOL: UUCP:Spool
- Assign UULIB: UUCP:Lib
- Assign UUMAIL: UUCP:Mail
- Assign UUNEWS: UUCP:Mail/News
- Assign UUPUB: UUCP:Pub
- Assign Getty: UUCP:Lib
- Assign BMS: UUCP:Lib/BMS
- Config is the file UULIB:Config
- ----------- METHOD #2 --------
- Assign Getty: <wherever>
- Assign BMS: <wherever>
- Config is the file S:UUConfig and contains entries that
- define where the various other directories are, including the
- lib directory:
- The following Config entries accomplish this:
- UUSpool directory
- UUNews directory
- UUMail "
- UULib etc...
- UUPub "
- UUMan "
- UUCP "
- -----------------------------
- UULIB:Config entries:
- NodeName The name by which you want to call your
- machine. Suggested 7 chars max.
- UserName Your 'user' name. e.g. dillon. This is
- where Mail, DMail, and From use as a
- default for your user name.
- RealName Your full name. e.g. Matthew Dillon. Used
- by sendmail (which is run from Mail or
- DMail)
- Debug Used by us source hackers
- Organization Your organization, if any (included in messages
- and article headers).
- Filter Foreground filter program (to display a
- file). Output expected to go through
- stdout. Used by MAN if RFilter does not
- exist.
- RFilter Background filter program (that can be
- RUN'd to display a file)
- MailEditor The editor DMail uses.
- NewsEditor The editor DNews uses.
- DomainName The domain of your machine, usually .UUCP
- This is automatically tacked on to the
- mail headers when you mail out or mail
- is routed through your machine.
- TimeZone PST, PDT, etc... Many, but certainly not
- all, timezones are implemented. This is
- used to calculate GMT time from local time
- for use in mail headers. If sendmail doesn't
- recognize your timezone, then use:
- +0200
- or similar to denote the offset from GMT.
- DefaultNode Normally set to an immediately adjacent
- Example: 'sorinc.net' if I talk
- directly to sorinc.
- You may also specify explicit paths
- as long as the very first machine is
- directly adjacent to you (you can call
- directly).
- MailReadyCmd Command to run to bring up 'you have new
- mail' requester ... see the example Config
- file.
- NewsReadyCmd Command to run to bring up 'you have new
- news' requester when any new news is delivered.
- --
- all of these below allow you to specify
- explicitly where the given executable
- lies via a full path. Any config entry
- below that exists will use that path,
- else will assume the executables lies
- somewhere in your command path.
- Uux these programs are those which are run
- Sendmail automatically by other programs and thus
- Postnews you might wish to place them in a directory
- Uuxqt not included in your normal command path
- RMail so you don't run them accidently.
- CUnbatch
- RNews
- ------------- new for 1.07 -----------
- ModemInit Same format as the 'send' portion of a
- send-expect string. May be used to initialize
- the modem before dialing. Use by UUCICO.
- AutoBatch This config entry need only exist. The config
- entry should be set to 'autobatch'. That is:
- AutoBatch autobatch
- If this config entry exists, posted news is
- IMMEDIATELY batched for transfer. This entry
- is useful if you do not propogate news because
- you do not have to worry about running
- BatchNews manually.
- Timeout (uucico) Specify timeout on Connect .. default
- is 60 seconds. This config entry need not
- exist.
- MaxRMailLen Specify maximum size a 'C rmail' line can be
- in an X. file. If not specified or specified
- as 0, only a single mail address is allows on
- the rmail line. If > 0, then multiple mail
- addresses (you are sending a piece of mail
- to multiple recipients) are generated until
- the buffer limit is reached, then restarted
- with a new queue file.
- ------------- new for 1.14 -----------
- BatchBits Specify number of bits used for news batching
- compression, 12-16 is supported. Default is
- 12. If your feed can handle it you may want
- to set this to 14.
- DomainPath Specify 'N' or 'Y', default is 'N'. If enabled,
- fully domained paths will be header in
- sendmail's Received: headers and in Batchnews's
- Path: field.
- SpoolSize Specify maximum file size for batchnews,
- default is 60000
- ------------- new for 1.15 -----------
- MungeCase Specify N to disable case munging for
- incomming files. Default is to ENABLE
- case munging.
- JunkSave Specify N to disable storing articles to
- the junk newsgroup. Specify Y or leave out
- the config option to enable.
- Normally articles that have no corresponding
- newsgroup in UULIB:NewsGroups are placed in
- junk to allow them to be forwarded to other
- sites.
- ------------- new for 1.17 ------------
- All new configuration variables are explained in the man pages of
- the programs they affect.
- ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES: (ENV: or 2.0+ local environment variables)
- USERNAME overides Config UserName entry.
- REALNAME overides Config RealName entry.
- ** NOTE ** That under 2.0 and above local environment variables may be
- used to override ANY configuration parameter.